
BriaCell Presents Clinical Efficacy Data at ASCO 2024

BriaCell Presents Clinical Efficacy Data at ASCO 2024

BriaCell在ASCO 2024展示臨牀效果數據。
GlobeNewswire ·  06/03 08:00
  • BriaCell doubles Progression-Free-Survival (PFS) and Clinical Benefit Rate vs historical results in the literature
  • Bria-IMT PFS compares favorably to PFS of most recent treatment in 48% of Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC) resistant patients
  • Therapy well-tolerated with no Bria-IMT related discontinuations
  • Clinical data highlight significant potential of Bria-IMT in advanced metastatic breast cancer
  • Superiority of selected Phase 3 regimen and formulation confirmed
  • Oral presentation by Mayo Clinic Professor and Principal Investigator, Saranya Chumsri, MD, on Monday June 3; 11:30 AM-1:00 PM CDT
  • BriaCell 將無進步生存 (PFS) 和 臨床獲益率與文獻中的歷史結果對比
  • 在48%的抗體藥物偶聯物(ADC)耐藥患者中,bria-imt PFS與最新治療的PFS相比表現良好
  • 治療耐受性良好,沒有與 Bria-IMT 相關的停藥
  • 臨床數據凸顯了bria-IMT在晚期轉移性乳腺癌中的巨大潛力
  • 所選的第三階段方案和配方的優越性得到證實
  • 梅奧診所教授兼首席研究員、醫學博士 Saranya Chumsri 於 6 月 3 日星期一上午 11:30 至下午 1:00 的口頭演講;中部夏令時間上午 11:30 至下午 1:00

PHILADELPHIA and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BriaCell Therapeutics Corp. (Nasdaq: BCTX, BCTXW) (TSX: BCT) ("BriaCell" or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biotechnology company that develops novel immunotherapies to transform cancer care, announces positive clinical efficacy data updates of its ongoing randomized Phase 2 study evaluating lead clinical candidate Bria-IMT in patients with advanced metastatic breast cancer. Two poster sessions, one abstract, and one oral presentation session (by Principal Investigator and Professor of Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Saranya Chumsri, MD), will be presented at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting taking place today June 3, 2024 at McCormick Place, Chicago, IL.

費城和不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年6月3日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——開發用於改變癌症護理的新型免疫療法的臨床階段生物技術公司BriaCell Therapeutics Corp.(納斯達克股票代碼:BCTX,BCTXW)(“BriaCell” 或 “公司”)宣佈正在進行的評估主要臨床候選藥物BriaCell的2期隨機研究的臨床療效數據爲陽性晚期轉移性乳腺癌患者的 a-imt。兩場海報發佈會、一份摘要和一次口頭報告(由梅奧診所首席研究員兼腫瘤學教授,醫學博士薩蘭亞·丘姆斯里主講)將在今天2024年6月3日在伊利諾伊州芝加哥的麥考密克廣場舉行的2024年美國臨床腫瘤學會(ASCO)年會上展出。

"We are very impressed with both clinical efficacy and safety data in these heavily pretreated patients. Given the limited effective treatment options in this group of patients, and the fact that most treatments are associated with significant toxicities, physicians and patients often opt to decline further ineffective and toxic drugs in lieu of palliative care," Saranya Chumsri, MD, Principal Investigator and Professor of Oncology, Mayo Clinic. "Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) and immune checkpoint Inhibitors (CPIs) have emerged as the latest therapies to treat these patients. However, a large percentage of late-stage patients do not respond, and all patients inevitably develop resistance to them, making a safe and effective treatment an urgent medical need. BriaCell's novel immunotherapy offers a well-tolerated treatment option for these patients beyond the currently approved drugs."

“這些經過大量預先治療的患者的臨床療效和安全數據給我們留下了深刻的印象。鑑於這組患者的有效治療選擇有限,而且大多數治療都具有顯著的毒性,醫生和患者通常選擇拒絕使用其他無效和有毒的藥物來代替姑息治療,” 梅奧診所首席研究員兼腫瘤學教授薩蘭亞·丘姆斯里醫學博士。“抗體藥物偶聯物(ADC)和免疫檢查點抑制劑(CPI)已成爲治療這些患者的最新療法。但是,很大一部分晚期患者沒有反應,所有患者都不可避免地會對他們產生抵抗力,因此迫切需要安全有效的治療。除了目前批准的藥物外,BriaCell的新型免疫療法還爲這些患者提供了耐受性良好的治療選擇。”

"While immunotherapy has emerged as an active treatment option for multiple cancer types, its use in breast cancer is rather restricted to a minority of patients. Discovering new strategies, in order to enhance the responsiveness of various subtypes of breast cancer to immunotherapy, presents as a therapeutic opportunity. Through its unique mechanism of action, Bria-IMT regimen selectively activates adaptive cancer-fighting CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and innate responses (dendritic and NK cells) to activate patients' immune systems without producing serious side effects," stated Carmen Calfa, M.D., Clinical Research Lead for the breast site disease group at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Co-Director of the Cancer Survivorship Program at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Principal Clinical Investigator of the Phase 2 Bria-IMT study.

“儘管免疫療法已成爲多種癌症類型的積極治療選擇,但其在乳腺癌中的使用僅限於少數患者。發現新的策略以增強各種亞型乳腺癌對免疫療法的反應能力,這爲治療提供了機會。通過其獨特的作用機制,Bria-IMT方案有選擇地激活適應性抗癌CD4+和CD8+ T細胞和先天反應(樹突狀和NK細胞),在不產生嚴重副作用的情況下激活患者的免疫系統。” 邁阿密大學米勒醫學院乳腺部位疾病組臨床研究負責人、西爾大學癌症倖存者計劃聯合主任卡門·卡爾法醫學博士說維斯特綜合癌症中心,Bria-IMT二期研究的首席臨床研究員。

"Our ASCO presentations highlight how Bria-IMT's activities – through diverse mechanisms including adaptive and innate responses - synergize with multiple mechanisms of action of checkpoint inhibitors," stated Dr. Williams, BriaCell's President and CEO. "We believe Bria-IMT has the potential to become a breakthrough novel treatment option for patients in advanced metastatic breast cancer."


The details of the presentations are summarized below.


Oral Presentation Summary


Abstract Number for Publication: 1022
Title: Outcomes of advanced/metastatic breast cancer (aMBC) treated with Bria-IMT, an allogeneic whole cell immunotherapy.
Session Type and Title: Rapid Oral Abstract – Breast Cancer—Metastatic
Session Date and Time: 6/3/2024; 11:30 AM-1:00 PM CDT

會議日期和時間:2024 年 6 月 3 日;中部夏令時間上午 11:30 至下午 1:00

This presentation details the results of BriaCell's randomized Phase 2 study of Bria-IMT in combination with retifanlimab, an immune checkpoint inhibitor (CPI). The goal of randomization was to compare whether administration of the CPI early, in the first cycle of therapy, or later, late in the second cycle of therapy, offered any advantage. Two different formulations of Bria-IMT were also evaluated; one treated with interferon gamma and one untreated.


The patients entering the study were very heavily pretreated and had failed multiple prior therapies as shown in the Table 1 below.


Table 1. Prior Therapies in the Bria-IMT Phase 2 Study
Previous Therapies Number of Patients (%)
Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADC) 23 (44%)
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor (CPI) 11 (20%)
Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK) 4/6 Inhibitors 34 (63%)
表 1。Bria-imt 2 期研究中的先前療法
以前的療法 患者人數 (%)
抗體藥物偶聯物 (ADC) 23 (44%)
免疫檢查點抑制劑 (CPI) 11 (20%)
細胞週期蛋白依賴激酶 (CDK) 4/6 抑制劑 34 (63%)

A total of 54 patients were included in the Phase 1/2 study. Nearly half of these had been treated previously with an antibody drug conjugate and had progressed in their disease following this treatment. Another 20% had failed a prior immune checkpoint inhibitor. Nearly 2/3 of the patients had failed therapy with a CDK 4/6 inhibitor. On average they had failed six prior therapy attempts.

1/2期研究共納入了54名患者。其中將近一半的患者以前曾使用抗體藥物偶聯物進行過治療,並且經過這種治療後病情有所進展。另有20%的人以前的免疫檢查點抑制劑失效。將近2/3的患者使用CDK 4/6抑制劑治療失敗。平均而言,他們之前的六次治療嘗試均失敗。

In the Phase 2 portion of the study, there were 32 patients with 16 treated with CPI early and 16 treated with CPI late. There was no statistically significant difference in progression-free survival (PFS) two groups. However, a slight advantage in the CPI early group has led this to be the selected regimen for the Phase 3 study. In the entire Phase 1/2 experience, with 54 patients, the formulation not incubated with interferon gamma showed a statistically significant improvement in PFS. Therefore, this formulation was selected for the Phase 3 study. The data are shown in Figure 1.

在該研究的第二階段部分中,有32名患者,其中16名患者早期接受CPI治療,16名患者晚期接受CPI治療。兩組無進展存活率(PFS)沒有統計學上的顯著差異。但是,CPI早期組的略有優勢使其成爲3期研究的選定方案。在對54名患者的整個1/2期體驗中,未經伽瑪干擾素孵育的製劑顯示出PFS的統計學顯著改善。因此,該配方被選用於第三階段研究。數據如圖 1 所示。

Figure 1. Effect of treatment sequence and formulation on PFS

圖 1。治療順序和配方對PFS的影響

Clinical benefit was seen in 55% of evaluable patients across all subtypes of breast cancer as shown in Figure 2 below.


Figure 2: Objective Response Rate (ORR) and Clinical Benefit Rate (CBR) in the Bria-IMT Phase 1/2 Study

圖 2:Bria-IMT 1/2 期研究中的客觀反應率 (ORR) 和臨床獲益率 (CBR)

The progression free survival rate and the clinical benefit rate as well as the objective response rate were markedly higher than those of similar patients treated with the treatment of their physician's choice in other studies. Notably, "Treatment of Physician's Choice" (TPC) will be the comparator in the Phase 3 study of Bria-IMT. This is noted in Table 2 below.

在其他研究中,無進展存活率、臨床獲益率以及客觀緩解率明顯高於接受醫生選擇治療的類似患者的無進展存活率、臨床獲益率和客觀緩解率。值得注意的是,“醫生選擇的治療”(TPC)將成爲Bria-IMT三期研究的對照品。下文表 2 對此進行了說明。

Table 2. Comparative PFS, ORR and CBR in Similar Patients
Study Prior Lines of

(median, range)
BriaCell's Phase 2 study patients who received pivotal Phase 3 study formulation 6 (2-13) 3.9 9.5* 55*
BriaCell's ADC Resistant Phase 2 patients who received pivotal Phase 3 study formulation 6 (3-13) 4.1 12** 53**
Bardia, A. et. al. 1 4 (2-14) 1.7 4 8
Tripathy D. et. al. 2 ≥4 in 91% 1.9 3 10
O'Shaughnessy J. et. al. non-TNBC 3 5 (2-14) 2.3 4 7
O'Shaughnessy J. et. al. TNBC 3 4 (2-10) 1.6 5 10
表 2.對比相似患者的 PFS、ORR 和 CBR
學習 之前的臺詞

接受關鍵性三期研究配方的BriaCell的2期研究患者 6 (2-13) 3.9 9.5* 55*
接受關鍵性三期研究配方的 BriaCell 的 ADC 耐藥性 2 期患者 6 (3-13) 4.1 12** 53**
Bardia、A. 等人。 1 4 (2-14) 1.7 4 8
Tripathy D. 等 2 91% 中≥4 1.9 3 10
O'Shaughnessy J. 等人。非 TNBC 3 5 (2-14) 2.3 4 7
O'Shaughnessy J. 等人TNBC 3 4 (2-10) 1.6 5 10

*Data is for evaluable patients, n=42 with 12 not evaluable.
** Data is for evaluable patients, n = 17 with 6 not evaluable.
References: Data is shown for the intent to treat population for the control group treated with treatment of physician's choice, which is the comparator in the BriaCell Phase 3 study
1. Bardia A, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2024 May 20;42(15):1738-1744.
2. Tripathy D, et al. JAMA Oncol. 2022 Nov 1;8(11):1700-1701. jamaoncol.2022.4346. PMID: 36136348. This paper describes patients with brain metastases.
3. O'Shaughnessy J, et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2022 Sep;195(2):127-139.

*數據適用於可評估的患者,n=42,其中 12 不可評估。
** 數據適用於可評估的患者,n = 17,其中 6 不可評估。
參考文獻:顯示了接受醫生選擇療法治療的對照組人群的治療意向數據,該數據是BriaCell 3期研究的對照組
1。Bardia A 等人J Clin Oncol. 2024 年 5 月 20 日;42 (15): 1738-1744。
2。Tripathy D 等JAMA Oncol. 2022 年 11 月 1 日;8 (11): 1700-1701。jamaoncol.2022.4346。PMID:36136348。本文描述了腦轉移患者。
3.O'Shaughnessy J 等人。乳腺癌研究治療。2022年9月;195(2):127-139。

For additional detailed information of the clinical data on the oral presentation, please visit BriaCell Doubles Progression-Free-Survival (PFS) and Reports Clinical Benefit Data at ASCO 2024.

有關口頭報告臨床數據的更多詳細信息,請訪問BriaCell Doubles無進展生存(PFS)和在ASCO 2024年上報告臨床益處數據。

Poster Presentation Summary


The first poster described BriaCell's ongoing pivotal Phase 3 registrational study in advanced metastatic breast cancer. BriaCell is excited to collaborate on this important program with authors and BriaCell medical advisory board members Sara A. Hurvitz, MD, Professor of Medicine, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Adam M. Brufsky, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and Massimo Cristofanilli, MD, Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University. The second poster described clinical data of Bria-IMT in metastatic breast cancer patients who failed antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) and is spearheaded by Chaitali Nangia, MD, Partner, Hoag Medical Group, and Carmen Calfa, MD, Professor of Medicine, University of Miami.
Abstract Number for Publication: TPS1137
Title: Study of the Bria-IMT regimen and CPI vs physicians' choice in advanced metastatic breast cancer (BRIA-ABC).
Based on Phase 2 clinical data showing numerous survival and clinical benefit outcomes in advanced breast cancer patients treated with the Bria-IMT regimen, the pivotal Phase 3 study has been designed as a multicenter randomized, open label comparison of the Bria-IMT regimen plus CPI in one arm versus Treatment of Physicians' Choice (TPC) in metastatic breast cancer patients with no approved alternative therapies available. Patients' eligibility includes treatment with 2 or more prior regimens. There will be another arm of the Bria-IMT regimen alone (monotherapy). For additional information on the pivotal Phase 3 study, please visit as NCT06072612.

第一張海報描述了BriaCell正在進行的晚期轉移性乳腺癌的關鍵性3期註冊研究。BriaCell很高興與作者和BriaCell醫學顧問委員會成員Sara A. Hurvitz,醫學博士,弗雷德·哈欽森癌症中心醫學教授,匹茲堡大學醫學院醫學教授,亞當·布魯夫斯基醫學博士,醫學教授,以及康奈爾大學威爾康奈爾醫學院醫學教授馬西莫·克里斯托法尼利醫學博士合作開展這一重要項目。第二張海報描述了Bria-IMT在抗體藥物偶聯物(ADC)失敗的轉移性乳腺癌患者中的臨床數據,由Hoag醫療集團合夥人Chaitali Nangia和邁阿密大學醫學教授卡門·卡爾法醫學博士牽頭。
基於顯示使用Bria-IMT方案治療的晚期乳腺癌患者有許多存活率和臨床獲益結果的2期臨床數據,這項關鍵的3期研究被設計爲對單組Bria-IMT方案加CPI與沒有批准替代療法的轉移性乳腺癌患者的醫生選擇治療(TPC)進行多中心隨機、開放標籤的比較。患者的資格包括使用兩種或更多先前療法的治療。僅Bria-IMT療法(單一療法)將有另一個分支。有關這項關鍵的三期研究的更多信息,請以 NCT06072612 的名義訪問。

Abstract Number for Publication: 1087
Title: SV-BR-1-GM after progression on ADC in patients with metastatic breast cancer.

標題:轉移性乳腺癌患者ADC進展後的 SV-BR-1-GM。

Remarkable progression-free survival and clinical benefit of Bria-IMT in ADC resistant advanced metastatic breast cancer

bria-imt 在 ADC 耐藥的晚期轉移性乳腺癌中的顯著無進展存活率和臨床益處

Phase 2 clinical data of the Bria-IMT regimen in 23 advanced metastatic breast cancer patients who failed multiple prior treatments including ADCs and CPIs (median of 6 prior treatments) are presented.


Clinical efficacy


  • In evaluable patients, the ORR was 12% and CBR was 53% which is remarkable versus similar data suggesting clinical benefit.
  • Median PFS of 4.1 months with the Phase 3 formulation was ~twice that seen of patients in similar studies - 1.71 and 2.23 months - who received TPC. The PFS results suggest superior clinical efficacy given the larger number of prior treatments (median of 6) in Bria-IMT patients vs those of the other studies (median of 4).
  • Subset specific clinical benefits: Study data to date suggests clinical benefit for multiple breast cancer subtypes including HR+/HER2- (the most common breast cancer subtype, testing positive for estrogen and/or progesterone receptors and negative for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 or HER2) with a CBR following treatment, of 63% (5 of 8 patients); HER2+ subtype (a positive test for HER2) with a 100% CBR (2 of 2 patients) and HR-/HER2 low subtype (a negative test for estrogen and/or progesterone receptor and a negative test for HER2) showing a CBR of 66% (2 of 3 patients). See Table 3.
  • 在可評估的患者中,ORR爲12%,CBR爲53%,與顯示臨床益處的類似數據相比,這是顯著的。
  • 使用3期製劑的中位PFS爲4.1個月,大約是類似研究中患者的兩倍——1.71 還有 2.23 月-誰獲得了 TPC。PFS結果表明,與其他研究(中位數爲4例)相比,Bria-IMT患者先前接受的治療次數(中位數爲6次)較多,因此臨床療效優異。
  • 亞組特定臨床益處:迄今爲止的研究數據表明,治療後接受CBR對多種乳腺癌亞型的臨床益處,包括HR+/HER2-(最常見的乳腺癌亞型,雌激素和/或孕激素受體檢測呈陽性,人表皮生長因子受體2或HER2呈陰性),佔63%(8名患者中的5例);HER2+亞型(HER2陽性檢測)100% CBR(2 名患者中的 2 名)和 HR-/HER2 低亞型(雌激素和/或孕酮受體檢測陰性,HER2 檢測呈陰性)顯示 CBR 爲 66%(3 名患者中的 2 名)。參見表 3。
Table 3: Treatment Efficacy by Metastatic Breast Cancer Subtype in ADC-resistant patients
Histology All Patients (N) Evaluable (N) Patients Best ORR Best CBR
All ADC Resistant 23 17 12% (2 / 17) 53% (9 / 17)
ER/PR + / HER2 low or - 8 8 13% (1 / 8) 63% (5 / 8)
HER2+ 3 2 50% (1 / 2) 100% (2 / 2)
TNBC 12 7 0 29% (2 / 7)
表 3:按轉移性乳腺癌亞型分列的 ADC 耐藥患者的治療療效
組織學 所有患者 (N) 可評估 (N) 名患者 最佳 ORR 最佳 CBR
全部抵抗 ADC 23 17 12% (2/17) 53% (9/17)
ER/PR +/HER2 低或- 8 8 13% (1/8) 63% (5/8)
HER2+ 3 2 50% (1/2) 100% (2/2)
TNBC 12 7 0 29% (2/7)
  • Bria-IMT showed potential survival advantage over penultimate treatment in 48% of patients, likely by reversing immune exhaustion in patients irrespective of specific prior ADC.
  • 在48%的患者中,與倒數第二種治療相比,bria-imt顯示出潛在的存活優勢,無論先前是否有特定的ADC,都可能逆轉患者的免疫衰竭。

Safety profile


Absence of both interstitial lung disease (ILD), a common serious adverse event with ADCs, and Bria-IMT-related treatment discontinuations underscore Bria-IMT's excellent tolerability and favorable safety profile.


In summary, the data to date shows that Bria-IMT offers extended progression-free survival and clinical benefit in heavily pre-treated, ADC resistant breast cancer patients versus those in other similar studies. BriaCell is closely monitoring ADC resistant patients in its ongoing pivotal Phase 3 study of Bria-IMT and CPI in advanced metastatic breast cancer.


Title: Differential efficacy of SV-BR-1-GM in inducing intracranial metastasis regression.

標題:SV-BR-1-GM 在誘導顱內轉移回歸方面的不同療效。

Superior clinical benefit of Bria-IMT regimen - alone or combined with an immune check point inhibitor (CPI) in advanced breast cancer patients with CNS metastatic disease

Bria-IMT 方案在患有中樞神經系統轉移疾病的晚期乳腺癌患者中單獨使用或與免疫檢查點抑制劑 (CPI) 聯合使用,具有卓越的臨床益處

Central nervous system (CNS) metastases, including brain metastases and other intracranial metastases, is a dire clinical situation with very poor survival. Very few therapies have shown any effect on CNS or intracranial metastases in breast cancer and it is a serious unmet medical need.


Clinical efficacy:


  • 83% (5/6) intracranial objective response rate (iORR) was reported in evaluable patients with central nervous system (CNS) metastases treated with the Bria-IMT regimen, either alone or in combination with an immune checkpoint inhibitor (i.e. PD-1 inhibitor pembrolizumab or retifanlimab). These patients failed multiple prior treatments including 2 antibody-drug conjugates in one case. This is illustrated in Figure 3.
  • 據報道,單獨使用或聯合免疫檢查點抑制劑(即PD-1抑制劑pembrolizumab或retifanlimab)治療的中樞神經系統(CNS)轉移的可評估患者的顱內客觀反應率(IorR)爲83%(5/6)。這些患者先前的多次治療均失敗,其中一例中包括2種抗體藥物偶聯物。如圖 3 所示。

Figure 3. Intracranial Tumor Responses in Patients with Intracranial Metastases Treated with Bria-IMT

圖 3.Bria-imt 治療的顱內轉移患者的顱內腫瘤反應

  • Tumor reductions (≥30% reduction in the sum of diameters) were observed in heavily pretreated patients highlighting potential clinical benefit of Bria-IMT in managing CNS metastases
  • This is a pre-planned subgroup analysis in the pivotal Phase 3 study of Bria-IMT providing another opportunity for approval
  • 在經過大量預處理的患者中觀察到腫瘤減少(直徑總和減少≥30%),這突顯了bria-IMT在管理中樞神經系統轉移方面的潛在臨床益處
  • 這是Bria-IMT關鍵的3期研究中的一項預先計劃的亞組分析,爲批准提供了又一個機會

Safety profile:


No treatment related discontinuation was reported.


In summary, Bria-IMT's tumor reductions observed in patients with intracranial disease underlines its potential clinical effectiveness in managing CNS metastatic disease in advanced breast cancer. BriaCell will continue to monitor the data in this subgroup of patients in its ongoing pivotal Phase 3 study in advanced metastatic breast cancer. Treatment of patients with CNS metastatic disease represents a potential additional indication for market approval of Bria-IMT.


Copies of the poster presentations and abstracts are posted on




  1. Bardia A, et al. Final Results From the Randomized Phase III ASCENT Clinical Trial in Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer and Association of Outcomes by Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 and Trophoblast Cell Surface Antigen 2 Expression. J Clin Oncol. 2024 May 20;42(15):1738-1744. doi: 10.1200/JCO.23.01409. Epub 2024 Feb 29. PMID: 38422473.
  2. Tripathy D, et al. Treatment with etirinotecan pegol for patients with metastatic breast cancer and brain metastases: final results from the Phase 3 ATTAIN randomized clinical trial. JAMA Oncol. 2022;8(7):1047-1052. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.0514.
  3. O'Shaughnessy J et al. Analysis of patients without and with an initial triple-negative breast cancer diagnosis in the Phase 3 randomized ASCENT study of sacituzumab govitecan in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2022 Sep;195(2):127-139. doi: 10.1007/s10549-022-06602-7. Epub 2022 May 11. PMID: 35545724; PMCID: PMC9374646.
  1. Bardia A 等人轉移性三陰性乳腺癌的隨機III期ASCENT臨床試驗的最終結果以及人類表皮生長因子受體2和滋養細胞表面抗原2表達結果的關係。J Clin Oncol. 2024 年 5 月 20 日;42 (15): 1738-1744. doi: 10.1200/JCO.23.01409。Epub 2024 年 2 月 29 日。PMID:38422473。
  2. Tripathy D 等使用依替利替康pegol治療轉移性乳腺癌和腦轉移患者:Attain隨機臨床試驗的3期最終結果。JAMA Oncol. 2022;8 (7): 1047-1052. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.0514。
  3. O'Shaughnessy J 等人sacituzumab govitecan治療轉移性三陰性乳腺癌的3期隨機ASCENT研究中,對沒有或初步診斷爲三陰性乳腺癌的患者進行了分析。乳腺癌研究治療。2022年9月;195 (2): 127-139. doi:10.1007/s10549-022-06602-7。Epub 2022 年 5 月 11 日。PMID:35545724;PMCID:PMC9374646。

About BriaCell Therapeutics Corp.

關於 Briacell Therapeutics

BriaCell is a clinical-stage biotechnology company that develops novel immunotherapies to transform cancer care. More information is available at


Safe Harbor


This press release contains "forward-looking statements" that are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," "contemplate," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "seek," "may," "might," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "target," "aim," "should," "will," "would," or the negative of these words or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements, including those about the presentation at the 2024 ASCO of two poster sessions, one abstract, and the delivery of an oral presentation by Dr. Saranya Chumsri, and the contents of all such materials and presentations; BriaCell's novel immunotherapy offering a well-tolerated treatment option for patients beyond the currently approved drugs; Bria-IMT having the potential to become a breakthrough novel treatment option for patients in advanced metastatic breast cancer; "Treatment of Physician's Choice" (TPC) being the comparator in the Phase 3 study of Bria-IMT; monotherapy becoming another arm of the Bria-IMT regimen; the potential clinical benefit of Bria-IMT in managing CNS metastases disease in advanced breast cancer; BriaCell continuing to monitor the data in the intracranial disease subgroup of patients in its ongoing pivotal Phase 3 study in advanced metastatic breast cancer; and the treatment of patients with CNS metastatic disease representing a potential additional indication for market approval of Bria-IMT, are based on BriaCell's current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Further, certain forward-looking statements are based on assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. These and other risks and uncertainties are described more fully under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" in the Company's most recent Management's Discussion and Analysis, under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's most recent Annual Information Form, and under "Risks and Uncertainties" in the Company's other filings with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, all of which are available under the Company's profiles on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are made as of this date, and BriaCell Therapeutics Corp. undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable law.

本新聞稿包含受重大風險和不確定性影響的 “前瞻性陳述”。除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中包含的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述可以通過使用 “預測”、“相信”、“考慮”、“可以”、“估計”、“期望”、“打算”、“尋求”、“可能”、“可能”、“潛在”、“預測”、“項目”、“目標”、“應該”、“將”、“會” 或 “將” 等詞語來識別這些詞語或其他類似表述的否定詞,儘管並非所有前瞻性陳述都包含這些詞語。前瞻性陳述,包括關於在2024年ASCO上發表的兩場海報發佈會、一份摘要、Saranya Chumsri博士的口頭演講,以及所有這些材料和演講的內容;BriaCell的新型免疫療法爲患者提供了目前批准的藥物以外的耐受性良好的治療選擇;Bria-IMT有可能成爲晚期轉移性乳腺癌患者的突破性新治療選擇;“醫生的治療's Choice”(TPC)是其中的比較器Bria-imt的3期研究;單一療法成爲Bria-IMT方案的另一個分支;bria-IMT在管理晚期乳腺癌中樞神經系統轉移疾病方面的潛在臨床益處;BriaCell繼續監測其正在進行的晚期轉移性乳腺癌關鍵性3期研究中的顱內疾病亞組患者的數據;以及治療代表潛在額外適應症的中樞神經系統轉移疾病患者 Bria-IMT的市場認可基於BriaCell當前的預期,並受固有約束不確定性、風險和難以預測的假設。此外,某些前瞻性陳述基於對未來事件的假設,這些假設可能不準確。在公司最新的管理層討論與分析中,在 “風險和不確定性” 標題下,在公司最新的年度信息表中,在 “風險因素” 標題下,以及公司向加拿大證券監管機構和美國證券交易委員會提交的其他文件中的 “風險和不確定性” 下更全面地描述了這些風險和不確定性,所有這些文件均可在公司在SEDAR+上的簡介中查閱 然後在 EDGAR 上。本公告中包含的前瞻性陳述是自該日起作出的,除非適用法律要求,否則BriaCell Therapeutics Corp. 沒有義務更新此類信息。

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Contact Information


Company Contact:
William V. Williams, MD
President & CEO


Media Relations:
Jules Abraham


Investor Relations Contact:


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