
Lode Gold Reviews McIntyre Brook Project, New Brunswick - Establishes High Exploration Potential

Lode Gold Reviews McIntyre Brook Project, New Brunswick - Establishes High Exploration Potential

Lode Gold評論McIntyre Brook項目,新布倫維克省 - 確立高探勘潛力
newsfile ·  06/03 09:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 3, 2024) - Lode Gold Resources Inc. (TSXV: LOD) (OTCQB: SBMIF) ("Lode Gold " or the "Company") is pleased to report that it is confirming gold endowment and its high exploration potential on its 111 km2 McIntyre Brook Project, New Brunswick. This asset, along with the Company's Golden Culvert and Win Projects will be spun out into a new company, Gold Orogen shortly, to allow better exploration focus on its highly prospective assets.

安大略省多倫多--(newsfile corp. - 2024年6月3日)--Lode Gold Resources Inc. (tsxv: LOD) (otcqb: SBMIF)非常榮幸地報告,在其111公里的新不倫瑞克省麥金蒂爾布魯克項目中,確認了黃金賦存量及其高探明潛力。該資產連同公司的Golden Culvert和Win項目將很快分拆成一個名爲Gold Orogen的新公司,以更好地聚焦於其高潛力資產的勘探。該資產連同公司的Golden Culvert和Win項目將很快分拆成一個名爲Gold Orogen的新公司,以更好地聚焦於其高潛力資產的勘探。2本項目包含多個礦物發現,均表現出類似的特徵。通常,在兩種對比岩石類型之間的邊界上捕獲到了強烈的結構控制,具體而言,是通過灰巖頂板和沉積岩底板。黃金常與銅和其他有色金屬、黃鐵礦、石英/碳酸鹽脈、鐵碳酸鹽和/或赤鐵礦共生。火成岩有改造流紋岩或者在其他情況下是劇烈改造的沉積岩,伴有鉀長石和二氧化硅。一些前景地區也有鎂鐵質侵入岩。地質描述在很多方面與在愛爾蘭到紐芬蘭和下到卡羅萊納州範圍內發現的礦化物相似,沿着Iapetus黃金趨勢,這是一種造山和可能是淺成金的趨勢,它與400萬年前關停Iapetus海洋和相關的構造(環400bp)有關。已知的礦化區域的位置以及周圍的McIntyre Brook項目在圖1中展示。

The Property contains several mineral occurrences that all show similar characteristics. A strong structural control is usually captured on the boundary between two contrasting rock types, specifically with a felsic hanging wall and a sediment footwall. The gold often occurs with copper and other base metals, pyrite, quartz/carbonate veins, iron carbonates, and/or hematite. The felsic rocks are altered rhyolites or in other cases they are intensely altered sediments, with K-spar and silica. Some prospects also have mafic intrusive rocks present. The geological description is similar in many aspects with the mineralization found elsewhere, along the Iapetus gold trend, an orogenic and possibly epithermal gold trend stretching from Ireland through Newfoundland and down to the Carolinas. It is related to the closure of the Iapetus Ocean in the Devonian and the associated tectonics (circa 400my bp). The location of the known areas of mineralization within and surrounding the McIntyre Brook Project are shown in Figure 1.

本資產連同公司的Golden Culvert和Win項目將很快分拆成一個名爲Gold Orogen的新公司,以更好地聚焦於其高潛力資產的勘探。



  • The McIntyre Brook Project consists of the Moose Brook, Inlet Brook, McIntyre Brook, Big Pit, Malachite, Ramsay Pitre and Tardiff Brook prospects. These prospects are mineralized with gold, base metals and cobalt.
  • 分析師團隊剛剛選出他們認爲投資者現在可以買入的10只最佳股票……而超微電腦不在其中。有可能這10只被選出的股票未來幾年會產生巨大回報。麥金蒂爾布魯克項目由Moose Brook、Inlet Brook、McIntyre Brook、Big Pit、Malachite、Ramsay Pitre和Tardiff Brook前景組成。這些展望區域富含黃金、有色金屬和鈷。
  • Four of those prospects, Moose, Inlet, McIntyre Brook and Big Pit, parallel to the major McIntyre Brook Fault, striking 12 km across the project area, are high potential exploration targets that warrant further work in the upcoming season at Lode Gold's new spin co, Gold Orogen.
  • 其中四個勘探區Moose、Inlet、McIntyre Brook和Big Pit沿着主McIntyre Brook斷層線平行,穿越項目區,是具有高潛力的勘探目標,值得Lode Gold的新分拆公司Gold Orogen在即將到來的季節進一步開展工作。沿着主McIntyre Brook斷層線平行,穿越項目區這些展望區域富含黃金、有色金屬和鈷。其中四個勘探區Moose、Inlet、McIntyre Brook和Big Pit沿着主McIntyre Brook斷層線平行,穿越項目區,是具有高潛力的勘探目標,值得Lode Gold的新分拆公司Gold Orogen在即將到來的季節進一步開展工作。
  • The 2019 drill results from Lode Gold successfully demonstrated gold mineralization at McIntyre Brook. Two holes, totaling 290m intersected 20m @ 1.2g/t Au from 57m (with 2m @ 5.73 g/t Au from 68m) in one hole, and 16m @ 0.85g/t Au (with 1m @ 5.08 g/t Au from 73m). The holes were drilled 50 m apart.
  • Lode Gold在2019年的鑽探結果成功展示了麥金蒂爾布魯克的黃金礦化。兩個孔位共計290m,其中一個孔位從57m開始展示了20m @ 1.2g/t Au (含2m @ 5.73 g/t Au;另一孔位從73m開始展示了16m @ 0.85g/t Au(含1m @ 5.08 g/t Au),兩孔位之間相距50米。20m @ 1.2g/t Au含2m @ 5.73 g/t Au16m @ 0.85g/t Au含1m @ 5.08 g/tAu16中單@0.85g/t黃金(包括1中單@5.08g/t 黃金兩孔位之間相距50米。
  • Recent work by the New Brunswick Geological Survey (NBGS) has increased the understanding of the McIntyre Brook prospect.
  • 最近新不倫瑞克地質勘探局(NBGS)的工作提高了對麥金太爾布魯克礦的理解。
  • Historic drilling by other companies also revealed gold mineralization along with copper, zinc and cobalt, elsewhere on the property.
  • 其他公司的歷史鑽探也揭示出該物業其他地點的金、銅、鋅和鈷礦化。
  • Immediately adjacent to our McIntyre Brook project, Puma Exploration Inc. has been reporting exploration success, with their 4-km long Lynx, Tiger, and Cougar gold trend with >100 gram-metre drill hole intercepts, including 5.55 g/t Au over 50.15m in WB21-02 from surface. If this trend continues it will extend onto Lode Gold's property on its western boundary, thereby establishing the plan for future exploration focus in this zone.
  • 緊靠我們的麥金太爾布魯克項目,Puma Exploration Inc.已經報道了勘探成功,他們的Lynx、Tiger和Cougar金礦區長度超過4公里,井筒攔獲超過100克·米的鑽孔,並橫向浮層進行採樣,包括從地表開始的5.55克/噸Au,50.15米, 可能會延伸到Lode Gold的西部邊界,從而確定在該區域未來勘探的重點。
  • The Panthera prospect on Puma's ground trends directly onto Lode Gold's ground along its northern boundary. This prospect consists of a N-S gold-in-till anomaly with up to 8.3 g/t Au float samples. Lode Gold will focus on soil sampling and mapping this trend on our side of the property boundary in anticipation of future drill testing.
  • Puma地區的Panthera礦區沿着Lode Gold的北部邊界與Lode Gold的地面趨勢相同。這一礦區由南北走向的含金冰磧土異常帶組成,流浪樣品的金品位多達8.3克/噸。 Lode Gold將專注於在財產邊界上的我們一側進行土壤樣品採集和勘探。
  • There is a recurring theme in all the prospects reviewed; they are all structurally controlled, have pervasive feldspar alteration or felsic volcanic rocks, and occur on the geological boundary of these rocks. These observations will guide our future exploration.
  • 有一致的主題在所有所審查的勘探區塊中,它們都是受構造控制的,具有普遍的長石變質或長英質火山岩,併發生在這些岩石的地質邊界上。這些觀察結果將指導我們未來的勘探。結構控制的, 普遍長石變質或長英質火山岩,並位於這些岩石的地質邊界上。這些觀察結果將指導我們未來的勘探。

Figure 1. McIntyre Brook Project area, boundary in red (111 km2)
Legend: Green dots - historic drill holes; Black lines - major faults; Black traces - geology; Text boxes - prospect location; Coloured background - regional magnetics; Grey stipple - prospective felsic units; Large blue arrows - gold mineralization trends from Puma Exploration ground, clockwise from lower left: Lynx gold-in-till trend, Lynx trend, Panthera gold-in-till trend.


Most prospects within the McIntyre Brook project are structurally controlled with the presence of hematite (Iron oxide). Each of these prospects are reviewed below, using information gained from our Company's previous work, historic assessment reports and the NBGS mineral occurrence description summaries, as well as personal communications with NBGS. The reader is cautioned that the high-grade grab samples reported here from historic work are exhibits for the presence of mineralization; they are select samples and therefore will not reflect the actual average grade of the prospect.


McIntyre Brook Prospect
At McIntyre Brook prospect, our Company completed 2 diamond drill holes totaling 290m in 2019. Both successfully intersected gold mineralization. Drill hole MB019-04 intercepted 5.73 g/t gold over 2.0m from 68.0m, within a broader interval averaging 1.20 g/t gold over 20m from 57m.

在麥金太爾布魯克礦區,我們公司在2019年完成了2口總長度290米的金剛石鑽井孔。兩個井都成功地交錯了金礦化帶。鑽孔MB019-04從68.0m處開始攔截了2.0m的5.73克/噸黃金,包含一個更廣泛的區間,從57m處開始平均爲1.20克/ 噸黃金,鑽孔MB019-03從73.0m的位置開始攔截了1.0m的5.08克/ 噸黃金,這一區間更寬,從65.0m處開始平均爲0.84克/噸黃金。見圖2中的鑽井孔位置。2019年的鑽孔設置是預期呈北向傾斜,但結果表明礦化結構實際呈南向傾斜。這些攔截並不反映出礦化帶的真實寬度。

Drill hole MB019-03 intercepted 5.08 g/t gold over 1.0m from 73.0m, within a broader interval of 0.84 g/t gold over 16.0m from 65.0m. See Figure 2 for drill hole locations. The 2019 drill holes were set up expecting a northerly dip, but the results suggest the mineralizing structures, instead, dip to the south. These intercepts do not reflect the true width of the mineralization.

Lode Gold的勘探副總裁Buddy Doyle評論道:“這些初步鑽探結果令人鼓舞。 在2019年計劃的12口鑽孔中,僅鑽探了290米,由於極端天氣而被中止。 這兩個井口僅相距50米且很淺。歷史上的掘進表明,金礦化帶至少具有400米的長度,並且有跡象表明該趨勢向東延伸到下一個已知的被稱爲大坑(Big Pit)的礦區,距離1.2公里。礦化結構也向下傾斜並向西延伸;有充分的理由回去並鑽探更多以擴展2019年的工作。”

Buddy Doyle, VP Exploration for Lode Gold commented, "These initial drill results are encouraging. Only 290m was drilled in two holes in a planned 12-hole program which was curtailed in 2019 by extreme weather. The two drill holes are only 50m apart and shallow. The historic trenching shows that gold mineralization has a strike of at least 400m and there are indications the trend continues to the east to the next known prospect called the Big Pit, 1.2 km away. The mineralized structure is also open down dip and to the west; there is a strong case to get back there and drill more to expand on the 2019 work."

礦化帶位於斑岩化的長英質岩石中,含赤鐵礦、石英、碳酸鹽、碳酸鐵和長石。化驗結果表明,礦化帶主要由鉀長石(平均大於2% K)組成,而更深的非金區外圍則是高鈉(平均大於2% Na),表明長石變質作用。 化驗還顯示,在沉積物中承載着高達560 ppm的銅的高鈉/長石組。進一步工作需要了解長英質巖單元的變質模式和寄主岩石學。見圖3描繪了井下化驗和岩石類型。礦化帶

The mineralization is hosted in brecciated felsic rocks, with hematite, quartz, carbonate, iron carbonates and feldspar. The assays suggest the mineralized zone is dominated by potassic feldspar (avg.> 2% K), whereas further down hole outside the gold zone, there is high Sodium (avg. >2% Na) suggesting albite alteration. The assays also show copper spiking up to 560 ppm in this high sodium/albite zone, hosted in sediments. Further work is required to understand the alteration patterns and the host lithology. See figure 3 depicting the downhole assays and rock types.

鉀長石化礦區,包括赤鐵礦、石英、碳酸鹽、碳酸鐵和長石,礦化帶主要由鉀長石(平均大於2% K)組成,而更深的非金區外圍則是高鈉(平均大於2% Na),表明長石變質作用。 化驗還顯示,在沉積物中承載着高達560 ppm的銅的高鈉/長石組。

Figure 2. Lode Gold drilling from 2019 at McIntyre Brook prospect.

圖2。2019年 McIntyre Brook 展望區的硬巖黃金鑽探。

Figure 3. Graphic logs for Lode Gold drilling with selected element plots. Gold and Sulphur are directly correlated. Sodium picks up and copper spikes in the hanging wall (down hole below the gold zone).

圖3。使用元素曲線圖繪製的硬巖黃金鑽孔的圖形記錄。 黃金和硫直接相關。 鈉在上盤拾起,銅在黃金帶下的地洞裏突然增加。

Aaron Bustard, MSc, PGeo at Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development, New Brunswick, Geological Survey branch, has been studying drill core from the 2019 drilling and has kindly shared some of the findings. Figure 4 are photomicrographs, observing gold and/or electrum (gold/ silver amalgam) from 69.4m and 73.3m in MB019-13, with pyrite, and veins of siderite, next to zones of hematite. Muscovite occurring with the siderite will be used for age dating. Lode Gold would like to continue to encourage this work and make more material available as we advance our exploration.

Aaron Bustard是新不倫瑞克省自然資源和能源開發部地質勘測分部的地質學家,MSc,PGeo,一直在研究2019年代鑽孔岩心,並慷慨地分享了一些發現。 圖4是光學顯微鏡照片,觀察MB019-13中69.4m和73.3m處的金和/或電金(金/銀混合物),其中包括黃鐵礦,方解石脈和赤鐵礦帶。 與方解石一起出現的白雲母將用於年齡測定。Lode Gold希望繼續鼓勵此項工作,並在進一步的勘探中提供更多材料。

Figure 4. Photomicrographs show gold and electrum, within pyrite and in siderite veins in drill hole MB019-13 of the McIntyre Brook prospect; Courtesy of Aaron Bustard, New Brunswick Geological Survey Branch, Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development.

圖4。光學顯微鏡照片顯示McIntyre Brook 展望區MB019-13鑽孔中混合黃鐵礦和方解石脈中的金和金銀合金;照片提供者:Aaron Bustard,新不倫瑞克省自然資源和能源開發部地質勘測分部。

The Big Pit Prospect
The Big Pit prospect is located along the same structural trend that hosts the McIntyre Brook prospect, 1.2 km to the east. This spatial relationship suggests they might be part of the same mineral system. The name Big Pit reflects that it occurs in a road material quarry adjacent to Highway 180.

The Big Pit 展望區
The Big Pit 展望區位於與 McIntyre Brook 展望區相同的構造帶上,距東部1.2公里。 這種空間關係表明它們可能是同一礦產系統的一部分。Big Pit 這個名稱反映了它出現在一個毗鄰180號公路的路面材料採石場中。

In contrast, the McIntyre Brook prospect is hosted in sediments whereas the host rocks at the Big Pit are basalt flows separated by thin layers of sediments. The mineralization is similar, structurally controlled in E-W quartz carbonate veins with hematite, this time dipping north. The prospect has yielded up to 1.44% Cu and 7.33g/t Au in a grab sample in historic results. The drill campaign completed in 2016 consisted of 4 short drill holes (F04-01 to -04) and returned results up to 1.57 g/t Au over 2m (DDH F04-01). Lode Gold plans are to revisit this prospect and conduct focused exploration in the corridor between Big Pit and McIntyre Brook prospects.

相比之下,McIntyre Brook 展望區位於沉積岩層中,而 Big Pit 的岩石主體則是由玄武岩流組成,夾雜着薄層沉積物。 礦化類似,都是 E-W 方向的石英碳酸鹽脈體的構造控制,伴隨着含赤鐵礦的礦帶,這次是向北傾斜。此展望區在歷史數據中曾取得高達1.44%的銅和7.33g/t黃金。2016年完成的鑽探包括4個短鑽孔(F04-01至-04),並且結果顯示最高可達2米的1.57 g/t Au(DDH F04-01)。Lode Gold計劃重新訪問這個展望區並在 Big Pit 和 McIntyre Brook 展望區之間的走廊進行集中勘查。

Moose Brook-Inlet Brook Prospects
The Moose Brook and Inlet Brook prospects are less than 800m apart and are probably related. These prospects occur in the SW corner of the McIntyre Brook property. Surface samples showing copper mineralization led to further exploration. Four historic drill holes were completed in 2011, reporting 6.95m of 0.291 g/t Au from 6.0m depth in drill hole MB3462-11-01. The drilling targeted an IP geophysical anomaly; the gold zone was unexpected occurring above the IP target zone. This hole also intersected 2m of 1.18 g/t Au, from 246m in a quartz/calcite vein. With the near-surface gold intercept, there is elevated copper and molybdenum. The deeper gold intercept has elevated zinc. Elsewhere, zones of elevated copper and zinc, without appreciable gold are found in MB3462-11-01, 9.2m zone of 0.125% Cu from 164.1m, (Mo average 20ppm), and 3.3m of 0.35% Cu from 124m. In Drill hole MB3463-11-04, 12.7m of 0.128% Cu from 177.3m was also reported. An anomalous Zinc zone occurs over 9.7m of 0.23% Zn from 35.9m in drill hole MB3462-11-03. These zones occur within pyrite halos explaining the targeted IP anomalies. This prospect shows clear metal zoning which is not yet fully understood. The drill holes were selectively sampled based on geology. All rhyolitic intervals were sampled. Most mafic volcanic intervals where sampled, as well as any quartz veins or sulphide-rich zones in the sediments. The long sediment intervals were not sampled. The gold interval at the top of drill hole MB3462-11-01 is hosted in a brecciated altered rhyolite, with hematite and magnetite. The copper zones are hosted in sulphide-rich chloritized sediments. The Zinc zone is hosted in a rhyolite. Drilling shows the till overburden to be too deep for trenching; exploration here may have to rely on further drilling, expanding on the gold zone. Although these are not economic intercepts, the gold zone was a blind discovery and the prospect lies on the same structural trend as McIntyre Brook/Big Pit 6km to the east, indicating a large/long prospective zone.

Moose Brook-Inlet Brook 展望區
Moose Brook 展望區和 Inlet Brook 展望區距離不到800米,可能相關。這些展望區位於 McIntyre Brook 展望區的西南角。表現出銅礦化的地表樣品導致進一步勘查。2011年完成了四口歷史鑽孔,報告MB3462-11-01號鑽孔從6.0米深度開始報告了6.95米的0.291 g/t Au。這次鑽探的目標是一個電極激發異常;金帶出現在預測區域之上,這是意外的。這個鑽孔也在石英/方解石脈中的246m處與1.18 g/t Au的2m帶相交。在淺層金攔截中,銅和鉬水平較高。更深一些的金攔截則表現出鋅的水平較高。在MB3462-11-01中,存在銅和鋅的高度區域,但金含量不顯著,從164.1m處開始的9.2m區域是0.125%的Cu (Mo平均20ppm),124m處的0.35%Cu的3.3m鑽孔MB3463-11-04也有相似情況。 橫跨MB3462-11-03的35.9m處的0.23%Zn區域存在硫化物暈帶,解釋了目標異常。這個展望區顯示了明顯的金屬分帶現象,但目前還沒有完全了解其原因。根據地質學選擇性地對鑽孔進行了採樣,採樣所有流紋岩區間。採樣了大部分的基性火山岩區間,以及沉積物中任何石英脈或硫化物富集的區域。長的沉積物區間沒有進行採樣。位於MB3462-11-01鑽孔頂部的金帶位於斷裂變質後的流紋岩中,其中有赤鐵礦和磁鐵礦。銅區域位於硫化物豐富的氯化巖性沉積岩中。鋅區域位於流紋岩中。鑽探顯示覆蓋層土壤過厚,無法進行挖溝勘探。該區域可能需要進行進一步的鑽探勘查,以擴大黃金帶。 儘管這些不是經濟攔截,但黃金帶是一個盲目的發現,展望區位於東部6公里處與 McIntyre Brook/Big Pit 相同的構造帶上,表明這是兩個大規模且有前途的勘查區域。Malachite/Ramsay Pitre

Malachite/Ramsay Pitre
These two occurrences are 800m apart and are probably related. Historic results show what was initially interpreted to be rhyolite-hosted, demonstrated to be feldspar-altered sediments, by petrology. The element assemblage includes Cu, Co, Au, As, Ni and Zn along with hematite. The host rocks are red to greyish green siltstone and fine-grained sandstone intruded by several narrow (2m to 30m thick), generally unaltered gabbroic dykes. The host sedimentary rocks are affected by a pervasive sodic-calcic metasomatism that has resulted in albitization and carbonate development. There is some lithological control to the alteration with individual beds showing prominent calcite vugs/porphyroblasts, where elsewhere these are absent.

歷史數據顯示最初被認爲是流紋岩主體,經岩石學證明是長石蝕變的沉積物。 元素組合包括Cu,Co,Au,As,Ni和Zn以及赤鐵礦。寄主巖爲紅色至灰綠色的粉砂岩和細粒砂岩,受到數個窄(厚度爲2m至30m)一般不蝕變的基性巖牆的侵入。寄主沉積岩受到普遍的鈉鈣交代作用的影響,產生了變質作用與碳酸鹽發育。變質作用具有一定的岩石學控制,個別岩層顯示出明顯的方解石孔/斑晶,而其他地方則沒有。歷史結果顯示最初被解釋爲流紋岩寄主,實際爲長石改造的沉積物,通過岩石學證明。元素沉積含有Cu,Co,Au,As,Ni和Zn以及赤鐵礦。寄主巖爲紅色至灰綠色的粉砂岩和細粒砂岩,受到數個窄(厚度爲2m至30m)一般不蝕變的基性巖牆的侵入。寄主沉積岩受到普遍的鈉鈣交代作用的影響,產生了長石蝕變和碳酸鹽的發育。變質作用具有一定的岩石學控制,個別岩層顯示出明顯的方解石孔/斑晶,而其他地方則沒有。

Mineralization has been intersected by trenching and drilling over a strike length of 1 km and extends from surface to a depth of a least 70 m and remains open along strike and at depth. Two types of mineralization have been recognized: (1) proximal sulphide veins and veinlets dominated by pyrite with minor chalcopyrite, cobaltite, gersdorffite (nickel arsenic sulphide), arsenopyrite and sphalerite, which are prominent in the carbonate-altered sedimentary rocks adjacent the gabbroic dykes and locally within the dykes; and (2) distal disseminated blebs of chalcopyrite, cobaltite, arsenopyrite, pyrite and iron oxides restricted to the sedimentary rocks.

礦化溝道已在1公里的延伸長度進行了挖溝和鑽探,並向地表以下最少70米的深度延伸,沿延伸方向和深度仍有發掘餘地。已識別出兩種礦化類型:(1)靠近的硫化物脈和微脈,以黃鐵礦爲主,少量黃銅礦,鈷礦,格思多菲礦(鎳砷硫化物),砷黃鐵礦和閃鋅礦爲主,這些礦物在岩漿岩岩脈旁邊的碳酸鹽改性沉積岩中非常突出,一些也分佈在岩脈中;(2)遙遠的彌散黑銅斑點,主要分佈在沉積岩中,包括黃銅礦,鈷礦,砷黃鐵礦,黃鐵礦和氧化鐵礦。化驗數據表明,在改性區域內,沉積岩中的銅、鈷和黃金含量升高,最高值出現在較高濃度的硫化物脈的區域。報道的最佳硫化銅含量爲0.5米的3.03wt.%,最佳硫化鈷含量爲1米的0.886%。局部的黃金含量高達0.440g/t,同時鉍、砷、鋅的數值也升高。化驗結果表明,礦物品位朝着東北方向增加,這與岩漿岩岩脈有關的磁特徵的增強相應。金屬組合被用來表明這些聯合前景符合鐵氧化銅金模型。Tardiff Brook地塊:Tardiff Brook的金礦化物質出現在露頭和半露頭的變質流紋岩中,抓取樣品檢測表明金品位高達16.9 g/t Au。與McIntyre Brook前景相似,金礦化物與強烈的褐鐵礦化的石英脈和豐富的異質菱鐵礦有關,少量硫化礦是由於與Ramsay Brook和McIntyre斷層有關的局部斷層控制。歷史上的勘探鑽孔沒有遇到重要礦化,但鑽孔較淺,也沒有瞄準抓取樣品的區域。計劃在抓取樣品位置周圍挖掘溝渠,以更好地了解這個前景。我們的鄰居 - Puma Exploration:McIntyre Brook項目周圍的勘探地由Puma Exploration管理。他們發現的許多金礦化趨勢可能會持續並進入我們的McIntyre Brook項目。Puma地塊上的主要發現是Lynx趨勢(Lynx,Tiger和Cheetah前景),他們已經在井穴WB21-02中從地表起進行了數百克米的井穴截獲,包括55.15m處的5.55 g/t Au。這個趨勢現在延伸了4km,向NNE方向,30°-40°。如果這個趨勢繼續,它將轉彎到我們的McIntyre Brook項目的西北角。Lynx礦化物位於其東緣的變質流紋岩中,與沉積岩聯繫,接觸面向西傾斜。在這個接觸區域中,有兩組斜淺向NW的脈管。還認識到兩種金礦化物樣式,石英脈中的細粒金礦與黃銅礦和黃鐵礦,以及帶有Ag、As、Bi、Cu、Sb和Zn的石英和碳酸鹽脈矢。礦化伴隨着的蝕變可表現爲富含鐵的碳酸鹽,例如菱鐵礦和硬鐵礦,以及Fe氧化物,當它們寄主於沉積物時,並有普遍的硅化作用,含菱鐵礦、菱錳礦和鐵氧化物的白雲母巖和絹雲母巖。目前Puma的想法是,這筆存款可能是熱液型的,寄存在流紋岩圓頂中。靠近的硫化物脈和微脈,以黃鐵礦爲主,少量黃銅礦,鈷礦,格思多菲礦(鎳砷硫化物),砷黃鐵礦和閃鋅礦爲主,這些礦物在岩漿岩岩脈旁邊的碳酸鹽改性沉積岩中非常突出,一些也分佈在岩脈中。遙遠的彌散黑銅斑點,主要分佈在沉積岩中,包括黃銅礦,鈷礦,砷黃鐵礦,黃鐵礦和氧化鐵礦。

Assay data reveals that within the zone of alteration, sedimentary rocks are elevated in copper, cobalt, and gold, with the highest values occurring in association with higher concentrations of sulphide veining. The best copper grade reported is 3.03 wt. % over 0.5 m, and the best cobalt grade is 0.886% over 1 m. Gold is locally up to 0.440 g/t, and values for bismuth, arsenic, and zinc are also elevated. Assay results indicate that grades are increasing toward the northeast, which corresponds with the increasing intensity of the magnetic feature related to the gabbroic dykes. The metal assemblage has been used to suggest that these joint prospects fit into the Iron Oxide Copper Gold model.


Tardiff Brook
Gold mineralization at Tardiff Brook is observed to date in grab samples, (assaying up to 16.9 g/t Au), occurring in outcropping and sub-cropping altered rhyolite.
Similar to the McIntyre Brook prospect, gold mineralization is associated with strongly hematized (rusty) quartz veining and abundant specular hematite, with minor sulphide mineralization being structurally controlled by local faulting related to the Ramsay Brook and McIntyre Faults. Historic reconnaissance drilling did not intersect significant mineralization, but the holes were shallow and did not target the area of the grab samples. The plan is to trench around the grab sample location to gain a better understanding of this prospect.

Tardiff Brook
Tardiff Brook地塊:Tardiff Brook的金礦化物質出現在露頭和半露頭的變質流紋岩中,抓取樣品檢測表明金品位高達16.9 g/t Au。與McIntyre Brook前景相似,金礦化物與強烈的褐鐵礦化的石英脈和豐富的異質菱鐵礦有關,少量硫化礦是由於與Ramsay Brook和McIntyre斷層有關的局部斷層控制。歷史上的勘探鑽孔沒有遇到重要礦化,但鑽孔較淺,也沒有瞄準抓取樣品的區域。計劃在抓取樣品位置周圍挖掘溝渠,以更好地了解這個前景。
Tardiff Brook地塊:Tardiff Brook的金礦化物質出現在露頭和半露頭的變質流紋岩中,抓取樣品檢測表明金品位高達16.9 g/t Au。與McIntyre Brook前景相似,金礦化物與強烈的褐鐵礦化的石英脈和豐富的異質菱鐵礦有關,少量硫化礦是由於與Ramsay Brook和McIntyre斷層有關的局部斷層控制。歷史上的勘探鑽孔沒有遇到重要礦化,但鑽孔較淺,也沒有瞄準抓取樣品的區域。計劃在抓取樣品位置周圍挖掘溝渠,以更好地了解這個前景。

Our neighbour - Puma Exploration
Surrounding our McIntyre Brook project is exploration ground managed by Puma Exploration. Many of the gold mineralization trends they have been discovering have the potential to persist and continue into our McIntyre Brook Project.

我們的鄰居 - Puma Exploration:McIntyre Brook項目周圍的勘探地由Puma Exploration管理。他們發現的許多金礦化趨勢可能會持續並進入我們的McIntyre Brook項目。Puma地塊上的主要發現是Lynx趨勢(Lynx,Tiger和Cheetah前景),他們已經在井穴WB21-02中從地表起進行了數百克米的井穴截獲,包括55.15m處的5.55 g/t Au。這個趨勢現在延伸了4km,向NNE方向,30°-40°。如果這個趨勢繼續,它將轉彎到我們的McIntyre Brook項目的西北角。Lynx礦化物位於其東緣的變質流紋岩中,與沉積岩聯繫,接觸面向西傾斜。在這個接觸區域中,有兩組斜淺向NW的脈管。還認識到兩種金礦化物樣式,石英脈中的細粒金礦與黃銅礦和黃鐵礦,以及帶有Ag、As、Bi、Cu、Sb和Zn的石英和碳酸鹽脈矢。礦化伴隨着的蝕變可表現爲富含鐵的碳酸鹽,例如菱鐵礦和硬鐵礦,以及Fe氧化物,當它們寄主於沉積物時,並有普遍的硅化作用,含菱鐵礦、菱錳礦和鐵氧化物的白雲母巖和絹雲母巖。目前Puma的想法是,這筆存款可能是熱液型的,寄存在流紋岩圓頂中。
我們的鄰居 - Puma Exploration:McIntyre Brook項目周圍的勘探地由Puma Exploration管理。他們發現的許多金礦化趨勢可能會持續並進入我們的McIntyre Brook項目。

The main discovery on the Puma ground is the Lynx trend, (Lynx, Tiger and Cheetah prospects) where they have had several >100 gram-metre drill hole intercepts, including 5.55 g/t Au over 55.15m from surface in hole WB21-02. This trend now stretches 4km and strikes to the NNE, 30° to 40° degrees. Continuation of this trend would have it arcing into the NW corner of our McIntyre Brook project. The Lynx mineralization is hosted in an altered rhyolite at its eastern edge, in contact with sediments with the contact dipping to the west. There are two sets of veins hosted in this contact zone that plunge shallowly to the NW. Two styles of gold mineralization are also recognized, fine grained gold in quartz veins with chalcopyrite and pyrite, and coarser gold with quartz and carbonate veins with Ag, As, Bi, Cu, Sb, and Zn. Alteration that comes with the mineralization is expressed as iron-rich carbonates such as ankerite and siderite, and Fe oxides, when hosted in the sediment and pervasive silicification with ankerite, siderite and iron oxides with albite and sericite, when hosted in the rhyolites. The current thinking at Puma suggests that this deposit might be epithermal in style, hosted in a rhyolite dome.

Puma地塊上的主要發現是Lynx趨勢(Lynx,Tiger和Cheetah前景),他們已經在井穴WB21-02中從地表起進行了數百克米的井穴截獲,包括55.15m處的5.55 g/t Au。這個趨勢現在延伸了4km,向NNE方向,30°-40°。如果這個趨勢繼續,它將轉彎到我們的McIntyre Brook項目的西北角。Lynx礦化物位於其東緣的變質流紋岩中,與沉積岩聯繫,接觸面向西傾斜。在這個接觸區域中,有兩組斜淺向NW的脈管。還認識到兩種金礦化物樣式,石英脈中的細粒金礦與黃銅礦和黃鐵礦,以及帶有Ag、As、Bi、Cu、Sb和Zn的石英和碳酸鹽脈矢。礦化伴隨着的蝕變可表現爲富含鐵的碳酸鹽,例如菱鐵礦和硬鐵礦,以及Fe氧化物,當它們寄主於沉積物時,並有普遍的硅化作用,含菱鐵礦、菱錳礦和鐵氧化物的白雲母巖和絹雲母巖。目前Puma的想法是,這筆存款可能是熱液型的,寄存在流紋岩圓頂中。

Similar descriptions are given for the less developed Tiger and Cheetah prospects along the same trend. Two kilometres to the east of the Lynx trend are the Cougar and Jaguar prospects which have similar setting to Lynx, at the edge of a rhyolite, structurally controlled, striking NE-SW and dipping to the west.


Most interestingly, Puma reports two gold-in-soil anomalies that trend directly into our ground. An east-west gold-in-till anomaly south of Lynx where a new gold showing less than 2km from our eastern boundary has reported up to 8.23g/t Au in a grab sample, within the till anomaly trending directly into the McIntyre Brook project, paralleling the Ramsey Brook fault. It will be an exploration priority to infill soil sampling and prospecting in this area on our ground.


A second gold-in-till anomaly trending NNE-SSW at 20°, named the Panthera prospect with grab rock samples assaying up to 9.87 g/t Au, trends directly across our northern boundary and again this area will receive additional exploration focus.


On reviewing the mineralized prospects within and around the McIntyre Brook project it is apparent the geology and structure north of the McIntyre Brook fault trends more to the north at 0° to 30° whereas south of the McIntyre Brook Fault trends more East-West at 45° to 80°. This suggests the blocks on each side of this dextral fault have been rotated, a good environment for creating openings to allow mineralizing fluids to deposit gold and other metals. Soil and geophysical grids should also be rotated to accommodate this.

在回顧McIntyre Brook項目內外的礦化前景時,很明顯,McIntyre Brook斷層以北的地質和構造趨勢更偏向北方,角度在0度至30度之間,而斷層以南地質和構造趨勢更爲東西向,角度在45度至80度之間。這表明,在這條右旋斷層的兩側,塊體已經被旋轉,這是創造礦化流體沉積黃金和其他金屬的良好環境。土壤和地球物理網格圖也應該旋轉以適應此情況。

Evident from this review is that this part of the Earth's crust has experienced multiple mineralizing events, and although each prospect has its own character, the major control on mineralization is structure, especially in zones at the edge of two contrasting lithologies, with felsic rocks often in the hanging wall.


The occurrence of gabbro and Au, Cu, Co mineralization at the Malachite prospect began the speculation that there might be IOCG (iron oxide copper gold) mineral systems here. The Moose/Inlet Brook, McIntyre/Big Pit prospects along with two other prospects off our ground but nearby, Jonpol and Portage, also report the iron oxide, hematite, with their mineralization, and these also have been considered possible IOCG. We consider the jury is still out regarding this classification. IOCG systems have large regional footprints, with widespread albitization; there is usually a lot of iron, averaging >>10% Fe, and a suite of minerals that include phosphorus and elevated rare earths elements. Most of the prospects on the McIntyre Brook project do not exhibit these characteristics. Hematite can occur in other styles of mineral systems and is not by itself diagnostic of an IOCG. Epithermal and/or Orogenic models for the mineralization are also possible.

Malachite項目中的輝綠岩和Au、Cu、Co礦化出現,引發人們猜測這裏可能存在IOCG(含鐵氧化物型銅金礦)礦化體系。Moose/Inlet Brook、McIntyre/Big Pit等前景,以及我們土地附近的Jonpol和Portage等兩個前景,也報告了富含鐵氧化物、赤鐵礦等礦化物質,也會被看作可能的IOCG礦牀。我們認爲這種歸類還有待評估。IOCG礦牀具有廣義的區域足跡,有廣泛的鈉長石作用;通常含鐵量很高,平均超過10%Fe,並含有一系列包括磷和高稀土元素在內的礦物質。McIntyre Brook項目的大多數前景都不表現出這些特徵。赤鐵礦也可能出現在其他礦牀類型中,本身不足以作爲IOCG礦牀的診斷標誌。熱液和/或造山模型對礦化現象的解釋也是可能的。

Buddy Doyle, concludes, "With these numerous prospects and activities around our McIntyre Brook project I think the reader can share my enthusiasm to re-commence our exploration program on this project. We plan to have field teams taking samples, trenching, and a close spaced airborne magnetic survey, commencing this season, culminating in a drill program."

Buddy Doyle得出結論:"考慮到我們的McIntyre Brook項目周圍有衆多的礦化前景和活動,我認爲讀者可以分享我的熱情,重新開始我們的勘探計劃。我們計劃在本季度開始野外團隊採樣、挖溝、以及密集的空中磁測,最終進入鑽探階段。"

Lode Gold is a Canadian exploration and development company with grassroots and advanced exploration properties in highly prospective and safe mining jurisdictions.

關於Lode Gold
Lode Gold是一家加拿大的勘探和開發公司,在高度有前景和安全的採礦地區擁有基礎和先進的勘探項目。

Its Golden Culvert and Win Projects, Yukon, covering 99.5 km2 across a 27-km strike length, are situated in a district-scale, high-grade-gold-mineralized trend within the southern portion of the Tombstone Gold Belt. Gold deposits and occurrences within the Belt include Fort Knox, Pogo, Brewery Creek and Dublin Gulch, and Snowline Gold's Valley target on its Rogue property in the Selwyn Basin.

它的Golden Culvert和Win項目位於肯特恩州,橫跨27公里走向,覆蓋99.5平方公里的範圍內,位於Tombstone Gold Belt南部的一個區域級別、高品位黃金礦化趨勢中。帶狀的黃金礦牀包括Fort Knox、Pogo、Brewery Creek和Dublin Gulch,以及Snowline Gold公司在Selwyn盆地的Rogue物業上的Valley目標。2它的McIntyre Brook項目位於紐芬蘭,覆蓋了111平方公里的範圍,有17公里的礦化走向,位於新Found Gold的Queensway項目的同齡和類似構造的變形巖之中。該區域被Puma Exploration的Williams Brook項目(50米內Au含量5.55克/噸)所環繞。

Its McIntyre Brook Project, New Brunswick, covering 111 km2 and a 17-km strike length in the emerging Triple Fault Gold Belt, is surrounded by Puma Exploration's Williams Brook Project (5.55 g/t Au over 50m) and is hosted by orogenic rocks of similar age and structure as New Found Gold's Queensway Project.

該公司還在推進位於加利福尼亞歷史悠久的Mother Lode黃金區帶的Fremont Gold開發項目,該區域產出5000萬盎司黃金。Fremont距離Equinox Gold的Castle Mountain和Mesquite礦山500公里,通過一份PEA報告,該項目的稅後淨現值爲2.17億美元,內部收益率爲21%,有一個長達11年、平均每年118k盎司達到1750美元/盎司的壽命週期。在2023年3月31日的PEA報告下,以2000美元/盎司的金價,敏感性分析顯示該報表的5%稅後淨現值爲3.7億美元,內部收益率爲31%。該項目擁有一個NI 43-101規範下的資源,包括19.0噸指示資源,含1.16百萬盎司黃金,平均含量爲1.90克/噸Au,以及28.3噸暗示資源中含2.02百萬盎司黃金,平均含量爲2.22克/噸Au。MRE評估只覆蓋了Fremont物業長4公里的1.4公里,其具有五個富含金礦化區。值得注意的是,深部的三個踏出孔均命中了典型的虛構礦牀的礦化結構。Fremont位於Mariposa的私人土地上,是最初的淘金熱縣,距離加州弗雷斯諾市1.5小時車程,具有全年通行的公路,並且靠近機場和鐵路。請查閱Fremont Gold項目在NI 43-101指南下編寫的PEA報告。技術報告已由P&E的獨立“有資格人士”Eugene Puritch, P.Eng.,FEC,CET和Andrew Bradfield,P.Eng. 審查和批准,以及KCA的Travis Manning,P.E。2有資格人士聲明

The Company is also advancing its Fremont Gold development project in the historic Mother Lode Gold Belt of California where 50,000,000 oz of gold has been produced. Fremont, located 500km north of Equinox Gold's Castle Mountain and Mesquite mines, has a PEA with an after-tax NPV of USD $217MM, a 21% IRR, 11-year LOM, averaging 118k ounces per annum at USD $1,750 gold. A sensitivity to the March 31, 2023 PEA at USD $2,000/oz gold gives an after-tax NPV(5%) of USD $370MM and a 31% IRR over an 11-year LOM. The project hosts an NI 43-101 resource of 1.16 Moz at 1.90 g/t Au within 19.0 MT Indicated, and 2.02 Moz at 2.22 g/t Au within 28.3 MT Inferred. The MRE evaluates only 1.4 km of the 4 km strike length of the Fremont property that features five gold-mineralized zones. Significantly, three step-out holes at depth hit mineralized structure, typical of orogenic deposits that often occur at depth. Fremont is located on private land in Mariposa, the original gold rush county and is 1.5 hours from Fresno, California. The property has year-round road access and is close to airports and rail. Please refer to the Fremont Gold project PEA dated March 31, 2023 under NI 43-101 guidelines. The technical report has been reviewed and approved by independent "Qualified Persons" Eugene Puritch, P.Eng., FEC, CET, and Andrew Bradfield, P.Eng. both of P&E, and Travis Manning, P.E. of KCA.

Buddy Doyle, FAusIMM是這個新聞稿的作者。本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術信息已由Jonathan Victor Hill, Director, BSc(Hons)(Economic Geology-UCT),FAusIMM作爲“有資格人士” 根據《43-101號國家儀器43-101_對礦產項目披露的標準》("NI 43-101")的定義進行了審查和批准。



Buddy Doyle, FAusIMM is the author of this news release. The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Jonathan Victor Hill, Director, BSc (Hons) (Economic Geology - UCT), FAusIMM, and who is a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").

Buddy Doyle, FAusIMM是本新聞稿的作者。本新聞稿中包含的科學技術信息已由Jonathan Victor Hill(董事,BSc(榮譽)(經濟地質學-UCT),FAusIMM)審核並批准,他是根據 《43-101號國家證券法—礦產項目披露標準》("NI 43-101")定義的"合格人員"。

For more information, please visit the Company's website at or contact:

更多信息請訪問公司網站 或聯繫:

Gary Nassif
Senior Vice President, Director
+1 (416) 915-4157

Gary Nassif
+1 (416) 915-4157

Kevin Shum
Investor Relations
+1 (647) 725-3888 ext. 702

Kevin Shum
+1 (647) 725-3888 ext. 702

Forward-Looking Statements


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TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture Exchange政策中定義的那樣)均不對本發佈內容的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements. The information in this release may contain forward-looking information under applicable securities laws. This forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those implied by the forward-looking information. Factors that may cause actual results to vary materially include, but are not limited to, inaccurate assumptions concerning the exploration for and development of mineral deposits, currency fluctuations, unanticipated operational or technical difficulties, changes in laws or regulations, failure to obtain regulatory, exchange or shareholder approval, the risks of obtaining necessary licenses and permits, changes in general economic conditions or conditions in the financial markets and the inability to raise additional financing. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on this forward-looking information. The Company does not assume the obligation to revise or update this forward-looking information after the date of this release or to revise such information to reflect the occurrence of future unanticipated events, except as may be required under applicable securities laws.


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