
Corrected – Total Energy Services Inc. Announces Dividend

Corrected – Total Energy Services Inc. Announces Dividend

Total Energy Services Inc. 宣佈派發股息。
GlobeNewswire ·  06/03 16:37

CALGARY, Alberta, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Total Energy Services Inc. ("Total Energy") (TSX:TOT) announced on May 31, 2024 that its Board of Directors had declared a quarterly dividend of $0.09 (Cdn.) per common share for the quarter ending June 30, 2024 on Total Energy's outstanding common shares. The dividend remains payable on July 15, 2024, to shareholders of record at the close of business on June 28, 2024. Total Energy is correcting the ex-dividend date to June 28, 2024.

2024年6月3日,艾伯塔省卡爾加里(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Total Energy Services Inc.(以下簡稱Total Energy)(TSX:TOT)於2024年5月31日宣佈,其董事會已宣佈每普通股股息爲0.09加元的季度股息,截至2024年6月30日,對Total Energy的普通股。股息維持在2024年7月15日支付,向2024年6月28日收盤時的股東支付。Total Energy正在更正分紅數據權益日爲2024年6月28日。

Unless otherwise indicated, all dividends paid by Total Energy are "eligible dividends" within the meaning of subsection 89(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

除非另有說明,Total Energy支付的所有股息均屬於《加拿大所得稅法典》第89(1) subsection 規定的“有資格股息”範疇。2024年5月28日,北至超級礦業資源有限公司("Northern Superior") (tsx-v: superior)(otcqx: nsupf)很高興地宣佈已通過發行(i)在稅法(如下所定義)第66(15)小節和魁北克省稅法(如下所定義)第359.1條中被定義爲"過渡股票"的數量爲5050600的普通股(下稱"過渡股票")價格爲0.99美元每股,募集資金總額爲5000094美元;和(ii)其中數量爲5454600的普通股稱爲"HD股票"價格爲每股0.55美元,募資3000030美元,募資總額共計8000124美元(下稱"發行")的方式,完成了之前宣佈的買入交易融資(詳見2024年5月9日和5月10日的新聞稿)。(加拿大)。

Headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Total Energy provides contract drilling services, rentals and transportation services, well servicing and compression and process equipment and service to the energy and other resource industries from operation centers in North America and Australia. The common shares of Total Energy are listed and trade on the TSX under the symbol TOT.

Total Energy總部位於艾伯塔省卡爾加里,提供合同鑽探服務、租賃和運輸服務、井維修、壓縮和加工設備及服務等服務業和其他資源行業,業務中心遍佈北美和澳大利亞。Total Energy的普通股在tsx上市交易,股票代號爲TOT。

For further information, please contact Yuliya Gorbach, Chief Financial Officer at (403) 216-3920 or by e-mail at: or visit our website at .

欲獲取更多信息,請聯繫首席財務官Yuliya Gorbach,電話(403)216-3920,電子郵件:investorrelations@totalenergy.ca或訪問我們的網站 。

The TSX has neither approved nor disapproved of the information contained herein.


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