
Summit Funding Accelerates National Growth With Strategic Hires in Key Regions

Summit Funding Accelerates National Growth With Strategic Hires in Key Regions

Summit Funding在關鍵地區進行戰略性招聘,加速往全國的創業板發展。
PR Newswire ·  06/05 08:30

SACRAMENTO, Calif., June 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Summit Funding, a leading private mortgage lender, is thrilled to announce significant expansion efforts with the addition of several high-profile hires in key regions across the United States. This strategic growth underscores Summit Funding's commitment to bringing hope and connection to the mortgage industry by fostering a community focused on intentional mentorship, empowering individual voices, and driving personal and financial growth.

美國加利福尼亞州薩克拉門託,2024年6月5日 /美通社/ -- 領先的私人抵押貸款公司Summit Funding非常高興宣佈,在美國關鍵地區新增高級人才,實施重大擴張計劃。這一戰略性增長彰顯了Summit Funding致力於創建社區的承諾,爲抵押貸款行業帶來希望和聯繫,通過培養注重導師制、賦權個體言論、推動個人和財務增長的社群。

In a bold move to strengthen its presence, Summit Funding has brought on board exceptional talent, starting with Stacey Duncan in Charlotte, North Carolina. With 22 years of experience in the mortgage industry, Stacey has established a brand known for exceptional support and client satisfaction throughout the Carolinas. Her team is poised to close $150 million in volume in 2024, marking a significant milestone for Summit Funding's Southeast expansion.

爲了增強其存在感,Summit Funding採取了大膽措施首先引入了傑出的人才,其中包括Stacey Duncan位於北卡羅來納州夏洛特市。Stacey在抵押貸款行業擁有22年的經驗,她已經在卡羅來納地區建立了一個以卓越支持和客戶滿意度聞名的品牌。她的團隊將在2024年完成1.5億美元的成交量,爲Summit Funding東南地區的擴張迎來了重要的里程碑。

"Stacey Duncan's dedication to the mortgage industry and her proven track record of success align perfectly with Summit Funding's strategic vision. Her leadership and expertise will be instrumental as we continue to expand our presence in the Southeast," said Todd Scrima, CEO of Summit Funding.

Summit Funding首席執行官Todd Scrima表示:“Stacey Duncan對抵押貸款行業的奉獻精神和她證明過的成功紀錄與Summit Funding的戰略願景完美契合。她的領導力和專業知識將在我們繼續擴張在東南地區的存在感時發揮關鍵作用。”Todd Scrima,峯會資金首席執行官。峯會資金通過培養一個社區致力於有意識的導師,讓個體發聲以及推動個人和財務增長,爲過於追求利潤而忽視人的行業帶來希望和關聯。

Complementing this growth is Jason Bryant, who joins Summit Funding from Chicago, Illinois. With over two decades of experience in the financial and mortgage industry, Jason will lead Summit's strategic expansion in the Midwest. His proven ability to deliver results and his authentic leadership style make him an invaluable addition to the team.

配套這一增長的是Jason Bryant,他來自伊利諾伊芝加哥。Jason在金融和抵押貸款行業擁有20年的經驗,將領導Summit Funding在中西部的戰略擴張。他在交付結果方面的能力和真實的領導風格使他成爲團隊中不可或缺的人員。

"Jason's experience in delivering results was paramount to our choice in selecting him as a leader in the Midwest. In my time learning about Jason, I've experienced him to be a dependable and authentic leader, as well as one who impacts those around him with a humility that comes only from putting others in front of himself," said Matt Schoolfield, Divisional Sales Leader.

Summit Funding銷售部門領袖Matt Schoolfield說:“在選擇Midwest領袖時,Jason在交付結果方面的經驗至關重要。在了解Jason的過程中,我感受到他是一個可靠和真實的領袖,還有一個只有把別人放在自己之前,才會有的謙卑。”銷售部門領袖Matt Schoolfield說:“我們對德克薩斯州正在出現的結果越來越興奮。我們相信,貸款專員們今天真正在尋找致力於發展他們最重要的資產——他們的人的公司。我們致力於幫助他們充分發揮自己的能力和技能。”峯會資金繼續通過培養一個社區致力於有意識的導師,讓個體發聲以及推動個人和財務增長,爲過於追求利潤而忽視人的行業帶來希望和關聯。支持這一願景的一個關鍵舉措是“導師支持”吸引力電話。這些由峯會資金首席執行官Todd Scrima主持的一小時輔導課程,教授解決抵押貸款行業中潛在客戶問題的創新方法。通過融合數字營銷和有意識的溝通,這些課程有助於貸款主管找到更多的潛在客戶和推薦人,加強了峯會發展人才的承諾。

Summit Funding is also seeing remarkable growth in Texas. This expansion is driven by the company's dedication to enhancing the skills and capabilities of its loan officers. "We're growing increasingly excited about the results we're seeing in Texas. We believe loan officers today are truly looking for companies that are committed to developing their most important asset – their people. We're dedicated to helping them max out their abilities and skills," said Matt Schoolfield, Divisional Sales Leader.

Summit Funding在德克薩斯州也看到了令人矚目的增長。該擴張由公司致力於提高貸款專員的技能和能力推動。銷售部門領袖Matt Schoolfield說:“我們對德克薩斯州正在出現的結果越來越興奮。我們相信,貸款專員們今天真正在尋找致力於發展他們最重要的資產——他們的人的公司。我們致力於幫助他們充分發揮自己的能力和技能。”峯會資金繼續通過培養一個社區致力於有意識的導師,讓個體發聲以及推動個人和財務增長,爲過於追求利潤而忽視人的行業帶來希望和關聯。支持這一願景的一個關鍵舉措是“導師支持”吸引力電話。這些由峯會資金首席執行官Todd Scrima主持的一小時輔導課程,教授解決抵押貸款行業中潛在客戶問題的創新方法。通過融合數字營銷和有意識的溝通,這些課程有助於貸款主管找到更多的潛在客戶和推薦人,加強了峯會發展人才的承諾。

Further strengthening Summit's national footprint is Rui Chaves in Boston, Massachusetts. With over 20 years of experience in financial lending and mortgage, Rui brings a strategic vision and a passion for developing teams. His leadership is set to drive significant growth in the Northeast.

進一步加強Summit的國家影響力的是Rui Chaves,他來自馬薩諸塞州波士頓市。Rui擁有20多年的金融放貸和抵押貸款經驗,具有戰略眼光和開發團隊的熱情。他的領導力將推動東北地區的顯著增長。

"New England is a tough market to compete in. In order to be successful there, you have to have an amazing leader like Rui Chaves. He truly cares about investing in his teams and developing their business. With Rui leading the charge, Summit will bring a new and fresh approach to the marketplace," said Deran Pennington, East Coast Divisional Leader.

銷售部門領袖Matt Schoolfield表示:“新英格蘭是一個競爭激烈的市場。要在那裏取得成功,你必須要有像Rui Chaves這樣令人驚歎的領袖。他真正關心投資於他的團隊和發展他們的業務。在Rui帶領下,Summit將爲市場帶來新穎和新鮮的方式。”Deran PenningtonDeran Pennington,東海岸分部負責人。

Since the start of the year, Summit Funding has hired nearly 50 loan officers and onboarded four major branches, reinforcing its strategic goals of expanding in the Midwest, Southeast, Midsouth, and Northeast markets. "Summit Funding has always been an attractive place to originate because of how much the company develops their loan officers. Loan officers like Stacey Duncan are becoming attracted to a company that practices what they preach when it comes to development of the LO. The days of talking about doing it versus taking action are over; LO's want a company that takes action," said Chris Shelton, Divisional Sales Leader.

自年初以來,峯會資金已經僱用了近50名貸款主管,開設了四家大型分支機構,加強其在中西部,東南部,中南部和東北證券市場的戰略目標。“ 峯會資金一直是一個有吸引力的初始地方,因爲公司對貸款主管的發展投入很大。當涉及到貸款主管培養時,像Stacey Duncan這樣的貸款主管正在被吸引到這樣一家貫徹言行一致發展LO的公司。只是談論與採取行動的日子已經結束;貸款主管希望加入行動的公司,“Chris Shelton,部門銷售負責人說。“像Rui,Jason和Stacey這樣的優秀員工實際上擁有5-10個人的成果。我相信有更少但更有效的領導者,這就是我們正在構建的。我們僱傭貸款主管的信仰也是如此:僱傭更少的貸款主管,通過團隊合作,協作和大規模市場營銷和銷售,將其發展到每月10-30個貸款。”美國基金高管Todd Scrima補充道。峯會資金繼續通過培養一個社區致力於有意識的導師,讓個體發聲以及推動個人和財務增長,爲過於追求利潤而忽視人的行業帶來希望和關聯。支持這一願景的一個關鍵舉措是“導師支持”吸引力電話。這些由峯會資金首席執行官Todd Scrima主持的一小時輔導課程,教授解決抵押貸款行業中潛在客戶問題的創新方法。通過融合數字營銷和有意識的溝通,這些課程有助於貸款主管找到更多的潛在客戶和推薦人,加強了峯會發展人才的承諾。

"Great people like Rui, Jason, and Stacey have the results of 5-10 people. I am a believer in fewer people who are more effective leaders, and that is what we are building. Our belief is the same with hiring Loan Officers: hire fewer of them and get them to 10-30 loans per month through teamwork, collaboration, and massive marketing and sales," added Todd Scrima, CEO of Summit Funding.

"像瑞、賈森和斯泰西這樣的出色人才可以達到5-10人的成果。我相信選擇更有效的領導者而不是更多的人,這正是我們正在建立的。我們僱傭貸款專員的信念也是相同的:僱傭更少的人,並通過團隊合作、協作和大規模的營銷和銷售來使他們每月獲得10-30筆貸款。" Todd Scrima,峯會資金首席執行官。峯會資金通過培養一個社區致力於有意識的導師,讓個體發聲以及推動個人和財務增長,爲過於追求利潤而忽視人的行業帶來希望和關聯。

Summit Funding continues to bring hope and connection to an industry fixated on profits over people by cultivating a community focused on intentional mentorship, empowering individual voices, and driving personal and financial growth. A key initiative supporting this vision is the "Lead Lift" attraction calls. These one-hour coaching sessions, led by CEO Todd Scrima, teach innovative ways to solve the lead problem within the mortgage industry. By blending digital marketing and intentional communication, these sessions help loan officers find more leads and referrals, reinforcing Summit's commitment to developing its people.

支持這一願景的一個關鍵舉措是“導師支持”吸引力電話。這些由峯會資金首席執行官Todd Scrima主持的一小時輔導課程,教授解決抵押貸款行業中潛在客戶問題的創新方法。通過融合數字營銷和有意識的溝通,這些課程有助於貸款主管找到更多的潛在客戶和推薦人,加強了峯會發展人才的承諾。

About Summit Funding, Inc.


Summit Funding, Inc., founded in 1995 by Todd Scrima, has emerged as a beacon of innovation and service excellence in the mortgage industry. With a comprehensive range of mortgage solutions and a steadfast commitment to customer satisfaction, Summit Funding, Inc. has solidified its position as a trusted partner to homeowners and investors nationwide. Headquartered in Sacramento, California, and licensed in 48 states, the company continues to expand its footprint, driven by a passion for helping people achieve their homeownership dreams.

峯會資金成立於1995年,Todd Scrima創立,已成爲抵押貸款行業創新和服務卓越的標誌。峯會資金股份有限公司擁有全面的房貸解決方案和堅定的客戶滿意承諾,鞏固了其作爲全國房地產投資者值得信賴的合作伙伴的地位。總部位於加利福尼亞州薩克拉門託,持有48個州的牌照,該公司不斷擴大業務範圍,推動了向家庭和投資者實現擁有房屋夢想的激情。

For further information, please visit Summit Funding's website.


SOURCE Summit Funding, Inc.


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