
FPL Offers Tips for Customers to Prepare for Hurricane Season

FPL Offers Tips for Customers to Prepare for Hurricane Season

特百惠 ·  05/31 00:00

Ahead of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, which begins tomorrow, June 1, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) is ready for a potentially active season and encourages customers to prepare their homes and businesses as well.


How FPL prepares: FPL works year-round to ensure the energy grid is better prepared for extreme weather conditions, while also equipping its team with the necessary resources and rigorous training to help them respond quicker.


Strengthening the grid: While no electric grid can be stormproof, customers have benefited from FPL's significant investments to upgrade and harden the poles and wires that serve them. This ongoing work, which has resulted in reduced outage times and helps communities get back on their feet faster following severe weather, includes:


  • Strengthening main power lines that serve critical community facilities and services.
  • Proactively relocating neighborhood power lines underground – which perform significantly better during severe weather – through the Storm Secure Underground Program.
  • Managing thousands of miles of vegetation to minimize a leading cause of outages – trees making contact with power lines.
  • Installing more than 215,000 intelligent devices along the electric grid, helping avoid over 600,000 power outages during the past two storm seasons.
  • 加強爲關鍵社區設施和服務提供服務的主要電力線。
  • 通過 Storm Secure Underground 計劃,主動將鄰里電力線轉移到地下,這些線路在惡劣天氣下的表現要好得多。
  • 管理數千英里的植被,以最大限度地減少停電的主要原因——樹木與電力線接觸。
  • 在電網沿線安裝了超過 215,000 臺智能設備,幫助避免了過去兩個風暴季節中超過 600,000 次停電。

A message from FPL President and CEO Armando Pimentel: "FPL is ready for the 2024 hurricane season. We prepare by strengthening the electric grid to better withstand severe weather and by training our team year-round to ensure we are ready to respond when the next storm comes our way. Just as we're prepared, we urge all our customers to take steps now to prepare their families, homes and businesses."


Next steps and preparation tips: Customers can visit for tips and resources as they finalize their emergency plans. Plan ahead for potential outages during severe weather.

後續步驟和準備技巧:客戶可以訪問 在他們最終確定應急計劃時獲取提示和資源。提前做好惡劣天氣期間可能出現的停機計劃。



  • Hiring a licensed vegetation management professional to trim trees near power lines.
  • Reviewing manufacturer instructions for testing and operating any generators.
  • Downloading the FPL mobile app to stay informed (In the App Store or Google Play, or text the word "App" to MyFPL (69375).
  • 聘請持牌植被管理專業人員修剪電力線附近的樹木。
  • 查看製造商關於測試和操作任何發電機的說明。
  • 下載 FPL 移動應用程序以隨時了解情況(在 App Store 或 Google Play 中,或發短信 “應用程序” 一詞到 myFPL(69375)。

Stay connected throughout storm season:


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