
Great Quest Provides Update on Belmont Exploration

Great Quest Provides Update on Belmont Exploration

Great Quest發佈有關Belmont勘探的最新動態
GlobeNewswire ·  06/06 09:27

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Great Quest Fertilizer Ltd. (TSX-V: GQ) ("Great Quest" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on work completed at the Belmont gold target in Namibia and the Company's future plans. Please see the Company's December 23, 2023 and May 27, 2024 press release regarding the Company's acquisition of Belmont Exploration (PTY) Ltd. ("Belmont").

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省,2024年6月6日,環球新聞社——Great Quest Fertilizer Ltd.(TSX-V:GQ)(“Great Quest”或“公司”)很高興地向那米比亞的 Belmont 金礦更新工作進展並介紹公司未來的計劃。請參閱公司於2023年12月23日和2024年5月27日發佈的新聞稿,了解公司收購 Belmont Exploration(PTY)Ltd.(“Belmont”)的詳情。

The Belmont Target
The recently discovered Belmont target, "Belmont", comprises a zone of 72 km2 situated between the Khorixas and Belmont Thrust zones in Namibia which represents one of five exploration targets in Damara gold and lithium projects. Approximately 90% of the prospect is obscured by calcrete and scree cover. Limited work, including rock chip sampling, soil sampling (also calcrete sampling), trenching and a few drillholes, has identified 15 target areas within the Belmont corridor. Individual anomalies appear to coincide with smaller-scale conjugate "splay" structures located between the two thrust zones, namely the Khorixas and the Belmont thrust (Fig. 1).

Belmont 目標
最近發現的 Belmont 目標,即“Belmont”,由一塊 72 千米區域組成,在那米比亞的 Khorixas 和 Belmont 推覆帶之間,代表 Damara 黃金和鋰項目中的五個勘探目標之一。大約有 90% 的區域被軟巖和石屑覆蓋。有限的工作,包括岩石樣品採樣、土壤樣品採樣(也包括軟巖樣品採樣)、開槽和少量鑽孔,已經在 Belmont 走廊內確定了 15 個目標區域。個別的異常似乎與兩個推覆帶之間的較小比例的“拐角”構造相一致,即 Khorixas 和 Belmont 推覆帶(圖 1)。2圖 1:Belmont 走廊地圖

Figure 1: Map of the Belmont Corridor

特斯拉-地圖 of Belmont 走廊

Figure 1: Rock chip samples map from Belmont corridor including both float and in situ samples.

圖 1:Belmont 走廊的岩石樣品圖,包括浮選和neofleX這一新型探針在組織切片的多組學空間生物數據方面,通過針對蛋白質、糖類、代謝物、脂質、內源性肽、除草劑和現在的RNA/DNA,提供了更多像素級解析信息。這種額外的多組學環境提供了關於細胞狀態、功能、結構和蛋白質活性的重要相鄰信息,適用於腫瘤學和神經學等各種研究領域。岩石樣品。

Exploration work commenced at Belmont in September 2023. To date, the work has consisted of mapping, collection of 90 rock chip samples, 2073 calcrete and 973 soil/pitting samples. The Company has identified 5 new targets and expanded existing targets.

2023年9月開始在 Belmont 進行探礦工作。迄今爲止,工作包括地圖繪製、收集了90個岩石樣品、2073個軟巖樣品和973個土壤/鑽探樣品。公司已確定了5個新目標並擴大了現有目標。

Rock Chips
Rock chip samples were collected from the Annex, VG Hill, BK1, BK2, BK3, BK11 and BK12 areas. Selected results reveal samples of 3.93 g/t Au (BK1 NW), 2.5 g/t Au (BK1 NE), 4.6 g/t Au (BK2), 8.08 g/t Au (BK13), 145.7 g/t Au (VG Hill). Multiple Visible Gold samples were observed both at BK2 and VG Hill (Fig. 2).

從 Annex、VG Hill、BK1、BK2、BK3、BK11 和 BK12 區域收集了岩石樣品。選擇的結果顯示出了 3.93 g/t Au(BK1 NW)、2.5 g/t Au(BK1 NE)、4.6 g/t Au(BK2)、8.08 g/t Au(BK13)、145.7 g/t Au(VG Hill)的樣本。在 BK2 和 VG Hill 均觀測到了多個可見黃金樣本(圖 2)。

Figure 2: Images of Rock Chip Samples

圖 2:岩石樣品圖像

Figure 2: A) Rock chip sample from BK2 with visible gold B) & C) Rock chip samples from VG Hill with visible gold.

圖 2:A) 來自 BK2 的岩石樣品,可見黃金 B) 和 C) 來自 VG Hill 的岩石樣品,可見黃金。

The BK2 target which the Company has expanded through mapping and rock chip sampling features a more than 5km long trend with significant gold in rock chip samples (Fig. 3). Approximately 85% of the target area is covered by a layer of calcrete and scree capping with a thickness between one and five meters. Limited percussion drilling at BK2 in 2022, yielded shallow high grade gold mineralization with the best intercept recording 6m at 6.85 g/t Au from 20m.

公司擴大了 BK2 目標區域,並通過繪圖和岩石樣品採樣發現了一條長達 5 公里的顯著含金岩石帶(圖3)。約 85% 的目標區域被軟巖和石屑帽覆蓋,厚度在一到五米之間。2022 年,在 BK2 進行的有限衝擊鑽探中,出現了淺淺的高品位金礦化,其中最好的穿透記錄是 2000 萬,6.85 g/t Au。

Figure 3: Map of the BK2 Target Area

圖 3:BK2 目標區域地圖

Figure 3: Rock chip samples map from the BK2 target area including both float and in situ samples.

圖 3:BK2 目標區域的岩石樣品圖,包括浮選和neofleX這一新型探針在組織切片的多組學空間生物數據方面,通過針對蛋白質、糖類、代謝物、脂質、內源性肽、除草劑和現在的RNA/DNA,提供了更多像素級解析信息。這種額外的多組學環境提供了關於細胞狀態、功能、結構和蛋白質活性的重要相鄰信息,適用於腫瘤學和神經學等各種研究領域。岩石樣品。

Future Work
The immediate work to be completed at the Belmont target includes finalization of detailed mapping performed, analysis of all calcrete and soil samples collected as well as a detailed drone based magnetic survey. Once all data is received, these will be collectively interpreted and used for drill target generation.

在 Belmont 目標區域要完成的直接工作包括完成已執行的詳細映射、分析已收集的所有軟巖和土壤樣品以及進行詳細的基於無人機的磁力調查。一旦收到所有數據,將共同解釋並用於鑽探目標生成。

Dr. Andreas Rompel, President and VP Exploration, commented, "Exploration work is underway at the Belmont Corridor as we assess the magnitude of the mineralization and the deposit size in the concession. Initial sampling shows excellent potential as the Company explores this new target and its focus on gold."

Andreas Rompel博士,總裁兼VP勘探,評論道:“在 Belmont 走廊進行探礦工作,我們評估礦化物的規模和在特許經營權中的存儲量。初始採樣顯示出了很好的潛力,因爲公司探索着這一新目標並專注於黃金。”

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information in this release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Andreas Rompel, Pr.Sci.Nat. (400274/04), FSAIMM, the Company's "qualified person" as defined in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中的科學和技術信息已由 Andreas Rompel博士,Pr.Sci.Nat。(400274/04),FSAIMm,公司的“有資格人員”,根據《43-101號全國信息披露標準-礦業項目披露標準》進行了審核和批准。

About Great Quest

關於Great Quest

Great Quest Fertilizer Ltd. is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the development of African gold projects in Namibia, Morocco and Mali. The Company's flagship asset is the Sanoukou Gold Project, encompassing 24 km2 located in the Kayes region to the West of Mali and developing the Tilemsi Phosphate Project a 1,206 km2 parcel in northeastern Mali, containing high quality phosphate resources amenable to use as direct application fertilizer. Great Quest is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GQ, and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol GQM.

Great Quest Fertilizer Ltd.是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於開發納米比亞、摩洛哥和馬裏的非洲黃金項目。該公司的旗艦資產是Sanoukou Gold Project,佔地24公里。2代表Great Quest Fertilizer Ltd.的董事會



Jed Richardson


Executive Chairman


Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information

關於前瞻性信息的免責聲明本新聞稿可能含有前瞻性聲明。這些聲明包括涉及公司的管理團隊和董事會,Sanoukou Gold Project,Tilemi磷酸鹽項目以及公司未來計劃和目標的影響。這些聲明基於目前的預期和假設,面臨着風險和不確定性。實際結果可能因爲在我們的中期和最近的年度財務報告的管理討論和分析部分或其他報告和文件及TSX Venture Exchange和適用的加拿大證券法規中所討論的因素而有所不同。我們不承擔任何更新前瞻性聲明的義務,除非法律規定。

This news release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, the Company's proposed acquisition of Belmont, the prospectivity of the Belmont Target, the Company's ability to obtain financing, Belmont target and the Company's future plans. These statements are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially because of factors discussed in the management discussion and analysis section of our interim and most recent annual financial statements or other reports and filings with the TSX Venture Exchange and applicable Canadian securities regulations. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable laws.

本新聞可能包含前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明包括但不限於公司擬收購Belmont、Belmont Target的前景、公司獲取融資的能力、Belmont Target和公司的未來計劃。這些聲明基於目前的預期和假設,受到風險和不確定性的影響。實際結果可能因在中期和最近的年度財務報表或其他報告和提交加拿大證券交易所和適用的加拿大證券法規的管理討論和分析部分中討論的因素而有所不同。除適用法律要求外,我們不承擔任何更新前瞻性聲明的義務。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者不對此新聞稿的充分性或準確性負責。

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CONTACT: For more information:  Please contact Aidan Sullivan by email at
聯繫人:欲了解更多信息,請通過IR@greatquest.com與Aidan Sullivan聯繫。

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