
Magna Mining Awards the Contract for Advanced Exploration at the Crean Hill Project

Magna Mining Awards the Contract for Advanced Exploration at the Crean Hill Project

Magna Mining在Crean Hill項目授予高級勘探合同。
newsfile ·  06/11 07:00

Sudbury, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 11, 2024) - Magna Mining Inc. (TSXV: NICU) (OTCQB: MGMNF) (FSE: 8YD) ("Magna" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the award of the Advanced Exploration ("ADEX") contract at the Crean Hill Project ("Crean Hill") to Aki-eh Dibinwewziwin Limited Partnership ("ADLP"). ADLP is a partnership between Atikameksheng Anishnawbek, Wahnapitae First Nation, and Technica Mining.

安大略省蘇德伯裏——(新聞稿聚焦 - 2024年6月11日) - 礦業公司Magna Mining Inc.(TSXV:NICU)(OTCQB:MGMNF)(FSE:8YD)(“Magna”或“公司”)很高興地宣佈,將Crean Hill項目(“Crean Hill”)的高級勘探(“ADEX”)合同授予Aki-eh Dibinwewziwin有限合夥企業(“ADLP”)。ADLP是Atikameksheng Anishnawbek,Wahnapitae First Nation和Technica Mining之間的一個合作伙伴關係。

Jason Jessup, CEO of Magna Mining, stated, "We are confident in our decision to award the ADEX mining at Crean Hill to ADLP. We have been in discussions with ADLP for several months and they have demonstrated the culture and expertise that meets our expectations. Additionally, working with a local mining contracting company on our project will help to minimize costs and re-enforces our conviction to build strong relationships with our local stakeholders while contributing to the economic growth in the Sudbury region."

Magna Mining的首席執行官Jason Jessup表示:“我們對將ADEX礦業授予ADLP的決定充滿信心。我們與ADLP進行了數月的討論,他們展示了滿足我們期望的文化和專業知識。此外,在我們的項目上與當地礦業承包公司合作將有助於將成本降至最低,並加強我們建立與當地利益相關方的強有力關係,爲蘇德伯裏地區經濟增長做出貢獻。”

Gimaa Nootchtai of Atikameksheng Anishnawbek commented, "Magna Mining has shown its commitment to respect and promote First Nations involvement in its mining operations in the Sudbury Basin. They have provided economic reconciliation to our Nation initially by awarding a contract to our drilling company Bagonea'an - JS Drilling Inc., and we are ecstatic that Magna Mining has now awarded us this contract on the Crean Hill Project in conjunction with our partners Wahnapitae First Nation and Technica Mining. We appreciate Magna Mining's commitment to working with Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and we look forward to working with them on this exciting project as it will provide additional financial benefits, employment, and business opportunities for our Nation."

Atikameksheng Anishnawbek的Gimaa Nootchtai評論說:“Magna Mining顯示了尊重和促進第一民族參與其在Sudbury盆地的採礦活動的承諾。他們最初通過將合同授予我們的鑽探公司Bagonea'an - JS Drilling Inc.爲我們的國家提供了經濟上的協調,我們非常高興Magna Mining現在向我們的合作伙伴Wahnapitae First Nation和Technica Mining共同授予Crean Hill項目的合同。我們感謝Magna Mining與Atikameksheng Anishnawbek合作的承諾,並期待與他們在這個激動人心的項目上合作,因爲這將爲我們的國家提供額外的財務收益、就業機會和商業機會。”

Chief Roque of Wahnapitae First Nation stated, "This contract with Magna Mining will have a tremendous impact on the growth and prosperity of ADLP and its partners. Once again, local First Nations will have direct input on the work being done on our traditional territories and we will finally benefit as equals from that work. We are grateful to Magna Mining for this opportunity, the acknowledgement it provides, and the financial benefits it will provide for many generations to come."

Wahnapitae First Nation的Roque酋長表示:“這份與Magna Mining簽訂的合同將對ADLP及其合作伙伴的增長和繁榮產生巨大影響。一旦再次,當地的第一民族將對其傳統領土上的工作直接進行輸入,我們將以平等的方式終於從那項工作中受益。我們感謝Magna Mining爲我們提供這個機會,提供的認可和它將爲未來幾代人提供的財務福利。”

"As we continue to cultivate our partnership with Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and Wahnapitae First Nation under our recently formed Limited Partnership Aki-eh Dibinwewziwin (ADLP), I am truly excited that Magna Mining has selected ADLP as its contractor of choice for their Advanced Exploration," added Mario Grossi, CEO of Technica Mining. "From the very beginning, there was a true alignment in our core values and everyone shared the same vision, both technically and spiritually, which will undoubtedly guide us through successful Advanced Exploration and ultimately, commercial production. We look forward to sharing the positive impact this project will have for the Indigenous Communities actively involved in the project and the community at large as we work together to extract the critical minerals Canada needs to become leaders in the energy transition."

Technica Mining首席執行官Mario Grossi補充道:“隨着我們在Atikameksheng Anishnawbek和Wahnapitae First Nation之間不久前成立的有限合夥企業Aki-eh Dibinwewziwin(ADLP)中的合作伙伴關係的培育,我真的很興奮Magna Mining已經選擇ADLP作爲其高級勘探的承包商。從一開始,我們的核心價值觀就完全一致,每個人都分享了相同的願景,無論是技術方面還是精神方面,這無疑將通過成功的高級勘探和最終的商業生產指導我們。我們期待着分享這個項目將爲積極參與該項目的土著社區和整個社區帶來的積極影響,以及我們共同努力開採加拿大非常需要的關鍵礦物所帶來的積極影響。”

The initial phase of the ADEX mining program will consist of a surface bulk sample of approximately 20,000 tonnes from the 109 Footwall Zone. The mobilization and site preparation are scheduled to begin in June, with drilling and blasting commencing in July, followed by processing at Glencore's Strathcona facility (See news release dated June 4, 2024). Dewatering of the historic underground workings via the main shaft is planned to commence in Q3, allowing for the start of the portal on surface and underground ramp development later in 2024. Dewatering will be ongoing throughout the ADEX program and water will be treated through an existing water treatment system located off the Crean Hill property. The initial capital required to commence the surface bulk sample program at Crean Hill is expected to be funded from Magna's existing cash balance.

ADEX採礦計劃的初始階段將包括109英尺牆扣的表面批量樣品,總量約爲20,000噸。移動和現場準備工作計劃從6月開始,鑽探和爆破計劃於7月開始,隨後在Glencore的Strathcona設施進行處理(請參見2024年6月4日新聞稿)。計劃於第三季度通過主要豎井排水歷史潛在的地下積水,以便於開始但地面和地下坡道的開發。由於ADEX計劃將持續排水,因此水將通過位於Crean Hill物業之外的現有水處理系統進行處理。開始Crean Hill表面批量樣品計劃所需的初始資本預計將從Magna的現有現金餘額中獲得資助。

Mineral Resource Estimate and Updated PEA


Magna is currently in the process of updating the current National Instrument 43-101 compliant Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for Crean Hill, which is expected to be completed in Q3 2024. The new MRE will include the more than 23,000 metres of diamond drilling that has been completed since Magna acquired Crean Hill in November 2022. The new MRE will also be used to publish an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") for Crean Hill, which is expected to be completed in Q3/Q4 2024. The updated PEA will use a higher cut-off grade compared to the current PEA (published by Stantec, July 2023) and will focus on evaluating the potential economics of a higher-grade, lower production rate, underground only mining operation. Ore selling/toll milling agreements for Crean Hill are already in place with Vale Base Metals and Glencore Canada Corporation, providing better assumptions on which to evaluate the potential economics in the PEA. The PEA will aim to maximise early mining revenues to help fund the mine development in the initial years of development and reduce the upfront capital that is required.

Magna目前正在更新Crean Hill的現有43-101規範的礦產資源估算(“MRE”),預計將在2024年第三季度完成。新的MRE將包括自Magna於2022年11月收購Crean Hill以來完成的23,000多米的金剛石鑽探。新的MRE還將用於發佈Crean Hill的更新初步經濟評估(“PEA”),預計將於2024年第三季度/第四季度完成。更新的PEA將與當前PEA(由Stantec於2023年7月發佈)相比採用更高的截止等級,並專注於評估更高品位、低產量、僅地下采礦的潛在經濟。 Crean Hill的礦石銷售/代磨協議已經與Vale Base Metals和Glencore Canada Corporation簽訂,爲評估PEA中的潛在經濟提供了更好的前提條件。 PEA的目標是最大限度地提高早期礦業收入,以幫助資助礦山開發的最初幾年並降低所需的前期資本。

Qualified Person


The technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by David King, M.Sc., P.Geo. Mr. King is the Senior Vice President, Technical Services for Magna Mining Inc. and is a qualified person under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已由David King,M.Sc.,P.Geo.審核批准。金先生是Magna Mining Inc.技術服務高級副總裁,是加拿大43-101號國家工具的合格人。

About ADLP


Aki-eh Dibinwewziwin Limited Partnership (ADLP) is an Indigenous and Canadian-owned underground mine contracting limited partnership based in Sudbury. Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and Wahnapitae First Nation share a 51% ownership of ADLP and Technica Mining is the minority shareholder and operating partner. The name, Aki-eh Dibinwewziwin, was given jointly by elders and language keepers and means "to be owned by the earth". The limited partnership aims to make a real difference for Indigenous communities, ensuring they finally benefit from the mining activity taking place on their traditional territories.

Aki-eh Dibinwewziwin有限合作夥企業(ADLP)是總部位於Sudbury的一個土著和加拿大擁有的地下礦業承包企業。Atikameksheng Anishnawbek和Wahnapitae First Nation共同持有ADLP的51%所有權,Technica Mining是少數股東和經營合作伙伴。姓名“ Aki-eh Dibinwewziwin”是由長老和語言保護者共同給出的,意思是“被地球擁有”。有限合作伙伴企業旨在爲土著社區帶來真正的差異,確保他們終於從其傳統領土上的採礦活動中受益。

About Magna Mining Inc.

關於Magna Mining Inc。

Magna Mining is an exploration and development company focused on nickel, copper and Platinum Group Metals (PGM) projects in the Sudbury Region of Ontario, Canada. The Company's flagship assets are the past producing Shakespeare and Crean Hill Mines. The Shakespeare Mine is a feasibility stage project which has major permits for the construction of a 4,500 tonne per day open pit mine, processing plant and tailings storage facility and is surrounded by a contiguous 180km2 prospective land package. Crean Hill is a past producing nickel, copper and PGM mine with a technical report dated July 2023. Additional information about the Company is available on SEDAR () and on the Company's website ().

Magna Mining是一家專注於安大略省蘇德伯裏地區鎳,銅和鉑族金屬(PGM)項目的勘探和開發公司。該公司的旗艦資產是曾經生產的Shakespeare和Crean Hill礦山。 Shakespeare Mine是一個可行性階段的項目,其具有建造每天4,500噸開放式採石場、加工廠和尾礦儲存設施的主要許可證,並被一個連續的180公里的前景地皮圍繞着。Crean Hill是一個歷史上生產鎳,銅和PGM的礦山,其有一份截止2023年7月的技術報告。公司的額外信息可以在SEDAR上()和公司的網站()獲得。2本新聞稿中的技術信息已由David King,M.Sc.,P.Geo.審核批准。金先生是Magna Mining Inc.技術服務高級副總裁,是加拿大43-101號國家工具的合格人。

For further information, please contact:


Jason Jessup
Chief Executive Officer

Jason Jessup



Paul Fowler, CFA
Senior Vice President

Paul Fowler,CFA

Cautionary Statement


This press release contains certain forward-looking information, or forward-looking statements as defined in applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts and are subject to several risks and uncertainties beyond the Company's control, including statements regarding the production at the Shakespeare and Crean Hill Mines, the economic and operational potential of the Shakespeare and Crean Hill Mines, potential acquisitions, plans to complete exploration programs, potential mineralization, exploration results and statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions of the Company. Resource exploration and development is highly speculative, characterized by several significant risks, which even a combination of careful evaluation, experience and knowledge may not eliminate. All forward-looking statements herein are qualified by this cautionary statement. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information or future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law.

本新聞稿包含某些前瞻性信息,或根據適用證券法定義的前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明並非歷史事實,受到超出公司控制範圍的多個風險和不確定性的影響,包括對Shakespeare和Crean Hill Mines生產、Shakespeare和Crean Hill Mines的經濟和運營潛力的陳述、潛在收購、計劃完成勘探計劃、潛在礦化、勘探結果以及有關公司信仰、計劃、期望或意圖的陳述。資源勘探和開採活動是具有很高風險的,有幾個重大風險,即使是仔細評估、經驗和知識的結合也可能無法消除。本新聞稿中的所有前瞻性聲明均經此謹慎聲明的限制並說明。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性聲明。該公司沒有義務公開更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明或發佈新的信息,除非法律規定。

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