
Hostess Is Sparking Moments of Carefree Joy This Summer, Partnering With DroneUp to Literally Drop Joy Across the Country

Hostess Is Sparking Moments of Carefree Joy This Summer, Partnering With DroneUp to Literally Drop Joy Across the Country

PR Newswire ·  06/11 08:03

Hostess Joy Drops campaign will deliver packages of fun to people named Joy

Hostess Joy Drops 活動將爲名叫 Joy 的人提供樂趣包

ORRVILLE, Ohio, June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Calling all Joys! The Hostess brand, known for both its soft, fluffy sweet snacks and for delivering moments of carefree joy in everyday life, is launching Hostess Joy Drops today. This new campaign is encouraging consumers to find time for more joy-filled moments this summer.

俄亥俄州奧爾維爾,2024 年 6 月 11 日 /PRNewswire/ — Calls All Joys!女主人 該品牌以其柔軟蓬鬆的甜點和在日常生活中帶來無憂無慮的歡樂時光而聞名,今天推出了Hostess Joy Drops。這項新活動鼓勵消費者在今年夏天抽出時間享受更多充滿歡樂的時光。

Starting today and through July 2, consumers can nominate themselves or a person who has the name Joy as a part of their first, middle or last name, for the chance to surprise them with a package that will create a moment of carefree joy.
從今天開始,直到7月2日,消費者可以提名自己或名字 Joy 作爲名字、中間名或姓氏的人,有機會通過一個能創造無憂無慮歡樂時刻的套餐給他們一個驚喜。
Hostess will be dropping joy through a partnership with DroneUp to 100 winners who will be selected to receive a Joy Drop filled with fan-favorite Hostess snacks and swag to enhance their summer fun.
Hostess將通過與DroneUp合作的100名獲勝者送出歡樂,他們將被選中獲得Joy Drop,裏面裝滿了粉絲最喜歡的Hostess零食和紀念品,以增強他們的夏日樂趣。

Starting today and through July 2, consumers can nominate themselves or a person who has the name Joy as a part of their first, middle or last name, through the official Joy Drops page, for the chance to surprise them with a package that will create a moment of carefree joy. One hundred winners will be selected to receive a Joy Drop filled with fan-favorite Hostess snacks and swag to enhance their summer fun. Powdery Donettes mini donuts and signature crème-filled Twinkies snack cakes, along with reusable water balloons and other toys and games will be included in each drop.

從今天開始直到7月2日,消費者可以通過官方提名自己或名字、中間名或姓氏中名爲Joy的人 歡樂掉寶頁面,有機會用一個能創造無憂無慮歡樂時刻的套餐給他們一個驚喜。將選出一百名獲勝者獲得 Joy Drop,裏面裝滿了粉絲最喜歡的 Hostess 零食和紀念品,以增強他們的夏日樂趣。粉狀甜甜圈 迷你甜甜圈和招牌奶油填充的 Twinkies 零食蛋糕,以及可重複使用的水氣球和其他玩具和遊戲將包含在每滴水中。

And what a surprise these nominated Joys will get! Hostess will literally be dropping joy through a partnership with DroneUp, America's leading autonomous drone delivery company. Drone delivery will be available in select cities in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, Utah and Virginia. All other Hostess Joy Drops will be delivered via mail.

而這些被提名的 Joy 會得到多大的驚喜!通過與女主人的合作,Hostess 真的會大放異彩 DroneUp,美國領先的自動無人機交付公司。將在亞利桑那州、阿肯色州、佛羅里達州、德克薩斯州、猶他州和弗吉尼亞州的部分城市提供無人機交付服務。所有其他 Hostess Joy Drops 將通過郵件發送。

"We believe in helping families elevate small moments of joy and togetherness in everyday life to create connections, and our snacks reinforce that," said Vice President, marketing, Sweet Baked Snacks, Chris Balach at The J.M. Smucker Co. "We are excited to further inspire carefree joy among families this summer in an innovative way, by literally dropping joy."

J.M. Smucker Co. Sweet Baked Snacks營銷副總裁克里斯·巴拉赫表示:“我們相信可以幫助家庭提升日常生活中微小的歡樂和團聚時光,從而建立聯繫,而我們的零食則強化了這一點。”“今年夏天,我們很高興能以創新的方式進一步激發家庭無憂無慮的快樂,實際上是放下歡樂。”

Hostess is dropping joy at just the right time, according to a new survey of 2,000 U.S. millennial parents. Commissioned by Hostess and conducted by Talker Research, the survey found that parents said their families are in the greatest need of joyful moments during the summer break (34%), followed by winter months (18%) and the holiday break (15%).

一項針對2,000名美國千禧一代父母的新調查顯示,女主人在恰當的時機放下歡樂。該調查由Hostess委託,由Talker Research進行,發現家長表示,他們的家庭在暑假期間最需要快樂時光(34%),其次是冬季(18%)和假期(15%)。

"At DroneUp, we've been working with industry leaders in retail and restaurants for the past few years, making drone delivery and convenience a reality for customers," said Greg James, vice president, business development at DroneUp. "This summer, we're thrilled to collaborate with Hostess, bringing our innovative drone technology to their delicious snacks. Together, we'll deliver joy, ensuring guaranteed smiles - faster than ever before."


The survey found 91% of parents believe finding everyday moments of joy in the day can have a positive impact both on their own and their kid's wellbeing and 89% of parents have tried to make the typical day at home feel more fun.


Visit to nominate a person who has the name Joy as a part of their first, middle or last name. To enjoy Hostess snacks and find a retailer near you, visit .

參觀 提名一個名字、中間名或姓氏中名爲 Joy 的人。要享受 Hostess 小吃並尋找附近的零售商,請訪問 。

About The J. M. Smucker Co.
At The J.M. Smucker Co., it is our privilege to make food people and pets love by offering a diverse family of brands available across North America. We are proud to lead in the coffee, peanut butter, fruit spreads, frozen handheld, sweet baked goods, dog snacks and cat food categories by offering brands consumers trust for themselves and their families each day including Folgers, Dunkin', Café Bustelo, Jif, Smucker's Uncrustables, Smucker's, Hostess, Voortman, Milk-Bone and Meow Mix. Through our unwavering commitment to producing high quality products, operating responsibly and ethically and delivering on our Purpose, we will continue to grow our business while making a positive impact on society. For more information, please visit

關於 J.M. Smucker Co.
在 J.M. Smucker Co.,我們很榮幸能夠通過在北美提供多樣化的品牌家族來讓人們和寵物喜愛的食物。我們很自豪能夠在咖啡、花生醬、水果醬、手持冷凍食品、甜味烘焙食品、狗零食和貓糧類別中處於領先地位,每天爲自己和家人提供信賴的品牌,包括 Folgers,Dunkin', Cafeé Bustelo,Jif,Smucker's 堅不可摧的東西,Smucker's,女主人,沃爾特曼,Milk-Bone 還有 Meow Mix。通過我們堅定不移地致力於生產高質量的產品,以負責任和合乎道德的方式運營,實現我們的宗旨,我們將繼續發展我們的業務,同時對社會產生積極影響。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

The J.M. Smucker Co. is the owner of all trademarks referenced herein, except for Dunkin', which is a trademark of DD IP Holder LLC. The Dunkin' brand is licensed to The J.M. Smucker Co. for packaged coffee products sold in retail channels, such as grocery stores, mass merchandisers, club stores, e-commerce and drug stores, as well as in certain away from home channels. This information does not pertain to products for sale in Dunkin' restaurants.

J.M. Smucker Co. 是此處提及的所有商標的所有者,Dunkin' 除外,這是 DD IP Holder LLC 的商標。The Dunkin' 該品牌已獲得 J.M. Smucker Co. 的許可,用於在零售渠道銷售的包裝咖啡產品,例如雜貨店、大衆銷售商、俱樂部商店、電子商務和藥店,以及某些離家渠道。此信息與在 Dunkin' 中出售的產品無關 餐館。

About DroneUp
DroneUp is a pioneering autonomous drone delivery company that specializes in providing innovative and efficient solutions for last-mile delivery. DroneUp's proprietary autonomous technology is integrated with its ground infrastructure to provide affordable and scalable last-mile delivery. With a commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technology and a customer-centric approach, DroneUp is revolutionizing the way goods are transported, making delivery faster, safer, and more cost-effective.

關於 DroneUp
DroneUp是一家開創性的自動無人機交付公司,專門爲最後一英里交付提供創新和高效的解決方案。DroneUp 的專有自動駕駛技術與其地面基礎設施相集成,可提供經濟實惠且可擴展的最後一英里交付。DroneUp致力於利用尖端技術和以客戶爲中心的方法,正在革新貨物的運輸方式,使交付更快、更安全、更具成本效益。

Founded in 2016, DroneUp is headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia. DroneUp provides drone delivery service in 34 locations across six states for the #1 retailer in the world, Walmart, Inc.

DroneUp 成立於 2016 年,總部位於弗吉尼亞州的弗吉尼亞海灘。DroneUp在六個州的34個地點爲全球 #1 零售商沃爾瑪公司提供無人機送貨服務。

For more information:


Editor's note regarding survey methodology: Data was collected from a survey conducted by market research company Talker Research on behalf of Hostess from May 3-13, 2024, with a panel of 2,000 millennial American parents of children under 18.

關於調查方法的編者注: 數據來自市場研究公司Talker Research於2024年5月3日至13日代表Hostess進行的一項調查,該調查由2,000名18歲以下子女的千禧一代美國父母組成。

Editor's note regarding sweepstakes: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Open only to legal residents of the 50 US/DC, 18 years of age and older, who have been nominated by themselves or someone else because they have the name "Joy" as or within their first, middle, or last name. Nominators do not need to have an eligible name unless they are nominating themselves. Void where prohibited by law. Sweepstakes starts 7:00 a.m. CT on 6/11/24 and ends 11:59 p.m. CT on 7/2/24. Subject to Official Rules, including how to enter, prize details, nominator eligibility, odds, and restrictions, see here. Sponsor: Hostess Brands, LLC, 150 N. Wacker Dr. Suite 2700 Chicago, IL 60606.

關於抽獎的編者注: 無需購買。購買不會增加您獲勝的機會。僅向年齡在18歲及以上的50個美國/哥倫比亞特區的合法居民開放,他們因爲名字、中間名或姓氏中有 “Joy” 這個名字而由自己或其他人提名。除非提名人自己提名,否則提名人無需具有合格姓名。在法律禁止的地方無效。抽獎活動於 24 年 6 月 11 日美國東部時間上午 7:00 開始,美國東部時間於 7 月 2 日晚上 11:59 結束。視官方規則(包括如何參賽、獎品詳情、提名者資格、賠率和限制)而定,請參閱 這裏。贊助商:Hostess Brands, LLC,150 N. Wacker Dr. Suite 2700 伊利諾伊州芝加哥 60606。

Media Contacts:


For Hostess
Carmichael Lynch Relate
[email protected]


For DroneUp
Escalate PR
[email protected]

適用於 DroneUp

SOURCE The J.M. Smucker Co.

來源 J.M. Smucker Co.

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