
Seer Proteograph Provides Differentiated Insights Into Spaceflight Proteomic Alterations for Precision Medicine and Biomarker Discovery

Seer Proteograph Provides Differentiated Insights Into Spaceflight Proteomic Alterations for Precision Medicine and Biomarker Discovery

Seer Proteograph爲精準醫學和生物標記物探索提供了不同的太空飛行蛋白質組學變化研究結果。
Seer Inc ·  06/11 00:00

Secretome profiles from SpaceX Inspiration4 mission show alterations in oxidative stress, brain homeostasis, and coagulation


Creation of first-of-its-kind comprehensive atlas of molecular and physiological multiomic profiles available from multiple spaceflight missions


REDWOOD CITY, Calif., June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Seer, Inc. (NASDAQ: SEER), a leading life sciences company commercializing a disruptive new platform for proteomics, today announced three publications highlighting studies led by Christopher Mason, Ph.D. that show how Seer's Proteograph Product Suite can uncover novel insights into plasma proteomic changes that occur during spaceflight. The studies further demonstrate the power of the Proteograph workflow to offer scientists a deeper understanding of physiological responses and biology that can advance the development of novel biomarkers and precision medicines across a wide range of research sectors.

加利福尼亞州雷德伍德市,2024年6月11日(環球經貿新聞)-- Seer公司 (納斯達克: SEER) 作爲一家領先的生命科學公司,推出一款激進的新蛋白質組學平台,並宣佈由Christopher Mason博士領導的三項研究成果。這些研究表明,Seer的Proteograph系列產品可以發現太空飛行期間發生的血漿蛋白質變化帶來的新見解。而且,這些研究進一步展示了Proteograph工作流程的強大功能,爲科學家提供了更深入地研究生理響應和生物學的能力,從而推進在各個研究領域開發新的生物標誌物和精準醫學治療方法。Seer公司(納斯達克:SEER)是一家領先的生命科學公司,商業化運用一種顛覆性的全新蛋白質組學平台。今天,該公司宣佈發表了由Christopher Mason 博士領導的三篇研究,並在其研究成果中闡明瞭Seer Proteograph產品系列的功能,表明其如何揭示出太空飛行期間的血漿蛋白質變化,爲科學家提供了研究生理響應和生物學的更深入的能力。這些成果展示了Proteograph工作流程的強大功能,旨在推進生物標誌物和精準醫學等研究領域的發展。

Omid Farokhzad, M.D., Chair & Chief Executive Officer of Seer said, "Exploring the effects of space flight on the human body presents an intriguing frontier for proteomic research. These papers highlight Seer's technology to provide unbiased insights into the proteome and shed light on dysfunctional biological alterations. At Seer, we empower researchers in detecting proteins and peptides quickly and easily, pushing the boundaries of proteomics and genomics research."

Seer的董事長及首席執行官Omid Farokhzad 博士表示,"探索太空飛行對人體的影響爲蛋白質組學研究打開了一個迷人的新世界。這幾篇論文強調Seer的技術可以提供無偏見的蛋白質組數據,爲了解生物表徵方面的異動提供了更多反思的空間。作爲科學家的一種工具,Seer的 Proteograph 處理方法可以幫助科學家暢通無阻地檢測蛋白質和肽段,向前推動蛋白質組學和基因組學研究的邊界。"

Published in Nature, the first two manuscripts, "The Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA): A comprehensive data resource and international biobank for astronauts," and "A second space age," highlight data and a sample repository for clinical, cellular, and multiomic profiles from multiple space missions, including SpaceX Inspiration4, Polaris Dawn, Axiom-2, NASA Twins Study, and JAXA Cell-Free RNA Study. The first-of-its-kind data resource, which includes plasma proteomic data generated from Seer's Proteograph workflow, offers the life sciences and aerospace communities information that could further be leveraged to study aerospace-associated physiological changes.

第一篇和第二篇手稿的題名分別爲"太空組學和醫學圖集(SOMA):爲宇航員提供綜合的數據資源和國際生物庫",以及"第二個太空時代"。這兩篇手稿是發表在 ", 尤其是包括太空X Inspiration4、Polaris Dawn、Axiom-2、NASA Twins Study和JAXA細胞自由RNA Study 等多次太空任務中獲取的臨床、細胞和多組進化素分佈的樣本庫數據,這是一個獨一無二的數據資源,其中包括由Seer Proteograph工作流程生成的血漿蛋白質數據,爲生命科學和宇航界提供了有關太空飛行期間生理變化的重要信息。Nature三篇手稿分別發表在 ",其中第一篇和第二篇手稿的題名分別爲"太空組合和醫學圖冊(SOMA):爲宇航員提供全面的數據資源和國際生物庫"以及"第二個太空時代"。這兩篇手稿重點介紹了從多次太空任務中獲取的臨床、細胞和多組進化素分佈的樣本庫數據,包括太空X Inspiration4、Polaris Dawn、Axiom-2、NASA Twins Study和JAXA的無細胞RNA研究。第一篇手稿使得該獨特的數據資源的這些點摘要可供利用。

The third manuscript, "Secretome profiling captures acute changes in oxidative stress, brain homeostasis, and coagulation following short-duration spaceflight," was published in Nature Communications, describing a study led by Dr. Mason, along with Seer scientists. In the study, the researchers profiled the secretome (plasma proteome, metabolome, and extracellular vesicles and particles) from astronauts of the first all-civilian space flight mission, the SpaceX Inspiration4, using multiple methods, including proteomic profiling from plasma using Seer's Proteograph workflow. Additionally, the scientists evaluated brain-associated changes in spaceflight mice and changes in the blood-brain barrier.

第三篇手稿的題名爲"Secretome profiling captures acute changes in oxidative stress, brain homeostasis, and coagulation following short-duration spaceflight",由Mason博士領導,並與Seer公司的科學家一起進行研究。在這項研究中,該團隊使用在多種方法中提取出的astro血漿、Seer Proteograph、Western blot、週期性酶聯免疫吸附實驗(PELIA)、ELISA、NMR spe-labelling對小鼠進行了體外和體內的研究。此外,該研究小組對太空任務小鼠的腦相關變化以及血腦屏障變化進行了評估。no雖然作者報告稱,分泌物組分的急性變化在返回地球六個月後就恢復了,但多數血漿差別丰度蛋白質的變化仍持續六個月以上,其中包括與凝血、創傷癒合、抗氧化和腦功能有關的蛋白質變化。

While the authors reported acute changes in secretome profiles that recovered six months following the return to Earth, a majority of the plasma differentially abundant proteins were still altered six months after return. More specifically, the researchers noted significant alterations in proteins involved in coagulation and wound healing, antioxidation, and brain function.

Christopher Mason博士是這些論文的第一作者,也是Seer的科學顧問委員會的成員。他說:"通過與Seer公司的合作,我們能夠準確地定位出以前從未出現過的血漿蛋白質變化,涵蓋了成千上萬個新的蛋白質度量標準,這可以開創出新的治療和生物標誌物發現的新途徑。將來,我們可以利用這些數據隨着時間的推移監測身體的其他生理變化,從而創建出重點的個性化應對策略。"

Dr. Mason, lead author of the publications and member of the Seer Scientific Advisory Board, said, "Through our collaboration with Seer, we were able to pinpoint protein changes in plasma never before possible, spanning thousands of new protein metrics, which could offer new avenues of therapeutic and biomarker discovery. In the future, we can use this data to monitor additional physiological changes over time to then create focused and personalized countermeasures."

該研究(使用早期版本的Seer Proteograph技術和質譜儀)共篩選出了23,164個可與2,992個獨特蛋白組相映射的肽段(蛋白和肽段FDR的截止值爲1%),每個樣品檢測到的平均蛋白質數量爲2,104個。這三張論文是44篇在各個領域中發表的太空任務論文的一部分。這些論文展示了各個任務獲得的詳細資料,並展示了計劃在月球和火星進行的未來任務,並提供了有關獲得的Proteograph數據的其他信息。

The study (which used an older version of the Seer Proteograph technology and mass spectrometer), identified a total of 23,164 peptides mapping to 2,992 unique protein groups (cutoff of 1% protein and peptide FDR), with an average of 2,104 proteins detected per sample. The three papers are part of a set of 44 space mission papers published in Nature journals today. These papers highlight the in-depth profiles from the missions, showcase the plans for upcoming missions to the moon and Mars, and provide additional information on the Proteograph data gathered.

Seer最近推出的 Proteograph XT Assay Kit 可在保持高分辨率洞察力的前提下以空前的速度、規模和深度進行無偏性的蛋白質組學研究。與下一代質譜儀一起,Proteograph XT 工作流程爲科學家提供了在人類血漿研究中檢測超過60,000個肽段和超過8,000個蛋白質的能力。Seer的技術爲客戶提供了對藥物反應分析、藥物新產品研發、臨床研究中患者分層和精準治療的無與倫比的見解。Nature本新聞稿包含"前瞻性聲明",根據1995年修正版"私有證券訴訟改革法"制定。此類前瞻性聲明基於Seer公司的信仰和假設,以及目前可獲得的信息。前瞻性聲明可能涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,使得Seer公司的實際結果、表現或成果與前瞻性聲明所表達或暗示的結果、表現或成果實質上不同。這些聲明包括但不限於以下內容:Seer的Proteograph揭示了蛋白組和蛋白質變化的新視角、深入了解了生理反應和生物學,包括了生物學的正常和異常變化、太空飛行對人體的影響、宇航員生理變化的探索、促進精準醫學和生物標誌物發現、具有新的蛋白質度量標準、快速輕鬆地檢測大量的肽和蛋白質、在人類血漿研究中檢測超過60,000個肽和超過8,000個蛋白質、提供對藥物反應分析、藥物研發、臨床研究中患者分層和精準治療的無與倫比的見解,以及推動蛋白質組學和基因組學研究速度、規模、深度和邊界。

Seer's recently launched Proteograph XT Assay Kit enables unbiased proteomics research at unprecedented speed, scale, and depth while maintaining high-resolution insights. Together with next generation mass spectrometers, the Proteograph XT workflow offers scientists the capability to detect over 60,000 peptides and over 8,000 proteins in a human plasma study. Seer's technology provides customers with unparalleled insights into drug response analysis, drug discovery, patient stratifications for clinical studies, and precision medicine.

Seer的最新Proteograph XT Assay Kit可在保持高分辨率洞察力的前提下以空前的速度、規模和深度進行無偏性的蛋白質組學研究。與下一代質譜儀一起,Proteograph XT 工作流程爲科學家提供了在人類血漿研究中檢測超過60,000個肽段和超過8,000個蛋白質的能力。Seer的技術爲客戶提供了對藥物反應分析、藥物新產品研發、臨床研究中患者分層和精準治療的無與倫比的見解。

About Seer


Seer is a life sciences company developing transformative products that open a new gateway to the proteome. Seer's Proteograph Product Suite is an integrated solution that includes proprietary engineered nanoparticles, consumables, automation instrumentation and software to perform deep, unbiased proteomic analysis at scale in a matter of hours. Seer designed the Proteograph workflow to be efficient and easy to use, leveraging widely adopted laboratory instrumentation to provide a decentralized solution that can be incorporated by nearly any lab. Seer's Proteograph Product Suite is for research use only and is not intended for diagnostic procedures. For more information, please visit

Seer是一家生命科學公司,正在開發能夠打開蛋白質組的新通道的創新產品。Seer Proteograph產品套件是一個綜合性解決方案,包括專有的工程納米顆粒,消耗品,自動化儀器和軟件,可在幾小時內在大規模進行深入、無偏的蛋白質質譜分析。Seer設計了Proteograph工作流程,使其高效易用,利用廣泛採用的實驗室儀器,提供分散式解決方案,可以被幾乎任何實驗室使用。Seer的Proteograph產品套件僅限於研究使用,不用於診斷程序。有關更多信息,請訪問

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Such forward-looking statements are based on Seer's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to it on the date of this press release. Forward-looking statements may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Seer's actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These statements include but are not limited to statements regarding the potential of Seer's Proteograph to unveil novel unbiased insights into the proteome and proteomic changes, deeper understanding of physiological responses and biology including dysfunctional biological alterations, the effects of space flight on the human body, aerospace associated physiological changes, advance the development of therapeutic and biomarker discovery and precision medicines across a wide range of research sectors and new protein metrics, detecting proteins and peptides quickly and easily, the capability to detect large numbers of peptides and proteins, 60,000 and 8,000 respectively, in human plasma, provide unparalleled insights into drug response analysis, drug discovery, patient stratifications for clinical studies, and precision medicine, and pushing the speed, scale depth and boundaries of proteomics and genomics research. These and other risks are described more fully in Seer's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and other documents that Seer subsequently files with the SEC from time to time. Except to the extent required by law, Seer undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.


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Carrie Mendivil

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