
Aero Energy Announces Drilling Underway at the Murmac Uranium Project, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan

Aero Energy Announces Drilling Underway at the Murmac Uranium Project, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan

Aero Energy宣佈穆克鈾項目正在薩斯喀徹港Athabasca沼澤地帶進行鑽探。
newsfile ·  06/12 07:05

Discovery of Intense Radioactivity at Surface up to 60,793 cps* while Scouting Drill Sites

在勘探鑽井地點發現了表面高達60,793 cps *的強放射性。

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 12, 2024) - Aero Energy Ltd (TSXV: AERO) (OTC Pink: AAUGF) (FSE: 13L0) ("Aero" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the commencement of drilling at its Murmac Uranium Project in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. This significant milestone follows the recent identification of thirteen high-priority drill targets, marking the start of Aero's first-ever drill program (read the news release here).

加拿大卑詩省溫哥華 - (新聞資訊公司 - 2024年6月12日) - 航天能源有限公司 (TSXV: AERO) (OTC場外交易粉紅: AAUGF) (FSE:13L0)("Aero"或"公司高興地宣佈在薩斯喀徹溫省Athabasca盆地的Murmac鈾項目上開始鑽探,這標誌着Aero的首個鑽探計劃的開始。先前的工作已經確定了13個高優先級的鑽探目標,本次鑽探計劃將覆蓋大約2,600米,在Murmac項目進行十三個鑽探孔。該項目由Fortune Bay Corp.操作,其旨在探索高品位的岩牀鈾礦牀,根據實時發現進行調整。這些目標是根據2024年4月完成的高分辨率VTEM勘測和地面重力數據的3D建模選擇的。地球物理特徵、地質特徵、與歷史鈾礦牀的接近程度以及Fortune Bay的歷史鑽探結果進一步確定了這些選擇。

Drilling Program


Drilling is now underway on the first hole and will cover approximately 2,600 meters through ten to thirteen drill holes at the Murmac Project. The program, operated by Fortune Bay Corp., is designed to explore for high-grade basement-hosted uranium deposits and is adaptable based on real-time findings. The targets were selected based on a high-resolution VTEM survey completed in April 2024 and 3D modelling of ground gravity data. Geophysical signatures, geological features, proximity to historical uranium occurrences, and positive past drilling results by Fortune Bay further informed these selections.

第一口鑽孔的鑽探已經開始,將在Murmac項目的十到十三個鑽探孔覆蓋大約2,600米。該計劃由Fortune Bay Corp.操作,其旨在探索高品位的岩牀鈾礦牀,根據實時發現進行調整。這些目標是根據2024年4月完成的高分辨率VTEM勘測和地面重力數據的3D建模選擇的。地球物理特徵、地質特徵、與歷史鈾礦牀的接近程度以及Fortune Bay的歷史鑽探結果進一步確定了這些選擇。

Drilling has begun at target P7 with targets A15 and P4 scheduled next. Target descriptions and locations are provided in Table 1 and Figure 1, respectfully.


In addition to Murmac, Aero is prioritizing further exploration at the Sun Dog and Strike projects, planning an additional 2,000 meters of fully funded drilling. These efforts highlight Aero's commitment to uncovering high-grade uranium deposits across its 250,000-acre land package in the Athabasca Basin.

除Murmac外,Aero還優先考慮Sun Dog和Strike項目的進一步勘探,並計劃進行額外的2,000米充分資金支持的鑽探。這些努力突顯了Aero致力於在其25萬英畝的Athabasca盆地土地包中發現高品位鈾礦牀的承諾。

Discovery of Radioactivity Proximal to Targets


Two occurrences of strong to intense radioactivity have been discovered at surface while scouting the initial drill site locations.


Target A15: 60,793 counts-per-second* in the hanging wall of the target within hematized foliation parallel fractures.

目標A15:60,793 counts-per-second*在礦化的片麻岩平行的斷層中的吊頂上。

Target P4: 13,533 counts-per-second in the hanging wall of the target within hematized fault hosted fractures perpendicular to foliation.

目標P4:13,533 counts-per-second在礦化斷層中垂直於片麻岩構造的吊頂中。

*Measured by handheld RS-125 Super-SPEC gamma ray spectrometer manufactured by Radiation Solutions Inc.

*由Radiation Solutions Inc.製造的手持RS-125 Super-SPEC伽馬射線譜儀測量。

Galen McNamara, CEO of Aero Energy, stated, "The identification of new zones of strong radioactivity adjacent to drill pads and in close association with the targets below underscores the prospectivity of the Murmac Project. Thanks to the robust earlier exploration work by Fortune Bay and the collaborative target selection process, we are poised to embark on this exciting phase of our drilling program and look forward to the potential discoveries ahead."

Aero Energy的首席執行官Galen McNamara表示:"在鑽探平台周圍和下方目標的緊密關聯區域發現了新的強放射性區域,強調了Murmac項目的前景。由於Fortune Bay早期勘探工作穩健並進行了協作目標選擇,我們已經準備好開始這個激動人心的鑽探計劃的新階段,並期待未來的潛在發現."

Figure 1: Murmac Drill Targets


Figure 2: Strong to intense radioactivity measured at targets A15 (left) and P4 (right)


Table 1: Murmac 2024 Drill Targets

表1:Murmac 2024鑽孔靶區

Conductor Corridor Target Target Summary
Pitchvein P7 Along strike follow-up of mineralized intercepts and strong alteration in M22-013 & 014 (Fortune Bay holes). Test for extensions of historical mineralization in CKI-9 (1.01% U3O8 over 2.0 m) and CKI-10 (2.19% U3O8 over 0.5 m).
P4 Along strike follow-up of mineralized intercepts in M22-013 & 014 (Fortune Bay holes). Test intersection of Pitchvein Corridor with property-scale, mineralized cross-fault.
Howland H6 Geophysical target (EM and gravity).
H15 Geophysical target (EM and gravity). Intersection of conductor and property-scale, mineralized cross-fault, beneath lake.
H16 Geophysical target (EM and gravity). Along strike of M22-012 (0.17% U3O8 over 0.1 m) (Fortune Bay hole).
H17 Geophysical target (EM and gravity) at a flexure in the Howland Conductor.
Armbruster A15 Geophysical target (EM and gravity) at intersection of conductor and mineralized cross-fault.
A17 Intersection of conductor and property-scale, mineralized cross-fault. Conductor break/termination.
A18 Geophysical target (EM and gravity). Located along strike to south of Quartzite Ridge uranium showings.
A19 Geophysical target (EM and gravity). Located along strike to south of Quartzite Ridge uranium showings at a flexure in the Armbruster Conductor.
A20 Intersection of conductor and mineralized cross-fault.
A21 Geophysical target (gravity) at intersection of conductor and mineralized cross-fault. Up-ice of 8.82% U3O8 boulder.
A22 Geophysical target (EM and gravity) located at a break in the Armbruster conductor.
導體走廊 目標 目標概要
Pitchvein P7 沿M22-013和014中礦化截面和強變質帶滑移。測試CKI-9(1.01%U,2.0 m)和CKI-10(2.19%U,0.5 m)的歷史礦化推斷和延伸。3O8沿M22-013和014中礦化截面和強變質帶滑移。測試CKI-9(1.01%U,2.0 m)和CKI-10(2.19%U,0.5 m)的歷史礦化推斷和延伸。3O8沿M22-013和014中礦化截面和強變質帶滑移。測試CKI-9(1.01%U,2.0 m)和CKI-10(2.19%U,0.5 m)的歷史礦化推斷和延伸。
沿M22-013和014中礦化截面滑移。測試Pitchvein走廊與領礦過程中的礦化穿越斷層的交匯。 沿M22-013和014中礦化截面滑移。測試Pitchvein走廊與領礦過程中的礦化穿越斷層的交匯。
Howland H6 地球物理目標(Em 和 重力)。
H15 地球物理目標(Em 和 重力)。導體和礦化交越的橫向斷層,在湖下。
H16 地球物理目標(Em 和 重力)。沿M22-012延伸(0.17%鈾)。3O8地球物理目標(電磁和重力)。位於Howland Conductor屈曲處。
H17 地球物理目標(Em 和 重力),在Howland Conductor 的一處彎曲處。
Armbruster A15 地球物理目標(Em 和 重力)在導體和礦化交越處。
A17 Conductor和物性善礦化交錯斷層的交叉點處。Conductor斷裂/結束。
A18 地球物理目標(Em 和 重力)。位於Quartzite Ridge鈾礦展示的南側延伸。
地球物理目標(電磁和重力)。位於Armbruster Conductor屈曲處、石英岩脊鈾展示南部延伸的地方。 地球物理目標(Em 和 重力)。位於Quartzite Ridge鈾礦展示的南側的Armbruster Conductor 漸彎處。
Conductor和礦化交錯斷層的交叉點處。 A20
地球物理目標(重力)位於Conductor和礦化交錯斷層的交叉點處。 在8.82%鈾鵝卵石上游。 地球物理目標(重力)在導體和礦化斷層交匯處,在8.82%鈾的冰上。3O8一個鈾規模爲8.82%的光滑石頭。
A22 地球物理目標(Em 和 重力)位於Armbruster導體斷裂處。

About the Murmac Project


Murmac, situated between the historical Gunnar and Lorado Uranium Mines, has shown significant promise. Historical exploration (1960-1980) revealed numerous high-grade uranium occurrences, though these were not systematically explored for basement-hosted mineralization typical of the Athabasca Basin. A 2022 drilling program by Fortune Bay confirmed the potential for high-grade uranium with significant findings in several drill holes, validating the exploration model.

Murmac位於歷史悠久的Gunnar和Lorado鈾礦之間,顯示出重要潛力。 歷史勘探(1960-1980)揭示了許多高品位鈾出現,但這些並沒有系統地探索Athabasca盆地典型的基底礦化。Fortune Bay在2022年的鑽探計劃證實了高品位鈾的潛力,並在多個鑽孔中發現了重要成果,驗證了勘探模型。

Corporate Update


The Company also announces that it has entered into an agreement with Triomphe Holdings Ltd. (dba Capital Analytica) ("Capital Analytica") for investor relations and communication services (the "Consulting Agreement"). The Consulting Agreement has an initial term of six months, commencing June 15, 2024 under which the Company will pay to Capital Analytica an aggregate of $120,000 at a rate of $20,000 per month, and has an option to renew the Consulting Agreement for an additional 6 months at a rate of $10,000 per month, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the Consulting Agreement. Pursuant to the terms of the Consulting Agreement, Capital Analytica will provide ongoing capital markets consultation, ongoing social media consultation regarding engagement and enhancement, social sentiment reporting, social engagement reporting, discussion forum monitoring and reporting, corporate video dissemination, and other related investor relations services. Capital Analytica is a Nanaimo based company owned and operated by Jeff French who is arm's length to the Company and holds no securities, directly or indirectly of the Company.

該公司還宣佈已與Triomphe Holdings Ltd.(以Capital Analytica dba操作)("Capital Analytica")簽訂投資者關係和溝通服務協議(諮詢協議)。諮詢協議的初始期限爲6個月,從2024年6月15日開始,在此期間,該公司將以每月2萬美元的價格向Capital Analytica支付總計12萬美元,並有權以每月1萬美元的價格續訂諮詢協議,除非根據諮詢協議提前終止。根據諮詢協議的條款,Capital Analytica將提供持續的資本市場諮詢,持續的社交媒體諮詢、相關的社交媒體情感報告、社交媒體參與報告、討論論壇監測和報告、企業視頻傳播以及其他相關的投資者關係服務。Capital Analytica是一家位於納奈莫的公司,由Jeff French擁有和經營,與公司持有的證券無直接或間接的關係,且是獨立方。

Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Galen McNamara, P. Geo., CEO of the Company and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已由本公司的CEO,符合《43-101號國家規定》定義的合格人員Galen McNamara P.Geo進行審查和批准。

About Aero Energy Limited

關於Aero能源有限公司 Aero Energy是一家礦物勘探和開發公司,正在推進歷史悠久的Athabasca盆地內的Uranium City區的區域規模爲250,000英畝的土地包。 Aero Energy是專注於在其旗艦的期權性質- Sun Dog、Strike和Murmac及其全資擁有的物業上發現高品位鈾礦牀的。通過現代勘探技術的應用,公司已經確定了超過50個淺層鑽探就緒的目標和125公里的目標水平線,在Athabasca盆地的前沿北邊緣。Aero Energy正利用Athabasca盆地正在出現的高品位,不整合型礦化潛力。

Aero Energy is a mineral exploration and development company advancing a district-scale 250,000-acre land package in the historic Uranium City district within Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin. Aero Energy is focused on uncovering high-grade uranium deposits across its flagship optioned properties - Sun Dog, Strike, and Murmac - in addition to its fully owned properties. With the application of modern exploration techniques, the Company has identified over 50 shallow drill-ready targets and 125 kilometres of target horizon on the frontier north rim of the Athabasca Basin. Aero Energy is tapping into the Athabasca Basin's emerging potential for high-grade, unconformity-style mineralization.

Aero Energy是一家礦產勘探和開發公司,正在推進薩斯喀徹溫省Athabasca盆地歷史悠久的Uranium City區域的一個佔地250,000英畝的區域規模上的項目。 Aero Energy專注於揭示其旗艦買斷的Sun Dog、Strike和Murmac物業以及完全擁有的物業中的高品位鈾礦牀,在現代勘探技術的應用下,該公司在Athabasca盆地北邊緣的前沿地帶上已經確定了50多個淺層鑽井就緒目標和125公里的目標層位。 Aero Energy正在開發Athabasca盆地潛在的高品位非相稱型礦化的新興潛力。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


Galen McNamara, Interim Chief Executive Officer

Galen McNamara,臨時首席執行官

Further information on the Company can be found on the Company's website at and at , or by contacting the Company by email at


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This news release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. These statements relate to future events or future performance and include expectations regarding the exploration activities on the Company's properties. All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements or information. Forward-looking statements and information are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "appear", "seek", "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "estimate", "approximate", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "predict", "potential", "targeting", "intend", "could", "might", "should", "believe", "would" and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements and information are provided for the purpose of providing information about the current expectations and plans of management of the Company relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such statements and information may not be appropriate for other purposes, such as making investment decisions. Since forward-looking statements and information address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, timelines and information contained in this news release. Forward-looking information are based on management of the parties' reasonable assumptions, estimates, expectations, analyses and opinions, which are based on such management's experience and perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, and other factors that management believes are relevant and reasonable in the circumstances, but which may prove to be incorrect.


The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information except as required by applicable law. Such forward-looking information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.


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