
Bankrupt Terraform Labs And Founder Do Kwon Reach Historic $4.47B Settlement With The SEC In The UST, LUNA Collapse Case

Bankrupt Terraform Labs And Founder Do Kwon Reach Historic $4.47B Settlement With The SEC In The UST, LUNA Collapse Case

方正證券和創始人郭道宏與美國證監會在Terraform Labs和LUNA崩潰案中達成史上最大的44.7億美元和解協議。
Benzinga ·  06/13 01:46

In a significant development, Terraform Labs agreed to a civil settlement of $4.47 Billion with the Securities and Exchange Commission after being found guilty of defrauding cryptocurrency investors during the infamous Terra (CRYPTO: LUNA) implosion in 2022.

Terraform Labs因在2022年Terra(CRYPTO:LUNA)暴跌期間欺詐數字貨幣投資者被發現有罪,同意支付447億美元的民事和解給證券交易委員會。

What Happened: A jury found Terraform Labs and its disgraced founder, Do Kwon, guilty of defrauding cryptocurrency investors, according to a Reuters report Wednesday. A proposed final judgment was filed in a Manhattan federal court, awaiting approval by U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff.

發生了什麼:據路透社週三報道,陪審團發現Terraform Labs及其名譽掃地的創始人Do Kwon有罪,欺詐數字貨幣投資者。提議的最終判決已提交給曼哈頓聯邦法院,正在等待美國地方法官Jed Rakoff的批准。

The judgment includes $4.05 billion of disgorgement plus interest, and a $420 million civil fine. However, due to Terraform's bankruptcy filing in January, much of this is unlikely to be paid and will be treated as an unsecured claim in the Chapter 11 case.


Kwon has agreed to a ban on cryptocurrency transactions and is required to transfer $204.3 million to Terraform's bankruptcy estate. The SEC stated in a court filing that the judgment would "ensure the maximal return of funds to harmed investors and put Terraform out of business for good."

Do Kwon同意禁止數字貨幣交易,並需要向Terraform的破產財產轉移2.043億美元。證券交易委員會在法庭文件中表示,此判決將"確保最大程度地返還有害投資者的資金,並使Terraform業務永久關閉。"

Why It Matters: The case against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon has been ongoing for over two years. In April 2024, a United States District Court found that Terraform Labs and Kwon had defrauded investors during the stunning collapse of stablecoin TerraUSD (CRYPTO: UST) and reserve cryptocurrency LUNA, an event that wiped out more than $40 billion in market cap within a week and triggered a cryptocurrency bear market.

爲什麼重要:針對Terraform Labs和Do Kwon的案件已經進行了兩年多。2024年4月,美國地方法院裁定Terraform Labs和Kwon在TerraUSD(CRYPTO:UST)和儲備數字貨幣LUNA驚人崩潰期間欺詐投資者,導致一週內市值蒸發超過400億美元,並引發了數字貨幣熊市。

In the same month, a former employee of Jump Trading testified that Jump Trading had colluded with Terraform Labs to manipulate the price of UST.

同月,Jump Trading的前僱員作證稱,Jump Trading與Terraform Labs串通操縱UST的價格。

Price Action: At the time of writing, LUNA was exchanging hands at $0.5476, up 0.34% in the last 24 hours, according to data from Benzinga Pro. Its sister token, Terra Classic (CRYPTO: LUNC) rose 2.23% in the last 24 hours.

價格動態:根據Benzinga Pro的數據,在寫作時,LUNA的交易價格爲0.5476美元,24小時內上漲了0.34%。其姊妹代幣Terra Classic(CRYPTO:LUNC)在過去24小時內上漲了2.23%。

Photo via Shutterstock


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