
Northern Superior Details Philibert Exploration Strategy Including Connecting Mineralization 1.5 KM Southeast of Current Resource

Northern Superior Details Philibert Exploration Strategy Including Connecting Mineralization 1.5 KM Southeast of Current Resource

Accesswire ·  06/13 07:30

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / June 13, 2024 / Northern Superior Resources Inc. ("Northern Superior" or the "Company") (TSXV:SUP)(OTCQX:NSUPF) is pleased to unveil its exploration plan for the next 9 months on the Philibert gold property, located 60 kilometres southwest of Chibougamau, Québec, Canada (the "Philibert Project"; Northern Superior: 75%, SOQUEM: 25%1). The exploration activities are set to commence in the coming weeks.

TORONTO,安省/ACCESSWIRE/2024年6月13日/ 北上資源公司("北上資源"或"公司")(TSXV:SUP)(OTCQX:NSUPF)很高興公佈其在位於加拿大魁北克省Chibougamau市西南60公里處的Philibert金礦("Philibert項目"; 北上資源:75%,SOQUEM:25%)接下來9個月的勘探計劃。1勘探活動將在未來幾周開始。

In 2023, the Company filed a transformational Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for the Philibert deposit of 48.46 million tonnes of inferred mineral resource averaging 1.10 grams of gold per tonne for 1,708,800 ounces of gold, and 7.88 million tonnes of indicated mineral resource averaging 1.10 grams of gold per tonne for 278,920 ounces of gold. The Philibert Project is located only 9 km away from IAMGOLD Corporation ("IAMGOLD")'s Nelligan project. IAMGOLD recently shared an operational update on its activities in the Chibougamau Gold Camp (see IAMGOLD's MD&A filed on Sedar on May 9, 2024, page 18).


The Company will continue to advance its assets in the Chibougamau Gold Camp with an immediate focus on the Philibert Project. The recent $8 million equity financing (see press release dated May 28, 2024) is sufficient to execute the entirety of the program detailed herein.

該公司將繼續專注於 Philibert 項目在奇博瓦莫金礦區的資源,最近的800萬加元的股本融資(見於2024年5月28日的新聞稿)足以執行此處概述的整個計劃。(見2024年5月28日的新聞稿)足以執行此處詳細計劃的全部內容。

Program Highlights:


  • Impactful Program: Over 20,000 metres of expansion drilling planned for next 9 months, i) along strike to the east and west and, ii) along the hanging wall trend north and down dip of the open pit resource and defined pit;
  • Great Potential: Work conducted to date on the Philibert Project is based on 3 km of mineralization while geophysics is indicative of an additional 4 km of mineralization spreading east and west of the resource (see Figure 1);
  • Expansion Drilling with Demonstrated Mineralization: Notable historic drill holes over 300 metres east of the current resource returned 2.17 g/t Au over 17.9 metres, and 1.66 g/t Au over 8.27 metres with both requiring further sampling (see Figure 1,2 and 3);
  • Plan to Connect Mineralization: Historic drilling located over 1,500 metres southeast of the current resource (see Figure 1,2 and 3) returned 1.55 g/t Au over 26.0 metres starting at 72.5 metres, and 1.09 g/t Au over 13.7 metres with both drill holes requiring further sampling above and below the intersections;
  • Great potential to the west: Approximately 300 metres west of the defined pit along the hanging wall trend returned 1.76 g/t Au over 7.0 metres, including 10.8 g/t Au over 1.0 metre starting at 162.5 metres from historical drilling. Other anomalous gold values were returned but requiring further sampling above and below the intersection. The western trend is defined by a linear magnetic anomaly interpreted to correspond to the gabbro host of Philibert extending on the property for over 2 km. The Company is planning some geochemical and geophysical surveys to help define the targeted zone (see Figure 1,2 and 3);
  • Strike extensions: Expansion drilling southeast of the Corsac Fox zone part of the interpreted hanging wall with an additional potential of 700 metres of strike extension (see Figure 1,2 and 3);
  • Building on great metallurgy: Further metallurgical testing is being planned for the eastern end of the pit to build on initial testing with flotation concentrate returning recoveries up to 95.6% (see press release dated July 6, 2023); and,
  • Underground Potential: While the MRE published in 2023 did not include any of the underground potential, a previous study of the economic potential of the Philibert Project,2 focused exclusively on underground resources from the western domains, with approximately 239,000 ounces at 5.68 g/t gold (see Figure 2). Such underground potential will be further explored, evaluated, and potentially included in a subsequent mineral resource estimate (see Figure 3).
  • 具有影響力的計劃:計劃在未來9個月內進行超過20,000米的擴展鑽探,包括i)沿着東部和西部的開採點方向進行,以及ii)沿沿落礦巖(找不到對應術語)的趨勢向北進行擴展擴展和定義礦區;
  • 巨大的潛力:迄今爲止在Philibert項目上進行的工作是基於3公里的礦化帶,而地球物理學表明在礦區東部和西部有額外的4公里礦化帶(見圖1);見圖1;);
  • 擴展鑽探與顯著的礦化:在距離當前礦區300米以東的明顯史前鑽孔中,連續17.9米返2.17克/噸的Au,8.27米礦層返1.66克/噸的Au,上下層鑽樣要求進一步採樣(見圖1、2和3);沿走向擴展:在 Corsac Fox區域向東南擴展區間存在礦化並有額外的700米的潛力;(見圖1、2和3);;
  • 連結礦化的計劃:在當前礦區的東南1500米處,發現了10.01克/噸Au,26.0米起始深度下面的1.55克/噸Au,13.7米深度也發現了1.09克/噸的Au。上下層鑽樣需要進一步採樣(見圖1、2和3);沿走向擴展:在 Corsac Fox區域向東南擴展區間存在礦化並有額外的700米的潛力;(見圖1、2和3);向西巨大的潛力:在開採點沿着傾角的趨勢向西300米處曾連續7.0米返1.76克/噸Au,其中1.0米處連續返10.8克/噸Au。其他異常高值的金屬要求進一步採樣,該西部趨勢的方向是由很多斑晶巖線性磁性異常解釋達到2公里的Philibert礦權,該公司正計劃一些地球化學和物理勘測來幫助定義所瞄準的區域(見圖1、2和3);
  • 西側潛力巨大:在沿頂板走向定義的採礦坑西側大約300米處,歷史鑽探162.5米處回收了7米1.76 g/t Au,包括1米10.8 g/t Au。其他異常黃金值也被回收,但需要在交匯處之上和之下進一步採樣。該西側走向由磁性異常線性解釋,解釋爲Philibert的輝綠岩母巖,在物業上延伸了超過2公里。公司計劃進行一些地球化學和地球物理勘查以幫助定義目標區域。沿走向擴展:在 Corsac Fox區域向東南擴展區間存在礦化並有額外的700米的潛力;(見圖1、2和3);;
  • 延伸礦化帶:Corsac Fox區的東南擴展部分的擴展鑽探,最多可延伸700米。該區域是推斷的頂板部分。沿走向擴展:在 Corsac Fox區域向東南擴展區間存在礦化並有額外的700米的潛力;(見圖1、2和3);;
  • 在開採坑東端進一步進行冶金試驗:據浮選精礦的初步試驗結果顯示回收率高達95.6%。(見2023年7月6日的新聞稿)和,
  • 地下潛力:雖然2023年發佈的MRE沒有包括任何地下潛力,在西部領域中專門關注地下資源的一項早期研究顯示,大約有239,000盎司的黃金,黃金品位爲5.68 g/t。2(請參見圖2)。這種地下潛力將得到進一步的勘探、評估和可能包括在隨後的礦產資源評估中(請參見圖3)。圖2)請參見圖3).

"The Philibert Project has already demonstrated significant potential with its initial NI 43-101 resource estimate published in 2023, showcasing a relatively high-grade profile for a bulk tonnage operation. Additionally, the project benefits from a low nugget effect, minimal overburden cover, and promising initial metallurgical recovery results. These attributes firmly position the Philibert Project as a cornerstone of the Chibougamau Gold Camp, which is rapidly gaining recognition as it nears the 10-million-ounce mark, with key deposits located within 10 km of one another. We are very excited to continue developing this cornerstone asset," commented Simon Marcotte, President and Chief Executive Officer of Northern Superior.

"Philibert項目已經展示了其初步43-101資源估計的重要潛力,相對於散裝廢料操作而言呈現出相對高品位的特徵。此外,該項目在低金粒效應下的黃金自由粒子甚微,覆蓋物很少,初步的冶金回收測試結果有望。這些特徵將Philibert項目牢固地定位於Chibougamau金礦集團的核心,該金礦集團正向接近千萬盎司的峯值,主要礦牀相互之間的距離在10公里以內。我們非常高興能夠繼續開發這個核心資產。"北上資源的總裁兼首席執行官Simon Marcotte評論道。

Figure 1: Plan view showing the resource classification over High Resolution Total Magnetic Intensity Map with arrows identifying possible structures to test for mineralization.
圖1: 平面圖顯示了高分辨率總磁場強度圖上的資源分類,並用箭頭標識出可能的結構以測試礦化。
Figure 2: Plan view showing the conceptual open pit and the pit-constrained block model; color coded Au g/t.
圖2: 平面圖顯示了概念性露天採礦和採礦場限制模型; 顏色編碼 Au g/t。
Figure 3: Longitudinal view showing the conceptual open pit with block model filtered to 1.5 g/t Au, arrows identifying potential areas under the conceptual pit.
圖3: 縱向截面圖顯示了帶有1.5g/t Au濾波的概念性露天採礦和採礦場限制模型,箭頭標識了被概念性採礦坑控制的潛在區域。

The current pit is defined along a 3 km strike and up to a vertical depth of 450 metres in the west and up to 150 metres in the south. In the western end, the hanging wall zone widens the mineralization corridor up to 500 metres compared to 200 metres near the middle of the pit. The Company plans to complete drilling along the 700-metre corridor to define the hanging wall mineralization aimed at widening the pit northward. This work will also define mineralization down dip and plunge in the eastern end of the pit from Fennec Fox to Grey Fox.

當前的採礦坑沿北側方向的3公里走向定義,深度在西側高達450米,在南側高達150米。在西端,頂板帶使礦化走廊擴展到距離採礦坑中心200米的500米處。該公司計劃完成沿700米走廊的鑽探,以定義頂板礦化並將採礦坑向北拓寬。這項工作還將定義東端從Fennec Fox到Grey Fox的礦化的傾向和傾斜方向。

Drilling will also focus on expansion to the east, southeast and west following the additional 4 km linear magnetic trend interpreted to define the Obatogamau formation fractionated gabbro, host to the Philibert deposit. In the southeast area, two separate trends are identified from limited historic drilling with significant mineralization intersected including 1.55 g/t Au over 26.0 metres, 2.17 g/t Au over 17.9 metres, and 1.96 g/t Au over 10.0 metres. All mineralization is recorded as being associated with disseminated pyrite mineralization within a quartz rich gabbro host.

鑽探還將集中在向東、東南和西部的擴張上,隨着額外的4公里線性磁性趨勢被解釋爲定義Philibert礦牀的Obatogamau巖系分異輝綠岩主體的方向。在東南地區,已從有限的歷史鑽探中確定出兩個不同的趨勢,其中包括1.55g/t Au超過26.0米,2.17g/t Au超過17.9米和1.96g/t Au超過10.0米的顯著礦化交匯。所有礦化都記錄爲與石英質綠巖主體內的彌散黃鐵礦礦化相關。

Less drilling has been completed along the western trend, but the host gabbro is interpreted to coincide to a well-defined northwest trending linear magnetic anomaly. One drill hole completed 300 metres west of the defined pit returned 1.76 g/t Au over 7.0 metres, including 10.8 g/t Au over 1.0 metre.

在西部趨勢上進行的鑽探較少,但是解釋爲該主機輝綠岩與明顯的西北趨勢線性磁性異常相吻合。一個鑽孔完成於所定義採礦坑的300米西側,回收了7.0米1.76g/t Au,包括1.0米10.8 g/t Au。

A number of high priority exploration targets are planned to be tested including the magnetic fold feature to the south of the east end of the defined pit with a historic hole returning 0.73 g/t Au over 15.1 metres, including 1.52 g/t Au over 6.2 metres starting at 43.6 metres.


The Patino showing is located to the northwest of the defined pit constrained resources includes historic intersections of 0.66 g/t Au over 5.18 metres, 1.45 g/t Au over 2.8 metres and 0.94 g/t Au over 3.05 metres. Mineralization is recorded as hosted within a graphitic sediment horizon with quartz-carbonate veins and semi-massive to massive pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and pyrrhotite. The Patino showing is associated with an additional structure that appears to be oriented in a more east-west direction.


Other groundwork is being planned to follow up on historic mapping and channel sampling which identified mineralization within a similar looking gabbro host to Philibert but located between 1 km and 1.2 km north of the resource.


The Company is also planning to complete 10,000 metres of sampling from selectively sampled historic core within and outside the currently defined pit in order to improve the ore to waste ratio in pit and help define mineralized trends outside the current resource.


Corporate Matters


Furthermore, the Company wishes to announce the granting of 2,250,000 incentive stock options under its 2022 Equity Incentive Plan (the "Plan"), including 1,630,000 options which were granted to certain directors and senior officers of the Company. Each option is exercisable at a price of $0.65 per common share, for a period of five years, subject to regulatory approval. In addition, the Company has also granted 50,000 Restricted Share Units ("RSU") under the Plan to an officer and a consultant of the Company, which RSU shall vest on June 11, 2025, subject to regulatory approval.


About Northern Superior Resources Inc.

關於Northern Superior Resources Inc.(北方上級資源股份有限公司)

Northern Superior is a gold exploration company focused on the Chibougamau Camp in Québec, Canada. The Company has consolidated the largest land package in the region, with total land holdings currently exceeding 62,000 hectares. The main properties include Philibert, Lac Surprise, Chevrier and Croteau. Northern Superior also owns 72% of ONGold Resources Ltd. (TSXV:ONAU) which is advancing promising exploration assets in Northern Ontario, including the district scale TPK Project.

北方上級是一家專注於加拿大齊博古穆區的黃金勘探公司。該公司已在該地區合併了最大的土地包,總土地持有面積目前超過62,000公頃。主要物業包括Philibert、Lac Surprise、Chevrier和Croteau。北方上級還擁有金脈資源公司(TSXV:ONAU)的72%股權,後者正在推進北安大略州具有潛力的勘探資產,包括TPK項目(區域規模)。

The Philibert Project is located 9 km from IAMGOLD Corporation's Nelligan Gold project which was awarded the "Discovery of the Year" by the Québec Mineral Exploration Association (AEMQ) in 2019. Philibert hosts a new maiden 43-101 inferred resource of 1,708,800 ounces Au and an indicated resource of 278,900 ounces of Au.3 Northern Superior holds a majority stake of 75% in the Philibert Project, with the remaining 25% owned by SOQUEM, and retains an option to acquire the full 100% ownership of the project. Chevrier hosts an inferred mineral resource of 652,000 ounces Au (underground and open pit) and an indicated mineral resource of 260,000 ounces Au.4 Croteau hosts an inferred mineral resource of 640,000 ounces Au.5 Lac Surprise hosts the Falcon Zone Discovery, interpreted to be the western strike extension of IAMGOLD Corporation's Nelligan Gold project.

Philibert項目距離IAMGOLD公司的Nelligan黃金項目僅9公里。Nelligan Gold項目被授予"年度發現“2019年度發現”是由魁北克礦業勘查協會(AEMQ)頒發的。Philibert擁有一種新的maiden 43-101推論資源,含金量爲1,708,800盎司金和一個含金量爲278,900盎司的指示資源。我們的董事會認爲,我們的薪酬政策和實踐是合理的,並適當地將我們的員工利益與股東的利益相一致。董事會認爲,對於我們的高管和其他員工的激勵性薪酬與收益掛鉤的事實鼓勵採取有利於公司短期和長期盈利的行動。此外,薪酬委員會審查有關我們的薪酬政策和實踐的變化,以確保此類政策和實踐不會鼓勵我們的高管和其他員工採取可能導致公司出現重大不利影響的行動。北方上級持有Philibert項目75%的多數股權,剩餘的25%由SOQUEm擁有,並保留收購該項目全部100%所有權的選項。 Chevrier擁有一個包括地下和露天開採在內的推論礦產資源,共計652,000盎司黃金和一個包括260,000盎司Au的指示礦產資源。4Croteau擁有640,000盎司Au的推斷性礦產資源。5Lac Surprise擁有Falcon區帶礦點發現,被解釋爲IAMGOLD公司Nelligan Gold項目的西部延伸。

Northern Superior is a reporting issuer in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Québec, and trades on the TSX-V under the symbol SUP and the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol NSUPF. For further information, please refer to the Company's website at or the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at .

北方上級爲不列顛哥倫比亞省、艾伯塔省、安大略省和魁北克省的報告發行人,並在TSX-V(股票代碼SUP)和OTCQb Venture Market(股票代碼NSUPF)上交易。有關更多信息,請參閱公司網站,或訪問SEDAR。



SOQUEM, a subsidiary of Investissement Québec, is dedicated to promoting the exploration, discovery, and development of mining properties in Québec. SOQUEM also contributes to maintaining strong local economies. Proud partner and ambassador for the development of Québec's mineral wealth, SOQUEM relies on innovation, research, and strategic minerals to be well-positioned for the future.

SOQUEm是Investissement Quebec的子公司,致力於推廣魁北克的採礦物業的勘探、發現和開發。SOQUEm還爲維持強大的地方經濟做出貢獻。作爲魁北克礦產財富的自豪合作伙伴和大使,SOQUEm依靠創新、研究和戰略礦物來爲未來做好充分準備。

Qualified Person


The technical content and scientific aspects of this press release have been prepared by Ms. DeLazzer Vice-President Exploration of Northern Superior.

本新聞稿的技術內容和科學方面由Northern Superior的勘探副總裁DeLazzer女士準備。

The content of the disclosure has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Claude Duplessis, P. Eng. of the Order of Engineers of Quebec, an independent Qualified Person as defined by the National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").

此相關披露的內容由Québec Mineral Exploration Association(AEMQ)於2019年授予了年度發現稱號。礦產項目披露標準("NI 43-101")。

Northern Superior Resources Inc. on Behalf of the Board of Directors


Simon Marcotte, CFA, President and Chief Executive Officer

北超資源公司董事會代表Simon Marcotte,CFA,總裁兼首席執行官

Contact Information


Simon Marcotte, CFA
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: (647) 801-7273


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This Press Release contains forward-looking information and statements (collectively, "Forward-Looking Statements") that involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made herein. When used in this document, the words "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect" and similar expressions are intended to identify Forward-Looking Statements. Such statements herein include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the Company's ability to convert inferred resources into measured and indicated resources; parameters and methods used to estimate the mineral resource estimate (the "MRE") at the Philibert Project; the prospects, if any, of the Philibert Project and its other projects in the area; and the significance of historic exploration activities and results. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include the results of exploration activities, the Company's financial position and general economic conditions, the ability of exploration activities to accurately predict mineralization; the accuracy of geological modelling; the ability of the Company to complete further exploration activities; the legitimacy of title and property interests in the Philibert Project and its other projects in the area; the accuracy of key assumptions, parameters or methods used to estimate the MRE; the ability of the Company to obtain required approvals; the evolution of the global economic climate; metal prices; environmental expectations; community and non-governmental actions; the Company's ability to secure required funding; and other risks detailed from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators available at .

本新聞稿包含有關未來事項的前瞻性信息和聲明(統稱“前瞻性聲明”),這些前瞻性聲明涉及風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果與此處的聲明有所不同。當本文件中使用“可能”、“將”、“可以”、 “意圖”、“計劃”、“預期”的詞彙及類似表述時,這些詞彙旨在識別前瞻性聲明。在本新聞稿中,這些聲明包括但不限於,關於公司將推斷資源轉化爲衡量資源的能力;用於估算Philibert項目的礦物資源估計(“MRE”)的參數和方法;Philibert項目及該地區的其他項目的前景(如有);以及歷史的勘探活動和結果的重要性。不能保證這些聲明將證明準確,實際結果和未來事件可能與此類聲明預期的結果有所不同。導致實際結果與公司預期不符的重要因素包括勘探活動的結果、公司的財務狀況和一般經濟狀況,勘探活動的準確性以準確預測礦化物;地質建模的準確性;公司完成進一步勘探活動的能力;Philibert項目及其其他項目的合法性和所有權利的真實性;用於估算MRE的關鍵假設、參數或方法的準確性;公司獲得所需批准的能力;全球經濟環境的演變;金屬價格;環境期望;社區和非政府行動;公司獲得所需融資的能力;以及其他風險。該公司與證券監管機構的每一次提交都有機會了解更多信息,這些信息可在此處獲得。.

The Forward-Looking Statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. All Forward-Looking Statements in this news release are made as of the date of this news release and the Company does not undertake to update or revise any such statements contained herein to reflect new events or circumstances, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.


Information Concerning Estimates of Mineral Resources


The disclosure in this news release and referred to herein was prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 which differs from the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). The terms "measured mineral resource", "indicated mineral resource" and "inferred mineral resource" used in this news release are in reference to the mining terms defined in the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Standards (the "CIM Definition Standards"), which definitions have been adopted by NI 43-101.

此新聞稿及其引用是按照NI 43-101制定的,該標準與美國證券交易委員會(“SEC”)的要求有所不同。在此新聞稿中使用的“測量礦產資源”、“指示礦產資源”和“推斷礦產資源”一詞是指加拿大采礦、冶金和石油標準協會(“CIM定義標準”)定義的採礦術語,這些定義已被NI 43-101採納。

Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral resources will ever be converted into reserves. Pursuant to CIM Definition Standards, "inferred mineral resources" are that part of a mineral resource for which quantity and grade or quality are estimated on the basis of limited geological evidence and sampling. Such geological evidence is sufficient to imply but not verify geological and grade or quality continuity. An inferred mineral resource has a lower level of confidence than that applying to an indicated mineral resource and may not be converted to a mineral reserve. However, it is reasonably expected that the majority of inferred mineral resources could be upgraded to indicated mineral resources with continued exploration. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies. Investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource is economically or legally mineable.


Effective February 25, 2019, the SEC adopted new mining disclosure rules under subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "SEC Modernization Rules"), with compliance required for the first fiscal year beginning on or after January 1, 2021. The SEC Modernization Rules replace the historical property disclosure requirements included in SEC Industry Guide 7. As a result of the adoption of the SEC Modernization Rules, the SEC now recognizes estimates of "measured mineral resources", "indicated mineral resources" and "inferred mineral resources". Information regarding mineral resources contained or referenced in this news release may not be comparable to similar information made public by companies that report according to U.S. standards. While the SEC Modernization Rules are purported to be "substantially similar" to the CIM Definition Standards, readers are cautioned that there are differences between the SEC Modernization Rules and the CIM Definitions Standards.

自2019年2月25日起,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)根據1933年修訂的美國證券法(Regulation S-k的子部分1300)採用了新的採礦披露規則(“SEC Modernization Rules”) ,第一個財年必須在2021年1月1日或之後開始實施。SEC Modernization Rules取代了SEC Industry Guide 7中包含的歷史財產披露要求。由於採用了SEC Modernization Rules,SEC現在承認“測量礦產資源”、“指示礦產資源”和“推斷礦產資源”的估計值。本新聞稿中包含或參考的礦產資源信息可能與按照美國標準報告的公司公開的類似信息不可比較。雖然聲稱SEC Modernization Rules與CIM定義標準“基本相似”,但讀者應注意SEC Modernization Rules和CIM定義標準之間存在差異。

1 Northern Superior has the option to acquire from Soquem the remaining 25% (in order to own 100%) of the Philibert Project for a cash payment of CAD$3.5 million.

1 北方高級金屬有限公司有權選擇以350萬加元的現金支付從Soquem收購Philibert項目剩餘的25%(以便擁有100%)。

2Historical information : Roche Ltée., (1991) Économique, Propriété Philibert. Projet: 11044-001.

2歷史信息:Roche Lteé,(1991)ÉconomièrétéPhilibert。 Projet:11044-001。

3 Northern Superior announces 1,708,809 gold ounces in inferred category and 278,921 gold ounces in indicated category at 1.10 g/t in maiden NI 43-101 pit constrained resource estimate at Philibert; Northern Superior's press release dated August 08, 2023.

3 北方高級金屬宣佈在Philibert的首個NI 43-101坑限制資源評估中降低了1,708,809盎司推斷類別和278,921盎司指示類別的黃金,爲1.10克/噸。日期爲2023年8月8日的北方高級金屬新聞稿。

4 NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimation for the Chevrier Main Deposit, Chevrier Project Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada, October 20, 2021, Prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 by Lions Gate Geological Consulting Inc. IOS Services Géoscientifiques Inc. for Northern Superior.

4 NI 43-101技術報告礦產資源估算,切伏萊主礦牀,切伏萊項目,魁北克省,加拿大,2021年10月20日,由Lions Gate Geological Consulting Inc. IOS Services Géoscientifiques Inc.爲北方高級金屬公司根據NI 43-101 準備。

5Chalice Gold Mines Limited and Northern Superior Resources Inc. Technical Report on the Croteau Est Gold Project, Québec, September 2015, Prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 by Optiro Pty Ltd ("Optiro") to Chalice Gold Mines Limited and Northern Superior.

5Chalice Gold Mines Limited和Northern Superior Resources Inc.有關Croteau Est Gold Project的技術報告,魁北克,2015年9月,由Optiro Pty Ltd(“Optiro”)根據NI 43-101爲Chalice Gold Mines Limited和Northern Superior準備。

SOURCE: Northern Superior Resources Inc.


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