
AGM Statement

AGM Statement

GlobeNewswire ·  06/13 07:30

AGM Statement


Serabi Gold plc (AIM:SRB, TSX:SBI), the Brazilian-focused gold mining and development company, advises that at 2:00 pm today (UK time), it will be holding its Annual General Meeting.

Serabi Gold股份有限公司(AIM:SRB,TSX:SBI),這家專注於巴西黃金開採和開發的公司,提醒稱,今天(英國時間)下午2:00將舉行年度股東大會。

The following is the text of the statement that will be made by Mr. Mike Hodgson, the Chief Executive of the Company.

以下是公司首席執行官Mike Hodgson先生將要發表的聲明文本。

Highlights of the statement are:


  • The Company remains on target to achieve production guidance for 2024.
  • Activity accelerated at Coringa as production ramp up continues.
  • New Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") of Coringa being produced, reflecting the current operating plan and lower upfront capital costs for the project.
  • The ore sorter for Coringa is now on site and the civil works for this and the crushing plant are advancing well.
  • Two surface exploration rigs operating with focus on the headframe exploration around the current Palito deposit and proving the potential of the Sao Domingos prospect
  • 該公司仍在努力實現2024年的產量目標。
  • Coringa的活動加速,生產逐步增加。
  • 對Coringa進行新的初步經濟評估(“PEA”),該評估反映了目前的運營計劃和該項目的較低前期資本支出。
  • Coringa的礦石分選機現已到位,土建工程以及該工廠的壓碎設備也在良好地進展中。
  • 兩個地表探礦鑽機專注於Palito礦牀周圍的升降井勘探,證明聖多明戈斯(Sao Domingos)礦牀的潛力。

Text of statement


"Good afternoon and thank you for attending our Annual General Meeting.


"I am pleased to report that production for the year to date continues to be encouraging and we remain on target to achieve production guidance for 2024.


"The Coringa Gold Operation continues to perform very well. Following the renewal of the GU underground trial mining licence for a further three year period in January of this year, we have accelerated activity at the mine, with an increased rate of mine development and additional mine crews to execute the mine development. This is all with the objective of ramping up Coringa to commercial production, as we continue to execute on our organic growth plans.

“Coringa Gold Operation表現依然不錯。今年1月,GU地下試採許可證得到續期,期限爲三年,我們加快了礦山活動,提高了開採率,增加了礦山工人來執行礦山開發。我們的目標是使Coringa實現商業生產,繼續執行我們的有機增長計劃。”

"At the same time, we are undertaking an underground drilling programme targeting the depth extension of the known mineralisation at Coringa, which is expected to increase the mineral resource and the mine life. The results of this drill programme are being collated and shared with the independent geological consultancy NCL, who are preparing a new NI 43-101 Technical Report. We anticipate this report will be issued during Q3, and will be shortly followed by a new Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") of Coringa. This PEA will document the revised business plan we have for Coringa, where only crushing and ore sorting will be undertaken at site, and a 'pre-concentrated ore' will be trucked from Coringa to Palito for processing. The new PEA will allow us to provide investors with an independent view of the economic benefits of this revised business plan and the significantly lower up front capital investment.

“與此同時,我們正在進行地下鑽探計劃,針對已知Coringa礦區的深度延伸,這有望增加礦產資源和礦山壽命。這次鑽探結果正在整理並與獨立的地質諮詢公司NCL分享,該公司正在準備一份新的NI 43-101技術報告。我們預計此報告將發佈在第3季度,不久之後我們會發布一份新的Coringa初步經濟評估(“PEA”)。這份PEA將記錄我們爲Coringa制定的修訂業務計劃,該計劃僅在現場進行碎石和礦石分選,並將運送“預濃縮的礦石”從Coringa卡車運往Palito進行加工。新的PEA將使我們能夠向投資者提供對修訂業務計劃和前期資本投資的經濟效益的獨立觀點。”

"At Palito, the operation has continued according to plan, but we have had to process lower grades than forecast as we have been forced to 'bulk mine' a geologically complex area, and this has brought greater dilution than planned. But with new areas being developed, we anticipate grades improving as we return to exclusively selective mining.


"The ore sorter for Coringa is now on site and the civil works for this and the crushing plant are advancing well. Our plan remains to have the ore sorter operational for the fourth quarter but we expect that we can complete the crushing plant earlier, crush some of the lower grade ore, and establish a stockpile ready to feed the ore sorter as soon as it is ready for operation. The ore sorter itself is fully containerised and identical to the equipment at Palito. It has already been operationally tested and initially calibrated at the factory. Therefore, we anticipate a low-risk commissioning period.


"Whilst we are still working through the process of receiving the Installation Licence, we are also pursuing a doubling of the capacity of the current GU trial mining licence in parallel. Based on the test results, an increased limit of 100,000 tonne per annum of transported ore could be equivalent to approximately 200,000 tonnes of ore extracted from the mine, which is more than adequate to allow us to realise our 2025 production plans from a mining license perspective.


"The indigenous impact study ("the ECI") was completed and a copy protocoled with FUNAI, the government agency for the indigenous communities. We are waiting on their feedback, and in time, their approval of the study, including the mitigation and community plans that we have proposed to adopt. As we expected, the ECI concluded that the project is expected to have only minimal impacts on the indigenous communities whose villages are located further to the east of the BR163 highway than the project itself. As a result, traffic to and from the mine does not need to pass through or even come close to these communities.


"With the rainy season now over, we are stepping up our exploration activity with two surface rigs now operating at Palito and the surrounding area. Our key focus for a 2024 drilling campaign is on the headframe exploration around the current Palito deposit and doing more work to prove up the potential of the Sao Domingos prospect on the south western part of our exploration tenements.

“隨着雨季的結束,我們正在加強勘探活動,在Palito礦山和周圍地區現在有兩個地表勘探鑽機正在運行。我們的2024年鑽探活動的主要重點是在Palito礦牀附近的升降井勘探,並通過更多的工作來證明探礦特許區域西南部的Sao Domingos礦牀的潛力。”

"I remain very optimistic for the rest of 2024 and beyond. Coringa is shaping up to be an excellent, low risk project, and I think that there is significant potential for further resource growth along the eight kilometre garimpo trend as well as discovering additional parallel vein structures to add considerable mine life at Coringa. As we have seen at Palito, where there is similar growth potential, I anticipate this will be a long life asset and with systematic exploration, we will continue to be able to replenish and grow the resource base for both projects, Both Palito and Coringa, in my opinion, have the potential to host over one million ounce gold deposits and over the next couple of years, I hope we can achieve this."


The person who arranged for the release of this announcement on behalf of the Company was Clive Line, Director.

代表公司發佈本公告的人爲董事Clive Line。



Michael Hodgson t +44 (0)20 7246 6830
Chief Executive m +44 (0)7799 473621

邁克爾·霍奇森 電話 +44 (0)20 7246 6830
Chief Executive m +44 (0)7799 473621

Clive Line t +44 (0)20 7246 6830
Finance Director m +44 (0)7710 151692

克萊夫·萊因 電話 +44 (0)20 7246 6830
財務總監 m +44 (0)7710 151692

Andrew Khov m +1 647 885 4874
Vice President, Investor Relations &
Business Development

安德魯·科夫 中單 +1 647 885 4874

Nominated Adviser & Financial Adviser
Roland Cornish / Michael Cornish t +44 (0)20 7628 3396

Roland Cornish/ Michael Cornish t +44 (0)20 7628 3396

Joint UK Broker
Ross Allister t +44 (0)20 7418 9000

Ross Allister t +44 (0)20 7418 9000

Joint UK Broker
Charlie Bendon/ Richard Greenfield t +44 (0)20 3882 2868

Charlie Bendon/ Richard Greenfield t +44 (0)20 3882 2868

Financial PR - Europe
Gordon Poole / Emily Hall t +44 (0)20 3757 4980

Gordon Poole/ Emily Hall t +44 (0)20 3757 4980

Financial PR – North America
Jonathan Patterson / Lisa Micali t +1 475 477 9404

Jonathan Patterson/ Lisa Micali t +1 475 477 9404

Copies of this announcement are available from the Company's website at .


See for more information and follow us on twitter @Serabi_Gold

請訪問 了解更多信息,並在Twitter上關注我們@Serabi_Gold



The following is a glossary of technical terms:


"actinolite" amphibole silicate mineral commonly found in metamorphic rocks, including those surrounding cooled intrusive igneous rocks
"Ag" means silver.
"alkalic porphyry" A class of copper-porphyry mineral deposits characterised by disseminated mineralisation within and immediately adjacent to silica-saturated to silica-undersaturated alkalic intrusive centres and being copper/gold/molybdenum-rich.
"albite" is a plagioclase feldspar mineral
"aplite" An intrusive igneous rock in which the mineral composition is the same as granite, but in which the grains are much finer
"argillic alteration" is hydrothermal alteration of wall rock which introduces clay minerals including kaolinite, smectite and illite
"AISC" means All-In Sustaining Cost – a non IFRS performance measurement established by the World Gold Council
"ANM" means the Agencia Nacional de Mineral.
"Au" means gold.
"assay" in economic geology, means to analyse the proportions of metal in a rock or overburden sample; to test an ore or mineral for composition, purity, weight or other properties of commercial interest.
"biotite" A phyllosilicate mineral composed of a silicate of iron, magnesium, potassium, and aluminum found in crystalline rocks and as an alteration mineral.
"breccia" a rock composed of large angular broken fragments of minerals or rocks cemented together by a fine-grained matrix
"brecciation" Describes the process where large angular broken fragments of minerals or rocks become cemented together by a fine-grained matrix.
"CIM" means the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
"CIP" or "Carbon in Pulp" means a process used in gold extraction by addition of cyanide.
"chalcopyrite" is a sulphide of copper and iron.
"copper porphyry" copper ore body formed from hydrothermal fluids. These fluids will be predated by or associated with are vertical dykes of porphry intrusive rocks
"Cu" means copper.
"cut-off grade" the lowest grade of mineralised material that qualifies as ore in a given deposit; rock of the lowest assay included in an ore estimate.
"dacite porphyry intrusive" a silica-rich igneous rock with larger phenocrysts (crystals) within a fine-grained matrix
"deposit" is a mineralised body which has been physically delineated by sufficient drilling, trenching, and/or underground work, and found to contain a sufficient average grade of metal or metals to warrant further exploration and/or development expenditures; such a deposit does not qualify as a commercially mineable orebody or as containing ore reserves, until final legal, technical, and economic factors have been resolved.
"electromagnetics" is a geophysical technique tool measuring the magnetic field generated by subjecting the sub-surface to electrical currents.
"epidote" is a calcium aluminium iron sorosilicate mineral
"garimpo" is a local artisanal mining operation
"garimpeiro" is a local artisanal miner.
"geochemical" refers to geological information using measurements derived from chemical analysis.
"geophysical" refers to geological information using measurements derived from the use of magnetic and electrical readings.
"geophysical techniques" include the exploration of an area by exploiting differences in physical properties of different rock types. Geophysical methods include seismic, magnetic, gravity, induced polarisation and other techniques; geophysical surveys can be undertaken from the ground or from the air.
"gold equivalent" refers to quantities of materials other than gold stated in units of gold by reference to relative product values at prevailing market prices.
"gossan" is an iron-bearing weathered product that overlies a sulphide deposit.
"grade" is the concentration of mineral within the host rock typically quoted as grams per tonne (g/t), parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb).
"g/t" means grams per tonne.
"granodiorite" is an igneous intrusive rock like granite.
"hectare" or a "ha" is a unit of measurement equal to 10,000 square metres.
"hematite" is a common iron oxide compound
"igneous" is a rock that has solidified from molten material or magma.
"indicated mineral resource" is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics can be estimated with a level of confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough for geological and grade continuity to be reasonably assumed.
"inferred mineral resource" is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity and grade or quality can be estimated on the basis of geological evidence and limited sampling and reasonably assumed, but not verified, geological and grade continuity. The estimate is based on limited information and sampling gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes.
"IP" refers to induced polarisation, a geophysical technique whereby an electric current is induced into the sub-surface and the conductivity of the sub-surface is recorded.
"intrusive" is a body of rock that invades older rocks.
"lithocap" Lithocaps are subsurface, broadly stratabound alteration domains that are laterally and vertically extensive. They form when acidic magmatic-hydrothermal fluids react with wallrocks during ascent towards the paleosurface.
"measured mineral resource" is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape, and physical characteristics are so well established that they can be estimated with confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support production planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough to confirm both geological and grade continuity.
"mineralisation" the concentration of metals and their chemical compounds within a body of rock.
"mineralised" refers to rock which contains minerals e.g. iron, copper, gold.
"mineral reserve" is the economically mineable part of a measured or indicated mineral resource demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study. This study must include adequate information on mining, processing, metallurgical, economic and other relevant factors that demonstrate, at the time of reporting, that economic extraction can be justified. A mineral reserve includes diluting materials and allowances for losses that may occur when the material is mined.
"mineral resource" is a concentration or occurrence of diamonds, natural solid inorganic material or natural fossilised organic material including base and precious metals, coal, and industrial minerals in or on the Earth's crust in such form and quantity and of such a grade or quality that it has reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a mineral resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge.
"Mo-Bi-As-Te-W-Sn" Molybdenum-Bismuth-Arsenic-Tellurium-Tungsten-Tin
"magnetite" Magnetic mineral composed of iron oxide found in intrusive rocks and as an alteration mineral.
"monzodiorite" Is an intrusive rock formed by slow cooling of underground magma.
"monzogranite" a biotite rich granite, often part of the later-stage emplacement of a larger granite body.
"mt" means million tonnes.
"NI 43-101" means Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
"ore" means a metal or mineral or a combination of these of sufficient value as to quality and quantity to enable it to be mined at a profit.
"oxides" are near surface bed-rock which has been weathered and oxidised by long-term exposure to the effects of water and air.
"paragenesis" Is a term used to describe the sequence on relative phases of origination of igneous and metamorphic rocks and the deposition of ore minerals and rock alteration.
"phyllic alteration" is a hydrothermal alteration zone in a permeable rock that has been affected by circulation of hydrothermal fluids
"porphry" any of various granites or igneous rocks with coarse grained crystals
"ppm" means parts per million.
"proterozoic" means the geological eon (period) 2.5 billion years ago to 541 million years ago
"pyrite" an iron sulphide mineral
"quartz-alunite ± kaolinite" Alunite is a hydroxylated aluminium potassium sulfate mineral. It presence is typical in areas of advanced argillic alteration and usually accompanied by the presence of quartz (a crystalline silica mineral) and sometimes kaolinite.(a clay mineral).
"saprolite" is a weathered or decomposed clay-rich rock.
"scapolites" are a group of rock-forming silicate minerals composed of aluminium, calcium, and sodium silicate with chlorine, carbonate and sulfate
"sulphide" refers to minerals consisting of a chemical combination of sulphur with a metal.
"tailings" are the residual waste material that it is produced by the processing of mineralised rock.
"tpd" means tonnes per day.
"vein" is a generic term to describe an occurrence of mineralised rock within an area of non-mineralised rock.
"VTEM" refers to versa time domain electromagnetic, a particular variant of time-domain electromagnetic geophysical survey to prospect for conductive bodies below surface.
"vuggy" a geological feature characterised by irregular cavities or holes within a rock or mineral, often formed by the dissolution or removal of minerals leaving behind empty spaces
"頂螺石" 一種含鐵角閃石礦物,在包圍冷卻侵入岩石的變質岩中常見
"Ag" 意味着銀。
鹼性斑岩 銅斑岩礦牀的一類,特徵是在硅飽和到硅虧損的鹼性侵入中心及其周圍分散的礦化,並且是富含銅/金/鉬。
鈉長石 是一種斜長石長石礦物
貧長花崗岩 在這種侵入岩的礦物組成和花崗岩相同,但顆粒遠比花崗岩細
粘土石化作用 是殼體的熱液變質,會引入蒙脫石、白雲石和伊利石等黏土礦物
指全直接成本,是世界黃金協會確定的非國際財務報告標準的業績衡量方法 ANM代表Agencia Nacional de Mineral(國家礦產總局)
代表黃金。 金子
在經濟地質學中,意味着分析岩石或覆蓋層樣本中金屬的比例;測試礦石或礦物的組成,純度,重量或其他商業利益的屬性。 黑雲母是含有鐵、鎂、鉀和鋁的硅酸鹽礦物,發現在結晶岩中和變質礦物中。
角礫岩 在經濟地質學中,意味着分析岩石或覆蓋物樣品中金屬的比例;測試礦石或礦物的成分、純度、重量或其他商業利益的屬性。
黑雲母。 一種雲母屬礦物,由富含鐵、鎂、鉀、鋁的硅酸鹽組成,發現於晶體巖和變質礦物中。
角礫岩。 一種由礦物或岩石的大型角狀碎片通過細粒的基質粘結在一起形成的岩石。
“碎巖化” 指礦物或岩石的大型角狀碎片被細粒的基質粘結在一起的過程。
《加拿大采礦、冶金和石油學會章程》 指加拿大采礦、冶金和石油學會。
指通過加入氰化物進行黃金提取的一種工藝過程“CIP”或“碳浸出” 指通過加入氰化物進行黃金提取的工藝過程。
黃銅礦 一種含銅和鐵的硫化物。
銅斑岩 一種來自熱液流體的銅礦石體。這些流體將伴隨着或經歷石英斑岩侵入岩體的垂直岩脈。
“截止品位”,指在特定礦脈中合格的最低礦物品位,最低金屬品位的岩石樣品包含在礦石估算中。 指物理上已被鑽探、探槽、地下作業物理界定的一種含礦的體。並且其平均品位足以支持進一步的勘探和/或開發支出,但該礦牀在法律、技術和經濟因素得以達成最終商業開採礦產儲量的標準之前,不能被視爲一個有商業價值的礦牀或包含可採礦物的儲量。
一種在細粒基質內帶有較大晶體(晶體)的富硅火成岩。 一種富含二氧化硅的火成岩,其基質中含有較大的貫入晶體(晶體)。
黃銅礦 是一種已經通過足夠的鑽探、探槽和/或地下工作物理建立界限的成礦巖體,並且發現其中所含有的金屬或金屬的平均品位足以支持進一步的勘探和/或開發支出;這樣的巖體並不符合作爲商業上可採礦石體或具有可採礦石儲量的標準,直到最終的法律、技術和經濟因素被解決。
電磁學 礦物電法測量地下電流產生的磁場的地球物理技術工具。
"蛇紋石" 是一種含有鈣、鋁和鐵的鋁硅酸鹽礦物。
"garimpo"是指當地的手工採礦業操作。 是一種當地的手工採礦業操作。
"garimpeiro"是指當地的手工採礦業工人。 是一名當地的手工採礦業工人。
"地球化學"是指使用從化學分析中衍生出的測量值來獲取地質信息。 "地球物理學"是指使用磁學和電學讀數來獲得地質信息。
"地球物理學"是指使用磁學和電學讀數來獲取地質信息。 "地球物理技術"包括利用不同岩石類型的物理特性的差異來探測區域。地球物理方法包括地震、磁學、重力、誘導極化和其他技術;地球物理勘測可以從地面或空中進行。
"地球物理技術"包括利用不同岩石類型的物理特性的差異來探測區域。地球物理方法包括地震、磁學、重力、誘導極化和其他技術;地球物理勘測可以從地面或空中進行。 "地球物理技術"包括利用不同岩石類型的物理特性的差異來探測區域。地球物理方法包括地震、磁學、重力、誘導極化和其他技術;地球物理勘測可以從地面或空中進行。
"等值黃金量"是指以當前市場價格爲基礎,參照相對產品價值以黃金單位報告黃金以外的物質量。 "鐵帽巖"是指覆蓋在硫化礦牀上的含鐵氧化物的風化產物。
"品位"是指主巖中的礦物質量濃度,通常表示爲每噸克(g/t)、每百萬分之幾(ppm)或每十億分之幾(ppb)。 是主巖內含有的礦物質量濃度,通常表示爲每噸克(g/t)、每百萬分之幾(ppm)或每十億分之幾(ppb)。
是主巖內含有的礦物質量濃度,通常表示爲每噸克(g/t)、每百萬分之幾(ppm)或每十億分之幾(ppb)。 是主巖中的礦物質量濃度,通常表示爲每噸克(g/t)、每百萬分之幾(ppm)或每十億分之幾(ppb)。
"g/t" 表示每噸克數。
“花崗二蘇巖” 是一種類似花崗岩的火成岩。
是一個面積單位,相當於1萬平方米。 是一個面積單位,相當於1萬平方米。
“赤鐵礦” 是一種常見的鐵氧化物化合物。
是由熔化物質或岩漿固化而成的岩石。 是由熔化物質或岩漿固化而成的岩石。
指涉礦概念中可信度足以支持礦山規劃和礦牀經濟性評估的一部分礦石資源。該估算是基於通過適當技術從露頭、溝渠、採石場、工作洞和鑽孔等地點收集的詳細可靠的勘探和測試信息。 指涉礦概念中可信度足以支持礦山規劃和礦牀經濟性評估的一部分礦石資源。該估算是基於通過適當技術從露頭、溝渠、採石場、工作洞和鑽孔等地點收集的詳細可靠的勘探和測試信息。估計量基於足夠接近地質和品位連續性,以允許適當的技術和經濟參數的應用。
指涉礦概念中根據地質證據和有限取樣可估算數量和品位或質量但未經覈實的地方礦石資源。該估算是基於對有關露頭、溝渠、採石場、工作洞和鑽孔等地點的有限信息和取樣所收集的評估。 指涉礦概念中根據地質證據和有限取樣可估算數量和品位或質量但未經覈實的地方礦石資源。該估算是基於對有關露頭、溝渠、採石場、工作洞和鑽孔等地點的有限信息和取樣所收集的評估。估計量基於足夠接近地質和品位連續性,以允許適當的技術和經濟參數的應用。
是指感應極化,一種地球物理技術,其中將電流誘導到亞表面,並記錄亞表面的電導率。 套壓力位
是侵入到舊岩石的一種岩石體。 岩漿穹頂是地下的、廣泛的層狀變質域,當酸性岩漿熱液穿過向上通向古地面的壁巖時會形成。
指涉礦概念中可信度足以支持礦山規劃和礦牀經濟性評估的一部分礦石資源。該估算是基於通過適當技術從露頭、溝渠、採石場、工作洞和鑽孔等地點收集的詳細可靠的勘探和測試信息,估計量基於足夠接近地質和品位連續性。 岩漿穹頂是地下的、廣泛的層狀變質域,當酸性岩漿熱液穿過向上通向古地面的壁巖時會形成。
指已經探明且通過檢測和分析確定品位且勘探工作已充分展開的可供採用的礦物儲量。 該礦產資源數量、品位或者質量、密度、形態、物理特徵得到充分確認,以至於可以有足夠信心地估算該資源的技術性與經濟性指標,以支撐生產計劃並且評估該礦牀的經濟可行性,這是在充分、可靠地勘探、採樣和測試獲得了信息提供的基礎之上計算得出來的。這些信息來自於礦牀周圍各個位置,如露頭、溝槽、坑道、開採區和鑽孔等,這些地方的佈局緊密到足以確認礦牀地質和品位的連續性。
礦化 指金屬及其化合物在一塊岩石體中的濃度。
礦化的 含有礦物質的岩石,如鐵、銅、金等。
礦牀儲量 指一個經測定或推算的礦產資源具有經濟開採潛力的部分,能夠經歷初步可行性研究證實。這項研究必須包括有關採礦、冶煉、冶金、經濟和其他相關因素的充足信息,以表明在報告時可以證明經濟提取。礦牀儲量包括稀釋材料和在開採過程中可能出現損失的因素。
礦產資源 指位於地殼中的鑽石、天然無機物或天然化石有機物、包括基礎和貴金屬、煤和興業證券等工業礦物,其形態和數量、品位、地質特徵和連續性已經被知曉、估算或是從特定地質證據和知識中解釋出來,具有合理的經濟開採前景。
Mo-Bi-As-Te-W-Sn 鉬鉍砷碲鎢錫
磁鐵礦 磁鐵礦是一種由鐵氧化物組成的磁性礦物,在浸入岩石中和變質過程中常出現。
正長巖 一種由深層岩漿緩慢冷卻形成的侵入岩石。
二雲母花崗岩 一種富含黑雲母的花崗岩,通常是更大花崗岩巖體後期形成的一部分。
百萬噸 代表百萬噸。
"NI 43-101" 指加拿大證券管理員立法文件第43-101條——Scorpio Gold擁有兩座曾產金的採礦區,位於美國內華達州的Walker Lane Trend地區,分別爲曼哈頓礦山和Mineral Ridge礦山。Scorpio的曼哈頓區包括先進的勘探階段Goldwedge項目,擁有每天400噸的重力磨粉機。與Goldwedge相鄰的是曼哈頓項目,佔地4,300英畝,集中在兩個曾產生過礦的坑洞上,該項目於2021年從金礦公司Kinross公司收購。整體的曼哈頓區提供了一個令人興奮的後勘探機會,有超過100,000多米的歷史鑽探,具有重要的資源潛力,以及有價值的准許。Scorpio Gold還擁有位於內華達州埃斯梅拉達縣的Mineral Ridge金礦項目。Scorpio在Mineral Ridge的金礦中在2010年至2020年間生產了超過222,440盎司的黃金。有着已證明的儲量和可能性相當大的資源潛力,再加上有價值的許可權,水權,基礎設施以及最近收購的相鄰的北極星勘探目標,Mineral Ridge具有重要的近期開發潛力。
“礦石” 指一種金屬或礦物,或二者組合,其價值和數量足以實現盈利採礦。
“氧化物” 是指長期暴露於水和空氣作用下而風化和氧化的近地表岩石。
“岩石相生” 是用來描述火成岩和變質岩的相對相的起始順序以及礦石礦物和岩石變質的術語。
“岩漿差別” 是指受水熱流體循環影響的可滲透岩石中的水熱蝕變帶。
“斑岩” 各種花崗岩或火成岩,具有粗粒晶體。
“ppm” 表示百萬分之一。
“元古代” 表示地質時期(紀元)25億年前到54100萬年前
“黃鐵礦” 一種含鐵硫化物礦物。
“石英-脫鋁石±高嶺土” 脫鋁石是水合鋁鉀硫酸鹽礦物。在愛文思控股區等深峽谷等地的高級粘土蝕變區典型存在,並且通常與石英(一種晶體硅礦物)和有時高嶺土(一種粘土礦物)存在。
“殘土” 是一種風化或分解的富含粘土的岩石。
“方柱石” 是一類由氯化物、碳酸鹽和硫酸鹽組成的鋁、鈣和鈉硅酸鹽的岩石形成礦物。
“硫化物” 指由金屬與硫的化學結合組成的礦物。
“尾礦” 是由礦化岩石加工後殘留下來的廢棄物料。
“tpd” 表示每日噸。
“礦脈” 是一個通用術語,用來描述非礦化岩石區內的礦化岩石出現。
“VTEM” 是一種特定變種的時間域電磁地球物理勘查技術,用於勘探地下的導電體。
“洞狀” 是岩石或礦物內部出現的不規則空洞或孔道的地質特徵,通常是由於礦物溶解或去除而留下空隙形成的。

Assay Results
Assay results reported within this release include those provided by the Company's own on-site laboratory facilities at Palito and have not yet been independently verified. Serabi closely monitors the performance of its own facility against results from independent laboratory analysis for quality control purpose. As a matter of normal practice, the Company sends duplicate samples derived from a variety of the Company's activities to accredited laboratory facilities for independent verification. Since mid-2019, over 10,000 exploration drill core samples have been assayed at both the Palito laboratory and certified external laboratory, in most cases the ALS laboratory in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. When comparing significant assays with grades exceeding 1 g/t gold, comparison between Palito versus external results record an average over-estimation by the Palito laboratory of 6.7% over this period. Based on the results of this work, the Company's management are satisfied that the Company's own facility shows sufficiently good correlation with independent laboratory facilities for exploration drill samples. The Company would expect that in the preparation of any future independent Reserve/Resource statement undertaken in compliance with a recognized standard, the independent authors of such a statement would not use Palito assay results without sufficient duplicates from an appropriately certificated laboratory.


Forward-looking statements
Certain statements in this announcement are, or may be deemed to be, forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as ''believe'', ''could'', "should" ''envisage'', ''estimate'', ''intend'', ''may'', ''plan'', ''will'' or the negative of those, variations or comparable expressions, including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors' current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company's future growth, results of operations, performance, future capital and other expenditures (including the amount, nature and sources of funding thereof), competitive advantages, business prospects and opportunities. Such forward looking statements reflect the Directors' current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. Several factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions, competition, environmental and other regulatory changes, actions by governmental authorities, the availability of capital markets, reliance on key personnel, uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward looking statements.

前瞻性聲明 本新聞稿中包括的關於未來表現和結果、預期、規劃、策略、重點、承諾和其他聲明(包括與我們社會、環境和其他可持續性目標有關的聲明)的非歷史事實的前瞻性聲明,是根據美國聯邦證券法的定義而作出的前瞻性聲明。本新聞稿中關於我們環境和其他可持續性計劃和目標的前瞻性聲明以及其他聲明並不意味着這些聲明對於投資者、我們的業務、運營結果、財務狀況、前景或策略、對我們在可持續發展事項上的影響或其他當事方來說均是重要的,或者必須披露在我們向證券交易委員會(“SEC”)或其他監管機構的備案中。此外,歷史、現有及未來涉及社會、環境和可持續性的相關聲明可能是基於仍在發展的衡量進展的標準、不斷演變的內部控制和流程以及假設,在將來可能會發生變化。前瞻性聲明基於當前的信仰、期望和假設,並受到可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明有實質性差異的重大風險、不確定性和情況變化的影響。

Qualified Persons Statement
The scientific and technical information contained within this announcement has been reviewed and approved by Michael Hodgson, a Director of the Company. Mr Hodgson is an Economic Geologist by training with over 30 years' experience in the mining industry. He holds a BSc (Hons) Geology, University of London, a MSc Mining Geology, University of Leicester and is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and a Chartered Engineer of the Engineering Council of UK, recognizing him as both a Qualified Person for the purposes of Canadian National Instrument 43-101 and by the AIM Guidance Note on Mining and Oil & Gas Companies dated June 2009.

本公告中包含的科學技術信息已由該公司的董事Michael Hodgson進行了審查和批准。霍奇森先生是一位經濟地質學家,擁有超過30年的礦業經驗。他持有倫敦大學地質學榮譽學士學位、萊斯特大學礦業地質學碩士學位,並是材料、礦物與採礦研究所的會員和英國工程委員會的執照工程師,認可他作爲符合加拿大43-101國家規定和AIM關於礦業和石油和天然氣公司的指導註釋的合格人。

Beaumont Cornish Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority, is acting as nominated adviser to the Company in relation to the matters referred herein. Beaumont Cornish Limited is acting exclusively for the Company and for no one else in relation to the matters described in this announcement and is not advising any other person and accordingly will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to clients of Beaumont Cornish Limited, or for providing advice in relation to the contents of this announcement or any matter referred to in it.

提供姓名全稱、身份證號或公司註冊號、地址、白天的電話號碼以及代表、代理人和助手的信息。 助手的數量不得超過兩個。爲便於進入年度股東大會,通知應在適當的情況下附有授權書、註冊證書和其他授權文件。
Beaumont Cornish Limited是受英國金融行爲監管局授權和監管的,是本公司在此所述事項的指定顧問。Beaumont Cornish Limited僅代表公司,並不代表任何其他人與此公告所述事項有關,因此,Beaumont Cornish Limited對向Beaumont Cornish Limited的客戶提供的保護或就本公告或其中提到的任何事項提供建議的任何其他人均不負責。

Neither the Toronto Stock Exchange, nor any other securities regulatory authority, has approved or disapproved of the contents of this news release


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