
Ten West Link Transmission Line Becomes Operational, Expanding the Grid Between California and the Desert Southwest

Ten West Link Transmission Line Becomes Operational, Expanding the Grid Between California and the Desert Southwest

PR Newswire ·  06/13 08:30

Critical Infrastructure Project, Owned by Lotus Infrastructure Partners, Achieves Commercial Operation


GREENWICH, Conn., June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) has formally taken operational control of Ten West Link, a 125-mile high-voltage transmission project that will enhance the western electric grid and bring more than 3,000 megawatts of renewable energy resources to consumers throughout California and the Desert Southwest.

2024年6月13日,康涅狄格州格林威治/美通社——加利福尼亞獨立系統運營商(CAISO)已正式接管Ten West Link項目的運營控制權,該125英里的高壓輸電項目將增強西部電網併爲加利福尼亞和沙漠西南地區的消費者帶來3000多兆瓦的可再生能源資源。

Ten West Link, which was developed by DCR Transmission, L.L.C. (DCRT), a joint venture led by affiliates of Lotus Infrastructure Partners, a private investment firm focused on energy infrastructure investments, will improve electric grid efficiency and reliability, while enabling new renewable energy and energy storage resources.

Ten West Link由DCR傳輸公司(DCRT)開發,由蓮花基礎設施合夥企業的關聯公司牽頭,這是一家專注於能源基礎設施投資的私人投資公司,將提高電網效率和可靠性,同時使新的可再生能源和儲能資源得以開發利用。

At the recent ribbon cutting for Ten West Link, Mark Rothleder, Chief Operating Officer of the CAISO said, "This monumental initiative stretching 125 miles from Tonopah, AZ to Blythe, CA represents not just the physical connection of two states, Arizona and California, but the bridging of efforts towards a sustainable future. The economic impact of this project is profound, and the access to 3,200 megawatts of clean, low-cost energy will be a game changer. This project has brought together communities, engineers, environmentalists and policymakers in a shared vision of a future where clean, safe energy is not just possibility, but a reality."

在最近舉行的Ten West Link剪彩儀式上,CAISO的首席運營官馬克·羅思萊德爾(Mark Rothleder)表示:“這個偉大的計劃從亞利桑那州的託諾帕(Tonopah)延伸到加利福尼亞州的布萊思(Blythe),不僅代表了兩個州,亞利桑那州和加利福尼亞州的物理連接,同時也代表了走向可持續未來的努力。該項目的經濟影響深遠,而接入3200兆瓦的清潔、低成本能源將是一場遊戲改變者。這個項目將社區、工程師、環保主義者和政策制定者匯聚到了一個共同的願景中,即未來的能源應是清潔、安全的現實,而不是一個可能性。”

"We are pleased to bring this project to fruition for the CAISO and ratepayers across the region," said Himanshu Saxena, Chief Executive Officer of Lotus Infrastructure Partners, "On behalf of the entire team of professionals responsible for developing this incredible project, I want to thank the CAISO, the California Public Utilities Commission, Arizona Corporations Commission, the United States Department of the Interior, the Bureau of Land Management, and the dozens of other federal, state and local agencies and jurisdictions who have worked tirelessly the last nine years to make Ten West Link a reality. This infrastructure project will unlock thousands of megawatts of renewable resources while improving the reliability of the bulk transmission grid, and is a testament to the tireless work of our team and their partners across the government and private industry."

蓮花基礎設施合夥企業的首席執行官希曼什·薩克塞納(Himanshu Saxena)表示:"我們很高興爲CAISO和該地區的繳費人帶來這個項目。"他說:"我代表負責開發這個令人難以置信的項目的整個專業團隊,向CAISO、加利福尼亞公用事業委員會、亞利桑那州企業委員會、美國內政部、土地管理局和其他數十個聯邦、州和地方機構和司法管轄區表示感謝,他們在過去的九年裏不懈努力,使Ten West Link成爲現實。這個基礎設施項目將解鎖數千兆瓦的可再生能源資源,同時提高大宗輸電網的可靠性,這是我們團隊及其在政府和私營行業的合作伙伴不懈努力的證明。"

Ten West Link is now under the operational control of the CAISO, with more than 7,000 megawatts of renewable energy resources currently applying to interconnect to the bulk transmission grid via the line.

Ten West Link現在已經受到CAISO的運營控制,在該線路上申請與大宗輸電網的連接的可再生能源資源已經超過7000兆瓦。

About Ten West Link. Ten West Link was developed by DCR Transmission, LLC. ("DCRT"), a joint venture led by affiliates of Lotus Infrastructure Partners. DCRT was chosen to develop the energy project by the California Independent System Operator Corporation ("CAISO") following a comprehensive competitive solicitation in 2015. The capacity of Ten West Link is managed by the CAISO, making Ten West Link a critical transmission asset serving the needs of the electric consumers in the Southwest. The Project became operational on June 12, 2024.

關於Ten West Link。  Ten West Link由DCR傳輸有限責任公司(DCRT)開發,由蓮花基礎設施合夥企業的關聯公司牽頭。DCRT在2015年的全面競爭性招標中被加利福尼亞獨立系統運營商公司(CAISO)選爲開發能源項目的開發商。Ten West Link的容量由CAISO管理,使其成爲服務於西南地區電動消費者需求的重要傳輸資產。該項目於2024年6月12日開始運營。關於蓮花基礎設施合夥企業。  蓮花基礎設施專注於基礎設施投資,包括可再生能源發電、儲能、可再生和低碳燃料、電能傳輸、熱能電力以及中游和下游資產。蓮花基礎設施已經籌集了超過30億美元的股本資本,並執行了總企業價值超過80億美元的交易,其中包括約28億美元與可再生資產的開發和建設相關的企業價值。蓮花基礎設施的團隊爲其投資帶來了廣泛的多功能專業知識,包括開發、建設、運營、收購和融資。欲知更多信息,請訪問。

About Lotus Infrastructure Partners. Lotus Infrastructure specializes in infrastructure investments including renewable power generation, battery storage, renewable and low-carbon fuels, electric transmission, thermal power, and midstream and downstream assets. Lotus Infrastructure has raised in excess of $3 billion of equity capital and has executed transactions totaling more than $8 billion in enterprise value, inclusive of approximately $2.8 billion in enterprise value related to the development and construction of renewable assets. The Lotus Infrastructure team brings extensive multi-functional expertise to its investments including development, construction, operations, acquisition and financing. For more information, please visit .


SOURCE Lotus Infrastructure Partners


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