
Team USA Wins Gold in Bocuse D'Or Americas Selection!

Team USA Wins Gold in Bocuse D'Or Americas Selection!

美國團隊贏得美洲Bocuse D'Or比賽的金牌!
PR Newswire ·  06/14 07:05

Following the Americas selection competition in New Orleans, Team USA is
advancing to the 2025 finals in Lyon, France

加利福尼亞州納帕,2024年6月14日/ PRNewswire / - 美國將於2025年1月前往法國里昂參加Bocuse d'Or,這是世界上最負盛名的烹飪比賽!

NAPA, Calif., June 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. is heading to Lyon, France in January 2025 to compete at the Bocuse d'Or, the world's most prestigious culinary competition! Team USA Head Chef Stefani De Palma and Commis Bradley Waddle secured their spot on the international stage following a 5-hour and 30-minute battle in New Orleans, LA. They faced eight countries from North, Central, and South America.

美國隊在新奧爾良的5小時30分鐘的比拼中獲勝,以金牌晉級國際舞臺。他們面臨來自北美、中美洲和南美洲的八個國家。美國隊贏得了美洲地區金牌,晉級Bocuse d'Or2025年法國里昂的決賽。美國隊贏得了黃金獎牌。照片(左至右):美國隊Commis Bradley Waddle,總統Devin Knell,主廚Stefani De Palma,主教練Sebastian Gibrand。 (照片來源:Ken Goodman)美國隊主廚Stefani De Palma和頁面。幫手Bradley Waddle獲得晉級名額後,美國隊將與來自北美、中非、亞洲和歐洲的其他24支隊伍一起競爭,角逐金牌。

Team USA is advancing to the Bocuse d'Or 2025 finals in Lyon, France after winning Gold in the Americas selection

美國隊贏得了美洲區的金牌,晉級Bocuse d'Or2025年法國里昂的決賽。

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Team USA Wins Gold in Bocuse d'Or Americas Selection. Pictured (L-R): Team USA Commis Bradley Waddle, President Devin Knell, Head Chef Stefani De Palma, Head Coach Sebastian Gibrand. (Photo Credit: Ken Goodman)
美國隊獲得了Bocuse d'Or美洲區的金牌。拍攝(左至右):美國隊Commis Bradley Waddle,總統Devin Knell,主廚Stefani De Palma,主教練Sebastian Gibrand。 (照片來源:Ken Goodman)

Team USA secured the Gold and was selected to advance along with two-person teams from Canada (Silver), Mexico (Bronze), Chile (4th place), and Colombia (5th place). When they reach Lyon, Team USA will once again face these finalists from the Americas selection, alongside finalists from Africa, Asia, and Europe—a total of 24 teams from around the world are vying for the Gold medal.

美國隊贏得了金牌,並被選爲加拿大(銀牌)、墨西哥(銅牌)、智利(第四名)和哥倫比亞(第五名)的兩人團隊之一晉級。當他們到達里昂時,美國隊將再次面對這些來自美洲選擇區的決賽者,以及來自非洲、亞洲和歐洲的決賽者 - 共有24個隊伍來角逐金牌。

"I'm so proud to be representing the United States. It's rewarding to see all of our training lead to this result. I'm the type of person who is focused on one goal at a time and now my eyes are set on what we need to accomplish in Lyon," said De Palma who has spent the last nine-months training in preparation for the Americas selection with Commis Waddle. "We're so impressed by the final plates and platters presented by the other teams and admire the workmanship and professionalism they showed throughout the competition."

“我很自豪能代表美國。看到我們所有的訓練都得到了這個結果,這是一件非常有意義的事情。我是那種一心一意專注於一個目標的人,現在我的目標在於我們需要在里昂實現的目標,”與Commis Waddle一起爲美洲區準備了9個月培訓的De Palma說。“我們對其他隊伍呈現的最終盤子和盤子印象深刻,並且欽佩他們在比賽中顯示的工藝和專業精神。”

Each team in the competition was tasked with completing the Bocuse d'Or's two iconic tests: the theme on a plate and the platter theme, both featuring the host region's local and emblematic products, which include wild boar rack, grits, alligator sausage, whole white shrimp, Murder Point oysters, and jumbo lump crab meat. To secure their spot in the finals, Team USA prepared a dish entitled "California's Celebration of Louisiana Shellfish" and a platter entitled "Golden State Soul: California Meets the Bayou".

參賽團隊的任務是完成Bocuse d'Or的兩項標誌性測試:主題盤和拼盤主題,兩者都包含東道主地區的當地和象徵性產品,包括野豬排骨、石板、鱷魚腸、全白蝦、謀殺點牡蠣和珍寶餐飲集團。爲了在決賽中獲得參賽資格,美國隊準備了一道名爲“加利福尼亞州慶祝路易斯安那州貝類”的菜餚,以及一道名爲“金州靈魂:加利福尼亞州與沼澤地相遇”的盤。

"Our victory in the Americas selection is a result of dedication and commitment. Team USA showcased their innovative ideas for presentation at the highest level. It is important to acknowledge the coaches, chefs, mentors, and supporters who have been an integral part of this success. We are very proud of Chef De Palma and Commis Waddle and look forward to the Finals in Lyon," said Chef Thomas Keller who is a founding member of Ment'or and President of the Foundation's Board of Directors alongside chef co-founders and fellow board members Daniel Boulud and Jérôme Bocuse. Chef Keller is also an active mentor for Team USA along with some of the country's most highly regarded culinary talents.

“我們在美洲區的勝利源於我們的奉獻和承諾。美國隊展示了他們創新的想法在國際舞臺上呈現的最高水平。需要注意的是,作爲這一成功的重要組成部分,我們需要感謝教練、廚師、導師和支持者。我們爲主廚De Palma和幫手Waddle感到非常自豪,並期待在里昂的決賽中再次見到他們,”Ment'or的創始會員之一、董事會主席Thomas Keller廚師與義大利其他廚師和董事會成員Daniel Boulud和Jerome Bocuse一起。Keller廚師也是美國隊的活躍導師,還是該國一些最受尊敬的烹飪人才的導師。

Since Ment'or was formed in 2008 by Chefs Daniel Boulud, Thomas Keller, and Jérôme Bocuse, competitors representing Team USA have regularly finished within the Top 10 and have secured both the Gold and Silver medals at the finals in Lyon. The mission for the organization was, and continues to be, focused on inspiring culinary excellence and supporting the next generation of young professionals as they continue to elevate the cuisine in America. The American teams Ment'or has trained for the the finals in Lyon include:

自2008年由Daniel Boulud、Thomas Keller和Jerome Bocuse大廚組建Ment'or以來,代表美國的競爭者經常在前十名中完成,並在里昂的決賽中獲得金牌和銀牌。該組織的使命已經和將繼續聚焦於激勵烹飪卓越,並支持下一代年輕專業人士繼續提升美國的烹飪技藝。Ment'or贏得了在里昂的決賽,在那裏美國隊參加比賽:Ment'or包括:

2009: Chef Timothy Hollingsworth and Commis Adina Guest of The French Laundry placed sixth overall

2009:法國洗衣灣的主廚Timothy Hollingsworth和幫手Adina Guest獲得了第六名

2011: Chef James Kent and Commis Tom Allan of Eleven Madison Park placed tenth overall

2011:紐約Eleven Madison Park的主廚James Kent和幫手Tom Allan獲得了第十名

2013: Chef Richard Rosendale and Commis Corey Siegel of The Greenbrier placed seventh overall

2013:綠brier的主廚Richard Rosendale和幫手Corey Siegel名列第七

2015: Chef Philip Tessier and Commis Skylar Stover of The French Laundry placed second overall, securing the Silver medal and marking the first time America stood on the podium

2015:法國洗衣灣的主廚Philip Tessier和幫手Skylar Stover名列第二。獲得銀牌並標誌着美國首次登上領獎臺。

2017: Chef Mathew Peters and Commis Harrison Turone, formerly of Per Se, won America's first Gold medal

2017:大廚Mathew Peters和Commis Harrison Turone,前Per Se餐廳工作人員。贏得美國的第一枚金牌。

2019: Chef Matt Kirkley and Commis Mimi Chen placed ninth overall

2019:大廚Matt Kirkley和Commis Mimi Chen在總排名中位列第九。

2023: Chef Jeffery Hayashi and Commis Franco Fugel placed ninth overall

2023:大師傅Jeffery Hayashi和Commis Franco Fugel排名第九。

Meet Team USA 2025

認識Team USA 2025。

Head Chef Stefani De Palma

主廚Stefani De Palma

Southern California native De Palma, originally from Arcadia, California, is most well-known for her nearly 15-year tenure at Addison, San Diego's only three-star Michelin restaurant. She assumed the position of chef de cuisine at Addison in 2016, at age 27, after holding roles on both the sweet and savory sides of the kitchen. Her contributions alongside her mentor Executive Chef William Bradley helped shepherd the restaurant to its award-winning status. De Palma studied at Le Cordon Bleu in Pasadena, CA and externed in Italy before joining the Addison team where she was committed to strengthening the team and helping the restaurant achieve its Michelin star status.

Los Angles 的 Stefani De Palma,來自加利福尼亞州阿卡迪亞,最出名的是在Addison工作近15年的廚師。Addison是聖地亞哥唯一的三星米其林餐廳。她在2016年擔任Addison的廚師長,27歲時,在甜食和鹹食兩端擔任過不同的角色。她與她的導師William Bradley行使職務的時候對Addison的協助幫助餐廳贏得了獎項。De Palma在加州帕薩迪納的Le Cordon Bleu學習,並在意大利實習後加入了Addison團隊,在那裏她致力於加強團隊建設,幫助餐廳取得米其林星級認證。

Stefani's Notable Awards


InsideHook 20 Chefs to Watch in 2024

InsideHook 20位值得關注的大廚(2024年)

Team USA selection for the Bocuse d'Or (2023)

Bocuse d'Or團隊美國選手(2023年)

Eater Young Guns semi-finalist (2017)

Eater Young Guns半決賽選手(2017年)

Zagat 30 under 30 (2017)

Zagat 30歲以下精英(2017年)

Commis Bradley Waddle

Commis Bradley Waddle

Hailing from Redding, CA, Waddle has memories of cooking in his parents kitchen dating back to age 9. Now, the 22-year-old chef is representing the U.S. on an international stage as commis for Team USA. His hands-on culinary training started at age 17 as a line cook. Waddle quickly progressed to more advanced kitchens after moving to Napa Valley to work at Regiis Ova Caviar & Champagne Lounge under renowned Chef Thomas Keller. This was followed by a 10-month stint with one of England's most well-known chefs Michael Caines at the one Michelin star restaurant at Lympstone Manor hotel, and a commis position at Chef Keller's Ad Hoc Restaurant.

來自加利福尼亞州雷丁的Waddle,從9歲起就在父母的廚房裏做飯。現在,這位22歲的廚師代表美國在國際舞臺上擔任Team USA的Commis。他的實際烹飪培訓從17歲開始,當時他還是一名線爐工。在搬到納帕谷工作Regiis Ova Caviar & Champagne Lounge,受到著名廚師Thomas Keller的青睞後,Waddle迅速進步到更高級的廚房。接下來是在英格蘭最著名的廚師邁克爾·凱恩斯(Michael Caines)的餐廳中度過的長達10個月的時間,這是位於林普斯通莊園酒店的一家獲得米其林一星認證的餐廳,之後她開始擔任廚師Keller的Ad Hoc餐廳的Commis。

Bradley's Notable Awards


Best Commis (2024)


Team USA selection for the Bocuse d'Or (2023)

Bocuse d'Or團隊美國選手(2023年)

For more information about Team USA and Ment'or, visit .

有關Team USA和Mentor的更多信息,請訪問.

About Ment'or


Ment'or is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation that aims to educate and inspire excellence in young culinary professionals and champions the diversity and creativity of the traditions and quality of cuisine in America. Ment'or is led by founders Chefs Daniel Boulud, Thomas Keller and Jérôme Bocuse, as well as an esteemed Culinary Council of over sixty renowned chefs. Educational grants and internship opportunities are offered to culinary professionals through the Ment'or Continuing Education Grant Program, which has awarded almost $2 million in grants since 2014 to young chefs all across the U.S. The Young Chef and Commis Competition series offer yet another opportunity for them to further their careers. Additionally, the organization established the Ment'or Giving Fund to help support those who are the backbone of the restaurant profession in times of crisis. Ment'or is also responsible for recruiting, training, and funding the promising young American chefs who represent Team USA in the prestigious biennial Bocuse d'Or competition, held in Lyon, France. Follow the journey on Instagram, Facebook, and X.

Ment'or是一個501(c)(3)非營利性基金會,旨在教育和激勵年輕的烹飪專業人員,支持美國的傳統美食和創意多樣性以及卓越品質。Ment'or由廚師Daniel Boulud,Thomas Keller和Jérôme Bocuse以及超過60名著名廚師的傑出烹飪理事會領導。通過Ment'or繼續教育補助計劃,烹飪專業人員可以獲得教育補助和實習機會,自2014年以來該計劃已經向美國各地的年輕廚師授予了近200萬美元的補助。青年廚師和Comis比賽系列爲他們提供了進一步發展事業的機會。此外,該組織成立了Ment'or Giving Fund,在危機時期幫助支持餐廳業的骨幹。Ment'or還負責招募、培訓和資助有前途的年輕美國廚師,代表美國隊參加在法國里昂舉行的備受推崇的雙年度Bocuse d'Or競賽。在旅程上關注。Instagram, FacebookX.

SOURCE Ment'or

SOURCE Ment'or

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