
Mark Zuckerberg Plans Massive Seven-Building Compound In Lake Tahoe Property That Meta CEO Quietly Acquired For $59M: Report

Mark Zuckerberg Plans Massive Seven-Building Compound In Lake Tahoe Property That Meta CEO Quietly Acquired For $59M: Report

Benzinga ·  06/15 03:14

Meta Platforms Inc. (NASDAQ:META) CEO Mark Zuckerberg is planning to construct a massive seven-building compound in Lake Tahoe, California.

納斯達克上市公司 meta platforms 的 CEO 馬克 · 扎克伯格計劃在加利福尼亞的塔霍湖( Lake Tahoe )建造一個由七棟大型建築組成的綜合建築群。

What Happened: Zuckerberg is set to build a 75,000-square-foot compound on the western shore of Lake Tahoe, as per planning documents obtained by California news site SFGate. The compound will be situated on a 3.5-acre property that Zuckerberg quietly bought in 2018 for $22 million.

事件經過:據加州新聞網站 SFGate 報道,扎克伯格計劃在塔霍湖的西岸建造一座面積爲 75,000 平方英尺的綜合建築群。綜合建築群位於一塊佔地 3.5 英畝的地上,這塊地原本屬於已故投資銀行家羅伯特·奎斯特( Robert Quist )家族。2018 年被扎克伯格悄悄買下,花費 2200 萬美元。

The property, previously owned by the family of the late investment banker Robert Quist, includes a pier suitable for a large yacht and a house with seven bedrooms. Zuckerberg also purchased an adjacent estate, known as the Brushwood Estate, for $37 million. Both properties are being demolished to make way for the new compound.

這塊地之前是羅伯特·奎斯特家族的財產,包括一個適合停泊大型遊艇的碼頭和一個有七間臥室的房子。扎克伯格還以 3700 萬美元的價格購買了相鄰的莊園,稱爲 Brushwood 莊園( Brushwood Estate )。這兩塊土地都將被拆除,爲新的綜合建築群騰出位置。

As per the report, the main residence of the compound will be a 20,000-square-foot, 35-foot-tall structure. Other buildings will include a bunkhouse, a gym, a gatehouse, an office, and a guesthouse. The property will also feature fire pits, bridges, and mulch trails.

根據報告,綜合建築群的主要住宅將是一棟面積爲 20,000 平方英尺,高 35 英尺的建築。其他建築將包括一個鋪位、一個健身房、一個門房、一個辦公室和一個客房。物業還將配備火坑、橋樑和楓木小徑。

Zuckerberg's Lake Tahoe property will add to his already extensive real estate portfolio, which includes a compound in Palo Alto, California, and over 1,200 acres of land in Hawaii. In April, it was estimated that Zuckerberg's property holdings were worth about $200 million.

扎克伯格在塔霍湖的房產將增加他已經擁有的廣泛的房地產組合,其中包括加利福尼亞州帕洛阿爾託的一處綜合建築群和夏威夷 1200 英畝的土地。今年 4 月,有估算稱扎克伯格的房地產價值約爲 2 億美元。

Why It Matters: Zuckerberg can add the Tahoe property to his already extensive real estate portfolio. In January, it was reported that the Meta CEO had spent $187 million on 1,600 acres of land in Hawaii, where he was building a massive self-sustaining apocalypse bunker.

重要性在於:扎克伯格可以將塔霍湖的房產添加到他已經擁有的廣泛的房地產組合中。今年 1 月,有報道稱,Meta CEO 在夏威夷花費 1.87 億美元購買了 1600 英畝的土地,他正在那裏建造一個大型自給自足的末日難民的避難所。

In March, another report stated that Zuckerberg sold his $29.6 million mansion in Woodside, California, and acquired a $300 million yacht. The tech behemoth also owns another compound in Palo Alto, California.

今年 3 月,另一份報告稱,扎克伯格出售了他在加利福尼亞州伍德賽德的 2960 萬美元的豪宅,以 3 億美元的價格購買了一艘遊艇。這家科技巨頭還在加利福尼亞州擁有另一處綜合建築群。

According to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index, Zuckerberg has a total net worth of $179 billion, making him the world's fourth richest person.

據彭博億萬富豪指數,扎克伯格的總淨資產爲 1,790 億美元,使他成爲全球第四富有的人。

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免責聲明:本文部分內容使用了Benzinga Neuro的幫助。此內容部分由Benzinga Neuro幫助製作,並由Benzinga編輯審核併發布。

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