
CARsgen Presents First-in-human Results of GPRC5D Targeting CAR-T CT071 at EHA 2024

CARsgen Presents First-in-human Results of GPRC5D Targeting CAR-T CT071 at EHA 2024

CARsgen在EHA 2024上展示了針對GPRC5D靶向CAR-T CT071的首次人體試驗結果。
PR Newswire ·  06/15 08:50

SHANGHAI, June 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CARsgen Therapeutics Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 2171.HK), a company focused on innovative CAR T-cell therapies for the treatment of hematologic malignancies and solid tumors, announces that the initial results from the ongoing first-in-human study of CT071 have been presented at the 29th Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA).

2024年6月15日,上海/美通社/--注重治療血液系統腫瘤和實體瘤的創新CAR-T細胞療法公司CARsgen Therapeutics Holdings Limited(股票代碼:2171.HK)宣佈,CT071人體初次研究的初步結果已在第29屆歐洲血液病學會(EHA)大會上發佈。

The preliminary results of Phase I of CT071 (NCT05838131) were presented as a poster at the 29th EHA Annual Congress on June 14, 18:00 - 19:00 CEST, which was titled "First-in-human study of GPRC5D-targeted CAR T cells (CT071) with an accelerated manufacturing process in patients with relapsed/ refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM)".[1]

CT071 (NCT05838131) 的I期臨床試驗初步結果作爲海報於6月14日的第29屆歐洲血液病學會年會上展示,時間爲18:00-19:00 CEST,題目爲“基於GPRC5D靶向的CAR T細胞(CT071)的加速製造過程在復發/難治性多發性骨髓瘤(RRMM)患者中的化驗研究”。[1]

"Multiple myeloma is a common yet incurable hematologic malignancy with high unmet need. Despite the numerous recent advances, most patients relapse and become refractory to available therapies and therefore, novel therapies are needed. GPRC5D, a protein highly expressed on the surface of malignant plasma cells with limited expression on normal tissues, represents a promising target for treating multiple myeloma. CT071 is a fully human GPRC5D-targeting autologous second-generation CAR T-cell product manufactured using our expedited CARcelerateTM platform that shortens the manufacturing time to around 30 hours, supporting a shorter vein-to-vein time and younger T cells. The preliminary results of the ongoing study presented at EHA shows that CT071 has the potential to be the best-in-class GPRC5D targeting CAR-T therapy," said Raffaele Baffa, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer of CARsgen Therapeutics. "We are excited about advancing CT071 and look forward to sharing future updates with the medical community."

“多發性骨髓瘤是一種常見但無法治癒的血液系統惡性腫瘤。儘管最近取得了很多進展,大多數患者仍會復發並對可用療法產生抵抗,因此需要新的療法。 GPRC5D是一種表達在惡性漿細胞表面上明顯高於正常組織的蛋白質,是治療多發性骨髓瘤的一個有前景的治療靶點。CT071是一個全人源GPRC5D-靶向的自體二代CAR T細胞產品,採用我們的加速CARcelerate平台製造,製造時間僅爲約30小時,支持較短的靜脈-靜脈時間和較年輕的T細胞,正在進行的研究的初步結果表明CT071有潛力成爲最佳類別的 GPRC5D 靶向 CAR-T 療法,”CARsgen Therapeutics 的首席醫學官Raffaele Baffa博士表示。“我們對推進CT071感到興奮,並期待與醫學界分享未來的更新。”TM截至2024年2月28日,已有10名患者使用CT071做了劑量試驗,其中7名患者劑量爲1.0×10個細胞/kg,3名患者劑量爲3.0×10個細胞/kg。其中80%的患者存在高風險的細胞遺傳學,30%的患者存在一個或多個骨髓外漿細胞瘤(EMD),40%的患者處於R-ISSIII階段。這是一個接受過重度治療的人群,平均治療線爲5條,其中90%爲雙類抗性,70%爲三類抗性,40%爲五種藥物抗性,50%接受過自體幹細胞移植,20%曾接受過BCMA/CD19雙靶向CAR T細胞治療。研究中沒有患者需要經過快速製造來過渡治療。

As of February 28, 2024, 10 patients were dosed with CT071—7 patients at 1.0×105 cells/kg and 3 patients at 3.0×105 cells/kg. Among them, 80% had high-risk cytogenetics, 30% had one or more extramedullary plasmacytomas (EMD), and 40% were at R-ISS stage III. This was a heavily pre-treated population with a median of 5 prior lines of therapy, including 90% double-class refractory, 70% triple-class refractory, 40% penta-drug refractory, 50% having received autologous stem cell transplantation, and 20% had previously been treated with BCMA/CD19 dual-targeting CAR T cells. None of the patients on the study required bridging therapy due to rapid manufacturing turnaround.

4.07個月(範圍:2.8-7.4)爲數據截止的中位隨訪時間。沒有3級或更高級別的細胞因子釋放綜合症(CRS)事件。也沒有觀察到免疫效應細胞性神經病(ICANS)。也沒有發生任何特殊利益或劑量限制性毒性反應。4名患者經歷了治療相關的SAE,包括肺炎(n = 1),食慾減退(n = 1)和血小板減少(n = 2),並且全部恢復。5總的反應率爲90%,其中5名患者(50%)爲嚴格完全緩解(sCR),2名患者(20%)爲非常好的部分緩解(VGPR),2名患者(20%)爲部分緩解(PR)。所有9名參加了第4周可評估的MRD評估的患者均達到了MRD陰性(10的閾值),其中包括所有5名sCR/CR患者。藥代動力學分析顯示出強大的細胞擴張和持久性,最高Tmax爲14天(範圍:12-28),最高Cmax爲32280.5拷貝/μg gDNA(範圍:8372-106060)。5CT071是利用CARsgen專有的CARcelerate平台發展的CAR T細胞療法候選人,針對 GPRC5D 用於治療R/R MM或復發/難治性漿細胞性白血病(R/R PCL)。中國正在進行一項由調查員啓動的試驗(NCT05838131),以評估CT071用於治療R/R MM或R/R PCL的安全性和有效性。 還在中國進行另一項由調查員啓動的試驗(NCT06407947),用於治療新診斷的多發性骨髓瘤(NDMM)。

The median follow-up at the time of data cut-off was 4.07 months (range: 2.8-7.4). There were no Grade 3 or higher cytokine release syndrome (CRS) events. No immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS) was observed. No adverse events of special interest or dose limiting toxicity (DLT) occurred. Four patients experienced treatment-related SAE, including pneumonia (n=1), decreased appetite (n=1) and thrombocytopenia (n=2), and all recovered.

[1] J Du, et al. EHA 2024. 2024 Jun; 海報P941。

The overall response rate was 90%, including 5 patients (50%) with stringent complete response (sCR), 2 patients (20%) with very good partial response (VGPR), and 2 patients (20%) with partial response (PR). All the 9 patients with evaluable MRD assessment at Week 4 achieved MRD negativity (10-6 threshold) ), including all 5 patients with sCR/CR. The pharmacokinetic analysis demonstrated robust cell expansion and persistence, with median Tmax of 14 days (range: 12-28) and median Cmax of 32280.5 copies/μg gDNA (range: 8372-106060).

整體反應率爲90%,包括5名患者(50%)具有嚴格的完全緩解(sCR),2名患者(20%)具有非常好的部分緩解(VGPR)和2名患者(20%)具有部分緩解(PR)。在第4周進行的所有9名患者進行可評估的MRD評估,均爲陰性(10,9的閾值),包括所有5名sCR/CR患者。藥代動力學分析顯示出堅實的細胞擴增和持久性,中位數T-6包括所有5名sCR/CR病人在內,閾值)),藥動學分析顯示電芯擴增和存留穩健,中位數T最大14天中的最大值(範圍:12-28)和中位數C最大32280.5拷貝/μg gDNA 的最大值(範圍:8372-106060)

About CT071
CT071 is a CAR T-cell therapy candidate developed utilizing CARsgen's proprietary CARcelerateTM platform targeting GPRC5D for the treatment of R/R MM or relapsed/refractory plasma cell leukemia ("R/R PCL"). An investigator-initiated trial (NCT05838131) is ongoing in China to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CT071 for the treatment of R/R MM or R/R PCL. Another investigator-initiated trial (NCT06407947) is ongoing in China for the treatment of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM).

CT071是一種CAR T細胞療法候選人,採用CARsgen的專有CARcelerate平台開發,目標是治療R/R MM或復發/難治性漿細胞性白血病(R / R PCL)的GPRC5D。 在中國正在進行由調查員啓動的試驗(NCT05838131),以評估CT071用於治療R / R MM或R / R PCL的安全性和有效性。 此外,中國還在進行另一項由調查員啓動的試驗(NCT06407947),用於治療新診斷的多發性骨髓瘤(NDMM)。此款超便攜式投影儀使用了最新的 Android TV 界面,而且遙控器還內置了 Google AssistantTM 功能,用戶可以非常方便地使用它。該平台以針對GPRC5D爲目標治療R/R MM或復發難治性漿細胞白血病(“R/R PCL”)爲特色。在中國進行着一個由調查員發起的試驗(NCT05838131),以評估CT071治療R/R MM或R/R PCL的安全性和有效性。另一個由調查員發起的試驗(NCT06407947)在中國進行,用於治療新診斷的多發性骨髓瘤(NDMM)。

About CARsgen Therapeutics Holdings Limited
CARsgen is a biopharmaceutical company with operations in China and the U.S. and is focused on innovative CAR T-cell therapies for the treatment of hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. CARsgen has established a comprehensive CAR T-cell research and development platform, encompassing target discovery, innovative CAR T-cell development, clinical trials, and commercial-scale production. CARsgen has internally developed novel technologies and a product pipeline with global rights to address major challenges of CAR T-cell therapies, such as improving the safety profile, enhancing the efficacy in treating solid tumors, and reducing treatment costs. CARsgen's mission is to become a global biopharmaceutical leader that brings innovative and differentiated cell therapies to cancer patients worldwide and makes cancer curable.

關於CARsgen Therapeutics Holdings Limited CARsgen是一家在中國和美國擁有業務的生物製藥公司,專注於治療血液惡性腫瘤和實體瘤的創新CAR T細胞療法。CARsgen建立了一個全面的CAR T細胞研發平台,包括靶點發現、創新CAR T細胞研發、臨床試驗和商業化大規模生產。CARsgen擁有自主開發的新技術和產品線,具備解決CAR T細胞療法的主要挑戰,如提高安全性、增強治療固體腫瘤的療效和降低治療成本的全球權利。CARsgen的使命是成爲一個全球性的生物製藥領導者,爲全球癌症患者帶來創新和差異化的細胞治療,使癌症變得可治癒。

Forward-looking Statements
All statements in this press release that are not historical fact or that do not relate to present facts or current conditions are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements express the Group's current views, projections, beliefs and expectations with respect to future events as of the date of this press release. Such forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions and factors beyond the Group's control. As a result, they are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, and actual events or results may differ materially from these forward-looking statements and the forward-looking events discussed in this press release might not occur. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those detailed under the heading "Principal Risks and Uncertainties" in our most recent annual report and interim report and other announcements and reports made available on our corporate website, No representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of, and no reliance should be placed on, any projections, targets, estimates or forecasts contained in this press release.


[1] J Du, et al. EHA 2024. 2024 Jun; Poster P941

[1] J Du, et al. EHA 2024. 2024 Jun; 海報P941。

SOURCE CARsgen Therapeutics

CARsgen Therapeutics。

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