
K2 Gold Provides 2024 Exploration Program Updates

K2 Gold Provides 2024 Exploration Program Updates

newsfile ·  06/17 06:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 17, 2024) - K2 Gold Corporation (TSXV: KTO) (OTCQB: KTGDF) (FSE: 23K) ("K2" or the "Company") today announced the commencement of a soil sampling program at the Wels Project, located in west-central Yukon Territory 60km south of Newmont's Coffee gold deposit. In addition, drill core from the Company's 2023 diamond drilling program at the Si2 Project, located 60km west of Tonopah, Nevada, will undergo hyperspectral analysis. Both projects are fully funded.

卑詩省溫哥華-(資訊公司—2024年6月17日)—K2 Gold集團(TSXV: KTO)(OTCQB: KTGDF)(FSE: 23K)(下稱“K2”)今天宣佈,在新蒙特咖啡金礦60公里以南的育空地區中西部的Wels項目開始採集土壤樣品。此外,該公司將對位於內華達州託諾帕60公里以西的Si2項目的2023年鑽孔方案中的岩心進行高光譜分析。兩個項目均已獲得全額資金支持。K2"或"公司今天宣佈,在新蒙特咖啡金礦60公里以南的育空地區中西部的Wels項目開始採集土壤樣品。此外,該公司將對位於內華達州託諾帕60公里以西的Si2項目的2023年鑽孔方案中的岩心進行高光譜分析。兩個項目均已獲得全額資金支持。



Wels Project:


  • Soil sampling program has been designed to collect data over the previously unexplored western portion of the Wels property.
  • 土壤採樣計劃旨在收集Wels礦區西部以前未開發區域的數據。
  • Data and information acquired from this program will be used to evaluate possible extensions to the Saddle and Pekoe target areas which were successfully drilled by K2 in 2023.
  • 從該計劃獲取的數據和信息將用於評估Saddle和Pekoe目標區域的可能延伸,這兩個區域已於2023年由K2成功鑽探。

Si2 Project:


  • Select intervals of drill core from the 2023 program at the Si2 Project will undergo hyperspectral analysis to determine clay species and aid in vectoring towards stronger mineralization.
  • 將對2023年Si2項目的部分鑽孔岩心進行高光譜分析,以確定粘土物種並幫助礦化矢量定位。

Mojave Project:


  • Permitting via the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process for a Phase II drill program at Mojave continues to progress favourably with an updated expected completion of Q4 2024.
  • 莫哈維的環境影響聲明(EIS)過程的許可持續進展良好,預計於2024年第四季度完成更新。

Exploration Program Details
Up to 1,130 sites will be sampled during the 2024 Wels soil sampling program. Samples will focus on a prominent ridgeline extending northwest from the Saddle and Pekoe target areas. The grid extends to the northwest along high-priority lineaments identified from analysis of LiDAR and geophysical data. Structures hosting mineralization at the Saddle and Pekoe targets are inferred to continue to the northwest trending onto unexplored ground. Areas of interest on the southern half of the property will also be sampled based on compelling geophysical, and structural characteristics.


Diamond drill core from K2's 2023 program will be scanned using non-destructive hyperspectral imaging. This is an emerging technique in mineral exploration, which will produce an extensive dataset with invaluable down-hole mineralogical information. The results of the analysis will be used to determine the approximate temperatures and/or depths of the various alteration mineral assemblages observed and identified, which may aid in vectoring towards stronger mineralization.

使用非破壞性高光譜成像技術掃描K2 2023年的鑽孔芯,生成寶貴的、揭示井下礦物信息的大量數據集。分析結果將用於確定觀察到的各種交代礦物組合的近似溫度和/或深度,這可能有助於礦化矢量定位。

Qualified Person ("QP") and QA/QC
The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in NI 43-101 and reviewed and approved by Eric Buitenhuis, M.Sc., P.Geo., K2's QP and Vice President of Exploration.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已按照加拿大NI 43-101規定製定,並由K2的QP和勘探副總裁Eric Buitenhuis審查和批准。

About K2 Gold
K2 is a proud member of Discovery Group and currently has projects in Southwest USA and the Yukon.

K2 Gold概況
K2是Discovery Group的成員之一,目前在美國西南和育空地區有項目。

The Wels Project lies approximately 40km east of the community of Beaver Creek and 60km south of Newmont Corporation's Coffee deposit, which was originally discovered by Kaminak Gold Corporation (formerly a Discovery Group company prior to its acquisition by Goldcorp in 2017). Both the Coffee project and the Wels project lie within the Tintina Gold Belt and are host to structurally controlled gold mineralization within intrusive rocks exhibiting multiple trends of mineralization. The Wels land position consists of 350 contiguous quartz claims covering 7,200 hectares and lies within the traditional territory of White River First Nation.

本基金尋求於東歐地區註冊的主要權益關聯發行人的長期升值投資。Wels項目Wels項目位於Beaver Creek社區東部約40公里和Newmont Corporation的Coffee礦牀南部約60公里,最初由Kaminak Gold Corporation(2017年被Goldcorp收購前爲Discovery Group公司)發現。Coffee項目和Wels項目均位於Tintina金帶內的具有多條礦化脈的侵入岩體中,包含結構控制的金化礦體。Wels持有的土地位置由350個連續的石英礦權申請組成,佔地7200公頃,位於白河第一國民的傳統領土內。

The Si2 Gold Project is located in Esmeralda County, approximately 60km northwest of Tonopah, Nevada, and 20km northwest of Allegiant Gold's Eastside deposit (1.4Moz Au, 8.8 Moz Ag). The project is road accessible and consists of 118 BLM lode claims covering 986 Ha, 65 of which are under option from Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSXV: OGN). The claims cover an 8 km2 area of steam heated alteration within a sequence of felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks displaying brecciation and strongly anomalous mercury.

本基金尋求於東歐地區註冊的主要權益關聯發行人的長期升值投資。Si2黃金項目位於內華達州Esmeralda County,距Tonopah西北約60公里,距Allegiant Gold的Eastside礦牀(1.4Moz Au、8.8Moz Ag)西北約20公里。該項目可通過道路進入,由118個BLM批次的石英礦權申請組成,佔地986公頃,其中65個出於Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSXV: OGN)的選擇權。這些申請覆蓋了堆積巖序列內的一個8公里區域,其中表現出斷層控制的金礦化作用,顯示出強烈的異常汞礦化。K2的2023年Si2項目的概念鑽孔計劃成功確認該系統是含金的。該項目是在與AngloGold Ashanti的Silicon項目相似的地質條件下被識別和申請的,後者包含超過9Moz Au的金資源,位於內華達州比蒂市附近。2Mojave項目是一個座落在加利福尼亞州因約縣的5830公頃氧化鉑金項目,具有基礎金屬目標。曾經識別出多個表面金礦靶點併成功地進行了鑽探,其中最有名的是Newmont和BHP的鑽探。自收購產權以來,K2已完成了地球化學和地球物理調查、地質製圖、激光雷達、WorldView 3蝕變調查,併成功地完成了17個旋壓孔的鑽探項目,重點關注Dragonfly區和Newmont區。K2鑽探項目的亮點包括位於Dragonfly區的起始點上的6.68 g/t Au,長度爲45.72米,以及深度44.20米處Newmont區的1.69 g/t Au,長度爲41.15米。

K2's 2023 proof of concept diamond drill program at the Si2 Project successfully confirmed that the system is gold bearing. The project was was indentified and staked based on its strong geological similarities to AngloGold Ashanti's 9+ Moz Au Silicon project1 near Beatty, Nevada.

新發現的Si2黃金礦牀是一個快速進展的金礦項目,位於內華達州比蒂市南部,由擁有超過9Moz Au的AngloGold Ashanti開發。K2 Gold展示了該項目與Silicon項目的地質相似之處。1K2的2023年Si2項目的概念鑽孔計劃成功確認該系統是含金的。該項目是在與AngloGold Ashanti的Silicon項目相似的地質條件下被識別和申請的,後者包含超過9Moz Au的金資源,位於內華達州比蒂市附近。

The Mojave Project is a 5,830-hectare oxide gold project with base metal targets located in Inyo County, California. Multiple previously recognized surface gold targets have been successfully drilled in the past, most notably by Newmont and BHP. Since acquiring the property, K2 has completed geochemical and geophysical surveys, geologic mapping, LiDAR, a WorldView 3 alteration survey, and successfully completed a 17-hole RC drill program focused on the Dragonfly and Newmont Zones. Highlights from K2's drilling program include 6.68 g/t Au over 45.72m from surface at the Dragonfly Zone, and 1.69 g/t Au over 41.15m from 44.20m depth at the Newmont Zone.

本基金尋求於東歐地區註冊的主要權益關聯發行人的長期升值投資。Mojave項目是一個座落在加利福尼亞州因約縣的5830公頃氧化鉑金項目,具有基礎金屬目標。曾經識別出多個表面金礦靶點併成功地進行了鑽探,其中最有名的是Newmont和BHP的鑽探。自收購產權以來,K2已完成了地球化學和地球物理調查、地質製圖、激光雷達、WorldView 3蝕變調查,併成功地完成了17個旋壓孔的鑽探項目,重點關注Dragonfly區和Newmont區。K2鑽探項目的亮點包括位於Dragonfly區的起始點上的6.68 g/t Au,長度爲45.72米,以及深度44.20米處Newmont區的1.69 g/t Au,長度爲41.15米。K2致力於透明度、問責制、環保、安全、多樣性、包容性、社區和原住民參與。Mojave項目是一個位於加利福尼亞因約縣的5,830公頃的氧化金項目,具有基礎金屬目標。曾經識別出多個表面金礦靶點併成功進行了鑽探。自收購產權以來,K2已完成了地球化學和地球物理調查、地質製圖、激光雷達、WorldView 3蝕變調查,併成功地完成了17個旋壓孔的鑽探項目,重點關注Dragonfly區和Newmont區。

K2 is committed to transparency, accountability, environmental stewardship, safety, diversity, inclusion, and community and indigenous engagement.


On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Anthony Margarit
President and CEO

Anthony Margarit

For further information about K2 Gold Corporation or this news release, please visit our website at, contact our office at 778-266-1456, or email

有關K2 Gold Corporation或本新聞發佈的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站,聯繫我們的辦公室778-266-1456,或發電子郵件至。

K2 Gold Corporation is a proud member of Discovery Group based in Vancouver, Canada. For more information please visit:

K2 Gold Corporation是總部位於加拿大溫哥華的Discovery Group的自豪成員。欲了解更多信息,請訪問網站。

Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements that are not historical facts. Forward-Looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performance, prospects, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the exploration program at Si2, Wels, and Mojave, including results of drilling, and future exploration plans at Si2, Wels, and Mojave. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its planned activities, and the Company's inability to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies. The reader is referred to the Company's public disclosure record which is available on SEDAR (). Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. Except as required by securities laws and the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞發佈含有前瞻性聲明,這些聲明並非歷史事實。前瞻性陳述涉及的風險、不確定性和其他因素可能會導致實際結果、表現、前景和機會與此類前瞻性陳述的表達或暗示有所不同,這些陳述涉及Si2、Wels和Mojave的勘探計劃,包括鑽探結果和Si2、Wels和Mojave的未來勘探計劃。可能導致實際結果與這些前瞻性聲明有所不同的因素包括但不限於,任何可能被找到的礦牀的性質、質量和數量的變化,公司無法獲得其計劃活動所需的任何必要許可證、同意或授權,以及公司無法籌集必要資本或完全實施其業務策略。讀者可以參考公司的公開披露記錄,這些記錄在SEDAR()上可供查閱。儘管公司相信制定前瞻性聲明所使用的假設和因素是合理的,但不應對這些僅適用於本新聞發佈日期的聲明進行過多的依賴,也不能保證此類事件將在披露的時間框架內或根本不會發生。除了證券法和TSX Venture Exchange的政策要求外,公司不承擔更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明的意向或義務,無論是因爲新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of any of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful, including any of the securities in the United States of America. No securities of the Company have been or will, in the foreseeable future, be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration requirements is available.



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