
Microbix Hosts Minister Nina Tangri to Open Capacity Expansions

Microbix Hosts Minister Nina Tangri to Open Capacity Expansions

Microbix主辦,Nina Tangri部長開幕式進行容量擴展
GlobeNewswire ·  06/17 07:00

Adds Product Development & QC Labs, Fully-Automated IVD Vial-Filling Capability


MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Microbix Biosystems Inc. (TSX: MBX, OTCQX: MBXBF, Microbix), a life sciences innovator, manufacturer, and exporter, announces its hosting of Associate Minister of Small Business of Ontario, the Honourable Nina Tangri, to celebrate the opening of two expansions to its medical devices manufacturing capacity at one of its three adjacent Mississauga sites.

加拿大安大略省密西沙加,2024年6月17日(全球新聞通訊社) - 生命科學創新企業,製造商和出口商Microbix Biosystems Inc.(TSX:MBX,OTCQX:MBXBF,下稱Microbix)宣佈,該公司在其三個毗鄰的密西沙加站點之一擴大醫療設備製造能力,託管安大略省小型企業副部長Nina Tangri,以慶祝這兩個擴建項目的開放。第一擴建是新建的2000平方英尺的實驗室,用於滿足對Microbix診斷測試製造商和其他最終用戶的質量評估產品(簡稱QAP)以及進行內部質量控制(QC)檢驗的增長需求,以驗證和發佈商業生產批次。實驗室還可用於製造盪鞦韆能力和試點自動化流程。

Expansion one is a new 2,000 square foot laboratory ("Lab") to fulfill growing demand for Microbix's quality assessment products ("QAPs") for diagnostic test-makers and other end-users, as well as for the internal quality control ("QC") testing required to validate and release commercial production batches. The Lab may also be used for manufacturing swing capacity and for piloting automation processes.


The Lab was entirely constructed from Ontario Made modular and prefab components. This innovative construction is more cost-effective than conventional framing and enables reconfiguration or relocation. Across its three sites, Microbix now has access to 11 distinct lab areas totaling 17,000 square feet, comprising 50% of its overall space. This Lab represents a capacity expansion of no less than 13% and the investment in this new capacity was C$ 0.6 million, being capitalized and amortized at 12.5% per year.


Expansion two comprises a Made-In-Canada manufacturing line for fully-automated filling, capping, labeling, and bagging of vials of in-vitro diagnostics ("IVD") related reagents (the "Line"). The Line can be used to manufacture Microbix-branded patient-sample collection media and control elution buffers, as well as for custom white-label reagent production, with a targeted capacity of up to 3,000 vials per hour. The full cost of the Line and related renovations was C$ 1.2 million, also being capitalized and amortized.

Microbix感謝安大略省政府的Ontario Together基金會(OTF)提供超過200萬加元的撥款支持,並獲得加拿大政府的FedDev Ontario(FedDev)計劃的320萬元貸款,以支持這些擴張計劃。資金用於提高Microbix的能力,以支持安大略省、加拿大和國際上的無誤傳染病診斷測試。

Microbix is grateful to have received grant support from the Ontario Government's Ontario Together Fund (OTF) totaling over $2.0 million and a loan from the Government of Canada's FedDev Ontario (FedDev) program for $3.2 million to support these expansions. Such funding has been applied to improving Microbix's capabilities to support error-free infectious disease diagnostic testing in Ontario, across Canada, and internationally.

Nina Tangri,加拿大安大略省小企業副部長,評論說:“Microbix是一個本地創立和領導的生命科學企業的傑出代表,它創建了創新、臨床重要的產品,利用安大略省製造這些產品,並出口到全球各地。安大略省政府很高興支持Microbix使下一代傳染病診斷測試更加廣泛地提供並確保它們的準確性。”

The Honorable Nina Tangri, Ontario's Associate Minister of Small Business, commented, "Microbix is a great example of a locally founded and led life sciences business creating innovative and clinically important products, manufacturing them here in Ontario, and exporting them around the globe. The Government of Ontario is pleased to support Microbix's mission to make next-generation diagnostic tests for infectious diseases more widely available and to help ensure their accuracy."

尊敬的Nina TangriCameron Groome,Microbix的首席執行官,也發表了評論:“我們的公司現在已經成爲許多世界領先的診斷測試製造商、臨床實驗室和實驗室認證機構中的客戶,併爲120名安大略人提供了技能全職工作。Microbix也自豪地取得了創紀錄的收入,並將其運行提升到自我維持和盈利的地步。”

Cameron Groome, CEO of Microbix also commented, "Our company now counts many world-leading makers of diagnostic tests, clinical labs, and lab accreditation agencies among its customers and is providing skilled full-time careers to 120 Ontarians. Microbix is also proud to be achieving record revenues and to have advanced its operations to the point that they are now self-sustaining and profitable."

Microbix Biosystems Inc.是一個爲人類健康創建專有生物產品的企業,擁有100多名技術嫺熟的員工和已達到每月2,000萬加元的年銷售額。它製造和出口全球診斷行業的各種關鍵成分和設備,尤其是免疫測定的抗原和支持臨床實驗室熟練度測試、啓用檢測和驗證,或幫助確保臨床診斷工作流程的實驗室質量評估產品(QAP)。其抗原推動着約100家診斷製造商的抗體測試,而QAP則銷售給臨床實驗室認證組織、診斷公司和臨床實驗室。Microbix QAPs現在在30多個國家/地區可用,並由國際分銷商網絡提供支持。Microbix已獲得ISO 9001和13485認證、美國FDA註冊、澳大利亞TGA註冊、加拿大衛生部門執照,並提供CE標記產品。Microbix還將其生物專業知識和基礎設施應用於開發其他專有產品和技術,其中最引人注目的是Kinlytic urokinase,這是一種生物血栓溶解藥物,用於治療血栓,以及支持分子診斷測試的試劑或介質(例如其DxTM用於患者樣本收集)。Microbix在TSX和OTCQX上交易,並總部位於加拿大安大略省密西沙加。

About Microbix Biosystems Inc.
Microbix Biosystems Inc. creates proprietary biological products for human health, with over 100 skilled employees and annualized sales now targeting C$ 2.0 million per month. It makes and exports a wide range of critical ingredients and devices for the global diagnostics industry, notably antigens for immunoassays and its laboratory quality assessment products (QAPs) that support clinical lab proficiency testing, enable assay development and validation, or help ensure the quality of clinical diagnostic workflows. Its antigens drive the antibody tests of approximately 100 diagnostics makers, while QAPs are sold to clinical lab accreditation organizations, diagnostics companies, and clinical labs. Microbix QAPs are now available in over 30 countries, supported by a network of international distributors. Microbix is ISO 9001 & 13485 accredited, U.S. FDA registered, Australian TGA registered, Health Canada establishment licensed, and provides CE marked products.

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Microbix also applies its biological expertise and infrastructure to develop other proprietary products and technologies, most notably Kinlytic urokinase, a biologic thrombolytic drug used to treat blood clots, and reagents or media to support molecular diagnostic testing (e.g., its DxTM for patient-sample collection). Microbix is traded on the TSX and OTCQX, and headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

有關Microbix Biosystems Inc的信息,請聯繫 Microbix:Cameron Groome,CEO

Forward-Looking Information
This news release includes "forward-looking information," as such term is defined in applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information includes, without limitation, discussion of the Lab and the Line, their funding, usage, benefits, or relevance, Microbix's products or services, business and business results, goals or outlook, risks associated with financial results and stability, development projects such as those referenced in its presentations, regulatory compliance and approvals, sales to foreign jurisdictions, engineering and construction, production (including control over costs, quality, quantity or timeliness of delivery), currency exchange rates, maintaining adequate working capital or raising new capital on acceptable terms or at all, and other similar statements about anticipated future events, conditions or results that are not historical facts. These statements reflect management's current estimates, beliefs, intentions, and expectations; they are not guarantees of future performance. Microbix cautions that all forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and actual performance may be affected by many material factors, some of which are beyond its control. Accordingly, actual future events, conditions and results may differ materially from the estimates, beliefs, intentions, and expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking information. All statements are made as of the date of this news release and represent Microbix's judgement as of the date of this new release, and it is under no obligation to update or alter any forward-looking information.


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For further information, please contact Microbix at:


Cameron Groome, CEO
(905) 361-8910
Jim Currie,
(905) 361-8910
Deborah Honig,
Investor Relations
Adelaide Capital Markets
(647) 203-8793
關於Microbix Biosystems Inc.
(905) 361-8910
Jim Currie,
(905) 361-8910
Deborah Honig,
(647) 203-8793

Copyright 2024 Microbix Biosystems Inc.
Microbix, DxTM, Kinlytic, and QAPs are trademarks of Microbix Biosystems Inc.

版權所有2024年Microbix Biosystems Inc。
Microbix、 DxTM、 Kinlytic和QAPs是Microbix Biosystems Inc的商標。

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