
Galway Metals Intersects 19.5 G/t Gold Over 4.2m, Second Drill to Expand South Deposit Resource

Galway Metals Intersects 19.5 G/t Gold Over 4.2m, Second Drill to Expand South Deposit Resource

Galway Metals公司在南部存儲資源擴展第二個鑽探中遇到了19.5克拉每噸黃金,共4.2米。
Accesswire ·  06/18 07:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / June 18, 2024 / Galway Metals Inc. (TSXV:GWM)(OTCQB:GAYMF) (the "Company" or "Galway") is pleased to report results from its diamond drilling program at the Southwest Deposit in the Company's 100%-owned flagship Clarence Stream high-grade gold project in New Brunswick, Canada. The Clarence Stream Gold Project has district-scale potential with approximately 65-kilometre strike length of highly prospective gold showings and anomalies.

2024年6月18日,加爾韋金屬公司(TSXV: GWM)(OTCQB: GAYMF)(以下簡稱“公司”或“加爾韋”)很高興地宣佈,其於加拿大新不倫瑞克省的克拉倫斯溪高品位金項目中擁有100%的Flagship的鑽探項目在西南部礦區獲得了成果。克拉倫斯溪金礦項目具有區域型潛力,擁有約65公里的高度潛在黃金出現和異常現象。

"We have continued to prove strong gold continuity throughout the Southwest Deposit, inside the resource pit and outside of the current mineral resource" states Rob Hinchcliffe, President and CEO of Galway. He adds "The rig is currently on its fourth hole on the eastern side of the #2 Target area, which is one of our top exploration targets and the second rig will be utilized to expand the high-grade starter pit within the South Deposit. Having two drill rigs will give Galway the flexibility to expand existing zones, while continuing to drill high-priority targets to make new discoveries".


Highlights (see Figure 1)


  • CL-179 intersected 19.5 g/t gold over 4.2 metres including 45.9 g/t gold over 1.2 metres
  • CL-190 intersected 2.7 g/t gold over 4.5 metres including 13.8 g/t gold over 0.5 metres
  • CL-186 intersected 1.4 g/t gold over 12.9 metres
  • Nine additional follow-up drill holes are pending assays for this area
  • CL-179取得4.2米內的19.5克/噸黃金,其中包括1.2米內的45.9克/噸黃金
  • CL-190取得4.5米內的2.7克/噸黃金,其中包括0.5米內的13.8克/噸黃金
  • CL-186取得12.9米內的1.4克/噸黃金
  • 該區域還有9個待測的跟進鑽孔

Drill Results Confirm Gold Continuity


The drill holes in this release are located within the Southwest Deposit The holes were testing gap areas within the resource pit shells on the NE area of the Southwest Deposit (Adrian Zone). Results prove mineralization extends near surface, which will improve the future economics of the open pit. Hole CL-190 intersected several shallow new zones outside of the resource pit shells and will open the potential to expand the Southwest Deposit to the North and East. The intercepts highlighted within this press release (Assay Table and Coordinate Table) are all outside the area that was included in the 2022 Mineral Resource estimate (2022 Clarence Stream Resource Estimate)

本次鑽孔位於西南礦區,鑽孔在資源採礦區殼體中的間隙位置進行測試。結果表明,礦化物延伸到近地表,這將提高露天採礦未來的經濟性。CL-190鑽孔在資源採礦區殼體之外的地方,穿過幾個淺層新礦區,並將開放將西南礦牀向北和東擴展的潛力。在本新聞稿中突出的插曲(化驗表和頁面。座標表 例外表格(2022年克拉倫斯溪資源預估)以外,本次插曲的區域都在該表格以外。

Mobilize Second Drill to Expand High-Grade Mineralization at South Deposit


The South Deposit is Galways highest-grade resource with an Indicated Resource of 332,000 oz Au at 2.99 g/t and an Inferred Resource of 325,000 oz Au at 4.03 g/t. Galway is mobilizing a second drill rig to target shallow high-grade mineralization in the likely starter pits at the South Deposit. The areas planned for expansion of high-grade mineralization is shown in Figure 2.

南部礦牀是加爾韋擁有最高品位的礦,擁有332,000盎司黃金的指示資源,品位爲2.99克/噸,另外還有325,000盎司黃金的推斷資源品位爲4.03 g/t。加爾韋正在調動第二臺鑽機以定位南部礦牀的淺層高品位礦化物,計劃擴大高品位礦化物的挖掘區域,如圖2所示。

Exploration Drilling Commenced at Galways Top Gold Target


The first drill rig will continue drilling high-priority gold exploration targets. Galway is currently drilling the eastern side of the #2 target area of the Gabbro Complex (Figure 3). This area has many untested high quality geochemical and geophysical targets. As of today, four preliminary holes have been drilled to test these anomalies, with additional holes in the coming weeks. Galway expects to drill the western side of the #2 Target area, in proximity to the highest gold in soils on the project (4980 ppb, 3210 ppb and 3120 ppb) later in this drill program.

第一個鑽機將繼續鑽探優先考慮的黃金探勘目標。加爾韋目前正在鑽探加布羅雜巖組的#2目標區域的東邊(如圖3所示)。該區域有許多未經檢驗的高質量地球化學和地球物理學目標。截至今天,已經進行了四次試鑽來測試這些異常現象,接下來幾周還將開展更多的試鑽工作。加爾韋預計在本次鑽探中,將鑽探項目的西部區域,即與項目上金子含量最高的土壤區域(分別爲4980 ppb,3210 ppb和3120 ppb)毗鄰區域。

Geology and Mineralization


The Clarence Stream deposits can be characterized as intrusion-related, structurally controlled, quartz-vein hosted gold deposits. These deposits consist of quartz veins and quartz stockwork within brittle-ductile fault zones that include adjacent crushed, altered wall rocks and veinlet material. The mineralized systems are hosted in intrusive and metasedimentary rocks within high strain zones controlled by regional fault systems. Pyrite, base metal sulphides, and stibnite occur in these deposits along with anomalous concentrations of bismuth, arsenic, antimony and tungsten. Alteration in the host rocks is confined within a few metres of quartz veins and occurs mainly in the form of sericitization and chloritization. A more complete description of Clarence Stream's geology and mineralization can be found at .

克拉倫斯溪的沉積型礦牀可以被描述爲由構造控制的,石英脈長石岩石中的金礦牀。這些礦牀由脆-韌性斷層帶內的石英脈和石英脈簇組成,周圍是破碎的、改變的牆壁岩石和 veinlet 物質。這些礦化系統位於由區域性斷層系統控制的高應變帶內的侵入性和變質性岩石中。硫化亞鐵、基礎金屬硫化物和銻礦與鉍、砷、銻和鎢的異常濃度一起出現在這些礦牀中。寄主岩石的改性在石英脈的幾米範圍內限定,主要以飛輝石化作用和綠泥石化作用爲主。可以在 這裏 找到克拉倫斯溪地質和礦物化的更完整描述。

New Brunswick Junior Mining Assistance Program


Galway would like to acknowledge financial support from the New Brunswick Junior Mining Assistance Program, which will contribute up to $50,000 towards exploration drilling in 2024.


Review by Qualified Person


Jesse Fisher, P.Geo., Project Manager for Galway Metals, is the Qualified Person who supervised the preparation of the scientific and technical disclosure in this news release on behalf of Galway Metals Inc.

Galway Metals公司項目經理Jesse Fisher,P.Geo.,是合格人員,代表Galway Metals Inc.主管本新聞展示的科學和技術披露的準備工作。

Quality Control and Reports


All core, chip/boulder samples, and soil samples are assayed by Activation Laboratories, located at 41 Bittern Street, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, Agat Laboratories, located at 5623 McAdam Road, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L4Z 1N9 and 35 General Aviation Road, Timmins, ON P4P 7C3, and/or Swastika Laboratories situated in Swastika, ON. All four labs have ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. All core is under watch from the drill site to the core processing facility. All samples are assayed for gold by Fire Assay, with gravimetric finish, and other elements assayed using ICP. The Company's QA/QC program includes the regular insertion of blanks and standards into the sample shipments, as well as instructions for duplication. Standards, blanks and duplicates are inserted at one per 20 samples. Approximately five percent (5%) of the pulps and rejects are sent for check assaying at a second lab with the results averaged and intersections updated when received. Core recovery in the mineralized zones has averaged 99%.

所有岩心、碎片/卵石樣品和土壤樣品均由位於加拿大安卡斯特Bittern街41號的Activation Laboratories,位於加拿大安大略省密西沙加McAdam路5623號及Timmins市General Aviation Road 35號的Agat Laboratories和位於Swastika市的Swastika Laboratories化驗。所有四個實驗室均獲得ISO / IEC 17025認證。岩心從鑽探現場到岩心加工設施均處於監視狀態。所有樣品均使用火試金法測定金含量,並採用重量法完成,其他元素則採用ICP進行測定。公司的QA / QC計劃包括定期將空白和標準品加入樣品裝運中,並提供複製說明。將一個標準品、一個空白和一個副本加入20個樣品中。約有5%的機械磨損和造粒體將送往第二家實驗室進行檢測分析,結果得到平均值並在接收到的交叉點更新。礦化帶的岩心回收率平均爲99%。

About Galway Metals Inc.

關於Galway Metals Inc.

Galway Metals is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company focused on advancing its 100%-owned, high-grade, open-pitable flagship Clarence Stream gold project in southwest New Brunswick. Clarence Stream is an emerging gold district with an exploration strike length of approximately 65 kilometres and widths of up to 28 kilometres in certain areas. Galway Metals also has 100%-ownership in the Estrades project, a former producing high-grade, gold-rich polymetallic VMS mine in the northern Abitibi of western Quebec. Led by a management team with a proven track-record of creating shareholder value having sold Galway Resources for US$340 million, Galway Metals is focused on creating value for all its stakeholders.


For additional Information on Galway Metals Inc., Please contact:

有關Galway Metals Inc.的更多信息,請聯繫:

Robert Hinchcliffe President & Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: 1-800-771-0680

Robert Hinchcliffe 總裁兼首席執行官

Cautionary Statement
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Toronto Stock Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.

不管是TSX Venture Exchange還是其監管服務提供者(根據多倫多證券交易所證券交易所政策定義)都不承認發佈的新聞發稿的充分性或準確性。沒有證券交易所、證券監管機構或其他監管機構批准或不批准其中所包含的信息。

This News Release includes certain "forward-looking statements" which are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Risks, uncertainties and other factors involved with forward-looking information could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, the Company's objectives, goals or future plans, information with respect to the OTCQB listing, DTC eligibility, and broadening U.S. institutional and retail investors. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to changes in economic conditions or financial markets, political and competitive developments, operation or exploration difficulties, changes in equity markets, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices capital, operating and reclamation costs varying significantly from estimates and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, an inability to predict and counteract the effects of COVID-19 on the business of the Company, including but not limited to the effects of COVID-19 on the price of commodities, capital market conditions, restrictions on labour and international travel and supply chains, and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDAR. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.


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Galway Metals PR Southwest Deposit 18June2024 Coordinates
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SOURCE: Galway Metals Inc.

資料來源:Galway Metals Inc。

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