
Recycling Metal Stocks - The Opportunities and the Players

Recycling Metal Stocks - The Opportunities and the Players

newsfile ·  06/18 08:45

Vancouver, Kelowna, and Delta, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 18, 2024) -, a go-to platform for big investing ideas issues the first of a two-part series looking at the opportunities and the players in metals recycling, featuring Greenwave Technology Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: GWAV), an operator of metal recycling facilities in Virginia, North Carolina, and Ohio.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華、基洛納和三角洲——(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年6月18日)——投資者慧眼(——一個重點關注大型投資理念問題的平台發佈了一個兩部分系列的首席,探討了貴金屬回收的機會和參與者,其重點介紹了Greenwave Technology Solutions,納斯達克代碼:GWAV。該公司是弗吉尼亞、北卡羅來納和俄亥俄州貴金屬回收設施的運營商。,閱讀投資者慧眼(Investorideas)的全文

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Research and Markets報告稱:“消費電子的不斷增長顯著推動了金屬回收市場的增長。隨着智能手機、筆記本電腦、平板電腦和家用電器等設備的生產和消費增加,電子廢物(e-waste)的產生也隨之增加。這些設備中包含有銅、鋁、黃金和白銀等有價金屬,可以被回收和循環利用。從電子廢物中回收金屬對於保護自然資源和減少採礦和加工新金屬的環境影響至關重要。”

Research and Markets reports, "The rising demand for consumer electronics is significantly driving the growth of the metal recycling market. As the production and consumption of devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and household appliances increase, so does the generation of electronic waste (e-waste). These devices contain valuable metals like copper, aluminum, gold, and silver, which can be recovered and recycled. Recycling metals from e-waste is crucial for conserving natural resources and reducing the environmental impact of mining and processing new metals."

機會有多大?Research and Markets表示,金屬回收市場規模在2024年被估計爲5519億美元,並預計到2029年將達到7679億美元。

How big is the opportunity? Research and Markets says the metal recycling market size is estimated to be USD 551.9 billion in 2024, and it is projected to reach USD 767.9 billion by 2029.

藉助這個增長故事,Greenwave Technology Solutions(納斯達克代碼:GWAV)——弗吉尼亞州、北卡羅來納州和俄亥俄州貴金屬回收設施的運營商——今天宣佈完成了再融資,大大增強了其資產負債表。

Tapping into the growth story, Greenwave Technology Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: GWAV), an operator of metal recycling facilities in Virginia, North Carolina and Ohio announced today that it has completed its recapitalization., significantly strengthening its balance sheet.


Greenwave's Recent Highlights:


  • On track to generate record revenues exceeding $40 million driven by volume of steel and copper processed in 2024

  • Strengthened balance sheet by approximately $80.5 million since February

  • Attracts $45.3 million in new capital infusions since March

  • Current cash balance of over $26 million

  • Strongest cash position in Company history

  • Business plan is now fully funded

  • No current need to raise additional capital

  • Company is now in full compliance with all Nasdaq listing requirements

  • Intends to utilize additional cash flow from operations to aggressively grow and increase processing volume

  • Anticipates starting operations of its second shredder this summer

  • Plans to expand its wholly-owned technology platform,, nationwide and continue AI development

  • Plans to enhance margins of its downstream processing system with implementation of new copper extraction technology

  • Evaluating accretive acquisitions and strategic partnerships

  • Chairman and CEO exchanged approximately $17.2 million of debt into equity

  • 有望在2024年通過加工的鋼鐵和銅的交易量實現創紀錄的收入超過4000萬美元的目標

  • 自2月份以來,資產負債表增加了大約8050萬美元

  • 自三月份以來,吸引了4530萬美元的新資本注入

  • 當前現金餘額超過2600萬美元

  • 公司歷史上最強的現金狀況

  • 業務計劃現在已經得到充分資助

  • 目前沒有籌集額外資本的需要

  • 公司現在已經完全符合納斯達克上市要求

  • 打算利用運營產生的額外現金流來積極增長和提高處理量

  • 預計於今年夏天開始運營第二個撕碎機

  • 計劃將其全資技術平台ScrapApp.com擴展到全國並繼續進行人工智能開發

  • 計劃通過實施新的銅提取技術來提高下游處理系統的利潤率

  • 評估增值收購和戰略伙伴關係

  • 董事長和CEO將約1720萬美元的債務折算爲股本

Another recycler, Li-Cycle Holdings Corp., a leading global lithium-ion battery resource recovery company announced at the end of May that it had entered into a partnership with Daimler Truck North America for recycling lithium-ion batteries.

另一家回收公司Li-Cycle Holdings Corp.於5月底宣佈已與Daimler Truck North America達成合作夥伴關係。Li-Cycle是一家領先的全球鋰離子電池資源回收公司。與Daimler Truck North America合作回收鋰離子電池。

From the news: Li-Cycle and DTNA have a partnership to recycle lithium-ion batteries from DTNA electric vehicles that reach the end of their life cycle. Recycling lithium-ion batteries is part of DTNA's plans to maximize battery lifespans and reduce material waste to tackle global sustainability challenges. DTNA's strategy emphasizes repairing, remanufacturing, repurposing, and recycling lithium-ion battery materials.

來自新聞:Li-Cycle和DTNA合作回收DTNA電動汽車的鋰離子電池,以延長電池壽命並減少物質浪費,以應對全球可持續性挑戰。 DTNA的策略是強調修復、翻新、改變用途和回收鋰離子電池材料。

"We are proud to partner with companies such as DTNA to support their sustainability and carbon reduction goals," said Ajay Kochhar, Li-Cycle President and CEO. "Our environmentally friendly and safe recycling technologies can recover critical materials to help create a domestic closed-loop battery supply chain, giving new life to these battery materials and helping power the world's transition to clean energy."

Li-Cycle總裁兼首席執行官Ajay Kochhar表示:“我們很自豪能與DTNA等公司合作,支持他們的可持續性和碳減排目標。我們的環保和安全回收技術可以回收重要材料,幫助打造國內閉環電池供應鏈,使這些電池材料獲得新生,幫助推動世界向清潔能源的轉變。”

Radius Recycling, Inc. , is one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of recycled metal products in North America with operating facilities located in 25 states, Puerto Rico, and Western Canada. Radius has seven deep water export facilities located on both the East and West Coasts and in Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Radius Recycling,Inc.是北美最大的再生金屬製品製造商和出口商之一,擁有位於25個州、波多黎各和西部加拿大的運營設施。 Radius在東、西海岸、夏威夷和波多黎各均設有七個深水出口設施。

As one of North America's largest metals recyclers, Radius facilities acquire, process, and recycle millions of long tons of ferrous metals and hundreds of millions of pounds of nonferrous metals every single year. These recycled metals represent critical feedstock in the global economy, supporting production of bridges, buildings, cars, public transit and passenger rail systems, and appliances, as well as more metal-intensive technologies, such as wind turbines, hydropower dams, advanced battery storage systems, upgraded electricity lines and electric vehicle charging stations, new broadband and reliable high-speed internet technology, and data centers.


In their May investor presentation they note the Drivers for Recycled Metals Demand:


Increased metal intensity, including copper and aluminum, of lower carbon-based technologies (e.g., EVs, renewable energy, development of"smart grids")


Anticipated structural shortage of critical materials (e.g., copper, nickel and lithium)


Global EAF steelmaking production growth


Domestic investments related to Infrastructure


Investment and Jobs Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and Buy Clean provisions


Steel Dynamics, Inc. is one of the largest domestic steel producers and metals recyclers in North America, based on estimated annual steelmaking and metals recycling capability, with facilities located throughout the United States, and in Mexico.

Steel Dynamics,Inc. 是北美最大的鋼鐵生產商之一,估計年度鍊鋼和金屬回收能力,擁有位於美國和墨西哥的設施。

In the first quarter earnings they reported, "Compared to the sequential fourth quarter, first quarter 2024 operating income from the company's metals recycling operations increased to $23 million, based on increased demand supporting higher volume and metal spread expansion. Domestic steel production utilization increased from 74 percent in the sequential fourth quarter to 77 percent in the first quarter 2024. The team did an excellent job executing in a falling price environment since December 2023 before prices stabilized in April."


Looking ahead to its potential growth, Greenwave Technology Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: GWAV), says on its site, " We have recently implemented several technologies to increase metal processing volumes and operating efficiencies, including a cloud-based ERP system to manage inventories and operations along with a website with live metal prices for each location."

Greenwave Technology Solutions,Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:GWAV)的潛在增長前景。他們在其網站上表示:“我們最近實施了幾項技術,以增加金屬加工量和操作效率,包括一個基於雲的ERP系統,用於管理庫存和運營,以及一個具有各個位置實時金屬價格的網站。”

"We believe that these systems will create a solid foundation on which we can rapidly expand our facilities and scale our operations."


Also as part of its strategy, GreenWave's wholly-owned subsidiary, Scrap App, Inc. ("Scrap App") previously announced it launched new AI-powered features to optimize pricing and sales. Greenwave anticipates Scrap App's planned national expansion, coupled with its AI strategy, will accelerate growth.

同樣作爲其戰略的一部分,GreenWave的全資子公司Scrap App,Inc.("Scrap App")此前宣佈推出了新的基於AI的功能,以優化定價和銷售。Greenwave預計,Scrap App計劃的全國擴張,加上其人工智能戰略,將加速增長。

From the news: Greenwave is one of the first companies to utilize artificial intelligence in the $42.3 billion U.S. scrap metal industry (1). Scrap App has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue from end-of-life vehicles in the limited markets in which it's currently available -- Hampton Roads, VA, Richmond, VA, and Cleveland, OH.

來自新聞:GreenwaveScrap App是美國423億美元廢舊金屬行業中最早應用人工智能的公司之一(1)。 目前僅在Hampton Roads, VA、Richmond, VA和Cleveland, OH等有限的市場中可用,Scrap App從報廢車輛中產生了數十萬美元的收入。

American Recycler says, "There is indication that the metals recycling market is on the brink of substantial expansion, driven by the urgent need for an increased supply of critical minerals essential for the clean energy transition."


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