
Revenir Energy Announces Final Sale, Marking Strategic Exit From Operated Oil and Gas Portfolio

Revenir Energy Announces Final Sale, Marking Strategic Exit From Operated Oil and Gas Portfolio

PR Newswire ·  06/18 11:00

Revenir Energy Inc., formerly Legacy Reserves Inc., concludes its strategic asset monetization, selling its remaining operated assets on May 15th, 2024. The Company will now proceed to wind up its remaining business.

Revenir Energy Inc.(前Legacy Reserves Inc.)完成其戰略性資產變現,於2024年5月15日銷售其剩餘的經營資產。公司現將繼續清算剩餘業務。

DENVER, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Revenir Energy Inc., formerly known as Legacy Reserves Inc., announces the substantial conclusion of its strategic process to monetize the Company's oil and gas assets and return capital to its shareholders. This process reached its conclusion with the sale of the Company's remaining operated assets in the Northern Midland Basin on May 15th.

2024年6月18日,丹佛 /PRNewswire/--Revenir Energy Inc.(原名Legacy Reserves Inc.)宣佈,其通過出售公司在北中部盆地的剩餘經營資產,完成了將公司石油和天然氣資產變現並向股東返還資本的戰略性進程。

Following its emergence from bankruptcy in late 2019, the Company brought in a new management team led by Rick Betz (CEO), the co-founder and former CEO of Resolute Energy, Michael Stefanoudakis (CFO), Michael Rumon (SVP – Technical Services), and Doug Dietrich (SVP – Operations). The Revenir team was expanded to include senior professionals with diverse experiences across many basins and technical competencies. The change was intended to provide the Company with a fresh perspective and a strategy reset for its post-restructuring future.

自2019年末從破產重組中恢復後,公司引入了一個新的管理團隊,由Rick Betz(CEO),Resolute Energy的共同創始人和前CEO Michael Stefanoudakis(CFO),Michael Rumon(SVP-技術服務)和Doug Dietrich(SVP - 運營)領導。 Revenir團隊擴展了高級專業人員,在許多盆地和技術能力上具有多樣的經驗。這一改變旨在爲公司提供新的視角和戰略重置,以應對其重組後的未來。

Under the direction of this new leadership team, Revenir underwent a strategic transformation with an increased focus on creating shareholder value, reducing debt, and ensuring long-term corporate sustainability. Operationally, Revenir evolved from a geographically dispersed low-margin production-oriented operator with approximately 12,000 wells spanning 9 states, to an unconventional-focused operator with over ten years of high-quality horizontal inventory in some of the premier basins in the onshore U.S.


As a result of a thorough assessment of its portfolio, Revenir began monetizing its non-core assets to capitalize on growth opportunities around its existing footholds in the Midland Basin, the Delaware Basin, and the East Texas Haynesville to establish development positions and enhance the marketability of its core assets. This initial non-core process resulted in the divestment of over 10,000 wells and the exit from operations in 7 states.


In East Texas, Revenir doubled its Haynesville and Middle Bossier development position to 34,000 net acres through organic leasing and acquisitions. In the same period, the Company drilled 13 wells with peak rates of 22,000 to 28,000 mcf/d resulting in a production increase from 15 Mmcf/d to over 100 Mmcf/d. This enhanced acreage footprint combined with the de-risking of the resource potential through development resulted in the successful sale of the asset in October 2023.


In the Permian Basin, Revenir focused its growth and development strategy on core areas of the northern Midland and Delaware basins. The Delaware Basin position, concentrated in Lea County, NM, was expanded to establish a developable leasehold position of 6,000 net acres of stacked Bone Spring and Wolfcamp inventories. These efforts resulted in the successful sale of the asset in November 2023.

在Permian Basin,Revenir將其增長和發展戰略集中於北部中蘭德和特拉華盆地的核心區域。特拉華盆地的位置,集中在新墨西哥州的Lea縣,已擴大到建立可開發的6,000畝淨骨泉和Wolfcamp的庫存。這些努力導致該證券在2023年11月成功出售。

In the Midland Basin, Revenir executed over 100 transactions and organically leased to establish a 25,000 net acre position as an early entrant into the Dean play fairway on the Martin/Dawson County line. Revenir drilled 25 wells, with peak rates of 1,400 to 1,700 boe/d, establishing a new, highly economic development area within the Midland Basin. The growth, consolidation, and development execution of these assets culminated in the divestiture of the Company's position in two transactions, capping Revenir's successful exit of all operated assets on May 15, 2024.

在中蘭德盆地,Revenir執行了100多個交易,並通過有機租賃建立了一個25,000畝的立足點,成爲Dean play fairway上Martin / Dawson縣線上的早期進入者。 Revenir鑽井25口井,峯值產率爲1,400至1,700 boe/d,在中蘭德盆地內建立了一個新的高度經濟的開發區域。這些資產的增長,整合和發展執行最終導致在2024年5月15日將公司的立足點剝離出兩筆交易,爲Revenir成功退出所有經營資產劃上了句號。

Cumulatively, the Company completed over 20 successful dispositions for gross proceeds of over $1.2 billion. During this process, the Company returned over $630 million to shareholders and amortized in excess of $700 million in liabilities. Revenir will now focus exclusively on winding up its affairs.

公司共完成了超過20個成功的處置,總收益超過12億美元。在此過程中,公司向股東返還了超過6.3億美元,並償還了超過7億美元的負債。 Revenir現在將專注於清算其事務。

As Revenir closes the chapter on its successful turnaround and strategic exit from the market, the Company expresses gratitude to its shareholders, partners, and employees for their support and dedication throughout this transformative journey.


The other members of the Revenir senior leadership team consisted of:


  • Erin Murphy: VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
  • Taylor Thoreson: VP of Land & Business Development
  • Melinda Kessens: VP of Human Resources & Administration
  • Michael LeBaron: VP of Production Operations
  • Cory Elliott: VP of IT & Administration
  • Shaler Tate: VP & Controller
  • Matt Herzog: Director of Engineering
  • Dwight Mallory: Director of Environmental Health & Safety
  • Cyndi Tschacher: Director of Land Administration
  • Kendra Pilati: Director of Development
  • Erin Murphy:公司副總裁,總法律顧問兼公司秘書
  • Taylor Thoreson:土地和業務發展副總裁
  • Melinda Kessens:人力資源與行政副總裁
  • Michael LeBaron:生產運營副總裁
  • Cory Elliott:IT和行政副總裁
  • Shaler Tate:副總裁和控制器
  • Matt Herzog:工程主任
  • Dwight Mallory:環境健康與安全總監
  • Cyndi Tschacher:土地管理總監
  • Kendra Pilati: 開發總監

Press Contact: Investor Relations, 855.534.5200,


SOURCE Revenir Energy

來源:Revenir 能源化工

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