
Petco Love Celebrates Foster a Pet Month, Reminds Pet Lovers YOU Can Save a Life

Petco Love Celebrates Foster a Pet Month, Reminds Pet Lovers YOU Can Save a Life

Petco Love慶祝寄養寵物月,提醒寵物愛好者你可以拯救一條生命
PR Newswire ·  06/18 11:03

National Nonprofit Inspires Girl Scout Sophia Gillen to Make a Difference in the World of Pet Fostering

國家非營利組織鼓勵女童 Sophia Gillen 在寵物寄養領域有所作爲。

SAN ANTONIO, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- National nonprofit organization Petco Love celebrates June as National Foster a Pet Month to inspire communities to get involved and support their local animal shelters by temporarily fostering pets. Originally created by the organization in 2019, June as National Foster a Pet Month encourages people to foster a pet ahead of the most challenging summer months when animal shelters are overrun.

2024 年 6 月 18 日,聖安東尼奧 / 全球新聞線/ -- 國家非營利組織 Petco Love 將六月定爲全國寄養寵物月份,旨在鼓勵社區參與和支持當地動物收容所暫時寄養寵物。六月作爲全國寄養寵物月份最初由該組織在 2019 年創立,鼓勵人們在最具挑戰性的夏季提前寄養寵物,因爲動物收容所人滿爲患。

Petco Love celebrates June as National Foster a Pet Month to inspire communities to get involved and support their local animal shelters by temporarily fostering pets like these three adorable puppies pictured here with foster, Petco Love President Susanne Kogut.
Petco Love 鼓勵社區參與和支持當地動物收容所,像這裏的三隻可愛小狗一樣,在領養家庭中短暫寄居。其中 Petco Love 總裁 Susanne Kogut 也參與了寄養。

"Shelters across the nation are in crisis. And loving, happy, healthy pets are at risk of being euthanized simply due to lack of space. Pet fostering is the answer to eliminate unnecessary euthanasia of shelter pets. If just 2% more of the 87 million pet-owning households fostered just one pet a year, we could end euthanasia in America's shelters tomorrow," said Petco Love President, Susanne Kogut.

Petco Love 的總裁 Susanne Kogut 說:“全國各地的動物收容所都正在危機之中。並且充滿愛心、快樂和健康的寵物因爲缺乏空間而面臨被安樂死的風險。寄養寵物是消除收容所寵物不必要安樂死的答案。如果只有 2% 的 8700 萬養寵戶每年寄養一個寵物,我們可以在明天結束美國收容所的安樂死。”

Kogut attributes the lifesaving success of a mid-sized shelter she led almost 20 years ago to their robust fostering program that increased pets in foster over 600%. She is also a dedicated pet foster herself, having fostered over 500 pets through the years. "Fostering is easier than people think," said Kogut. "I encourage more people to just try it. Whether you foster for a short time or until a pet is ready for adoption, you will be giving that kitten, cat, puppy, adult dog, or senior pet, a break from the shelter. Allowing them to experience your love and home will make all the difference in the world, especially if that pet faced euthanasia. Fostering saves lives."

Kogut 將她在 20 多年前領導的一箇中型收容所的救生成功歸因於他們的強大寄養計劃,該計劃使寄養寵物數量增加了 600%。她本人也是一位虔誠的寵物寄養者,多年來已寄養了 500 多隻寵物。Kogut 說:“寄養比人們想象的要容易。我鼓勵更多人嘗試。無論你只寄養短時間還是直到一隻寵物準備領養,你都會讓那隻小貓、小狗、其他寵物得到一個休息的機會。讓它們體驗你的愛和寵物的家會改變世界,尤其是如果那隻寵物面臨安樂死的風險的話。寄養可以挽救生命。”

Young pet lover, 16-year-old Sophia Gillen from New Jersey heard the foster a pet message loud and clear. Inspired by Petco Love's Foster a Pet Month, Sophia created a petition urging New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy to prioritize pet fostering. Sophia's advocacy led Governor Murphy to declare June as Foster a Pet Month in the state, marking a significant step in the nationwide effort to prioritize fostering pets.

16 歲的年輕寵物愛好者 Sophia Gillen 來自新澤西,她大聲呼籲人們寄養寵物,並受 Petco Love 寄養寵物月的啓發,她創建了一項請願,敦促新澤西州州長 Phil Murphy 優先考慮寄養寵物。Sophia 的呼籲促使 Murphy 州長宣佈六月爲該州寄養寵物月,這是全國性優先考慮寄養寵物的一項重要舉措。

Sophia's journey began as part of her Girl Scout Gold Award project, fittingly named "Phenomenal Foster Pets." After eight months of dedicated communication with the governor's office, her passion and perseverance resulted in this important recognition. She also created a fun lesson to teach scouts of all ages about the importance of fostering, how to advocate for shelter dogs and cats, and how to earn a one-of-a-kind pet fostering patch.

Sophia 的旅程始於她的女童子軍金獎項目,恰好名爲“現象級寄養寵物”。在與州長辦公室連續八個月的精心溝通後,她的激情和毅力結果獲得了這項重要的認可。她還創建了一個有趣的課程,教會各年齡段的女童子軍們寄養動物的重要性、如何支持動物收容所,以及如何獲得獨一無二的寵物寄養補丁。

"I want to inspire other Girl Scouts and young advocates to take similar actions in their states," said Sophia Gillen. "Many animals can be saved when state leaders show their commitment to animal welfare. My hope is to see Foster a Pet Month recognized across all 50 states."

Sophia Gillen 說:“我希望激勵其他女童子軍和年輕的倡導者在自己的州採取類似的行動。當州領導人表示對動物福利的承諾時,許多動物可以得救。我的希望是看到寄養寵物月在全美國得到承認。

"Sophia is an incredibly impressive young woman," said Kogut. "Her drive and commitment to animal welfare at such a young age are truly inspiring. We are excited to highlight her achievements and support her goal of expanding this initiative nationwide."

Kogut 說:“Sophia 是一個非常令人印象深刻的年輕女性。她對動物福利的追求和承諾是真正有啓發性的。我們很高興地突出了她的成就,並支持她將這一倡議擴展到全國。”

For more information on how to get involved with Foster a Pet Month, visit Petco Love's website and join the conversation on social media using #PetcoLoveFoster.

有關如何參與寄養寵物月的更多信息,請訪問 Petco Love 的網站,並使用社交媒體上的 #PetcoLoveFoster 加入討論。

Media Contacts:
Crystal Bugary, Petco Love, [email protected]
Alison Brod Marketing + Communications, [email protected]

Crystal Bugary,Petco Love , [email protected]
阿里森·布羅德市場與公共關係,[email protected]

About Petco Love
Petco Love is a life-changing nonprofit organization that makes communities and pet families closer, stronger, and healthier. Since our founding in 1999 as the Petco Foundation, we've empowered animal welfare organizations by investing nearly $400 million in adoption and other lifesaving efforts. We've helped find loving homes for more than 6.8 million pets in partnership with Petco and organizations nationwide. Our love for pets drives us to lead with innovation, creating tools animal lovers need to reunite lost pets, and lead with passion, inspiring and mobilizing communities and our more than 4,000 animal welfare partners to drive lifesaving change alongside us. Join us. Visit or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X, Threads, and LinkedIn to be part of the lifesaving work we lead every day.

Petco Love
Petco Love 是一個改變生命的非營利組織,使社區和寵物家庭更爲親密,更爲強壯,更爲健康。自 1999 年作爲 Petco 基金會成立以來,我們已經通過投資近 4 億美元的領養等挽救措施,賦予動物福利組織權力。我們與 Petco 和全國各組織合作,爲超過 680 萬寵物找到了愛的家。我們對寵物的熱愛推動我們帶頭進行創新,創造寵物愛好者需要尋找丟失寵物和領導激勵行動的工具,同時帶頭激發和動員社區和我們的 4000 多個動物福利合作伙伴與我們一起推動救生變革。加入我們。訪問 或在 Facebook、Instagram、X、Threads 和 LinkedIn 上關注我們,以成爲我們每天領導的救生工作的一部分。

SOURCE Petco Love

出處:Petco Love

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