
Is It Time For Kids To Power Off Phones? Second-Largest US School District Says Yes, Votes To Initiate First Steps

Is It Time For Kids To Power Off Phones? Second-Largest US School District Says Yes, Votes To Initiate First Steps

Benzinga ·  06/18 13:56

The vast majority of Americans now own a cell phone, including the nation's youth. Amid calls to limit phone usage among those under 18, the Los Angeles Board of Education voted on Tuesday to create a plan for public approval prohibiting phones entirely during the school day. Many other districts have implemented similar policies.


What Happened: The proposal resolved the school district to develop a plan to ban phones during the school day. The district will present the plan to the public within 120 days.


The resolution passed among the Board of Education in a 5-2 vote.


Some board members are skeptical that the policy could be enforced effectively by administrators or equally among students of different racial groups. Others expressed safety concerns.


Why it Matters: The Los Angeles Board of Education's decision could serve as a model for other U.S. school districts weighing a smartphone ban.


In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, student test scores have crated to historic lows.


Many researchers have tied phone usage among children to the ongoing mental health crisis. Jonathan Haidt, a prominent social psychologist at the NYU Stern School of Business, is among the most vocal advocates of restrictive phone policy. Haidt has tied increased phone usage to instances of self-harm and loneliness among the nation's youth. Critics of Haidt's arguments have described his research as "bad science."


On Monday, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy penned an op-ed in the New York Times arguing for "warning labels," similar to those placed on cigarette packages, to be placed on social media websites. LA Board of Education member Nick Melvoin compared social media usage to cigarette usage during the board meeting.

週一,美國外科醫生Vivek H. Murthy在紐約時報上發表文章,主張在社交媒體網站上放置類似於捲菸包裝上的“警告標籤”。洛杉磯教育委員會成員尼克·梅爾沃因在委員會會議上將社交媒體用量與吸菸量進行了比較。

A recent Gallup poll found that teens spend an average of 4.8 hours on social media platforms each day. Popular social media platforms among teens include Instagram (a Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ: META) property) and Snap Inc (NYSE:SNAP). The most popular phone manufacturers in the U.S. include Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL), Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) and Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (OTCPK:SSNLF).

最近的一項蓋洛普民意調查發現,青少年每天在社交媒體平台上平均花費4.8小時。青少年喜歡的社交媒體平台包括Instagram(Meta Platforms Inc(NASDAQ:META)產權)和Snap Inc(NYSE:SNAP)。在美國,最受歡迎的手機制造商包括蘋果公司(NASDAQ:AAPL),Alphabet Inc(NASDAQ:GOOG)(NASDAQ:GOOGL)和三星電子股份有限公司(OTCPK:SSNLF)。

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