
Elementos' (ASX:ELT) Unexpected High-grade Mineral Find in Tasmania

Elementos' (ASX:ELT) Unexpected High-grade Mineral Find in Tasmania

sharecafe ·  06/18 19:50

Manny Anton: I'm Manny Anton for the Finance News Network, and today we're talking with Elementos Limited. Elementos, trading under the ASX:ELT, with a market capitalization of approximately 25 million, is committed to the safe and environmentally-conscious exploration, development, and production of its high-grade tin projects. Elementos owns two world-class tin projects with large mineral resource bases and significant exploration potential in mining-friendly jurisdictions. Joining us today is Elementos Managing Director, Joe David. Joe, welcome back to the Network.

我是財經新聞網絡的Manny Anton,今天我們與Elementos Limited進行了交談。Elementos交易於ASX:ELT,市值約爲2500萬,致力於其高品位錫礦項目的安全、環保的勘探、開發和生產。Elementos擁有兩個世界級錫礦項目,在礦業友好的司法轄區擁有大型礦產資源和顯著的勘探潛力。今天與我們一起的是Elementos董事總經理Joe David。Joe,歡迎回到網絡。

Joe David: Yeah, great to be back, Manny.


Manny Anton: Okay. So Joe, the company has just released more good news following the last lot. This time from the company's Cleveland Tin Project in Tasmania. A diamond drill hole has intersected an untargeted high-grade copper and gold mineralization. Can you give us some details on the results? It was a bit of a surprise, I gather.

Manny Anton:好的。所以Joe,公司剛剛發佈了更多好消息。這次是來自塔斯馬尼亞的Cleveland錫項目的。一條鑽孔穿過了未預期的高品位銅和金礦化物。您能爲我們提供一些結果的詳細信息嗎?我想這有點令人驚訝。

Joe David: Yeah. We were certainly confident in hitting something on the way down to the ultimate target, which is this tungsten resource, an exploration target sitting below our tin project, but we weren't exactly sure what. This is untested ground. The surrounds are very rich in sulphides and various other things, but yeah, hitting such high grade of copper. So it's only half a meter. We admit that. Everyone can see that. But the grades are phenomenal. It's just under 10% copper at 9.7. And I'm going to read these because tin's in my brain all the time, but talking about copper and gold and silver, that is not quite there. So yeah, it's 9.7% copper, 5.1 grams per ton gold, 18 grams per ton silver and 1.35% zinc. So that's a very substantial intercept, even over half a meter, we had to get out to the market.

Joe David:是的。當然我們有信心在下降到我們錫礦項目下面的特定目標(鎢資源)的途中命中一些東西,但我們不確定具體是什麼。這是未經過測試的離散地段。周圍非常富含硫化物和其他各種物質,但的確,找到了如此高品位的銅。儘管這隻有半米深,我們承認,但是其品位卻是極高的——銅品位接近10%,爲9.7%。我要讀出這些,因爲平時我總在想錫,但我現在要討論銅、金和銀,這些可不一樣。所以它有9.7%的銅,5.1克每噸的金,18克每噸的銀和1.35%的鋅,因此即使只有半米,這也是一個非常重要的截面,我們必須向市場公佈。

Manny Anton: Yeah. I mean, interestingly, this hole was drilled outside the existing mineral resource area. Right? So, what does this mean? What are the implications from that?

Manny Anton:是的。有趣的是,這個孔是在現有的礦產資源區之外鑽探的。那麼這意味着什麼?有什麼影響嗎?

Joe David: Yeah. So I guess, just let me give a background of the project, for those that don't follow. This is an old tin mine that operated for about 37 years through the 1900s. The orebody is well-defined. It has been mined over a couple of campaigns. It's got an established decline and all this infrastructure of a working underground mine. We've got a very good definition on that tin copper orebody. And we've highlighted this tungsten, very interesting tungsten mineralization below.

Joe David:是啊。我想讓我爲那些不太了解的人提供一下項目的背景。這是一家經營了大約37年的舊錫礦,礦脈很清晰,經歷了幾次開採。它具有下坡道的良好定義以及作爲地下礦山的所有基礎設施。我們對錫銅礦體有很好的定義。我們突出了這個鎢礦牀,這是一個非常有趣的鎢礦牀。

So this hole was being drilled from the opposite side of the hill from all our previous drilling. And because we were going under the tin copper resource to the tungsten, we've really drilled from quite a wide angle and we're coming in through undrilled land, and on the way through have hit this very substantial, in terms of grade, copper-gold scene, which certainly warrants further investigation. It's 111 meters below the surface and not deep, and it's about 150 meters laterally from the historic decline.


So just in terms of when you drill these things, you start thinking about what it could mean. Certainly this thing, if it gets proved to be bigger, it can be open pitted about 100 meters, or it can be accessed from the previous underground. So all that requires studies and all the formal things we'd need to do. But because of that, it's certainly something that we will look to. When we finish the original target of the hole, which is getting down to tungsten, we will come back and have another look and do some more reconnaissance.

Manny Anton:好的。那麼,我要問一下這種新礦化類型的價值估計。我想你已經指出,你們會按計劃完工,然後可能會回來。這樣回來意味着您可能會在該特定區域周圍進行額外的鑽探,還是有其他計劃?

Manny Anton: Okay. Well, I was going to ask in terms of a valuation of this new mineralization. I guess you've already pointed out you're going to complete the hole as originally planned and then possibly come back. And does that coming back mean that you may do additional drilling around that specific area, or?

Joe David:是的。由於這種礦化類型的特點,我們可能會首先進行井下地球物理勘測。鑽孔地球物理勘測對於發現硫化物礦化物的進一步目標非常有用。因此,這可能是我們下一步要做的事情。我們會PVC和套管,以允許這樣。然後,決定尚未確定。這是公司的最新信息。當然,我們認爲該項目仍然是旨在開發錫銅鎢項目。但是當你找到礦化物時,我想這肯定需要進一步探索。根據探索發現的狀況,我們將進一步通知市場我們將做些什麼。但是在100米深度處,進一步鑽探不是排除在外的。

Joe David: Yeah. Due to the nature of this mineralization, the first thing we're likely to do would be a downhole geophysics. The downhole geophysics is pretty good at finding further targets for sulphide mineralization. So certainly that's probably the next step for us. We will PVC and collar the hole to allow for that. And then, the decision's yet to be made. This is fresh information for the company. Certainly we think the project remains very focused as a tin-copper-tungsten project. But when you hit mineralization, I guess it certainly warrants further exploration. And based on what comes of that, I guess we'll further inform the market of what other things we do. But at 100 meters depth, further drilling is not off the table.

Manny Anton:好的,我明白了。還停留在Tassie的Cleveland項目上,關於Cleveland項目,我們可以在2024年剩餘的時間裏期待什麼樣的新聞呢?有即將公佈的消息,或有其他計劃嗎?

Manny Anton: Okay, understood. And staying on the Cleveland Project in Tassie, what can we expect in terms of news flow from the Cleveland Project specifically over the remainder of 2024? Is there some news coming up soon, or what are the plans?

Joe David:是的。好的,確實這個鑽孔是個持續的項目。所以這是非常好的事情。我們找到它了,但我們還沒有停頓下來。我們仍在鑽探,而且是一個1100米深的鑽孔,以深入到這個鎢礦礦體和勘探目標中。因此,我們對於找到那塊鎢礦石非常有信心和非常激動。我們現在的孔深已經達到了380米左右。由於這些結果必須經過化驗,因此這些結果需要一些時間。但事實上,我們將進一步通知市場,在下降的途中,會有更多硫化物型礦物亞化合物的攔截信息。當我們到達鎢礦石時,我們將盡快告知市場鎢礦石的狀況,包括測試深度和寬度。然後再向市場發佈下一步的計劃,可能是進一步勘探或一些正式的研究、範圍和其他內容。

Joe David: Yeah. Well, absolutely this hole continues. Right? So that's the great thing. We've hit this, but we haven't stopped. We're still drilling, and it's an 1100-meter hole to get very deep into this tungsten orebody and exploration target. So certainly we're very confident and very excited about hitting that tungsten. We're about 380 meters down in the hole right now. Obviously these results are a little bit delayed because they've had to go through the assay process. But effectively, we'll either be more information of some further intercepts of sulphide-type mineralization on the way down. And then when we get to the tungsten, we'll obviously be informing the market as soon as we have those results of what that tungsten orebody looks like, the width, the depth that we're currently testing. And then obviously come back to the market with a plan for either further exploration or some formalized studies, scoping studies and the rest.

Manny Anton:Joe,感謝您今天的時間,希望很快會有您的跟進更新,因爲您取得的進展似乎很快。

Manny Anton: Joe, thank you for your time today and hope to get you back soon with further updates on your progress, which seems to be happening fast.

Joe David:是的,非常感謝Manny。期待很快能再次跟進更新。

Joe David: Yeah, absolutely, Manny. Thanks a lot, mate. Look forward to it.

Manny Anton:好的。

Manny Anton: Okay.





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