
Acquisition of the Stanhove Gold Tailings

Acquisition of the Stanhove Gold Tailings

Accesswire ·  06/19 08:30

REYKJAVÍK, ICELAND / ACCESSWIRE / June 19, 2024 / GreenBank Capital Inc. (CSE:GBC)(OTC PINK:GRNBF)(FRA:2TL) and Ubique Minerals Limited (CSE: UBQ and FRA:2UM) have signed a non-binding term sheet with Clientque Investments Pty Ltd ("CIP") for the acquisition of 100% ownership of MJR Mining and Exploration (PTY) Ltd ("MJR"), which owns the Stanhove mining tailings dump in Johannesburg. The acquisition will be executed on a 50/50 basis, with GreenBank acting as the funding partner and Ubique as the operating partner.

格陵蘭銀行資本股份有限公司(CSE:GBC) (OTC PINK:GRNBF) (FRA:2TL)和Ubique Minerals Limited (CSE:UBQ和FRA:2UM)已與Clientque投資有限公司(CIP)簽署了非約束性意向書,以收購MJR Mining and Exploration (PTY) Ltd ("MJR")的100%所有權,後者擁有約翰內斯堡的Stanhove礦業尾礦堆。此次收購將以50/50的比例執行,格陵蘭銀行作爲資金合作伙伴,而Ubique作爲運營合作伙伴。

Key Transaction Details:


Ubique Minerals Limited ("Ubique") and GreenBank Capital Inc. ("Greenbank") will each acquire 50% ownership from Clientque Investments Pty Ltd, securing the Stanhove mining tailings dump in Johannesburg. The transaction includes a cash payment of CAD $846,103, the issuance of two convertible debentures of CAD $500,000 each by GreenBank and Ubique with an interest rate of 6% for 36 months, and an additional cash payment of CAD $1,538,309 after the production of the first 5,000 ounces of gold, totaling CAD $3,384,341. The transaction involves the buyers acquiring MJR Mining and Exploration (PTY) Ltd, which owns the tailings dump.

Ubique Minerals Limited ("Ubique")和GreenBank Capital Inc. ("Greenbank")將各從Clientque投資有限公司收購50%的所有權,以確保約翰內斯堡Stanhove礦業尾礦堆。交易包括加元$846,103的現金支付,由GreenBank和Ubique分別發行加元$500,000的兩張可轉換債券,在36個月內以6%的利率計息,並在初產5000盎司黃金後支付加元$1,538,309的額外現金支付,總價值爲加元$3,384,341元。交易涉及買方收購MJR Mining和Exploration (PTY) Ltd,後者擁有尾礦堆。

The non-binding term sheet was signed on June 13, 2024. The Share Sale Agreement (SSA) is to be provided within 60 days by August 12, 2024, and the signing and exchange of contracts are expected to occur within 90 days by September 11, 2024.


The completion of the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals, delivery of the deed of the land, issuance of mining permits, technical due diligence and other customary conditions. Completion is expected within five business days following the satisfaction or waiver of these conditions.


Ubique Minerals Limited will act as the operator, responsible for managing the mining and processing operations of the Stanhove tailings dump. GreenBank Capital Inc. will handle the financial aspects of the project, including funding and the sales of the extracted gold.

Ubique Minerals Limited將擔任運營商,負責管理Stanhove礦業尾礦堆的採礦和加工作業。GreenBank Capital Inc.將處理項目的財務方面,包括資金和金子的銷售。

About the Stanhove Mining Tailings Dump


The Stanhove tailings dump is located east of Johannesburg, South Africa, within the area known locally as the East Rand gold basin and was accumulated after mining and processing gold ore from within the Witwatersrand gold mining district. The Witwatersrand basin comprises a sequence of very old, Archean, sedimentary rocks with the gold hosted in a quartz pebble conglomerate. The dominant mineral in the rock hosting the original ore is predominantly quartz with minor pyrite with which the gold is associated. Initial processing involved crushing and grinding the rock to liberate the gold by various processes, depending on the historical period, with the resulting waste being accumulated in tailings piles, of which the Stanhove pile is one. The earliest recovery processes were less efficient and therefore the waste tailings still contained significant quantities of gold. Drill sampling of the Stanhove tailings pile has identified gold values ranging upwards from <0.3g/t Au to >1.3g/t Au with increasing depth in the pile. It is typical of these old dumps for the earliest material mined to have accumulated at the bottom of the tailings pile and to have the highest grades in the basal layer. The Stanhove tailings pile of dry, ground-up rock covers an area of approximately 270 x 170 metres and reaches a maximum height of 20 metres, although most of it is less than half that height according to information provided by the vendors.

Stanhove礦業尾礦堆位於南非約翰內斯堡以東,在當地被稱爲東蘭德金盆地地區,是在 Witwatersrand 金礦區內從金礦石中採礦和加工黃金後積累的。Witwatersrand 盆地包括一系列非常古老的太古宙沉積岩層,其中黃金寄主爲石英卵石礫岩。礦脈原礦石中的主要礦物質爲石英,含少量黃鐵礦與黃金相伴生。最初的加工工藝包括破碎和磨碎礦石,通過多種過程釋放黃金,儘管不同時期的加工流程各不相同,但最終廢料仍被積累在尾礦堆中,其中Stanhove尾礦堆就是其中的一個。早期的黃金回收工藝效率較低,因此廢料尾礦仍然含有大量的黃金。對Stanhove尾礦堆進行的鑽探取樣確定了含金量,含金量從小於0.3g/t Au到大於1.3g/t Au,深度逐漸增加。這種老舊的尾礦堆中,最早開採的礦石通常積累在尾礦礦堆的底部,並在基底層中含有最高品位的礦石。據供應商提供的信息,Stanhove礦業尾礦堆的幹碎岩石覆蓋面積約270×170米,最大高度爲20米,但大部分的高度不到一半。

The company holds a non-compliant technical report about the project. Prior to final closing of the documentation of the agreement Greenbank and Ubique will undertake technical due diligence to verify the technical aspects of the project.


Figure 1 Aerial photo of the tailings site

圖1 尾礦堆的航拍照片

Figure 2 location of the tailings site

圖2 尾礦堆的位置

Vilhjalmur Thor Vilhjalmsson, CEO of both GreenBank and Ubique, commented, "This acquisition represents a strategic step for both GreenBank and Ubique in expanding our mining assets and leveraging the potential of the Stanhove tailings dump. As partners, GreenBank will provide the necessary funding and handle the sales of gold, while Ubique will manage the operations, ensuring a balanced and effective approach. We are confident that this investment will yield significant returns for our shareholders."

GreenBank和Ubique的CEO Vilhjalmur Thor Vilhjalmsson評論道:“該收購代表了格陵蘭銀行和Ubique在擴大其礦業資產並利用Stanhove尾礦堆潛力方面的戰略性步驟。作爲合作伙伴,GreenBank將提供必要的資金並處理金子的銷售,而Ubique將管理運營,確保平衡和有效的方法。我們相信這項投資將爲我們的股東帶來巨大的回報。"

On behalf of the board of directors,

Jared Scharf

Vilhjalmur Thor Vilhjalmsson
CEO and Chairman


About GreenBank


GreenBank is a business-transformation firm, which aims to nurture early stage and growth companies to their full potential. Through modern approaches to the provisions of consultancy services, GreenBank takes a stake in companies it hopes to nurture and gives the opportunity to the founders and executives of those companies to benefit from the years of collective experience of the GreenBank management team.


The team are based in Reykjavík, London and Toronto and work diligently across borders to ensure that businesses in the GreenBank portfolio reach their core objectives. The businesses the Company typically works with are start-ups or early-stage and include mining and mineral exploration companies. From this emergent state, GreenBank aims to quickly implement strong business practices by, where possible and required, deploying operations, communications, data strategy and financial expertise.


Whether a business desires to become a successful private company, list publicly, or is seeking a profitable exit, GreenBank tries to add value at every stage as a strategic partner. GreenBank is listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange, under the symbol "GBC", and on the OTC markets (OTCMKTS: GRNBF) as well as the Frankfurt Boerse (FRA: 2TL).

不論是公司希望成爲成功的私人公司、上市公司還是尋求有利可圖的退出,GreenBank都試圖成爲每個階段的戰略合作伙伴。GreenBank在加拿大證券交易所上市,證券代碼爲“GBC”,在OTC市場(OTCMKTS: GRNBF)和法蘭克福證券交易所(FRA: 2TL)上市。

About Ubique Minerals Limited

關於Ubique Minerals Limited

Ubique Minerals Limited is an exploration company listed on the CSE (CSE:UBQ) and Frankfurt (FRA:2UM) focused on exploration of its Daniel's Harbour zinc property in Newfoundland and is also engaged in exploration in Namibia, Africa along with actively searching for other projects around the world. Ubique became a publicly listed company in September 2018. Ubique has an experienced management group with a record of multiple discoveries of deposits worldwide and owns an extensive and exclusive database of historic exploration results from the Daniel's Harbour area.

Ubique Minerals Limited是一家在多倫多證券交易所上市的勘探公司(CSE:UBQ)和Frankfurt市場(FRA:2UM),專注於探索其位於紐芬蘭的丹尼爾斯港鋅礦項目,同時還在非洲納米比亞進行勘探,並積極尋找其他項目。 Ubique於2018年9月成爲公開上市公司。 Ubique擁有一支經驗豐富的管理團隊,曾在世界各地發現多個礦牀,並擁有丹尼爾斯港地區歷史勘探結果的廣泛和獨家數據庫。

Dr. Gerald Harper, P.Geo.(NL), director of Ubique, is the qualified person as defined by NI 43-101 responsible for the technical data presented herein and has reviewed and approved this release.

負責技術數據的依據43-101號規定定義的負責人是Ubique的董事Gerald Harper, P.Geo.(NL),已審查並批准此發佈。

For more information on GreenBank or Ubique please contact


Forward Looking Information


This news release contains statements that include "forward looking information" as defined in applicable Canadian securities laws, including, but not limited to, statements with respect to the proposed private placement and debt conversion, and GreenBank's investment strategy. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of GreenBank to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could affect the outcome include, among others: inability to find subscribers for the private placement, challenges in identifying and concluding investment transactions with attractive companies on favourable terms, or at all, , future prices and the supply of metals; the results of drilling; inability to raise the money necessary to conclude investment transactions with third-party companies or to incur the expenditures required to retain and advance the Suni project, environmental liabilities (known and unknown); general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; accidents, labour disputes and other risks inherent in business, such as; political instability, terrorism, insurrection or war; delays in obtaining governmental approvals; or failure to obtain regulatory approvals. For a more detailed discussion of such risks and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, refer to GreenBank's filings with Canadian securities regulators available on SEDAR+ at .


Although GreenBank has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this news release and GreenBank disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.


SOURCE: GreenBank Capital Inc.

來源:GreenBank Capital Inc。

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