
Fathom Announces Receipt of New Exploration Permit and Commencement of Field Activities at the Gochager Lake Project

Fathom Announces Receipt of New Exploration Permit and Commencement of Field Activities at the Gochager Lake Project

Fathom宣佈獲得Gochager Lake項目的新勘探許可證並開始實地活動。
newsfile ·  06/20 07:39

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - June 20, 2024) - Fathom Nickel Inc. (CSE: FNI) (FSE: 6Q5) (OTCQB: FNICF) (the "Company" or "Fathom") is pleased to announce the recent receipt of all necessary permits to continue exploration activity at the Company's Gochager Lake project. The exploration permit allows the Company to:

- 加拿大阿爾伯塔省--(新聞稿 Corp. - 2024年6月20日) - Fathom Nickel Inc. (CSE: FNI)(FSE: 6Q5)(OTCQB: FNICF)的“公司計劃議程Fathom")很高興宣佈,該公司已收到所有必要的許可證,以便繼續在Gochager Lake項目進行探測活動。 探測許可證允許公司:

  • Drill up to 60 drillholes.
  • Construct and utilize an all season 25-person camp.
  • Utilize temporary "fly camps" during summer-fall field season to conduct site specific, airborne geophysical anomaly follow-up, mapping and prospecting, soil geochemistry, and site-specific geophysical surveys.
  • To do necessary line-cutting ahead of surface geophysical surveys.
  • Prepare necessary ground and ice trails to facilitate the movement of drilling equipment.
  • The new exploration permit is valid for a two-year period, expiring July 31, 2026.
  • 鑽60個鑽孔。
  • 建造並使用全季節25人營地。
  • 在夏季-秋季野外季節,可以利用臨時"飛營"進行現場特定的空中地質異常跟進、地圖製作和勘探、土壤地球化學和現場特定地質勘測。
  • 爲進行地表地質勘測前的必要砍線服務。
  • 準備必要的地面和冰雪道路,以便於鑽探設備的移動。
  • 新的探測許可證有效期爲兩年,於2026年7月31日到期。

In addition, we are also pleased to report that exploration field activities have commenced at the Gochager Lake project. Field crews were mobilized last week and will be utilizing a temporary fly camp located at the Gochager Lake deposit area to conduct:

此外,我們也很高興地通報,Gochager Lake項目的探測野外活動已經啓動。 野外工作隊上週開始行動,將利用位於Gochager Lake礦牀區域的臨時飛營進行以下工作:

  • A soil geochemical survey within the area outlined in Figure 1. The Company is confident we can define a soil geochemical signature associated with the Gochager Lake deposit and utilize this signature to expand Gochager and find additional Gochager-like deposits.
  • Detailed mapping, prospecting and soil geochemical sampling will occur in areas of conductivity defined through surface time domain electromagnetic surveys ("TDEM") performed in 2023-2024 (Figure 2). The team will focus on identifying and mapping the strike extent of the favourable gabbro host-rock and defining other favourable gabbro rock outside of the historic deposit area.
  • Flying a detailed drone-MAG survey (30-meter line spacing) over the historic Gochager Lake deposit area depicted in Figure 3. The total MAG survey will encompass approximately 385 line-km.
  • Field crews are expected to complete the field program by June 30, 2024.
  • 在圖1中勾畫出的區域內進行土壤地球化學調查。公司有信心能夠確定與Gochager Lake礦牀相關的土壤地球化學指標,並利用這種指標來拓展Gochager項目和尋找其他類似Gochager的礦牀。
  • 在2023-2024年通過地表時域電磁勘測(TDEM)定義的電導率區域內進行詳細的製圖、勘查和土壤地球化學採樣(Figure 2)。 該小組將重點關注確定和繪製受歡迎的輝長岩岩石的發現和繪製出歷史的礦牀區域之外其他具有優良輝長岩石象徵的地質學、構造學、地球物理學和地球化學象徵。
  • 在圖3中描繪的歷史Gochager Lake礦區範圍內進行詳細的無人機MAG調查(30米線距)。總磁調查將包括約385條線公里。
  • 預計到2024年6月30日爲止,野外工作團隊將完成野外計劃。

Ian Fraser, CEO and VP Exploration stated, "We are very pleased to now have the exploration permit in hand. Having completed 16 successful drillholes in little more than a year, this two-year permit is the next step in our exploration plan to aggressively drill the historic Gochager Lake deposit and to continue to expand the deposit to depth and along strike. We expect that camp construction will begin in the coming weeks."

首席執行官和VP Exploration Ian Fraser表示: Fraser先生繼續說:"現在我們手頭上擁有探測許可證,感到非常高興。在短短一年多的時間裏完成了16個成功的鑽孔,這份爲期兩年的許可證是我們開展探測計劃的下一步,以積極地鑽取歷史悠久的Gochager Lake礦牀並繼續向深度和沿打擊方向擴展礦牀。我們預計採用飛營的方式開始營地建設,這將在接下來的幾周內開始。"

Mr. Fraser continued, "There is very good geophysical evidence that the Gochager Lake deposit is potentially only the first of several magmatic nickel sulphide deposits occurring within the 22,000-hectare Gochager Lake property. Our international geophysical team have identified 13 high priority targets through the re-interpretation of the 2008 VTEM survey. During the current program, the field crews will systematically map and prospect the deposit area to further enhance our understanding of the geological, structural, geophysical and geochemical signatures of the Gochager Lake deposit. The knowledge gained from this exercise will be invaluable as we progress our exploration efforts outwards from the deposit area and start to assess the 13 other high priority targets. We are very confident that the high-resolution drone-MAG survey, combined with field mapping, will define the extent of the mineralized gabbro unit that is host to the zones of high-grade nickel mineralization along strike beyond our current drilling. Knowing the extent and the boundaries of the host gabbro unit will be critical as we prepare for a late summer/early fall drill program. We are also confident the MAG survey will map other zones of gabbro within the survey area".

Fraser先生繼續說:"有非常好的地球物理證據表明,Gochager Lake礦藏有可能只是22,000公頃的Gochager Lake物業中發生的多個岩漿鎳硫化物礦化 deposit 中的第一個 。我們的國際地球物理團隊通過重新解釋2008年 VTEM調查已經確定了13個高優先級的目標。在本次計劃中,野外工作隊將系統地繪製和探測礦區,以進一步增強我們對Gochager Lake礦牀地質學、構造學、地球物理學和地球化學象徵的理解。從此次行動中獲得的知識對我們從礦牀區域向外擴展勘探努力以及開始評估13個其他高優先級目標至關重要。我們非常有信心,高分辨率的無人機-MAG調查,結合現場製圖,將確定磁化粒巖體的範圍,該粒巖體是承載當前鑽探高品位鈷鎳銅礦化帶的有利輝長岩的礦體;並將延伸至當前鑽探之外的其他地方。了解主機輝長岩單元的範圍和邊界將是我們爲夏末/秋季鑽探計劃做準備的關鍵因素。我們也有信心該MAG調查將能夠對勘測區域內其他輝長岩區域進行訓練"。

The drone-MAG survey will provide much higher resolution MAG data in comparison to the VTEM survey completed in 2008. Drone-MAG data will be flown at 30m line spacing compared to 100-200m VTEM line spacing. The Drone-MAG data will be collected from approximately 30-35 meters above surface compared to 60-65m collection height of the 2008 VTEM data. The Company has awarded the contract to Tuzo Geosurveys and looks forward to working with and interpreting this high-resolution data set in the historic Gochager Lake deposit area. We are confident this type of survey will prove very useful in our quest to define the extent of the gabbro host-rock at the Gochager deposit as well as, going forward, discover other magmatic nickel sulphide deposits within the 22,000-hectare Gochager Lake property. High-resolution data provides a clearer picture of the magnetic properties of the various intrusive rocks at Gochager and we expect to better define the magnetic properties associated with the high-grade Ni-Cu-Co bearing semi-massive to massive sulphides we have intersected by drilling.

與2008年完成的VTEM調查相比,無人機-MAG調查將提供更高分辨率的MAG數據。無人機-MAG數據將在30米線間距處進行飛行,而不是在VTEM間距的100-200米處進行。無人機-MAG數據將從地面的約30-35米高度收集,而不是從2008年VTEM數據的60-65米的收集高度。公司已將合同授予Tuzo Geosurveys,並期待與之合作並解釋這個歷史上Gochager Lake礦區域的高分辨率數據集。我們有信心這種調查類型將證明對於確定Gochager deposit的輝長岩主機岩石的範圍以及在22,000公頃的Gochager Lake物業內發現其他岩漿鎳硫化物礦牀是非常有用的。高分辨率數據提供了各種侵入岩石的磁性屬性的更清晰的圖像,我們預計通過鑽孔更好地定義與高品位NI-CU-CO含礦半塊狀塊狀至塊狀硫化物有關的磁性特徵。

Figure 1 - Gochager Lake Property Map, 2024 Field Activity Map

圖1 - Gochager Lake物業地圖,2024年野外活動地圖

Figure 2 - Fathom 2023-2024 TDEM Survey Area

圖2 - fathom 2023-2024 TDEM調查區域

Figure 2 Notes:

圖2 註解:

  • The Tilt Derivative is a mathematical function routinely applied to magnetic field data to preferentially enhance weaker magnetic signals to map textures, structures, and edge contacts of magnetic sources.
  • The yellow polygon depicted in Figure 2 illustrates the location of the historic Gochager Lake deposit. Fathom has defined continuity of the prospective mineralized gabbro, and zones of high-grade Ni-Cu-Co mineralization along strike 230m, and to a depth of 400m.
  • Drillhole GL23011, located approximately 350m northeast of the deposit area, intersected mineralized gabbro with anomalous Ni-Cu-Co and, importantly, detected significant off-hole BHEM anomalies.
  • The TDEM survey(s) (yellow, blue dots) recognized conductivity associated with:
    • The historic Gochager Lake deposit.
    • Along strike to the northeast of the deposit area towards GL23011.
    • Discrete areas of conductivity to the north and northwest of the deposit.
    • Significant, and several areas of conductivity to the south and southwest of the deposit.
    • The area to the southwest coincides with a fold hinge, or closure as defined by the Tilt Mag Derivative. Structural traps: in this case an interpreted fold hinge, provide excellent mechanisms to trap and concentrate magmatic sulphides.
  • 岩石斷裂是一種常用於磁場數據的數學函數,以有利於提高較弱的磁信號,以映射磁源的質地、結構和邊緣接觸。
  • 圖2中描繪的黃色多邊形標示着歷史上Gochager Lake礦牀的位置。 Fathom定義了潛在礦化輝石巖的連續性,並且沿着230m和深度400m的趨勢線確定了高品位的Ni-Cu-Co礦化帶。
  • 位於礦牀區域東北約350m處的鑽孔GL23011,穿過了具有異常Ni-Cu-Co的礦化輝石巖,重要的是,檢測到了重要的超孔BHEM異常。
  • TDEM調查(黃色,藍色點)識別了與導電性相關的區域:
    • 歷史上的Gochager Lake礦牀。
    • 向礦牀區域東北方向沿着遺址的趨勢線。
    • 在礦牀以北和西北的離散區域中具有導電性。
    • 在礦牀的南部和西南部具有顯著的,以及幾個區域的導電性。
    • 與Tilt Mag Derivative定義的摺疊褶皺或閉塞重合的區域的特斯拉-地圖。結構陷阱:在這種情況下是一個被解釋的摺疊褶皺,爲聚集火成硫化物提供了優越的機制。

Field crews will map, prospect and increase the density of soil sampling within these zones of conductivity.


Figure 3 - Tuzo Geosurveys Drone-MAG Survey Area

圖3 - Tuzo Geosurveys無人機磁力調查區域

Qualified Person and Data Verification


Ian Fraser, P.Geo., CEO, VP Exploration and a Director of the Company and the "qualified person" as such term is defined by National Instrument 43-101, has verified the data disclosed in this news release, and has otherwise reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release on behalf of the Company.

該公司的首席執行官、勘探副總裁和董事Ian Fraser,P.Geo.是符合43-101號國家儀器定義的“合格人員”,已經驗證了本新聞發佈中披露的數據,並且已經審查和批准了本新聞發佈中的技術信息。

About Fathom Nickel Inc.

關於Fathom Nickel Inc.

Fathom is an exploration company that is targeting magmatic nickel sulphide discoveries to support the rapidly growing global electric vehicle market.


The Company now has a portfolio of two high-quality exploration projects located in the prolific Trans Hudson Corridor in Saskatchewan: 1) the Albert Lake Project, a 90,000+ hectare project that was host to the historic and past producing Rottenstone deposit (produced high-grade Ni-Cu+PGE, 1965-1969), and 2) the 22,000+ hectare Gochager Lake Project that is host to a historic, NI43-101 non-compliant open pit resource consisting of 4.3M tons at 0.295% Ni and 0.081% Cu1.

該公司現在在薩斯喀徹溫省擁有兩個高質量的勘探項目組合:1)面積超過90,000公頃的Albert Lake項目,曾是歷史和過去的Rottenstone礦牀的主人(在1965-1969年產出高品位的Ni-Cu+PGE),2) 面積爲22,000公頃的Gochager Lake項目,曾是歷史上一座NI43-101不符合要求的露天礦資源,其含Ni 0.295%和Cu 0.081%,總量4.3M噸。1.

1 - The Saskatchewan Mineral Deposit Index (SMID#0880) reports drill indicated reserves at the historic Gochager Lake Deposit of 4,262,400 tons grading 0.295% Ni and 0.081% Cu mineable by open pit. Fathom cannot confirm the resource estimate, nor the parameters and methods used to prepare the reserve estimate. The estimate is not considered NI43-101 compliant and further work is required to verify this historical drill indicated reserve.

1-薩斯喀徹溫礦牀指數(SMID#0880)報告了歷史上Gochager Lake礦牀的鑽孔指示儲量,達到了可由露天開採的4,262,400噸,品位爲0.295%Ni和0.081%Cu。Fathom不能確認資源評估,也不能確定用於準備儲量估計的參數和方法。該估計值未考慮NI43-101的合規性,需要進一步的工作來驗證這種歷史的鑽孔指示儲量。



Ian Fraser, CEO & Vice President Exploration

Ian Fraser,首席執行官兼勘探副總裁



Matthew Mickleborough, Investor Relations

Matthew Mickleborough,投資者關係

Forward-Looking Statements:


This news release contains "forward-looking statements" that are based on expectations, estimates, projections and interpretations as at the date of this news release. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "seek", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "suggest", "indicate" and other similar words or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur, and include, without limitation, statements regarding payment of terms under the Option Agreement, permitting for the Property, receipt of an exploration permit, timing of the exploration program on the Property and the Company achieving the earn-in thresholds under the Option Agreement. Forward-looking statements relate to information that is based on assumptions of management, forecasts of future results, and estimates of amounts not yet determinable. Any statements that express predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and on acceptable terms; risks related to the outcome of legal proceedings; political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; risks related to the maintenance of stock exchange listings; risks related to environmental regulation and liability; the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of feasibility studies; the uncertainty of profitability; risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of drill results, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits; risks related to the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses; results of prefeasibility and feasibility studies, and the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; risks related to commodity price fluctuations; and other risks and uncertainties related to the Company's prospects, properties and business detailed elsewhere in the Company's disclosure record. Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances except in accordance with applicable securities laws. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations or projections.




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