
The Uranium Story Just Got Bigger Thanks to AI - Miners Going Nuclear

The Uranium Story Just Got Bigger Thanks to AI - Miners Going Nuclear

人工智能使鈾的故事變得更加浩大 - 礦工轉向核能
newsfile ·  2024/06/20 09:00

Vancouver, Kelowna and Delta, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 20, 2024) -, a global investor news source covering mining and metals stocks releases a snapshot looking at uranium mining and exploration, featuring Panther Minerals Inc.(CSE: PURR) ) (OTC Pink: GLIOF).

英屬哥倫比亞省溫哥華、基洛納和三角洲——(新聞稿 - 2024年6月20日)——投資者新聞網(是全球投資者新聞來源,涵蓋礦業和金屬股票領域,發佈了一篇關於鈾礦業和勘探的快照,重點介紹了Panther Minerals Inc. (CSE: PURR)(場外交易:GLIOF)

Panther Minerals Inc. is a mineral exploration company actively involved in the exploration of its North American project portfolio. The acquisition of the Boulder Creek Option reflects the Company's ongoing intention of pursuing advanced, highly quality prospective uranium projects that can be readily worked on and efficiently explored in a timely manner.

Panther Minerals Inc.是一家礦產勘探公司,積極參與其在北美的項目組合的勘探。公司收購Boulder Creek Option是其持續追求高質量有前途的鈾項目的意向的體現,這些項目可以被迅速開採和高效勘探。

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Uranium prices have had a big year, up over 52% year to date, with some short term corrections. But the story for uranium miners just got bigger as AI (Artificial Intelligence) is changing the world as we know it and looks to nuclear energy to power its growth.


Nuclear energy already had significant tailwinds moving it forward as an energy of choice. In December at COP2), 22 countries agreed to triple global nuclear power capacity by 2050 to reach net zero ambitions.


Now, as top players like Microsoft fight for dominance in AI, they also are betting on nuclear power to reach their future goals. As AI grows faster than anyone anticipated, it is using up more electricity than our current systems had planned for.


Uranium miners and exploration companies see this growth boom as a new Bull Run opportunity.


Panther Minerals Inc.(CSE: PURR) (OTC Pink: GLIOF) just issued a corporate update on its Boulder Creek Uranium property, located in the southeastern Seward Peninsula, 160 km east of Nome, Alaska ("Boulder Creek" or the "Property").

Panther Minerals Inc.(CSE:PURR)(場外交易:GLIOF)剛剛在位於阿拉斯加諾姆以東160公里的塞沃德半島東南部的Boulder Creek Uranium物業上發佈了公司更新。

From the news: Panther Minerals has been completing ongoing compilation of all historical data available through previous work conducted by past operators of the Boulder Creek project, Houston Oil & Minerals and Triex Minerals (Full Metal Minerals). With significant historical data available, the Company is looking to continue a full review and analysis of drilling core located on the property and additional core located in Anchorage, Alaska. The data attained will give Panther Minerals a better understanding of the model and formation, as well as the opportunity to utilize its spectrometer to analyze and confirm radiometric readings.

來自新聞:Panther Minerals一直在彙編通過過去的Boulder Creek項目經營者Houston Oil& Minerals和Triex Minerals(Full Metal Minerals)進行過的前期工作的所有歷史數據。由於有大量的歷史數據可用,該公司希望繼續對物業上的鑽孔岩心和在阿克里港口的額外岩心進行全面的評估和分析。獲得的數據將使Panther Minerals更好地了解模型和構成,並有機會利用其光譜儀分析和確認放射性測量值。

From the news: Panther Minerals has submitted drill and work permits for its Boulder Creek property related to a proposal to conduct exploration activities, including diamond drilling, on active federal mining claims that comprise a portion of the Boulder Creek Uranium property, under option by the Company. The Company has engaged Jack DiMarchi, Core Geoscience LLC, to manage the Company's permitting activities in Alaska. Additional permitting submittals will follow related to activities on the State claims and with regards to the proposed field camp.

來自新聞:Panther Minerals已經提交了在主動聯邦採礦索賠上進行勘探活動(包括鑽井)的相關探礦和作業許可證。公司已聘請Jack DiMarchi,Core Geoscience LLC,來管理公司在阿拉斯加的許可活動。將提交有關國家索賠活動和擬議野外營地的其他許可申請。

Ur-Energy Inc., a uranium mining company operating the Lost Creek in-situ recovery uranium facility in south-central Wyoming is a miner well-known to investors in the sector. They have produced and packaged approximately 2.8 million pounds U3O8 from Lost Creek since the commencement of operations.

Ur-Energy Inc.是一家在南部懷俄明州運營Lost Creek原位恢復鈾設施的鈾礦採掘公司,已成爲該行業投資者熟知的公司。自開展業務以來,他們已從Lost Creek生產和包裝了約280萬磅U3O8。

In May, when the Company announced its quarterly financials, Ur-Energy's CEO, John Cash said in the news release, "Last week the US Senate, following the House of Representatives action on the same bill, announced the passage by unanimous consent of a Russian Uranium Ban that will commence 90 days after it is signed, subject to certain limited waivers available until January 1, 2028. We are encouraged to see unanimous bipartisan backing of a bill that is likely to result in strong support for western suppliers of nuclear fuel components, including Ur-Energy. We believe we are in the right place at the right time to help fill the uranium supply gap and we will continue to advance production at Lost Creek and Shirley Basin and look for other opportunities to expand our U.S. based production portfolio."

在5月份,公司公佈其季度財務報告時,Ur-Energy的執行總裁John Cash在新聞稿中說:“上週,美國參議院在衆議院採取行動後,以一致同意的方式宣佈了俄羅斯鈾禁令,在簽署後90天開始實施,但有一些有限的豁免權,有效期至2028年1月1日。我們看到出臺一項法案得到了來自兩黨的一致支持,這可能會得到西方核燃料元件供應商的強有力支持,其中包括Ur-Energy。我們認爲,我們在正確的時間及地點依然可以填補鈾供應缺口,並將繼續推進Lost Creek和Shirley Basin的生產,並尋求擴大我們的美國本土生產組合的其他機會。”

From the news: In their guidance for 2024 they said, "As uranium prices strengthened, we have received increasing requests for proposals ("RFPs") from utilities and other global fuel buyers. We have responded to the RFPs with prices commensurate with rising market conditions including increased demand for domestically produced uranium. We completed two additional uranium sales agreements during 2024 Q1 and a third agreement subsequent to quarter end. Including the three additional agreements, our contract book now stands at a total of 5.7 million pounds U3O8 with deliveries occurring in 2024 through 2030. Sales prices are anticipated to be profitable on an all-in production cost basis and escalate annually from initial pricing, including some market-based pricing features."


NexGen Energy Ltd. announced on May 29th, drilling at Patterson Corridor East intersected mineralization in RK-24-193 over 67.5 metres (m) (383.5 to 451 m) across various intervals including up to 7,500 cps over 1.5 m (Figures 1 to 4, Table 1). RK-24-193 is located 275 m southwest along strike of RK-24-183 (discovery hole) and at approximately the same depth below surface.

NexGen Energy Ltd.於5月29日宣佈,在Patterson Corridor East井口,RK-24-193井孔在包括1.5m處出現了多個區間的67.5m(383.5至451m)礦化,最高達7,500 cps。 RK-24-193位於RK-24-183(發現孔)向西南方向275米處,深度與其差不多。此外,RK-24-183的測定結果表明,20米區間內有高品位鈾礦脈,其中數個交叉相交,總計13.5米,U3O8含量爲0.78%,包括0.5米(348.0至348.5米)U3O8含量爲10%和0.5米(356.5至357米)U3O8含量爲6.23%。爲了參考,Arrow發現井RK-14-21這一段爲5.75m,U3O8含量爲0.37%,其中包括0.25m,U3O8含量爲5.77%。th首席執行官Leigh Curyer評論說:“我們的團隊已經評估了RK-24-183和RK-24-193之間以及Arrow的上部地區之間的地質相似性,這表明了另一個礦化系統位於Arrow以東3.5千米處的高潛力。因此,這一最新發現的增長潛力將推動夏季勘探計劃的重點,以確定礦化的潛在規模和範圍。對整個系統的高效而大膽的測試是首要任務。在NexGen,這是令人興奮的時刻,公司最近通過提交對Rook I項目的聯邦環境評估,以及推進詳細工程和並行探索新發現。”

From the news: In addition, assays from RK-24-183 confirm high grade uranium veins across a 20 m interval with several intersections totalling 13.5 m at 0.78% U3O8 including 0.5 m (348.0 to 348.5 m) at 10% U3O8 and another 0.5 m (356.5 to 357 m) at 6.23% U3O8 (Table 2). For reference, the Arrow discovery hole RK-14-21 assayed 5.75 m at 0.37% U3O8, including 0.25 m at 5.77% U3O8.


From the news: Leigh Curyer, Chief Executive Officer commented: "Our team has assessed the geological similarities between RK-24-183 and RK-24-193 and the upper areas of Arrow, which indicates the high prospectivity of an additional mineralized system 3.5 km east of Arrow. Consequently, the growing potential of this latest discovery will drive the focus of the summer exploration program to determine the potential size and extent of mineralization. Efficient and bold testing of the overall system is the first priority.

從新聞中得知:注意:所有數值單位沒有被翻譯。Panther Minerals Inc.(CSE:PURR)(場外交易:GLIOF)的股權投資概述。

From the news: It is an exciting time at NexGen with the Company recently advancing the Federal Environmental Assessment process for the Rook I Project through the submission of responses to the remaining Information Requests, as well as advancing detailed engineering and exploring a new discovery in parallel."


ATHA Energy Corp. holder of the largest uranium exploration portfolio in two of the highest-grade uranium districts in the world, announced earlier this month that the Company has commenced Phase I (diamond drilling) of its 2024 Angilak Exploration Program at its 100%-owned Angilak Project in Nunavut. Phase I is comprised of ~10,000 m of diamond drilling targeting the expansion of high-grade uranium mineralization at the Lac 50 Deposit and adjacent mineralized zones.

ATHA Energy公司是全球兩個最高品位鈾區中持有最大鈾礦探索組合的所有者。本月早些時候,公司宣佈已經啓動其2024年Angilak勘探計劃的第1階段(鑽石鑽探),包括~1萬米鑽探,旨在擴大位於Nunavut、100%擁有的Angilak項目的Lac 50礦牀的高品位鈾礦化及其鄰近礦化帶。

From the news: HIGHLIGHTS:
Angilak Project: The Angilak Project is host to the Lac 50 Uranium Deposit, which is one of the largest high-grade deposits outside of the Athabasca Basin, with a historical mineral resource estimate of 43.3M lbs. at an average grade of 0.69% U3O8.1 Drilling in 2023 by Latitude Uranium (acquired by ATHA) intersected grades of up to 7.54 % U3O8 over 1.6 m.

Angilak項目:Angilak項目是Lac 50鈾礦牀的主人公,這是Athabasca盆地以外最大的高品位礦牀之一,歷史礦產資源估算爲43.3M磅,平均品位爲0.69%的U3O8。Latitude Uranium(被ATHA收購) 2023年的鑽探在1.6米距離內相交發現了高達7.54 %的U3O8品位。

2024 Angilak Exploration Program is part of the Company's overall 2024 Exploration Program and consists of Phase I (diamond drilling) and Phase II (geophysics & ground geochemistry).


As far as what uranium stocks will winners and losers, maybe investors can ask the giant fuelling this boom, ChatGPT, and see what it says.


For additional insight into Panther Minerals Inc. (CSE: PURR) listen to the recent Exploring Mining Podcast Interview

想要了解Panther Minerals Inc. (CSE: PURR) 更多信息,請收聽最近的勘探採礦播客採訪。

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