
Jordan Sgro Joins Huntsman Mental Health Foundation as Assistant Vice President of Operations

Jordan Sgro Joins Huntsman Mental Health Foundation as Assistant Vice President of Operations

PR Newswire ·  06/20 12:54

SALT LAKE CITY, June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Huntsman Mental Health Foundation (HMHF) today announced the appointment of Jordan Sgro as Assistant Vice President of Operations. In this role Jordan will define and implement operations strategy, structure, and processes for the foundation.

亨斯邁精神衛生基金會 (HMHF) 今日宣佈任命 Jordan Sgro 爲運營助理副總裁。在這個職位上,Jordan 將爲基金會定義和實施運營策略、結構和流程。

Jordan Sgro
Jordan Sgro

"Jordan's exceptional leadership and vision have been significant for the LGBTQ+ community and their loved ones through the amazing work happening at Encircle," said Becky Pickle, CEO, Huntsman Mental Health Foundation. "I am delighted to welcome her to the Huntsman Mental Health Foundation, where I am confident she will continue to make a significant impact through her brilliant operations leadership and her desire to continue to move the needle in mental health and substance use disorders. We are so honored to have her join our team as well as continue our support for Encircle and the wonderful work they do!"

“Jordan 非凡的領導力和遠見,通過 Encircle 所做的出色工作,對 LGBTQ+ 社區和他們的親人有着重要的意義,”亨斯邁精神衛生基金會首席執行官 Becky Pickle 說道,“我很高興歡迎她加入亨斯邁精神衛生基金會,我相信她將繼續通過她卓越的運營領導力和繼續推動精神健康和物質使用障礙領域的變革而產生重大影響。我們很榮幸有她加入我們的團隊並繼續支持 Encircle 和他們所做的出色工作!”

Jordan brings her extensive experience and passion for mental health to the organization where she will be working closely with CEO Becky Pickle to drive transformative fundraising efforts in support of mental health.

Jordan 把她廣泛的心理健康經驗和熱情帶到了這個組織,她將與首席執行官 Becky Pickle 緊密合作,推動支持心理健康的變革性籌款努力。

As CEO of Encircle, Jordan created and implemented life-changing programs for LGBTQ+ youth, young adults, and their families at multiple locations in Utah. During her tenure, she played a pivotal role in adding four additional homes, including preparing for the launch of Encircle Ogden later this year. Her leadership has been marked by her ability to navigate financial challenges and guide the organization towards a future of growth and sustainability. Jordan's impact on the community has been profound, inspiring all those around her with her unwavering commitment to the mission of providing safe and supportive spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals.

作爲 Encircle 的首席執行官,Jordan 在猶他州的多個地點爲 LGBTQ+ 青少年、年輕成人和他們的家庭創建和實施了改變生活的項目。在她擔任首席執行官期間,她在添加四個額外的房屋方面扮演了關鍵角色,包括準備在今年晚些時候推出 Encircle Ogden。她的領導能力以她的能力來應對財務挑戰,並引導組織邁向成長和可持續性的未來。Jordan 對社區的影響深遠,她的堅定承諾爲 LGBTQ+ 個體提供安全和支持性空間的使命激發了所有身邊的人。

At Huntsman Mental Health Foundation, Jordan will be responsible for driving efficiency, consistency, and innovation within the foundation's operational framework.

在亨斯邁精神衛生基金會,Jordan 將負責推動基金會運營框架內的效率、一致性和創新。

"While it is bittersweet to leave Encircle, joining Huntsman Mental Health Foundation is an incredible opportunity to continue my work in mental health," said Jordan, "I am eager to contribute to an organization that is making such a profound difference in the lives of so many."

“雖然離開 Encircle 有些苦澀,但加入亨斯邁精神衛生基金會是一個繼續從事心理健康工作的難得機會,”Jordan 說,“我渴望爲一個使如此多人的生活產生如此深遠影響的組織做出貢獻。”

Sgro's appointment as Assistant Vice President of Operations signifies Huntsman Mental Health Foundation's commitment to innovation and collaboration in the field of mental health and wellness.

Sgro 被任命爲運營助理副總裁,這標誌着亨斯邁精神衛生基金會在心理健康和福祉領域的創新和協作。

About Huntsman Mental Health Foundation
Huntsman Mental Health Foundation supports Huntsman Mental Health Institute and its mission to transform mental health care through community, research, clinical, and education initiatives. Huntsman Mental Health Foundation is working toward a world where mental wellness is accessible to all and where funding is not an obstacle on the path to well-being by leveraging the power of philanthropic support to break down the barriers that hinder mental wellness, both regionally and nationally. Learn more at: and join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook, X, and LinkedIn.

亨斯邁精神衛生基金會支持亨斯邁精神衛生研究所,支持其通過社區、研究、臨床和教育倡議來改變心理健康護理。亨斯邁精神衛生基金會通過利用慈善支持的力量,打破妨礙心理健康的障礙,同時在地方和全國範圍內使資金不成爲通往幸福之路上的障礙,致力於創造一個心理健康無障礙的世界。了解更多信息:hmhf.org訪問我們的網站,參與Varonis交流Instagram, Facebook, XLinkedIn.

SOURCE Huntsman Mental Health Foundation


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