
Southwest Gas Welcomes 1,000th Natural Gas Customer in Mesquite

Southwest Gas Welcomes 1,000th Natural Gas Customer in Mesquite

PR Newswire ·  06/20 13:37

Chicago Greek Restaurant Becomes Historic Customer


MESQUITE, Nev., June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, Southwest Gas proudly turned on natural gas service to its 1,000th customer in Mesquite, Nevada. The Chicago Greek restaurant, which serves both classic Greek and Chicago-inspired dishes, converted from propane to natural gas to create more flexibility when cooking and enhance service to its customers.

內華達州梅斯基特,2024年6月20日 /美通社/-- 近日,西南天然氣在內華達州的梅斯基特市自豪地向其第1,000位客戶提供天然氣服務。這家希臘餐廳不僅提供經典的希臘菜餚,還提供芝加哥風格的菜餚,現已從丙烷轉爲天然氣,以便在烹飪時更加靈活,並增強其對客戶的服務。th由於2015年內華達州議會通過的第151號參議院法案,允許購買天然氣提供轉售服務的公用事業擴大服務範圍並向該州未得到服務或服務不足的區域提供服務,梅斯基特在2019年成爲首個充電能源安裝區域,獲得了內華達州公用事業委員會對西南天然氣擴大服務範圍審批的支持,吸引了新的多元化產業,促進了區域經濟的增長。

Mesquite saw its first business become a Southwest Gas customer in 2019 as a result of the passing of Senate Bill 151 (SB151) in the 2015 Nevada Legislature, which allows a public utility that purchases natural gas for resale to expand and provide service to unserved or underserved parts of the state. Mesquite was the first unserved area in the state to gain access to natural gas under SB151, following the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada's approval of Southwest Gas' application to expand natural gas service to Mesquite, sparking economic growth in the area by attracting new and diverse industries.

"擁有天然氣的訪問權意味着進步,有益於我們的餐廳和社區,"芝加哥希臘合夥人奧斯汀·西蒙說。 "天然氣使餐廳或類似企業更易於運營,因爲易於使用,高效且更經濟實惠。我們的成本降低了一半,而且不會消失。與西南氣體合作轉向天然氣非常順暢,我們的顧客已經體驗到了區別——我們期待着與西南氣體合作,繼續擴大我們的業務。"

"Having access to natural gas means progress for our restaurant and our community," said Austin Simon, co-owner of Chicago Greek. "Natural gas makes it easier for restaurants or similar businesses to operate as it is easy to use, efficient, and more affordable. It's half the cost for us and it is never going away. Working with Southwest Gas to transition to natural gas was smooth and our customers are already experiencing the difference – we look forward to working with Southwest Gas as we continue to expand our business."

"自2019年以來,歡迎我們在梅斯基特的第一家客戶後,見證了該城市的住宅和商業增長,"西南氣體總裁賈斯汀·布朗說。 "對安全,可靠,可負擔和可持續的能源選擇的需求不斷擴大,西南氣體致力於支持梅斯基特的增長。"

"Since welcoming our first customer in Mesquite back in 2019, it's been amazing to witness the city's residential and commercial growth," said Justin Brown, President, Southwest Gas. "The demand for safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy options continues to expand, and Southwest Gas is committed to supporting Mesquite's growth."


Mesquite is the fastest-growing city in Nevada, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and has become a top choice for companies choosing to relocate or expand their operations. Southwest Gas' largest industrial customer in Mesquite is Crown Holdings, Inc., an aluminum beverage can manufacturing facility that employs more than 120 people, and began natural gas service in August 2023. Without access to natural gas, Crown Holdings would have been unable to enter the Mesquite market. In addition to new industries finding a home in Mesquite, new homes are being constructed with natural gas and long-term businesses have converted from propane to natural gas to fuel their kitchens, hot water heaters and more, including the Casablanca Resort and the Eureka Casino Resort.

"梅斯基特所經歷的增長對我們的城市來說是非常美好的,而西南氣體對該地區的擴張至關重要,"內華達州梅斯基特市市長艾倫·S·利特曼說。 "天然氣服務爲我們的居民提供了巨大的好處,有助於改善他們的生活質量。擁有天然氣基礎設施,我們也能吸引新的企業和發展到我們美麗的城市,現有的企業,比如芝加哥希臘餐廳,正在體驗更高的效率和成本節約,以幫助維持他們的運營。"

"The growth we're experiencing in Mesquite is wonderful for our city, and Southwest Gas has been essential to the expansion of the area," said Allan S. Litman, Mayor of Mesquite, Nevada. "Natural gas service offers tremendous benefits to our residents, helping to improve their quality of life. With natural gas infrastructure in place, we've also been able to attract new businesses and developments to our beautiful city, and current businesses, such as the Chicago Greek, are now experiencing greater efficiency and cost savings to help sustain their operations."

"梅斯基特商會非常高興看到西南氣體在梅斯基特社區爲許多客戶提供天然氣服務,並將其視爲社區夥伴,"梅斯基特商會主席/首席執行官卡羅爾·科爾森說。 "梅斯基特有許多新房正在建造中,商業也在尋求在這裏建造或定居。在梅斯基特擁有天然氣,這是滿足消費者需求的一種乾淨和經濟實惠的方式。梅斯基特花了很長時間才獲得天然氣,現在我們擁有了它,居民和企業正在利用這種節約措施。"

"The Mesquite Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to have Southwest Gas here in the community of Mesquite providing natural gas service to many customers and to have them as a community partner," says Carol Kolson, President/CEO, Mesquite Chamber of Commerce. "Mesquite has many new homes being built and businesses looking to build or relocate here. Having natural gas here in Mesquite is a clean and affordable way to meet the demands of consumers. It took Mesquite quite a while to get natural gas, and now that we have it, residents and businesses are taking advantage of the savings."


For more information about Southwest Gas, visit To learn more about Chicago Greek, visit

關於西南天然氣 西南天然氣公司是一家充滿活力的能源公司,致力於通過提供安全可靠的服務,以及創新可持續能源解決方案來超越我們在亞利桑那州,加利福尼亞州和內華達州的兩百萬客戶的期望,以推動我們社區的成長。有關西南天然氣如何支持可持續能源未來的更多信息,請訪問。

About Southwest Gas


Southwest Gas Corporation is a dynamic energy company committed to exceeding the expectations of our over two million customers throughout Arizona, California, and Nevada by providing safe and reliable service while innovating sustainable energy solutions to fuel our communities' growth. For more information about how Southwest Gas supports a sustainable energy future, please visit


SOURCE Southwest Gas Corporation


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