
Rising U.S. Treasury Trades: Besides Tech Stocks, New Opportunities Beckon

Rising U.S. Treasury Trades: Besides Tech Stocks, New Opportunities Beckon

moomoo資訊 ·  06/21 10:02

U.S. Treasuries have been on a roller coaster ride this year. Yields kept climbing until May, as rate cut expectations were repeatedly thwarted. Since then, with the gradual recovery of these expectations and the impact of geopolitical risks, the trend has reversed. The 10-year note yield has dropped 37 basis points to 4.26%, and the 2-year yield has fallen below the 4.8% mark. The Bloomberg Treasury Index is now almost back to where it started the year, with just a 0.1% dip. As yields peak and retreat, they're inching closer to their year-ago levels, signaling a recovery for U.S. Treasuries.


Sluggish Macro Data Bolsters Rate Cut Expectations, Fueling Optimism in the Bond Market


Retail sales in the U.S. edged up by a modest 0.1% in May, according to data released on Tuesday, falling short of the anticipated 0.3% increase. Last week's inflation figures indicated a larger-than-expected decline, with the core CPI dropping to a three-year low and the May PPI falling 0.2% month-over-month, contrary to expectations of a 0.1% rise. More disappointing data followed on Thursday: initial jobless claims for the week totaled 238,000, exceeding the expected 235,000, while new housing starts in May plummeted by 5.5%, marking the lowest level in four years.


Despite Fed Chair Powell's hawkish stance on rate cuts following the FOMC meeting, the market remains focused on weak economic data. According to CME FedWatch, expectations for a rate cut in September have risen to 64.1%, with two 25 basis point cuts anticipated by 2024.

儘管聯儲局主席鮑威爾在聯邦公開市場委員會會議後對降息持鷹派立場,但市場仍集中在經濟疲軟的數據上。根據CME FedWatch,9月份降息的預期已經升至64.1%,到2024年預計會有兩次25個點子的降息。

According to Bloomberg, the past week has seen a significant surge in demand for futures contracts in the bond market; the momentum in the spot market is also gaining strength, with a JPMorgan survey indicating the largest net long position in the spot market in about a month. Meanwhile, the auction of $13 billion in 20-year U.S. Treasury bonds yielded significantly lower rates than pre-auction yields, signaling stronger-than-expected demand.


Why the Bond Market Is Poised for a Bull Run Amid Rate Cut Expectations


As the prospect of an interest rate cut looms, U.S. Treasury yields are poised to continue their descent, presenting opportunities for bond allocation.


  1. Market expectations of a rate cut are driving the downward movement of risk-free rates, providing solid support for bond prices. Bart Melek, Head of Commodity Strategy at TD Securities, said, "The market is increasingly convinced that the Federal Reserve will initiate an easing cycle. I believe we may start to establish some long positions in the market."

  2. With the soaring stock prices of major tech companies like Nvidia and Apple, investors are concerned about the sustainability of the stock market's rally and are looking to diversify into lower-risk assets such as bonds.

  1. 市場對降息的預期推動着無風險利率的下降,爲債券價格提供了有力的支持。TD證券的商品策略負責人Bart Melek表示,“市場越來越相信聯邦儲備委員會將啓動放寬週期。我相信我們可以開始在市場上建立一些多頭頭寸”。

  2. 隨着英偉達和蘋果等主要科技公司的股價飆升,投資者對於股市行情的持續性越來越擔憂,正在尋求多樣化風險更小的資產,如債券。

What Type of Bonds to Choose for the Upcoming Rate Cut?


Some analysts are optimistic about investment opportunities in long-term bonds.


Rachana Mehta, Regional Co-Head of Fixed Income at Malayan Banking Asset Management, believes that the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note is roughly between 4.2% and 4.5%. She thinks it's a good buying opportunity when the yield approaches the top of this range. Mehta said, "Given the recent U.S. data, we hope the volatility we've seen is behind us." "You can continue to hold the 10-year U.S. Treasury note with yields of 4.4% to 4.5%."

馬來亞銀行資產管理有限公司固定收益業務區域聯席主管Rachana Mehta認爲,十年期美國國債收益率大約在4.2%至4.5%之間。她認爲,當收益率接近這個範圍的頂部時,這是一個很好的買入機會。Mehta說:“鑑於最近的美國數據,我們希望我們看到的波動已經落後了。” “你可以繼續持有10年期美國國債,收益率爲4.4%至4.5%。”

Padhraic Garvey, Global Head of Debt and Interest Rate Strategy for Financial Markets at ING Group, said, "We continue to see 4% as a viable target for the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note.

荷蘭國際集團金融市場固定收益和利率策略全球負責人Padhraic Garvey表示,“我們繼續認爲,10年期美國國債收益率4%是一個可行的目標。”

Opinions are divided, with some analysts bullish on short-term Treasury bonds due to their heightened sensitivity to monetary policy. Since the start of the year, the yield curve inversion between the 2-year and 10-year U.S. Treasuries has significantly tightened, with the spread narrowing by 51 basis points to 48 basis points.


It's important to note that not everyone is bullish on U.S. Treasuries. Earlier this month, analysts Anshul Pradhan and Amrut Nashikkar at Barclays wrote in a report that the market may be overinterpreting the weakness in recent data such as CPI. 'We believe that a rebound in economic activity could surprise the market and lead to higher interest rates,' they wrote.

值得注意的是,並不是每個人都看好美國國債。巴克萊銀行的分析師Anshul Pradhan和Amrut Nashikkar本月早些時候在一份報告中寫道,市場可能過度解讀了一些最近數據的疲軟,如CPI,他們寫道:“我們相信,經濟活動的反彈可能會出乎市場的意料,導致利率上升。”

Beyond U.S. Treasuries, there are other bonds with investment opportunities. David Kelly and his team at JP Morgan Asset Management believe that 'as the Fed eventually begins reducing rates, core high-quality intermediate bonds should prove to be an equity diversifier and ballast in client portfolios once again.'

除了美國國債之外,其他債券也具有投資機會。JP Morgan資產管理公司的David Kelly及其團隊認爲,“當聯儲局最終開始降息時,核心高質量中期債券應該再次證明是客戶投資組合中的股票分散風險和基礎。”

Michel Vernier, Head of Fixed Income Strategy at Barclays, mentions 'A mix of medium-term investment grade credit in combination with other segments, like high yield (BB-rated), emerging markets, and some inflation-linked debt, seems to be a reasonable approach to meet uncertainty over the upcoming path while delivering likely higher returns than cash over the long term.'"

巴克萊銀行的固定收益策略全球負責人Michel Vernier提到:“混合投資級信用債和其他領域的債券(如高收益(BB評級)、新興市場和一些與通脹相關的債券),似乎是滿足未來不確定性的合理做法,同時可以實現長期回報優於現金。”

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