
J.B. Hunt Named to Fortune 500 List for 12th Consecutive Year

J.B. Hunt Named to Fortune 500 List for 12th Consecutive Year

JB亨特運輸服務 ·  06/04 00:00

LOWELL, Ark.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. (NASDAQ: JBHT), one of the largest supply chain solutions providers in North America, today announced it has been named to the Fortune 500 for the 12th consecutive year, earning the 316 spot on the publication's annual list.

美國北美物流方案提供商之一的J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc.(納斯達克:JBHT)今天被《財富》雜誌評爲財富500強,連續第12年獲得該稱號,排名第316。th“躋身財富500強榜單,是我們的團隊在如此具有挑戰性的環境下所做出的不可思議的工作的證明,”J.B. Hunt的總裁Shelley Simpson說。“我們仍然堅定地通過卓越的運營爲我們的客戶提供卓越的價值,這與我們的使命一致,爲我們的員工、客戶和股東帶來長期價值。”

"Being on the Fortune 500 list is a testament to the incredible work of our people during such a challenging environment," said Shelley Simpson, president of J.B. Hunt. "We remain steadfast in delivering exceptional value to our customers through operational excellence, which aligns with our mission to drive long-term value for our people, customers and shareholders.

《財富》500強按照各自財政年度的總收入排名美國500家最大的公司。據該雜誌報道,今年榜單上的公司約佔美國GDP的三分之二,創造了18.8萬億美元的收益、1.7萬億美元的利潤和43萬億美元的市值(截至2024年3月28日),並僱傭了3100萬人。自1955年以來,《財富》雜誌已經發布每年一次的榜單。J.B. Hunt首次進入榜單是在2013年排名第485位。

The Fortune 500 ranks the 500 largest U.S. companies by total revenue for the respective fiscal year. According to the outlet, companies on this year's list represent approximately two-thirds of the U.S. GDP and generated $18.8 trillion in revenues, $1.7 trillion in profits, and $43 trillion in market value (as of March 28, 2024), and they employ 31 million people worldwide. Fortune has published the annual list since 1955. J.B. Hunt's first appearance was in 2013 at #485.

J.B. Hunt的願景是在北美創建最高效的運輸網絡。該公司領先行業的解決方案和中立的模式方法通過消除浪費、降低成本和增強供應鏈的可見性,爲客戶創造價值。憑藉着全國最大的公司自有車隊和通過其J.B. Hunt 360°數字貨運市場的第三方能力,J.B. Hunt可以滿足任何企業的獨特運輸需求,從第一英里到最終交貨,以及每一次物流發運中。通過對人員、技術和能力的紀律性投資,J.B. Hunt正在提供卓越的價值和服務,爲公司及其利益相關者提供長期增長。

About J.B. Hunt

關於J.B. Hunt

J.B. Hunt's vision is to create the most efficient transportation network in North America. The company's industry-leading solutions and mode-neutral approach generate value for customers by eliminating waste, reducing costs and enhancing supply chain visibility. Powered by one of the largest company-owned fleets in the country and third-party capacity through its J.B. Hunt 360° digital freight marketplace, J.B. Hunt can meet the unique shipping needs of any business, from first mile to final delivery, and every shipment in-between. Through disciplined investments in its people, technology and capacity, J.B. Hunt is delivering exceptional value and service that enable long-term growth for the company and its stakeholders.

J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc.是一家財富500強企業,也是S&P 500的成分股之一,是道瓊斯運輸平均指數的成分股。其股票在納斯達克上交易,股票代碼爲JBHT。J.B. Hunt Transport Inc.是JBHT的全資子公司。該公司的服務範圍涵蓋聯運、專用、冷藏、整車、半拼車、平板車、單一來源、最後一英里、轉運等。詳情請訪問。

J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. is a Fortune 500 company, an S&P 500 company and a component of the Dow Jones Transportation Average. Its stock trades on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol JBHT. J.B. Hunt Transport Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of JBHT. The company's services include intermodal, dedicated, refrigerated, truckload, less-than-truckload, flatbed, single source, last mile, transload and more. For more information, visit

J.B. Hunt運輸服務公司是一家財富500強、標準普爾500指數公司和道瓊斯交通運輸平均指數的組成部分。其股票在納斯達克股票交易所以股票代碼JBHT進行交易。J.B. Hunt運輸有限公司是JBHT的全資子公司。該公司提供的服務包括聯運、專屬、冷藏、整車、零擔、平板、單一來源、末端、過渡等。更多信息請訪問

Brittnee Davie
Vice President - Marketing

Brittnee Davie

Source: J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc.

信息來源:J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc。

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