
SOPHiA GENETICS Launches New Residual Acute Myeloid (RAM) Application

SOPHiA GENETICS Launches New Residual Acute Myeloid (RAM) Application

SOPHiA GENETICS推出新的殘留急性髓系白血病(RAM)應用程序
PR Newswire ·  06/24 02:00

Novel application supports measurable residual disease (MRD) testing to help monitor cancer and stay ahead of relapse


BOSTON and ROLLE, Switzerland, June 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SOPHiA GENETICS (Nasdaq: SOPH), a cloud-native healthcare technology company and a global leader in data-driven medicine, today announced its new Residual Acute Myeloid (RAM) Application. The new offering expands the company's comprehensive oncology portfolio to support measurable residual disease (MRD) capabilities and will be available to customers worldwide this summer.

美國波士頓 / 瑞士羅爾,2024年6月24日 / PRNewswire / -- SOPHiA GENETICS(納斯達克:SOPH),作爲一家雲原生醫療技術公司和全球數據驅動的醫學領導者,今天宣佈推出新的殘留急性髓性(RAM)應用程序。此新產品擴展了該公司的綜合腫瘤學組合,以支持可量化的殘留疾病(MRD)功能,並將於今年夏天面向全球客戶提供。

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) represents about one percent of all cancers worldwide, yet is one of the most common forms of leukemia in adults1. Over 50 percent of AML patients relapse within 3 years after achieving complete remission2, therefore post-treatment monitoring is imperative for AML patients, particularly within the first two years, to help quickly detect any signs of relapse3. MRD solutions can help inform post-remission therapy and identify early relapse, and serve as a primary endpoint in clinical trials, helping researchers detect even the smallest trace of cancer and support better patient outcomes.

急性髓系白血病(AML)約佔全球所有癌症的1%,但是是成年人中最普遍的白血病之一。1在達到完全緩解後的3年內,超過50%的AML患者會復發,因此對AML患者來說,特別是在前兩年內,術後監測非常重要,以幫助快速檢測到任何復發跡象。2MRD解決方案可以幫助確定術後治療並識別早期復發,並作爲臨床試驗的主要終點,協助研究人員檢測甚至最少量的癌細胞,支持更好的患者結果。3SOPHiA GENETICS的Philippe Menu醫學博士兼首席產品官說:“遺憾的是,AML仍然是當今尚未得到滿足的高需求領域,與此相關的患者結果亦不理想。 MRD測量和監測的作用至關重要,例如通過啓用SOPIHA DDM RAM解決方案,在啓用特定的SOPHiA DDM平台附加模塊的情況下,可使研究人員研究最佳療法順序。"我們爲我們的新應用程序感到自豪,可以爲AML的研究做出貢獻,特別是我們相信,通過長期無縫跟蹤專用於整個SOPHiA DDM平台的每個變異並隨時間演變的能力,可以改變臨床研究人員的遊戲規則。

"AML unfortunately still remains an area of high unmet medical need today, with associated suboptimal patient outcomes. MRD measurement and monitoring has a critical role to play, for example by enabling research into the most optimal sequencing of therapies," said Philippe Menu, M.D., PhD., Chief Medical Officer and Chief Product Officer, SOPHiA GENETICS. "We are proud to contribute to the fight against AML through our SOPHiA DDM RAM Solution. In particular we feel that the capability to seamlessly track longitudinally the evolution of individual mutations over time through a dedicated add-on module of our SOPHiA DDM Platform has the potential to be a game-changer for clinical researchers."

基於下一代測序(NGS)的MRD檢測是最先進的癌症篩查和監測方式之一,並且只能使用高靈敏度方法才能進行。 SOPHiA DDM RAM解決方案可以讓用戶放心,在10,000個細胞中檢測到甚至一個癌細胞的MRD。 此應用程序將允許用戶利用SOPHiA DDM平台的分析能力,保持疾病反應的領先地位,實現敏感的變異檢測,最低至0.01%的變異等位基因頻率,並涵蓋指南推薦的基因,以提供殘留急性髓系白血病的強大見解。

Next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based MRD testing is among the most advanced in cancer screening and monitoring, and can be found only with highly sensitive methods. The SOPHiA DDM RAM Solution provides users with the confidence that MRD will detect even one cancer cell among 10,000 cells. This application will allow users to stay ahead of disease response with the analytical capabilities of the SOPHiA DDM Platform, enabling sensitive variant detection down to 0.01% VAF and covering guideline-recommended genes to deliver robust insights for residual acute myeloid.

使用SOPHiA DDM RAM解決方案的客戶將有權訪問縱向變異監測,從而使他們能夠可視化每個患者的突變景觀及其隨時間的演變。 該解決方案還爲用戶提供最新的數據庫和可定製的報告功能,以生成圖形表示和全面的MRD報告。

Customers using the SOPHiA DDM RAM Solution will have access to longitudinal variant monitoring, allowing them to visualize the mutational landscape for each patient and its evolution over time. The solution also provides users with the most up-to-date databases and customizable reporting features to generate graphical representations and comprehensive MRD reports.

此外,SOPHiA DDM RAM解決方案將不斷完善其機器學習算法,以僅在四天內提供最準確的MRD結果。

Additionally, the SOPHiA DDM RAM Solution will continually hone its machine learning algorithms to provide the most accurate MRD results in just four days.

SOPHiA GENETICS代表將於AMP(分子病理協會)歐洲2024年6月24日至27日亮相,以討論使用這種新應用程序監測AML的方法。

Representatives from SOPHiA GENETICS are available at AMP (Association for Molecular Pathology) Europe June 24-27 to discuss AML monitoring with this new application.

有關SOPHiA GENETICS的更多信息,請訪問SOPHiAGENETICS.com並在LinkedIn上進行連接。

For more information on SOPHiA GENETICS, visit and connect on LinkedIn.

SOPHiA GENETICS(納斯達克:SOPH)是一家雲原生醫療技術公司,旨在通過使用人工智能向全球癌症患者和罕見疾病患者提供世界級護理來擴大數據驅動醫學的訪問。它是SOPHiA DDM平台的創造者,該平台分析複雜的基因組和多模態數據,併爲廣泛的全球醫院、實驗室和生物製藥機構網絡生成實時的、可操作的見解。有關更多信息,請訪問SOPHiAGENETICS.com並通過LinkedIn聯繫我們。

SOPHiA GENETICS (Nasdaq: SOPH) is a cloud-native healthcare technology company on a mission to expand access to data-driven medicine by using AI to deliver world-class care to patients with cancer and rare disorders across the globe. It is the creator of the SOPHiA DDM Platform, which analyzes complex genomic and multimodal data and generates real-time, actionable insights for a broad global network of hospital, laboratory, and biopharma institutions. For more information, visit and connect with us on LinkedIn.

SOPHiA GENETICS的產品僅供研究使用,如無特別說明,請勿用於診斷程序。本新聞稿中的信息涉及可能獲得或未獲得不同國家的政府監管機構批准或市場準入的不同用途的產品。請通過 [email protected] 聯繫我們,以獲取您所居住國家/地區的適當產品信息。

SOPHiA GENETICS products are for Research Use Only and not for use in diagnostic procedures unless specified otherwise. The information in this press release is about products that may or may not be available in different countries and, if applicable, may or may not have received approval or market clearance by a governmental regulatory body for different indications for use. Please contact [email protected] to obtain the appropriate product information for your country of residence.


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This press release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release, including statements regarding our future results of operations and financial position, business strategy, products, and technology, as well as plans and objectives of management for future operations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on our management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to our management. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements due to various factors, including those described in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. No assurance can be given that such future results will be achieved. Such forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update these forward-looking statements contained in this press release to reflect any change in our expectations or any change in events, conditions, or circumstances on which such statements are based, unless required to do so by applicable law. No representations or warranties (expressed or implied) are made about the accuracy of any such forward-looking statements.










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