
Solitario Receives Final US Forest Service Approval of Its Revised Plan of Operations for Drilling on Its Golden Crest Gold Project

Solitario Receives Final US Forest Service Approval of Its Revised Plan of Operations for Drilling on Its Golden Crest Gold Project

Solitario獲得其Golden Crest黃金項目鑽探的修訂操作計劃的美國森林管理局最終批准
Accesswire ·  06/24 09:10

DENVER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / June 24, 2024 / Solitario Resources Corp. ("Solitario") (NYSE American:XPL)(TSX:SLR) is pleased to announce that its final revised Plan of Operations for its Golden Crest project has been signed by US Forest Service. Additionally, the South Dakota Board of Minerals has accepted Solitario's reclamation bond paving the way for exploration drilling to begin. We are now in the process of mobilizing drilling equipment and organizing support equipment necessary for our drilling operations. Several drill targets are planned to be tested, including Downpour, Whirlwind, Matchstick and Mirage. None of these high-quality gold targets have ever been drilled before.

Solitario("Solitario")(紐交所:XPL)(TSX:SLR)很高興地宣佈,其Golden Crest項目的最終修訂操作計劃已被美國森林服務部門簽署。此外,南達科他州礦物委員會已接受Solitario的復墾債券,爲勘探鑽探鋪平了道路。我們現在正在對鑽探設備進行動員,並組織支持設備以滿足我們的鑽探操作所必需的條件。計劃測試幾個鑽探靶區,包括Downpour、Whirlwind、Matchstick和Mirage等。這些高品質的黃金靶區都從未被鑽探過。

Chris Herald, President and CEO of Solitario, stated: "Final US Forest Service signoff on our Plan of Operations represents a milestone event for Solitario. We are excited to initiate drilling at Golden Crest where we have discovered and developed multiple outstanding drill targets during the past couple of years. Phase-One of the 2024 drilling program consists of 5,000 meters of drilling, and we are prepared to quickly expand the scope of Phase-One drilling should early results warrant. We now look forward to reporting our progress and results.

Solitario的總裁兼首席執行官Chris Herald表示:"我們的操作計劃最終獲得美國森林服務部門的批准,這是Solitario的一個里程碑事件。我們很興奮地在Golden Crest開始鑽探,我們在過去的幾年中發現和開發了多個優秀的鑽探靶區。2024年鑽探計劃的第一階段包括5000米的鑽探,如果初期結果有望,我們將迅速擴大第一階段鑽探的範圍。我們現在期待報告我們的進展和結果。"

Our exploration team designed a comprehensive program that protects the environment, including water and surface resources, and the safety and health of our employees and other parties using the forest. The U.S. Forest Service has thoroughly vetted our proposed surface activities and impacts and incorporated modifications to the original plan as required under US Forest Service regulations and the NEPA public input process. In addition, the South Dakota Department of Agriculture & Natural Resources has also provided input and guidance to our proposed drilling activities to ensure compliance with all state regulations, especially as it pertains to ensuring ground water quality. We are confident that we will be able to execute our program in a safe and responsible manner."


Walter Hunt to Retire / Golden Crest Management Team Strengthened

Walter Hunt退休/ Golden Crest管理團隊得到加強

Walter Hunt, Solitario's COO, will be retiring from Solitario at the end of June. Walt has been with the Company for over 30 years directing various exploration, development and permitting activities for Solitario.

Solitario的首席運營官Walter Hunt將從Solitario退休,他在Solitario任職超過30年,負責指導Solitario的各種探險、開發和許可活動。

Chris Herald, President and CEO, stated: "Solitario has been very fortunate to have had such a dedicated and talented executive on its team for his many years of service. Among Walt's many accomplishments for Solitario were directing the discovery team of the high-grade Florida Canyon zinc deposit in Peru, expansion of resources and completion of a feasibility study and mine permitting at our former 80%-owned Mt. Hamilton gold deposit in Nevada. More recently, Walt directed the exploration team at Golden Crest, including managing the drill hole permitting process. Although Walt could have retired several years ago, he made the commitment to complete the initial drill hole permitting process at Golden Crest. With final Forest Service signoff on Golden Crest's Plan of Operation, Walt has decided it's the right time to retire and let our experienced Golden Crest exploration team move the project forward from here.

Solitario的總裁兼首席執行官Chris Herald表示:"Solitario非常幸運能有這樣一位忠誠和才華橫溢的高管加入我們團隊,服務於Solitario多年。Walt爲Solitario的許多成就做出了貢獻,包括指導秘魯高品位佛羅里達峽谷鋅礦牀的發現團隊、擴大資源和完成對我們以前擁有80%股權的內華達州Mt. Hamilton金礦牀的可行性研究和礦山許可。最近,Walt帶領Golden Crest的勘探團隊,包括管理鑽孔許可過程。儘管Walt幾年前就可以退休,但他承諾在Golden Crest完成初期鑽孔許可過程,現在他決定退休,讓我們有經驗的Golden Crest勘探團隊從這裏推進項目。"Solitario非常幸運能夠擁有一個忠誠而有才華的高管團隊,爲其多年的服務感到自豪。在Walt爲Solitario取得的許多成就中,包括指導秘魯佛羅里達峽谷高品位鋅礦牀的探成功能團隊、擴大資源和完成了內華達州前80%控股的Mt. Hamilton金礦礦權評估及開採許可。最近,Walt指揮Golden Crest的勘探團隊,包括管理鑽孔許可流程。儘管Walt幾年前就可以退休了,但他決定完成Golden Crest的最初鑽孔許可流程的承諾。隨着Golden Crest的計劃成功通過森林服務的最終簽字,Walt決定現在是時候退休了,讓Golden Crest經驗豐富的勘探團隊從這裏推動項目向前發展。

On a personal note, I have known Walt since my Colorado School of Mines graduate school days in the late 1970's. We are not only long-term Solitario employees that have worked closely together for decades, but are also close personal friends. I wish Walt nothing but the best in his new adventures in retirement and thank him for his incredible contributions to Solitario over the years. Although Walt will be missed on a day-to-day basis, he remains committed to assist Solitario as a valued advisor whenever needed."

Walt Hunt進一步評論道:"這是一個艱難的決定。Golden Crest是我工作過的最令人興奮的黃金項目,具有極大的潛力。然而,每個人的職業生涯都會到來時,需要下臺並朝生活的另一個方向邁進。我對我們Golden Crest團隊在推進這個項目方面有絕對的信心。我們先進的鋅項目也在我們的管理合作伙伴Teck和Nexa Resources掌管之下,處於極佳狀態。"

Walt Hunt commented further: "This was a difficult decision. Golden Crest is the most exciting gold project I've ever worked on with exceptional potential. However, there comes a time in everyone's career when it's time to step down and go in another direction in one's life. I have total confidence in our Golden Crest team in taking this project to the next level. Our advanced stage zinc projects are also in great hands with our managing partners, Teck and Nexa Resources."

最近,Solitario通過聘請Sandor("Shawn")Ringhoffer來擴大其Golden Crest項目管理團隊。Sandor在黃金勘探領域擁有超過36年的經驗,其中19年是與Agnico Eagle公司共事的,最近他是Agnico Eagle公司在黑山Gilt Edge黃金礦開發項目的項目經理。這個項目的工作包括建立一個社區關係團隊、鑽孔、地球物理勘探,並遵守一個三方行政和解協議,由州和聯邦機構授權該項工作。Sandor在1988年至1994年期間在黑山工作六年,擔任Golden Reward和Gilt Edge的礦業地質學家職位。這是一個艱難的決定。Golden Crest是我曾經參與的最令人激動的金礦項目,具有非凡的潛力。然而,在職業生涯的任何一個時刻,都會有一個時候讓人們邁出“足不出戶”的一步。我對我們的Golden Crest團隊充滿信心,能將這個項目推向新的高度。我們的高級鋅項目在我們的管理合作伙伴Teck和Nexa Resources的協助下,也在極好的狀態中。

Solitario recently expanded its Golden Crest project management team with the addition of Sandor ("Shawn") Ringhoffer. Sandor comes to Solitario with over 36 years in the gold exploration arena, 19 years of which were spent with Agnico Eagle. Most recently, Sandor was project manager for Agnico Eagle's Gilt Edge gold mine re-evaluation project in the Black Hills. Work on this project included establishing a community relations team, diamond core drilling, geophysics, and complying with a three-way administrative settlement agreement with State and Federal agencies which authorized work on the project. Sandor worked six years in the Black Hills from 1988 through 1994 in the position of Mine Geologist at Golden Reward and at Gilt Edge.

Solitario最近通過加入Sandor(“Shawn”)Ringhoffer擴大了其Golden Crest項目管理團隊。Sandor在金礦勘探領域擁有超過36年的經驗,其中19年曾在Agnico Eagle工作。最近,Sandor是Agnico Eagle在布萊克山的Gilt Edge金礦再評估項目的項目經理。這個項目的工作包括建立一個社區關係團隊,金剛石鑽探、地球物理學和遵守三方行政和解協議,該協議授權該項目的工作。Sandor在1988年到1994年期間在布萊克山工作了六年,擔任Golden Reward和Gilt Edge的礦山地質師。

Chris Herald commented: "Sean is a valuable addition to our Golden Crest team with his extensive experience in exploration and permitting in the Black Hills. I am confident that our current management and geologic team at Golden Crest, together with our highly dedicated South Dakota staff, will be successful in advancing Golden Crest."

Solitario注重其業務的環境、社會和負責任管治(ESG)的長期承諾。我們認識到ESG問題對於投資者、員工和所有利益相關者,包括我們所在的社區都非常重要。我們致力於以支持積極的環境和社會倡議及負責任的公司治理方式開展業務。重要的是,我們與合資夥伴合作,他們不僅重視ESG問題在我們合資企業項目中的重要性,而且是該領域的行業領袖。Sean是我們的Golden Crest團隊的一個有價值的補充,他在布萊克山地區勘探和許可方面具有豐富的經驗。我相信我們的Golden Crest當前的管理和地質團隊,加上我們高度專注的南達科他州員工,將成功推進Golden Crest。

About Solitario

關於Solitario:Solitario是一家專注於高質量一線黃金和鋅項目的天然資源勘探和開發公司。該公司的普通股在紐約證交所國際交易所("XPL")和多倫多證券交易所("SLR")上交易。除了其Golden Crest項目外,Solitario還持有高品位Alaska Lik鋅礦牀50%的合資企業利益(坦克資源50%)和佩魯的高品位Florida Canyon鋅礦項目39%的合資企業利益(Nexa Resources持有其餘61%的利益)。Solitario通過與Nexa的合資安排進行生產,Solitario的管理層和董事持有公司8140萬已發行股票中約9.0%的股份(不包括期權)。Solitario的其他信息可在線上找到。

Solitario is a natural resource exploration company focused on high-quality Tier-1 gold and zinc exploration projects. Solitario's 100%-owned Golden Crest properties in South Dakota constitute strategic land holdings along the western and southwestern extensions of the Homestake-Wharf mining district that has produced approximately 52 million ounces of gold and contains another 30 million ounces in historical resources (not SK-1300 or NI-4301 compliant). The project area is located in a safe jurisdiction with highly developed infrastructure, an unbroken 150-year record of continuous gold mining, a skilled mining workforce, and a history of high-grade, underground mineable gold deposits.

Solitario是一家專注於高質量的Tier-1金和鋅勘探項目的自然資源勘探公司。Solitario100%擁有South Dakota的Golden Crest物業,這些物業是沿着Homestake-Wharf礦區的西部和西南部延伸的戰略土地持有,該礦區已經生產了約5200萬盎司的黃金,幷包含了另外3000萬盎司的歷史資源(不包括Sk-1300或NI-4301)。該項目位於一個安全的管轄區,具有高度發達的基礎設施、連續150年的黃金採礦紀錄、熟練的礦工和一個歷史上產量高、可採性強的地下金礦礦牀。

The Company is traded on the NYSE American ("XPL") and on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("SLR"). In addition to its South Dakota property holdings, Solitario holds a 50% joint venture interest (Teck Resources 50%) in the high-grade Lik zinc deposit in Alaska and a 39% joint venture interest (Nexa Resources 61%) on the high-grade Florida Canyon zinc project in Peru. At Florida Canyon, Solitario is carried to production through its joint venture arrangement with Nexa. Solitario's Management and Directors hold approximately 9.3% (excluding options) of the Company's 80.2 million shares outstanding. Solitario's cash balance and marketable securities stand at approximately US$9.6 million. Additional information about Solitario is available online at .

Solitario在紐交所("XPL")和多倫多證券交易所("SLR")交易。除了其南達科他州的物業持有外,Solitario還在阿拉斯加擁有一項50%的聯營利克金鋅礦業權益(Teck Resources持有50%),以及在秘魯擁有一項39%的聯營高品位佛羅里達峽谷鋅項目權益(Nexa Resources持有61%)。在佛羅里達峽谷,Solitario通過與Nexa的合資安排來實現生產。Solitario的管理層和董事持有公司80.2 million股普通股中的約9.3%(不包括期權)。Solitario的現金餘額和市場able證券約爲9.6 million美元。Solitario的更多信息可以在線獲取。

Solitario has a long history of committed Environmental, Social and Responsible Governance ("ESG") of its business. We realize ESG issues are also important to investors, employees, and all stakeholders, including communities in which we work. We are committed to conducting our business in a manner that supports positive environmental and social initiatives and responsible corporate governance. Importantly, we work with joint venture partners that not only value the importance of ESG issues in the conduct of their business on our joint venture projects but are leaders in the industry in this important segment of our business.


For More Information Please Contact:


Chris Herald, President and CEO
Solitario Resources Corp.
Tel. 303-534-1030 ext. 1

Solitario Resources Corp.總裁兼首席執行官Chris Herald
solitario resources corp.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Information


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as defined in the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (and the equivalent under Canadian securities laws), that are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by such sections. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts. They are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made and address activities, events or developments that Solitario expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, and are based on current expectations and assumptions. Forward-looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties. Consequently, there can be no assurances that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Solitario's Golden Crest land position does not cover any of the areas of historical gold production or historical unmined resources. Certain historical information concerning exploration and gold production in the Black Hills region has been obtained through both public and private sources and are believed to be substantially factual, but Solitario can give no assurances of the accuracy of such information. The existence of historic mines and resources adjacent to Solitario's land position do not necessarily support the existence of economic mineral deposits on Solitario's land position. Such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the Company's expectation of the projected timing and outcome of engineering studies; expectations regarding the receipt of all necessary permits and approvals to implement a mining plan, if any, at any of its mineral properties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, among others, risks relating to risks that Solitario's and its joint venture partners' exploration and property advancement efforts will not be successful; risks relating to fluctuations in the price of zinc, gold, lead and silver; the inherently hazardous nature of mining-related activities; uncertainties concerning reserve and resource estimates; availability of outside contractors, and other activities; uncertainties relating to obtaining approvals and permits from governmental regulatory authorities; the possibility that environmental laws and regulations will change over time and become even more restrictive; and availability and timing of capital for financing the Company's exploration and development activities, including uncertainty of being able to raise capital on favorable terms or at all; risks relating to the impacts of pandemics or similar epidemics; as well as those factors discussed in Solitario's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") including Solitario's latest Annual Report on Form 10-K and its other SEC filings (and Canadian filings) including, without limitation, its latest Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. The Company does not intend to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities laws.

本新聞發佈涉及美國《證券法》和美國《證券交易法》,並在1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》(和加拿大證券法相當)中定義的前瞻性陳述,目的是被此類條款所創建的安全港所覆蓋。前瞻性陳述是指不是歷史事實的陳述。它們基於公司管理層在陳述發表時的信仰,估計和意見,並涉及Solitario預計或預期將要或可能發生的未來活動,事件或發展,並基於當前的期望和假設。前瞻性陳述涉及衆多風險和不確定性。因此,不能保證這樣的聲明將被證明是準確的,實際結果和未來事件可能與這樣的聲明預期的有所不同。Solitario的Golden Crest土地位置不涵蓋任何歷史金礦生產或歷史未採資源的區域。關於黑山地區勘探和黃金生產的某些歷史信息是通過公共和私人來源獲得的,並被認爲在很大程度上是事實,但是Solitario無法保證此類信息的準確性。歷史礦井和資源存在臨近Solitario土地位置,不一定支持Solitario土地位置上存在經濟礦物礦牀的存在。這樣的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於關於公司對工程研究預計的時間表和結果的期望;對在其任何礦產物業上實施採礦計劃(如果有)的所有必要許可和批准的期望。可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述中不同的重要因素包括但不限於,Solitario及其合資夥伴的勘探和地產推進努力不會成功的風險;與鋅,金,鉛和銀價格波動有關的風險;採礦相關活動的固有危險性;有關儲量和資源估計的不確定性;外部承包商的可用性和其他活動;與獲得政府監管機構的批准和許可相關的不確定性;環境法律和法規可能隨時間發生變化並變得更加嚴格的可能性;以及爲公司的勘探和開發活動籌集資金的可用性和時間,包括不確定性是否能以有利的條款或根本無法融資的風險;與大流行病或類似流行病的影響有關的風險;以及在美國證券交易委員會("SEC")的Solitario申報文件中,包括Solitario最新的10-K表和其他SEC申報文件(以及加拿大申報文件),這些因素均已討論。該公司沒有打算公開更新任何前瞻性陳述,除非根據適用證券法的要求。 蘋果CEO庫克大規模沽出股票,套現逾3億港元。

SOURCE: Solitario Resources Corp.

消息來源:solitario resources corp。

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