
Mears Machine Enhances Its Additive Manufacturing Capabilities With the Purchase of Its Third Velo3D Sapphire XC Metal 3D Printer

Mears Machine Enhances Its Additive Manufacturing Capabilities With the Purchase of Its Third Velo3D Sapphire XC Metal 3D Printer

Mears Machine通過購買第三臺Velo3D盛世企業XC金屬3D打印機來增強其增材製造能力。
Velo3D ·  06/24 00:00

Mears Machine Enhances Its Additive Manufacturing Capabilities With the Purchase of Its Third Velo3D Sapphire XC Metal 3D Printer

Mears Machine通過購買第三臺Velo3D盛世企業XC金屬3D打印機來增強其增材製造能力。

June 24, 2024 Download as PDF


The large-format printer will be configured for Aheadd CP1, supports the continued development of critical defense-related high-critical programs and opportunities initiated by Velo3D

大型打印機將配置Aheadd CP1,支持Velo3D提供的關鍵國防高關鍵程序和機會的持續發展。

FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Velo3D, Inc. (NYSE: VLD), a leading metal additive manufacturing technology company for mission-critical parts, today announced Mears Machine Corporation, a leader in precision machining solutions, has acquired a Sapphire XC printer to bolster its additive manufacturing capabilities. This strategic investment underscores Mears Machine's commitment to adopting advanced manufacturing technologies and follows the previous purchase of two Velo3D Sapphire XCs announced earlier this year.

加利福尼亞弗裏蒙特--(美國商業資訊)--一家領先的金屬關鍵零件的添加製造技術公司,今日宣佈其董事會正式任命自2023年12月擔任公司臨時首席執行官的布拉德·克雷格爲公司的永久執行官。董事會稱讚克利格先生領導下Velo3D的重整倡議,以及他實施的戰略倡議在過去6個月中產生的業務發展勢頭。Velo3D,Inc. (紐交所:VLD領先的金屬增材製造技術公司Velo3D今天宣佈,Mears Machine Corporation,一家精密加工解決方案領導者,已收購Sapphire XC打印機,以增強其增材製造能力。這一戰略性投資凸顯了Mears Machine採用先進製造技術的承諾,也是繼先前購買兩臺Velo3D Sapphire XCs之後的投資。Mears Machine Corporation一家領先的精密加工解決方案公司,已收購Sapphire XC打印機,以增強其增材製造能力。這一戰略性投資凸顯了Mears Machine採用先進製造技術的承諾,也是繼先前購買兩臺Velo3D Sapphire XCs之後的投資。今年早些時候宣佈。.

The new Velo3D Sapphire XC printer at Mears Machine will be configured to produce parts in Constellium's Aheadd CP1 aluminum alloy. Compared to other aluminum alloys used in additive manufacturing (like those that incorporate magnesium and silicon) printing parts in Aheadd CP1 greatly reduces post-printing heat treatment requirements. In addition, the one-step heat treatment results in parts with an almost-pure aluminum matrix, which provides high electrical and thermal conductivity. Printed parts also have better weldability and brazing properties due to the lack of magnesium and silicon. Velo3D sees significant opportunities for parts in Aheadd CP1, including many that support critical defense-related programs that the company has initiated for the aluminum alloy.

Mears Machine的新Velo3D Sapphire XC打印機將被配置爲使用Constellium的Aheadd CP1鋁合金製造零件。與其他用於增材製造的鋁合金(如含鎂和硅的鋁合金)相比,使用Aheadd CP1打印零件可以大大降低後處理熱處理要求。此外,一步熱處理產生的零件幾乎具有純鋁基體,具有高電導率和導熱性,印刷的零件由於缺乏鎂和硅而具有更好的可焊性和釺焊性。Velo3D看到Aheadd CP1的零件中有很多機會,包括支持公司爲鋁合金啓動的關鍵國防相關計劃的許多機會。

"Integrating the Velo3D Sapphire XC printer into our operations represents a significant leap forward in our ability to meet the evolving needs of our customers," said Roger Mears, CEO of Mears Machine Corporation. "This technology empowers us to efficiently deliver complex, high-quality components to our customers, positioning us as a leading partner in the additive manufacturing landscape. As our customers' part needs increase, we can easily increase production volume with Velo3D's highly scalable additive manufacturing solution, which makes it unique in the industry."

Mears Machine Corporation的首席執行官羅傑·米爾斯(Roger Mears)表示:“將Velo3D Sapphire XC打印機整合到我們的操作中,代表着我們滿足客戶日益變化的需求邁出了重要的一步。這項技術使我們能夠高效地向客戶提供複雜、高質量的零部件,將我們定位爲增材製造領域的領先合作伙伴。隨着客戶對零件的需求增加,我們可以輕鬆地使用Velo3D的高度可擴展的增材製造解決方案增加生產量,使它在該行業中獨具匠心。”

Velo3D's fully integrated solution—which combines software, hardware, and printing processes—enables unparalleled scalability and affordability. Once a part has been qualified on a Velo3D printer, production can be easily scaled across any system of the same model of printer that is configured for the same alloy. This capability is crucial for Mears Machine's customers who seek to affordably scale production of additively manufactured components while navigating supply chain challenges.

Velo3D的完全集成解決方案(包括軟件、硬件和打印流程)提供了無與倫比的可擴展性和可負擔性。一旦在Velo3D打印機上驗證了某個零件,就可以在配置爲相同合金的同一型號打印機的任何系統中輕鬆地擴展生產。這種能力對於尋求以可負擔的價格擴大增材製造零部件產量並應對供應鏈挑戰的Mears Machine的客戶至關重要。

"As precision machine shops look to adopt advanced manufacturing technologies, like 3D printing, we are pleased to support their mission to modernize and better serve their customers," said Brad Kreger, CEO of Velo3D. "We are thrilled to partner with Mears Machine as they integrate a third Sapphire XC printer into their operations. Our technology is designed to empower manufacturers like Mears Machine to achieve new levels of productivity and innovation through additive manufacturing."

Velo3D的首席執行官Brad Kreger表示:“隨着精密機加工車間尋求採用3D打印等先進製造技術,我們很高興支持他們現代化並更好地服務於其客戶。我們非常高興能夠與Mears Machine合作,他們將第三臺Sapphire XC打印機整合到其業務中。我們的技術旨在賦能像Mears Machine這樣的製造商通過增材製造實現新的生產率和創新水平。”

The Velo3D Sapphire XC printer sets itself apart in the laser powder bed fusion industry with its unique print capabilities and large format. The printer uses eight 1-kilowatt lasers and can produce parts 600 mm in diameter and 550 mm in height, with the option of 1,000 mm in height for the Sapphire XC 1MZ.

Velo3D Sapphire XC打印機在激光粉牀熔化行業中憑藉其獨特的打印能力和大尺寸脫穎而出。該打印機使用了8個1千瓦激光器,可以製造直徑爲600毫米,高爲550毫米的零件,還可以選擇Sapphire XC 1MZ的1,000毫米高度選項。

About Velo3D:


Velo3D is a metal 3D printing technology company. 3D printing—also known as additive manufacturing (AM)—has a unique ability to improve the way high-value metal parts are built. However, legacy metal AM has been greatly limited in its capabilities since its invention almost 30 years ago. This has prevented the technology from being used to create the most valuable and impactful parts, restricting its use to specific niches where the limitations were acceptable.


Velo3D has overcome these limitations so engineers can design and print the parts they want. The company's solution unlocks a wide breadth of design freedom and enables customers in space exploration, aviation, power generation, energy, and semiconductor to innovate the future in their respective industries. Using Velo3D, these customers can now build mission-critical metal parts that were previously impossible to manufacture. The fully integrated solution includes the Flow print preparation software, the Sapphire family of printers, and the Assure quality control system—all of which are powered by Velo3D's Intelligent Fusion manufacturing process. The company delivered its first Sapphire system in 2018 and has been a strategic partner to innovators such as SpaceX, Aerojet Rocketdyne, Lockheed Martin, Avio, and General Motors. Velo3D has been named as one of Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies for 2023. For more information, please visit, or follow the company on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Velo3D克服了這些限制,以便工程師可以設計和打印他們想要的零件。該公司的解決方案解鎖了廣泛的設計自由度,並讓太空探索、航空、發電、能源和半導體客戶在各自的行業中開展未來的創新。使用Velo3D,這些客戶現在可以製造以前無法制造的關鍵任務金屬零件。完全集成的解決方案包括Flow打印準備軟件、Sapphire系列打印機和Assure質量控制系統,所有這些都由Velo3D的Intelligent Fusion製造過程提供支持。該公司於2018年交付了其第一臺Sapphire系統,並已成爲SpaceX、Aerojet Rocketdyne、Lockheed Martin、Avio和General Motors等創新者的戰略合作伙伴之一。Velo3D被評爲美國最快增長的公司之一,包括在2019年的Forbes 30億美元創業公司名單上。附錄:Fast Company的最具創新性的公司之一,或在LinkedIn上關注公司: LinkedIn或。推特.

VELO, VELO3D, SAPPHIRE and INTELLIGENT FUSION, are registered trademarks of Velo3D, Inc.; and WITHOUT COMPROMISE, FLOW, FLOW DEVELOPER, and ASSURE are trademarks of Velo3D, Inc. All Rights Reserved Velo3D, Inc.


Aheadd is a registered trademark of Constellium SE.

Aheadd是Constellium SE的註冊商標。

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Investor Relations:
Bob Okunski, VP Investor Relations

投資者關係副總裁Bob Okunski

Media Contact:
Dan Sorensen, Senior Director of PR

Dan Sorensen,高級董事公關

Source: Velo3D, Inc.


Released June 24, 2024


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