
Starcore Begins Exploration at Its Gold Project in Cote D'Ivoire

Starcore Begins Exploration at Its Gold Project in Cote D'Ivoire

newsfile ·  06/25 02:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 25, 2024) - Starcore International Mines Ltd. (TSX: SAM) ("Starcore" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the beginning of exploration work on the Kimoukro permit in the central Ivory Coast, some 30 km south of the country's capital, Yamoussoukro. The permit was recently granted to the Ivorian Company, K Mining SARL ("K Mining"), on May 22, 2024, with whom Starcore has a mineral property option agreement to explore K Mining's properties.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華-(新聞稿公司-2024年6月25日)-Starcore International Mines Ltd. (tsx: SAM)。 ("如2024年5月13日新聞發佈中所披露的,配售獲得的募集資金將主要用於對墨西哥克雷塔羅州聖馬丁礦站的含碳礦石進行冶金測試。或公司“公司”欣然宣佈開始對科特迪瓦中央Kimoukro許可證進行勘探工作,位於該國首都Yamoussoukro以南約30公里處。該許可證於2024年5月22日最近授予科特迪瓦公司k mining sàrl("k mining"),Starcore與其簽訂了一份礦產股權協議,以便勘探k Mining的物業。

The initial field activities include:


  • Building of the main camp and a private access road stretching 5 km from the paved road A4 near the village of Kimoukro, into the permit boundary.
  • Induced polarization (IP) geophysical survey, and ground magnetic survey.
  • Trenching over known mineralised structures and over geophysical targets.
  • Auger drilling campaign in saprolite and soil.
  • 從Kimoukro村附近的A4鋪設的公路延伸5公里到許可證邊界的主營地和私人通道的建造。
  • 輸控(IP)地球物理勘探和地面磁測。
  • 在已知礦化構造和地球物理靶區上揭露。
  • 在腐殖巖和土壤中進行鑽探活動。

SAGAX Afrique sarlu ("Sagax"), has been retained to implement the IP and ground mag program, which is anticipated to be completed by the end of July 2024. Sagax is a highly respected and reputable geophysical contractor led by Mr. Jean David, and has extensive experience on a large variety of mineral systems, including similar Birimian-hosted lode gold deposits throughout West Africa.

SAGAX Afrique sarlu("Sagax")已被聘請執行輸控和地面磁計劃,預計將在2024年7月底完成。Sagax是非常受尊敬和聲譽良好的地球物理承包商,並具有大量的對各種礦物系統的經驗,包括在整個西非的類似Birimian寄主的矽金礦礦牀。

GEO-EXPLO SERVICES, an auger drilling supplier company based in Yamoussoukro, will be contracted for an initial 2000 m auger drilling program. The company has served many of the major companies conducting exploration activities in the Ivory Coast and West Africa and has either hand-pulled or truck-mounted rigs capable of drilling up to 30 m in saprolite.

總部位於Yamoussoukro的auger鑽探供應商GEO-EXPLO SERVICES將被承包進行初始爲期2000米的auger鑽探活動。該公司爲科特迪瓦和西非的許多從事探礦活動的大型公司提供服務,並擁有能夠鑽探腐殖巖深達30米的手拉或卡車式設備。

Camp building, earthworks and trenches will be done by using either a local contractor or K Mining personnel and equipment.

採用當地承包商或k Mining人員和設備進行營地建設、土方工程和開挖溝槽。

Target Description


The Kimoukro permit belongs to an area of widespread artisanal mining activity, traditionally linked to the community of nearby Kokumbo. Inside the permit, a number of quartz veins are currently exploited or have been exploited by artisanal miners. At least 11 different gold-mineralised veins were mapped in the field and by trenches. The current interpretation is that the veins are interconnected in a persistent NW-striking shear-extensional system, accompanied by minor structures and veins of higher order. The thickness of the most developed veins seems to range from 0.5 to 1.0 m and their inferred strike length is over 150 m. The bulk of the known mineralised veins extends from surface and is exploited by artisanal miners by means of shafts and trenches to a depth of 10-15m; yet, deeper shafts exist up to +40 m deep, and in this case, explosives are used to progress.


Soil geochemistry was completed by K Mining between 2019 and 2022, thence audited with twin samples and expanded in 2023, highlighted over 65 hectares of soil anomaly >50 ppb. However, the surface samples only reached depths of 0.5 m to 1 m; thus, the actual gold anomaly in the alluvial areas, or where cover is present, was not depicted. The bias is also evident through other evidence including the presence of artisanal work. In fact, the visit to artisanal mineworks led to the clear identification of several NW trending vein systems. Some of the exploited veins are outside the soil anomaly depicted by surface soil samples.

K Mining於2019年至2022年間完成了土壤地球化學工作,然後進行了雙倍樣品審核和2023年擴展,突出顯示出超過65公頃的土壤異常物>50 ppb。然而,表面樣品只達到了0.5米到1米的深度;因此,萎縮區域或存在覆蓋物的實際含金量未得到描繪。這種偏見也通過其他證據顯而易見,包括手工生產的存在。事實上,對手工採礦場進行的訪問導致清晰地識別了幾個NW趨向的脈系統。一些開採的脈位於表面土壤樣品確定的土壤異常之外。

Previous exploration work completed in the Kimoukro permit by K Mining included two separate blocks of IP surveys in 2019 and 2021, covering 0.9 km2 and 1.3 km2 respectively. Those surveys have been reprocessed and reinterpreted by Dr. Paolo Costantini, a renowned geophysicist, principal of ArsTerra Exploration GmbH.

k Mining在2019年和2021年完成了Kimoukro許可證的兩個獨立輸控勘探區塊,分別佔地0.9公里和1.3公里。這些調查已經由著名地球物理學家、ArsTerra Exploration GmbH主席Paolo Costantini重新處理和重新解釋。2根據現有的少數挖掘溝槽和以前的地球物理調查,岩石深度範圍從2至20米,平均約爲10米。礦化構造之間的關係和多個NW和NE趨勢礦化構造被凸顯出來。2分別進行了調查。這些調查已由着名的地球物理學家、ArsTerra Exploration GmbH的負責人Paolo Costantini博士進行重新加工和重新解釋。

According to the few existing trenches and the previous geophysical surveys, the depth to rock ranges from 2 to 20 m, with an average of some 10 m. The relation among the mineralised structures and several NW and NE-trending structures were highlighted.


The initial target area for the exploration will be limited to the central part of the permit, east of the Bandama river and north of the paved road A4 and the village of Kimoukro. The majority of the existing exploration data comes from this area.


Exploration Program Detail and Target Definition


Geophysical survey


The IP program will comprise 50 total line-kilometres of ground IP surveys focused on already identified soil anomaly and a number of mineralised quartz-veins which are being exploited by artisanal works. The ground mag survey will be conducted over the same lines. A total of 50 ha will be covered by the geophysical survey, and the target is up to 150 m depth with sufficient resolution to depict contrasting geological bodies and possible mineralised zones.


The IP data will be acquired using a pole-dipole electrode array with a dipole spacing of 25 m expanded through 4 separations readings (a=4x25; 3x50; 2x75; 1x100). A total of 40 profiles oriented N105°, spaced 100 m apart, will be surveyed for a total of some 50 line-kilometres. The interpretation and 3D modelling of the survey results (chargeability and resistivity) will be conducted by Jean David, the Principal Geophysicist at Sagax.

IP數據將通過極偶極子電極陣列獲取,極距間隔爲25米,通過4個分離讀數進行擴展(a=4x25; 3x50; 2x75; 1x100)。 總共將有40個方向爲N105°的剖面,間隔100米,將進行總共約50公里的勘測。該調查結果(電荷率和電阻率)的解釋和三維建模將由Sagax公司的首席地球物理學家Jean David進行。

Over the same lines, a ground-magnetic survey will be conducted with continuous reading over a base-station reading period of 20 seconds.


The surveys are designed to provide sufficient understanding of major and minor structures, and distribution of the late granitoids intruding the volcano-sedimentary sequence, as well as depth of the solid rock (saprock), and better understanding of the in-situ shallow gold anomaly.


Auger drilling


An auger drilling campaign of some 2000 m will be performed, in order to better image the gold anomaly in the saprolite, at different depths. The initial auger drilling program aims to test the on-strike continuity of the known mineralised veins, as well as the poorly defined areas, including where exploited artisanal minework indicates the presence of mineralised veins, which should result in wider gold anomaly in-situ soil and saprolite.




Trenches will be cut by using an excavator, initially to test the known higher gold anomaly zones, orthogonal to the main vein system. Trenching will commence at the advanced stages of road building. The initial trench program consists of a total of 1500 m of trenches, 5 m deep, stretching up to 120 m.


Starcore aims to conclude all these activities before the heavy rain season, which is typically in September.


Data from the new surveys, corroborated by the improved geochemical sampling from auger drilling and trenching, will help improve Starcore's understanding of the known and newly identified prospective areas, and should bring them to a "drill-ready" stage.


Starcore aims to finalize an initial campaign of diamond drilling right after the rainy season. The diamond drilling aims to test the mineralised veins and to describe the geological context in this area of generally poor outcrop exposure.


Qualified Person


The scientific and technical disclosure in this news release has been supervised and approved by Dr. Riccardo Aquè, Ph.D. Eurogeol., a Qualified Person as that term is defined in NI 43-101. He is independent of the Company.

本新聞稿中的科學和技術披露經過了Dr. Riccardo Aquè, Ph.D. Eurogeol. 的主管和批准,是NI 43-101中定義的符合資格人員。他獨立於公司。

About Starcore


Starcore International Mines is engaged in precious metals production with focus and experience in Mexico. While this base of producing assets has been complemented by exploration and development projects throughout North America, Starcore has expanded its reach internationally with the project in Côte d'Ivoire. The Company is a leader in Corporate Social Responsibility and advocates value driven decisions that will increase long term shareholder value. You can find more information on the investor friendly website here: .

Starcore International Mines從事墨西哥的貴金屬生產,並專注於和有經驗的生產資產。雖然這些生產資產通過在北美開展勘探和開發項目進行了補充,但Starcore已通過在科特迪瓦的項目擴展了其國際業務。該公司是企業社會責任的領導者,並倡導增加長期股東價值的價值驅動決策。您可以在這個投資者友好的網站上找到更多信息:。


Robert Eadie,總裁兼首席執行官

(Signed) "Robert Eadie"
Robert Eadie, President & Chief Executive Officer




Telephone: (604) 602-4935

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This news release contains "forward-looking" statements and information ("forward-looking statements"). All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included herein, including, without limitation, management's expectations and the potential of the Company's projects, are forward looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of Company management, as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to Company's management and reflect the beliefs, opinions, and projections on the date the statements are made. Forward-looking statements involve various risks and uncertainties and accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward‐looking statements or beliefs, opinions, projections or other factors, except as required by law.




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