
Alkane Resources Unveils Ambitious Five-year Plan

Alkane Resources Unveils Ambitious Five-year Plan

sharecafe ·  06/25 01:23

Two weeks after issuing a downgrade, Alkane Resources (ASX:ALK) has followed through on a promise to release a new five-year development plan for its Tomingley gold mine in the central west of NSW, where it is also in the process of unearthing a series of massive copper ore bodies.


Earlier this month, Alkane produced a downgrade of its 2023-24 gold production and cost estimates for the Tomingley mine. Alkane blamed the ramp-up of its Rosewell underground expansion not being "sufficiently rapid to allow the original guidance to be met."


The company revealed that full-year gold production from the mine in the central west of NSW would be in the range of 55,000 to 58,000 ounces, down from the previous range of 60,000 to 65,000.


However, it also promised a new five-year plan for the mine by the end of June, and that emerged on Monday with the confident assertion that Alkane plans to increase Tomingley's production to above 100,000 ounces of gold per year while also expanding the site's plant to a nominal 1.5 million tonnes per annum.


Alkane has to make a final investment decision in early 2025 but is confident it can produce between 485,000 and 505,000 ounces of gold from Tomingley over the next five years. "The underground at Roswell has begun production, and we expect to produce over 70,000 ounces of gold next year," Alkane CEO Nic Earner said in Monday's statement. "The paste plant and the flotation/regrind circuit are under construction with commissioning expected later this year.

阿肯公司必須在2025年初做出最終投資決策,但有信心在未來五年內從Tomingley生產出48.5萬到50.5萬盎司的黃金。 “羅斯威爾地下礦已開始生產,我們預計明年將生產超過70,000盎司黃金,”阿肯公司首席執行官Nic Earner在週一的聲明中說道。“鉛漿廠和浮選/重磨迴路正在施工,預計在今年晚些時候進行調試。”

"The firing of the first production stope at Roswell is a major milestone for Tomingley that we have been working towards since drilling our first exploration hole there in 2018," Earner said earlier this year. "Not only does Roswell have higher-grade stopes, but it is open at depth and along strike."

“自2018年第一次在那裏鑽探開採第一個勘探孔以來,Roswell地下第一個生產工作面的開採是Tomingley的一個重要里程碑,” Earner今年早些時候說。 “Roswell不僅具有較高品位工作面,而且可以沿深度和走向開採。

Tomingley's five-year plan also involves the relocation of the Newell Highway, a project expected to cost Alkane $89 million for the highway job and expansion, as well as $43 million in planned spending.

Tomingley的五年計劃還涉及將Newell Highway遷移,這項工作預計將耗資Alkane公司8900萬美元,用於高速公路工程和擴建,並計劃投資4300萬美元。

"The deposits across Tomingley are open at depth and along strike, and our known resources extend beyond this immediate five-year plan," Earner said. "We're looking forward to delivering on this plan."

“Tomingley礦的各個礦牀在深度和走向上均有開採潛力,已知資源超出了這個即將完成的五年計劃,” Earner說。 “我們期待兌現這個計劃。”

Last week, Alkane revealed several interesting gold/copper intersections from its North Molong prospects that suggest a new area of interest at Driell Creek and more resources (at depth) around its Boda prospects, which are south of the huge Kaiser prospect.

上週,Alkane公司公佈了來自其North Molong礦的幾個有趣的黃金/銅交叉口,這表明了Driell Creek新的感興趣區域以及Boda礦牀以南(深處)的更多資源。

In a statement to the ASX on June 21, CEO Earner said, "This program of drilling has confirmed the potential to find further deposits similar to Boda and Kaiser across the Northern Molong Porphyry tenement package.

在6月21日向ASX發表的一份聲明中,首席執行官Earner說:“這個鑽探計劃確認了在NMPP(Northern Molong Porphyry)權益項目上找到其他與Boda和Kaiser相似礦牀的潛力。”

"Driell Creek has delivered some encouraging results from this round of drilling. Driell Creek is emerging as our next priority area for follow-up drilling. Early-stage target generation work will continue at several other prospects.

“Driell Creek從此次鑽探中獲得了一些令人鼓舞的結果。 Driell Creek正在成爲我們下一輪鑽探的重點區域。其他幾處前期目標生成工作將繼續進行。”

"Alkane is very close to finalising the scoping study for the Boda-Kaiser deposits at the NMPP. Any regional discoveries carry the potential to upgrade the project's long-term economic outcomes."



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