
Judge Rules Against MedImpact In $200M Rite Aid Debt Dispute

Judge Rules Against MedImpact In $200M Rite Aid Debt Dispute

Benzinga ·  06/25 09:54

MedImpact's attempt to recoup approximately $200 million following its purchase of Rite Aid Corp's (OTC:RADCQ) pharmacy benefits unit has failed.

MedImpact試圖在收購Rite Aid Corp(OTC:RADCQ)的藥房福利部門後追回約2億美元的款項,但未能成功。

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Michael Kaplan ruled that MedImpact assumed Elixir's debts when it acquired the company.


In a hearing, Judge Kaplan highlighted that MedImpact was aware of Elixir's negative cash balance, which stood at around $200 million.


This deficit was mainly due to reimbursement payments owed to pharmacies, including CVS Health Inc (NYSE:CVS) and Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc (NASDAQ:WBA).


Previously, Kaplan had approved MedImpact's $575 million acquisition of Elixir, confirming that the sale agreement included the transfer of Elixir's debts to MedImpact.


This decision is crucial as it underscores the financial obligations that MedImpact inherited with the purchase.


Rite Aid, a major U.S. pharmacy retailer, filed for bankruptcy in October, citing substantial debt, declining revenue, increased competition, and litigation over its involvement in the U.S. opioid crisis as primary factors.

美國主要藥房零售商Rite Aid在去年10月申請破產,稱其主要因素包括巨額債務、營業收入下降、競爭加劇以及涉及美國阿片類藥物危機的訴訟。

The dispute with MedImpact, a pharmacy benefit manager, posed a significant threat to Rite Aid's overall restructuring plan, which awaits final court approval on Thursday, Reuters highlighted.

據路透社指出,與藥店福利管理公司MedImpact的爭議對Rite Aid的整體重組計劃構成了重大威脅,該計劃將在週四獲得最終法院批准。

Judge Kaplan remarked that Rite Aid was in no position to cover Elixir's old debts, given its financial struggles and efforts to raise cash while reducing liabilities.

卡普蘭法官表示,鑑於Rite Aid的財務困難和籌集資金以減少負債的努力,該公司無力償還Elixir的舊債務。

"It is no secret that money in this case is tight, and there is little wiggle room, let alone over $200 million of wiggle room," Kaplan stated.


Rite Aid's bankruptcy plan aims to reduce its debt by $2 billion and allocate $47.5 million to junior creditors.

Rite Aid的破產計劃旨在減輕20億美元的債務,並向初級債權人分配4750萬美元。

These creditors include individuals and local governments who have sued Rite Aid for allegedly ignoring red flags and illegally filling prescriptions for addictive opioid pain medication.

這些債權人包括聲稱Rite Aid忽視紅旗,並非法填寫成癮性阿片類止痛藥處方的個人和地方政府。

In October 2023, Walgreens Boots Alliance (NASDAQ:WBA) consented to a settlement of $192.5 million following allegations that some of the company's executives provided misleading information concerning its 2015 attempt to purchase Rite Aid.

2023年10月,沃爾格林-聯合博姿(NASDAQ:WBA)同意支付1.925億美元的和解金,以解決其部分高管在2015年試圖收購Rite Aid時提供虛假信息的指控。

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