
Exploration Drilling at Becher Project Recommences

Exploration Drilling at Becher Project Recommences

GlobeNewswire ·  06/25 10:56



  • Follow-up aircore (AC) and reverse circulation (RC) drilling programs have been commenced by De Grey Mining (De Grey) at Novo's flagship Becher Project (Becher), using two drill rigs. The focus is on testing gold and base metal mineralisation at the priority Heckmair and Lowe Prospects.
  • 德格雷礦業(De Grey)已經使用兩臺鑽機在Novo旗艦Becher項目(Becher)啓動了後續的空芯(AC)和反循環(RC)鑽探計劃。重點是在 Heckmair 和 Lowe Prospects 的優先項目中測試黃金和賤金屬礦化。
  • Becher is part of the Egina Joint Venture, where major ASX-listed Western Australian gold explorer and developer De Grey is earning-in through a minimum spend of A$7 million to December 2024, as part of a required A$25 million spend over 4 years to earn 50% of the joint venture. De Grey is the manager of the Egina Joint Venture.
  • Becher是Egina合資企業的一部分,在澳大利亞證券交易所上市的西澳大利亞州大型黃金勘探商和開發商德格雷將在2024年12月之前通過最低支出700萬澳元來獲利,這是在4年內獲得合資企業50%股份所需的2500萬澳元支出的一部分。德格雷是埃吉納合資企業的經理。
  • Becher lies adjacent to De Grey's 12.7 Moz1Hemi Gold Project.
  • Becher 位於 De Grey 的 12.7 Moz 旁邊1Hemi Gold 項目。
  • Exploration completed to date by Novo and De Grey at Becher has identified both intrusion-hosted and structurally controlled gold mineralisation similar in nature to that at the Hemi deposit.
  • 迄今爲止,Novo和De Grey在Becher完成的勘探已經發現了侵入性質和結構控制的金礦化,其性質與Hemi礦牀相似。
  • De Grey plans to undertake a further 28,000 m of combined AC and RC drilling, adding to the ~10,500 m already completed at Becher in Q4 2023.
  • 德格雷計劃再進行28,000米的空調和鋼筋混凝土綜合鑽探,再增加2023年第四季度在貝歇爾已經完成的約10,500米的鑽探。
  • Separately, drilling by Novo at Nunyerry North, where a ~4,000 m RC drill program commenced in late May, is advancing with the program expected to be completed in early July and assay results received later in the month.
  • Following completion of drilling at Nunyerry North, exploration at key Pilbara targets will shift to either AC drilling at the Balla Balla Gold Project or RC drilling in the Karratha District gold and gold-copper (+-platinum-palladium) targets, dependent on the timing of heritage surveys and final approvals, which are expected in late July 2024.
  • 另外,Novo在Nunyerry North的鑽探工作正在取得進展,該項目於5月下旬開始了約4,000米的RC鑽探計劃,該項目預計將於7月初完成,化驗結果將在本月晚些時候收到。
  • Nunyerry North的鑽探完成後,皮爾巴拉主要目標的勘探將轉向在巴拉巴拉金礦項目進行空調鑽探或在卡拉薩地區金和金銅(+-鉑鈀金)目標進行RC鑽探,這取決於遺產調查和最終批准的時間安排,預計將在2024年7月下旬獲得批准。

Novo Executive Co-Chairman and Acting CEO Mike Spreadborough said:


"This is an exciting time for the Egina JV with the recommencement of AC and RC drilling programs at our flagship Becher Project."


"De Grey are focused on undertaking a further 28,000m of combined drilling, which of course is a follow on from the initial program completed at the end of 2023 and will continue to advance key targets identified by Novo historically."


"Becher is a highly prospective and high priority exploration target. We eagerly await the results of the drilling programs and look forward to updating shareholders in due course."


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novo Resources Corp. (Novo or the Company) (ASX: NVO) (TSX: NVO) (OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to provide an update on follow-up drill programs at the Becher Project, which is part of the Egina earn-in and joint venture (Egina JV) with De Grey Mining Limited (ASX:DEG).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年6月25日(環球新聞專線)——諾和資源公司(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:NVO)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NVO)(場外交易所股票代碼:NSRPF)很高興提供Becher項目後續鑽探計劃的最新情況,該項目是埃吉納盈利和合資企業(Egina JV)與德格雷礦業有限公司(ASX: ASX: ASX)的一部分 DEG)。



1 For further details refer to De Grey's ASX announcement titled Hemi Gold Project Resource Update dated 21 November 2023, relating to De Grey's Hemi. Withnell and Wingina mining centres. No assurance can be given that a similar (or any) commercially viable mineral deposit will be determined at Novo's Becher Project

1 欲了解更多詳情,請參閱德格雷於2023年11月21日在澳大利亞證券交易所發佈的名爲《Hemi Gold 項目資源更新》的公告,該公告與德格雷的Hemi有關。Withnell 和 Wingina 採礦中心。無法保證Novo的Becher項目將確定類似(或任何)商業上可行的礦牀

De Grey completed its maiden aircore (AC) and reverse circulation (RC) drill program at the Becher Project in Q4 2023, testing the Heckmair and Lowe intrusions, and the Irvine and Bonatti shear corridors, with over 10,500 m completed. Significant results were returned from both the Lowe and Heckmair prospects, which have been deemed as priority prospects.


De Grey has commenced follow-up programs, with ~28,000 m of combined AC and RC drilling planned through the use of two rigs. Assay results from these programs are anticipated in H2, 2024.




The Egina Gold Camp is Novo's highly prospective gold belt located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia and includes the priority Becher and Nunyerry North projects (Figure 1). This belt comprises a series of structurally complex, gold-fertile corridors, hosted by rocks of the Mallina Basin in the north and mafic / ultramafic sequences further south. These corridors trend towards De Grey's 12.7 Moz Hemi Gold Project2 (Hemi) to the north and northeast.

埃吉納金礦營是Novo位於西澳大利亞州皮爾巴拉地區的極具前景的金礦帶,包括Becher和Nunyerry North的優先項目(圖1)。該帶由一系列結構複雜、富金的走廊組成,這些走廊由北部的馬利納盆地的岩石和更南邊的鎂鐵質/超鎂鐵質序列組成。這些走廊傾向於德格雷的12.7 Moz Hemi黃金項目2 (Hemi)位於北部和東北部。

Novo's tenure forms a contiguous package of approximately 80 km strike length directly along this trend and has been the main focus area for Novo's exploration programs over the last two years, culminating in the Egina JV with De Grey and delineation of the Nunyerry North gold prospect.

Novo的任期直接沿着這一趨勢形成了一個連續的勘探長度約80公里的一攬子計劃,在過去兩年中,Novo一直是Novo勘探計劃的主要重點領域,最終與De Grey成立了Egina合資公司,並描繪了Nunyerry North的黃金前景。

Figure 1: Location of Novo tenements, the Egina JV area, Becher Project and priority projects in the Pilbara

圖 1: 皮爾巴拉Novo物業單位、Egina合資區域、Becher項目和優先項目的位置


EGINA 合資企業



2 For further details refer to De Grey's ASX announcement titled Hemi Gold Project Resource Update, dated 21 November 2023, relating to De Grey's Hemi. Withnell and Wingina mining centres. No assurance can be given that a similar (or any) commercially viable mineral deposit will be determined at Novo's Becher Project.

2 欲了解更多詳情,請參閱德格雷於2023年11月21日在澳大利亞證券交易所發佈的名爲《Hemi Gold 項目資源更新》的公告,該公告與德格雷的Hemi有關。Withnell 和 Wingina 採礦中心。無法保證Novo的Becher項目將確定類似(或任何)商業上可行的礦牀。

In June 2023, Novo completed an earn-in and joint venture agreement with De Grey Mining for the Company's Becher Project and the adjacent tenements within the Egina Gold Camp, with the resultant joint venture to be known as the Egina JV.


De Grey is earning into the Egina JV with a minimum spend of A$7 million to December 2024, as part of a required A$25 million spend over 4 years to earn 50% of the joint venture.


The combined Egina JV and De Grey tenure forms a strategically significant land position in the Mallina Basin covering approximately 2,500 sq km. De Grey assumed management control of the Novo area (under the earn-in arrangements) from 1 July 2023 and continues to advance key exploration efforts through targeted AC and RC drill programs.




Novo's early-stage reconnaissance work at Egina successfully identified the Becher Project as a highly prospective and high priority exploration target.


Reconnaissance and exploration programs completed by Novo in 2021-2023 indicated both intrusion-hosted and structurally controlled gold mineralisation similar in nature to that described by De Grey at the Hemi deposit.


De Grey completed over 10,500 m of AC and RC drilling in Q4 2023, testing immediate drill-ready targets at the Lowe, Heckmair, Irvine and Bonatti targets. Significant assays were returned from RC drilling at Lowe and Heckmair, enough to warrant both prospects as priority targets for follow up in 2024.

德格雷在 2023 年第四季度完成了超過 10,500 米的空調和反滲透鑽探,測試了洛威、赫克邁爾、爾灣和博納蒂目標的即時鑽探目標。Lowe和Heckmair的RC鑽探返回了大量化驗結果,足以保證將這兩個前景作爲2024年後續行動的優先目標。

De Grey recommenced drilling in late May 2024, with two rigs concurrently conducting a proposed 28,000 m combined AC and RC program. The RC program has started at Heckmair and has been designed to follow up on encouraging results at Lowe, Heckmair, and Whillans. The AC program has commenced at Lowe and aims to provide better geochemical coverage over structural and intrusion targets (Figure 2).

德格雷於 2024 年 5 月下旬重新開始鑽探,兩臺鑽機同時進行擬議的 28,000 米的空調和混凝土綜合項目。RC項目始於Heckmair,旨在跟進Lowe、Heckmair和Whillans取得的令人鼓舞的成果。AC計劃已在洛威啓動,旨在爲結構和入侵目標提供更好的地球化學覆蓋範圍(圖2)。

Figure 2 Proposed drill programs by JV partner De Grey at the Becher Project in the Egina JV

圖 2 合資夥伴德格雷在埃吉納合資公司的Becher項目中提議的鑽探計劃



Lowe is located ~20 km WSW of Hemi. The prospect includes an interpreted 5.2 km long, synclinal layered sill, fractionated from pyroxenite at the base up to gabbro and diorite. It is substantially thicker on the northern side of the syncline and likely truncated by a fault and juxtaposed with altered metasediment to the south.

Lowe 位於 Hemi 西南約 20 千米處。該前景包括一個經過解釋的長度爲5.2千米的同步分層基臺,該基臺從底部的輝石分離到輝長岩和閃長巖。它在同步線的北側要厚得多,很可能被斷層截斷,並與南邊的變質沉積物並置。

A small RC drilling program of 10 holes (1,786 m) was completed by De Grey in late 2023. Drilling intersected mineralisation in two holes in what is interpreted to be the same structure (Figure 2). A key result of 8 m at 4.7 g/t Au from 97 m was intersected in hole MSRC0031, and 4 m at 0.6 g/t Au from 144 m was intersected in MSRC00323. Mineralisation is hosted within strongly foliated and sheared pyroxenite and gabbro with prominent sericite alteration, quartz veining and pyrite.

德格雷於 2023 年底完成了一項包含 10 個孔(1,786 米)的小型 RC 鑽探計劃。鑽探在兩個孔中穿過礦化區,該孔被解釋爲相同的結構(圖 2)。在 MSRC0031 孔中,從 97 m 處在 4.7 g/t Au 處交了 8 m 的關鍵結果,在 MSRC0032 中與 144 m 的 0.6 g/t Au 相交3。礦化位於具有強烈葉狀和剪切的輝石和輝長岩中,有明顯的絹雲母蝕變、石英脈和黃鐵礦。

A comprehensive, follow-up AC drilling program has commenced at Lowe, comprising 220 AC holes for ~11,000 m to test the western extension of the Lowe target stratigraphy (Figure 2).


The 2024 RC program for Lowe comprises six holes for ~500 m targeting the contact between the sill and surrounding sediments and aims to confirm and extend significant intercepts reported in 2023.




Interpretation of combined geophysical and geochemical data from AC drilling by De Grey in Q4 2023 identified a 1.5 km long WNW-trending fault zone within the Heckmair intrusive body (Figure 3). The initial RC drill program testing this structure successfully intersected strong base metal results including4 (Figure 4):

德格雷在2023年第四季度對來自交流鑽探的地球物理和地球化學綜合數據的解釋確定了赫克邁爾侵入體內長達1.5千米的西北方向斷層帶(圖3)。測試該結構的初始鋼筋混凝土鑽探計劃成功地碰到了堅固的賤金屬結果,包括4 (圖 4):

  • 10 m @ 0.12 g/t Au, 29.7 g/t Ag, 0.3% Cu, 1.5% Pb and 1.8% Zn from 40 m (MSRC0016) including 3 m @ 0.20 g/t Au, 59.8 g/t Ag, 0.9% Cu, 2.4% Pb and 2.2% Zn from 47 m
  • 24 m @ 0.2 g/t Au, 13.2 g/t Ag, 0.1% Cu, 1.0% Pb and 0.1% Zn in hole MSRC0017 from 105 m (MSRC0017) including 6 m @ 0.48 g/t Au, 20.8 g/t Ag, 0.2% Cu, 1.4% Pb and 2.8% Zn from 105 m
  • 10 m @ 0.12 g/t Au、29.7 g/t Ag、0.3% Cu、1.5% Pb 和 1.8% Zn 來自 40 m (MSRC0016),包括來自 47 m 的 3 m @ 0.20 g/t Au、59.8 g/t Ag、0.9% Cu、2.4% Pb 和 2.2% Zn
  • 24 m @ 0.2 g/t 金、13.2 g/t Ag、0.1% Cu、1.0% Pb 和 0.1% Zn 在 105 m (MSRC0017) 的孔中,含有 105 m 的 6 m @ 0.48 g/t Ag、20.8 g/t Ag、0.2% Cu、1.4% Pb 和 2.8% Zn MSRC0017

The best gold intercept from the RC drilling was 2 m at 2.8 g/t Au in hole MSRC0013.

在 MSRC0013 孔中,RC 鑽探的最佳金截距爲 2 米,金含量爲 2.8 克/噸。

De Grey notes that other deposits and prospects within the Mallina Basin show that base metal anomalism can be associated with gold mineralisation. The Heckmair Fault shows evidence for broad-scale fluid flow within a fault conduit with favourable scale, and De Grey considers this to be a priority target.


The RC drill program, which comprises 27 holes for ~3,000 m, has commenced and will test the Heckmair Fault over a 2 km strike length at a nominal 320 m line spacing.


An AC program of 532 holes for ~23,500 m has also commenced at Lowe and has been designed to extend the geochemical coverage over yet untested mafic and ultramafic intrusions. This program will include anomaly definition at Lowe and Heckmair but will also expand preliminary geochemical coverage over the Bonatti, Irvine, and Whillans prospects (Figure 2).

Lowe也開始了一項由532個鑽孔組成的鑽孔項目,鑽孔長度約爲23,500米,旨在擴大地球化學覆蓋範圍,覆蓋尚未經過測試的鎂鐵質和超鎂鐵質入侵。該計劃將包括洛威和赫克邁爾的異常定義,但也將擴大對博納蒂、爾灣和威蘭斯前景的初步地球化學覆蓋範圍(圖 2)。



3 Refer to De Grey's ASX news release dated 13 February 2024, Greater Hemi and Regional Exploration update.
4 Refer to De Grey's ASX news release dated 13 February 2024, Greater Hemi and Regional Exploration update.

3 請參閱德格雷於2024年2月13日在澳大利亞證券交易所發佈的新聞稿《大半島和區域勘探最新情況》。
4 請參閱德格雷於2024年2月13日在澳大利亞證券交易所發佈的新聞稿《大半島和區域勘探最新情況》。

Figure 3 Target zone at the Heckmair Fault

圖 3 赫克邁爾斷層的目標區域

Figure 4 Heckmair cross-section (619120E)

圖 4 Heckmair 橫截面 (619120E)



Nunyerry North is Novo's high priority exploration target with significant prospectivity, located in the southern part of the Egina Gold Camp. Nunyerry North is part of the Croyden JV (Novo 70%; Creasey Group 30%).

Nunyerry North是Novo的高優先勘探目標,前景廣闊,位於埃吉納金礦營地的南部。Nunyerry North是克羅伊登合資公司的一部分(新增70%;Creasey集團佔30%)。

A ~4,000 m RC drill program commenced in late May following significant results from the maiden drill program which was completed in Q4 2023. The program is testing multiple new targets along strike of known mineralisation and down plunge of existing intercepts. Drilling is proceeding to plan with the program expected to be completed in early July 2024. Assays are expected in late July.


Post completion of drilling at Nunyerry North, Pilbara exploration drilling will shift to either AC drilling at the Balla Balla Gold Project or RC drilling in the Karratha District gold and gold-copper (+-platinum-palladium) targets dependent on the timing of heritage surveys and final approvals which are expected in late July 2024.

在Nunyerry North的鑽探完成後,皮爾巴拉的勘探鑽探將轉向在巴拉巴拉金礦項目進行空調鑽探,或者在卡拉薩地區的金和金銅(+-鉑鈀金)目標進行RC鑽探,具體取決於遺產調查的時間和預計在2024年7月下旬獲得的最終批准。

Balla Balla is an emerging exploration project centred on the Sholl Shear and associated potentially fertile structural corridors undercover. The Project is considered prospective for intrusion-hosted gold mineralisation, in addition to structurally controlled gold. Geophysical interpretation and research of historical data completed in 2023 advanced the Company's understanding of prospectivity in the project area and further delineated targets for follow-up work in 2024. A reconnaissance AC program is currently in planning for drilling in H2 2024.

Balla Balla是一個新興的勘探項目,以Sholl Shear和相關的潛在肥沃的地下結構走廊爲中心。除了結構控制的黃金外,該項目還被認爲具有入侵承載的金礦化的前景。對2023年完成的歷史數據的地球物理解釋和研究提高了公司對項目區域前景的理解,並進一步確定了2024年後續工作的目標。目前正計劃在2024年下半年進行鑽探的空調偵察計劃。

In the Karratha District, the maiden ~3,500 m RC drill program is planned to test three significant gold and gold-copper(+-platinum-palladium) targets at North Whundo, Railway Bore and East Well.



分析方法 — 交流鑽探

AC drilling is utilised as a first pass technique testing for gold mineralisation and anomalous pathfinder geochemistry in basement rocks under cover. The drilling methodology is rapid and low cost, with a low impact footprint, enabling large systematic programs to be completed in a cost effective and timely manner.


One metre AC drill samples are collected from the drill rig through a cyclone and placed on the ground in piles for geological quantitative and qualitative logging. These piles are then speared as four-meter composites.


All AC chip samples are sent to ALS in Perth, Western Australia and each sample is dried, split, crushed and pulverised to 85% passing 75μm. 11 elements assayed with aqua regia mass spectrometry (ALS Lab Code ME-MS43) with an additional 29 elements assayed with aqua regia ICP-AES finish (ALS Lab Code ME-ICP43),) and trace-level gold by 25 g aqua regia (ICP-MS). All AC holes end with a 1 m bottom of hole sample using the ME-MS61 method with Au by 30 g fire assay (Au-ICP21). Anomalous AC composites, greater than 0.1 ppm gold over 4 m, are re-split to 1 m samples and were assayed using 30 g Au fire assay with ICP finish (ALS Lab Code, Au-ICP21) and high-grade results >10 ppm Au were assayed by fire assay and gravimetric finish (ALS Lab Code Au-GRA21). Multielement analysis was conducted using four acid digest followed by ICP-MS finish for 61 elements (ALS Lab Code ME-MS61).

所有空調芯片樣本都被送往西澳大利亞州珀斯的ALS,每個樣品經過75微米的乾燥、分裂、粉碎和粉碎至85%。使用王水質譜法(ALS實驗室代碼 ME-MS43)測定了11種元素,另外29種元素採用王水ICP-AES表面處理(ALS實驗室代碼 ME-ICP43)進行測定),微量級金按25克王水(ICP-MS)進行測定。所有 AC 孔的末端均採用 ME-MS61 方法,採用 Au 按 30 g 的火焰試驗 (Au-ICP21) 進行試驗,採用 1 米的孔底樣品。超過4米的含金量超過0.1 ppm的異常空調複合材料被重新分解爲1米樣品,並使用經過ICP表面處理的30 g金火焰試驗(ALS實驗室代碼,Au-ICP21)進行化驗,通過火焰試驗和重量法完成了>10 ppm金的高等級結果(ALS實驗室代碼Au-Gra21)。多元素分析是使用四種酸性摘要進行的,然後對61種元素進行ICP-MS處理(ALS實驗室代碼 ME-MS61)。

QAQC procedures for the program include insertion of certified coarse blanks (minimum rate 2%), certified standards (CRMs minimum rate 2%) and routine duplicate sampling. AC samples are generally of good quality and appropriate for delineation of geochemical trends but are not used in any Mineral Resource estimates.



分析方法 — RC 鑽探

RC drilling is an industry standard technique to test for gold mineralisation and pathfinder geochemistry in basement rocks under cover. The drilling methodology is of moderate cost and impact but achieves a high sample quality.

RC 鑽探是一種行業標準技術,用於測試掩護下基底岩石中的金礦化和探路者地球化學。該鑽探方法的成本和影響適中,但樣品質量很高。

RC sampling is carried out by a cone splitter on the rig cyclone. Drill cuttings are sampled on a 1 m basis in bedrock, and 4 m composite basis in cover. Geological quantitative and qualitative logging is then completed from bulk reject material on the drill pad.

RC 採樣由鑽機旋風分離器上的圓錐分離器進行。在基岩中以 1 米爲基礎對鑽屑進行採樣,在掩體中以 4 米爲基礎對鑽屑進行採樣。然後,對鑽臺上的散裝廢棄物進行地質定量和定性記錄。

All RC chip samples are sent to ALS in Perth, Western Australia, with each sample dried, split, crushed and pulverised to 85% passing 75μm. Analysis is by 30 g fire assay with ICP-finish (ALS Lab Code, Au-ICP21) for gold, and for multielement geochemistry using four acid digest followed by ICP-MS finish for 61 elements (ALS Lab Code ME-MS61). High range gold results (> 10 ppm Au) are repeated (ALS Lab Code Au-GRA21) and ore grade Ag (>100 ppm Ag) Cu, Pb & Zn (>10,000 ppm) are assayed by OG62.

所有 RC 芯片樣本都被送往西澳大利亞州珀斯的 ALS,每個樣品經過75μm的乾燥、分裂、粉碎和粉碎至85%。對金進行30g的火焰分析,使用ICP-finish(ALS實驗室代碼,Au-ICP21)進行分析,使用四種酸性摘要進行多元素地球化學,然後對61種元素進行ICP-MS處理(ALS實驗室代碼 ME-MS61)。重複高範圍金結果(> 10 ppm Au)(ALS 實驗室代碼 Au-gra21),礦石級銀(>100 ppm Ag)銅、鉛和鋅(>10,000 ppm)由 OG62 檢測。

QAQC procedures for the program include insertion of certified coarse blanks (minimum rate 2%), certified standards (CRMs minimum rate 2%) and routine duplicate sampling.


RC sample sizes are considered appropriate for the material sampled and considered representative and appropriate for this type of drilling. RC samples can be used in a Mineral Resource estimate.

RC 樣本大小被認爲適合抽樣材料,被認爲具有代表性,也適合此類鑽探。RC 樣本可用於礦產資源估算。

Authorised for release by the Board of Directors.




Mike Spreadborough
+61 8 6400 6100
North American Queries:
Leo Karabelas
+1 416 543 3120
Cameron Gilenko
+61 466 984 953
+61 8 6400 6100
+1 416 543 3120
+61 466 984 953


QP 聲明

Ms. Karen (Kas) De Luca (MAIG), is the qualified person, as defined under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, responsible for, and having reviewed and approved, the technical information contained in this news release. Ms De Luca is Novo's General Manger Exploration.

根據國家文書 43-101 的定義,Karen (Kas) De Luca 女士 (MAIG) 是合格人員 礦產項目披露標準,對本新聞稿中包含的技術信息負責,並已審查和批准。德盧卡女士是Novo的勘探總經理。


JORC 合規聲明

The information in this news release that relates to Exploration Results at the Becher Project have been reported by De Grey Mining Ltd (Novo's joint venture partner in the Egina JV) in its announcement titled 'Greater Hemi and Regional Exploration update' on 13 February 2024, which is available to view at . The Company is not aware of any reason to indicate that the form and context in which the Competent Person's findings are presented in that announcement have been materially modified from the original market announcement.

德格雷礦業有限公司(Novo在埃吉納合資企業中的合資夥伴)在2024年2月13日發佈的題爲 “大半島和區域勘探最新情況” 的公告中報道了本新聞稿中與Becher項目勘探結果有關的信息,該公告可在以下網址查看。該公司不知道有任何理由表明該公告中主管人員調查結果的形式和背景已與最初的市場公告相比進行了重大修改。



Some statements in this news release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian and Australian securities law and regulations. In this news release, such statements include but are not limited to planned exploration activities and the timing of such. These statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Such factors include, without limitation, customary risks of the resource industry and the risk factors identified in Novo's annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2023 (which is available under Novo's profile on SEDAR+ at and at in the Company's prospectus dated 2 August 2023 which is available at . Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date those statements are made. Except as required by applicable law, Novo assumes no obligation to update or to publicly announce the results of any change to any forward-looking statement contained or incorporated by reference herein to reflect actual results, future events or developments, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting the forward-looking statements. If Novo updates any forward-looking statement(s), no inference should be drawn that the Company will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿中的某些陳述可能包含加拿大和澳大利亞證券法律法規所指的 “前瞻性陳述”。在本新聞稿中,此類聲明包括但不限於計劃中的勘探活動及其時間。這些聲明涉及未來的事件和狀況,因此涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果、業績或成就與聲明所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。這些因素包括但不限於資源行業的慣常風險以及截至2023年12月31日止年度的Novo年度信息表中確定的風險因素(該表可在Novo在SEDAR+上的簡介中查閱,可在公司2023年8月2日的招股說明書中查閱,該招股說明書可在以下網址查閱)。前瞻性陳述僅代表這些陳述發表之日。除非適用法律要求,否則Novo沒有義務更新或公開宣佈此處包含或以引用方式納入的任何前瞻性陳述的任何變更的結果,以反映實際業績、未來事件或發展、假設變化或影響前瞻性陳述的其他因素的變化。如果Novo更新了任何前瞻性陳述,則不應推斷公司將對這些陳述或其他前瞻性陳述進行更多更新。



Novo is an Australian based gold explorer listed on the ASX and the TSX focused on discovering standalone gold projects with > 1 Moz development potential. Novo is an innovative gold explorer with a significant land package covering approximately 6,700 square kilometres in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, along with the 22 square kilometre Belltopper project in the Bendigo Tectonic Zone of Victoria, Australia.

Novo是一家總部位於澳大利亞的黃金勘探公司,在澳大利亞證券交易所和多倫多證券交易所上市,專注於發現具有>1 Moz開發潛力的獨立黃金項目。Novo是一家創新的黃金勘探公司,在西澳大利亞州皮爾巴拉地區擁有佔地約6,700平方千米的大量土地,以及位於澳大利亞維多利亞州本迪戈構造區的22平方千米的Belltopper項目。

Novo's key project area is the Egina Gold Camp, where De Grey Mining (ASX: DEG) is farming-in to form a JV at the Becher Project and surrounding tenements through exploration expenditure of A$25 million within 4 years for a 50% interest. The Becher Project has similar geological characteristics to De Grey's 12.7 Moz Hemi Project5. Novo is also advancing gold exploration at Nunyerry North, part of the Croyden JV (Novo 70%: Creasy Group 30%), where 2023 exploration drilling identified significant gold mineralisation. Novo continues to undertake early-stage exploration across its Pilbara tenement portfolio.

Novo的關鍵項目區域是埃吉納金礦場,德格雷礦業(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:DEG)正在那裏開採,在四年內通過2500萬澳元的勘探支出在Becher項目及周邊礦權地組建合資企業,以獲得50%的權益。Becher 項目的地質特徵與 De Grey 的 12.7 Moz Hemi 項目相似5。Novo還在推進Nunyerry North的黃金勘探,該合資公司是克羅伊登合資公司(Novo 70%:Creasy Group 30%)的一部分,2023年那裏的勘探鑽探發現了重要的金礦化區。Novo繼續對其皮爾巴拉物業組合進行早期勘探。

Novo has also formed lithium joint ventures with both Liatam and SQM in the Pilbara which provides shareholder exposure to battery metals.


Novo has a significant investment portfolio and a disciplined program in place to identify value accretive opportunities that will build further value for shareholders.


Please refer to Novo's website for further information including the latest Corporate Presentation.


5 Refer to De Grey ASX Announcement, Hemi Gold Project Resource Update, dated 21 November 2023. No assurance can be given that a similar (or any) commercially viable mineral deposit will be determined at Novo's Becher Project.

5 請參閱2023年11月21日的德格雷澳大利亞證券交易所公告《Hemi Gold項目資源更新》。無法保證Novo的Becher項目將確定類似(或任何)商業上可行的礦牀。

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at


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