
HEALWELL AI Announces Strategic Investment in XAI to Accelerate Development of Healthcare Focused Large Language Models That Benefit From XAI Developer Ecosystem

HEALWELL AI Announces Strategic Investment in XAI to Accelerate Development of Healthcare Focused Large Language Models That Benefit From XAI Developer Ecosystem

HEALWELL 人工智能宣佈戰略性投資 XAI,加速開發受益於 XAI 開發者生態系統的醫療重點大型語言模型。
newsfile ·  06/26 03:15
  • HEALWELL completes USD $2,000,000 strategic investment into an xAI investment vehicle as part of its capital allocation strategy where it seeks to enhance and accelerate the development of its healthcare focused data science capabilities by partnering with world class platforms and seeking opportunities to integrate them with its own proprietary data and technology.
  • HEALWELL has made this investment through Think 1st Principles ("T1P"), an investment fund founded by HEALWELL shareholder and strategic advisor Massimo Agostinelli, which is the "Muskonomy" arm (Elon Musk oriented fund) of the prominent Agostinelli Family Office backed by billionaire patriarch Robert F. Agostinelli of Rhone Group.
  • With this investment, HEALWELL will have access to the closed xAI Developer Program with an opportunity to leverage xAI resources and expertise, including various large language models ("LLMs"), that have the potential to enhance the Company's product development efforts.
  • HEALWELL完成200萬美元戰略投資,作爲其資本配置策略的一部分,將加強和加速與世界一流平台合作,尋求整合其自有專有數據和技術,以增強其面向醫療保健的數據科學能力。
  • HEALWELL通過Think 1 Principles進行了這項投資21世紀醫療改革法案("T1P"),這是HEALWELL股東和戰略顧問Massimo Agostinelli創立的投資基金,它是備受億萬富翁Robert F. Agostinelli的Rhône Group支持的重要家族辦公室的“Muskonomy”部門(以Elon Musk爲導向的基金)。通過此項投資,HEALWELL將獲得訪問封閉的xAI開發者計劃的機會,並有機會利用xAI的資源和專業知識,包括各種大型語言模型("LLMs"),這些模型有潛力增強公司的產品開發努力。在此投資中,HEALWELL通過T1P投資工具的間接方式完成了X.AI Corp.("xAI")的融資輪。它是由Elon Musk於2023年創立的一家人工智能公司。這項機會是由股東和戰略顧問Massimo Agostinelli通過Agostinelli家族辦公室的T1P Muskonomy部門提供給HEALWELL的。
  • Mr. Massimo Agostinelli評論說: "T1P致力於讓我們的合作伙伴,包括HEALWELL,直接進入並參與Muskonomy,以支持和投資於基於“首先原則”哲學的Elon Musk公司生態系統。我很高興HEALWELL通過這項投資支持Elon Musk和xAI,這是一家專注於預防性醫療保健的領先北美人工智能醫療技術公司。" 艾戈斯蒂內利繼續說道:"與Brian Paes-Braga合作十多年後,越來越清楚的是,HEALWELL和xAI之間的潛在協同效應需要得到探索。我期待着看到這兩個公司能夠一起實現什麼樣的成就。"除了這項戰略投資外,HEALWELL還將獲得訪問封閉的xAI開發者計劃的機會;這將允許HEALWELL利用xAI的世界領先的技術和人工智能專業知識和資源。這種訪問將爲HEALWELL提供重大機會,以增強和加速其產品開發能力,並微調大型語言模型(LLMs),這些模型可能受益於xAI開發人員生態系統和獨特的數據集。與xAI生態系統共同微調的模型可以與HEALWELL已經微調的LLMs配對,預計這樣的模型對於科學和臨床研究將非常有用。Pentavere的首席技術官Steven Aviv先生評論說:"隨着我們開始這個獨特的合作伙伴關係,HEALWELL有許多潛在的技術收益。除了提供全球人工智能思想領袖和複雜開發工具的訪問權限外,xAI平台獨特關注於增強模型解釋性也是重點之一。了解大型、複雜的AI模型做出決策的詳細原因在醫療保健領域中至關重要,這可能是與我們的客戶差異化的重要點。再加上X上活動的臨床討論中豐富的數據集以及我們通過WELL Health生態系統和Pentavere醫院網絡獲取的數據集,這對於科學和臨床研究將會非常有用。"

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 26, 2024) - HEALWELL AI Inc. (TSX: AIDX) (OTCQX: HWAIF) ("HEALWELL" or the "Company"), a healthcare technology company focused on AI and data science for preventative care, is pleased to announce that it has completed a USD $2,000,000 strategic investment, indirectly through a T1P investment vehicle, in a financing round of X.AI Corp. ("xAI"), an artificial intelligence company founded by Elon Musk in 2023. This opportunity has been made available for HEALWELL by shareholder and strategic advisor Massimo Agostinelli through the T1P Muskonomy arm of the Agostinelli Family Office backed by patriarch billionaire Robert F. Agostinelli of Rhone Group.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年6月26日)-HEALWELL AI Inc.(TSX:AIDX)(OTCQX:HWAIF)("公司"),一家專注於預防性保健的醫療技術公司,很高興宣佈,它已經間接通過T1P投資工具成功完成了對由Elon Musk於2023年創立的人工智能公司X.AI Corp. ("xAI")進行的200萬美元戰略投資。這個機會是由股東和戰略顧問Massimo Agostinelli通過家族辦公室備受億萬富翁Rhone Group支持的Agostinelli Family Office的T1P Muskonomy部門提供給HEALWELL的。HEALWELL"或"公司HWAIFxAI")是由埃隆·馬斯克於2023年創立的人工智能公司。這個機會是通過T1P Muskonomy經營的Agostinelli家族辦公室的股東和戰略顧問Massimo Agostinelli提供給HEALWELL的,並得到Rhône Group億萬富翁羅伯特·F·阿戈斯蒂涅利支持。

Mr. Massimo Agostinelli comments, "T1P is dedicated to giving our partners, including HEALWELL, direct access to and participation in the Muskonomy in order to support and invest in the Elon Musk ecosystem of companies based on the philosophy "think first principles". I am very pleased to be supporting Elon Musk and xAI through this investment made by HEALWELL, a leading North American healthcare artificial intelligence company focused on preventative care." Agostinelli continues, "After over a decade of being partnered with Brian Paes-Braga, an early investor in HEALWELL, it became increasingly clear that the potential synergies between HEALWELL and xAI needed to be explored. I look forward to seeing what these two companies are capable of achieving together."

Mr. Massimo Agostinelli評論說: "T1P致力於讓我們的合作伙伴,包括HEALWELL,直接進入並參與Muskonomy,以支持和投資於基於“首先原則”哲學的Elon Musk公司生態系統。我很高興HEALWELL通過這項投資支持Elon Musk和xAI,這是一家專注於預防性醫療保健的領先北美人工智能醫療技術公司。"

Along with this strategic investment, HEALWELL will have access to the closed xAI Developer Program; allowing HEALWELL to leverage the world-leading technical and AI oriented expertise and resources of xAI. This access will provide HEALWELL with a significant opportunity to enhance and accelerate its product development capabilities and fine-tune Large Language Models ("LLMs") that may benefit from the xAI developer ecosystem and unique datasets. Models fine-tuned in conjunction with the xAI ecosystem could be paired with the LLMs that HEALWELL has already fine-tuned and it is expected that such models could be highly useful for scientific and clinical inquiry.


Mr. Steven Aviv, Chief Technology Officer of Pentavere, a HEALWELL subsidiary, commented, "There are many potential technology benefits for HEALWELL as we embark on this unique partnership. In addition to providing access to global AI thought leaders and sophisticated development tools, the xAI platform is uniquely focused on enhancing model explainability. Understanding in detail why a large, complex AI model makes the decisions it does is paramount in healthcare and could be an important point of differentiation to our customers. Paired with the rich datasets from active clinical discussions on X and our impressive access to datasets through the WELL Health ecosystem and Pentavere hospital network, this could be highly useful for scientific and clinical enquiry."

Pentavere的首席技術官Steven Aviv先生評論說:"隨着我們開始這個獨特的合作伙伴關係,HEALWELL有許多潛在的技術收益。除了提供全球人工智能思想領袖和複雜開發工具的訪問權限外,xAI平台獨特關注於增強模型解釋性也是重點之一。了解大型、複雜的AI模型做出決策的詳細原因在醫療保健領域中至關重要,這可能是與我們的客戶差異化的重要點。再加上X上活動的臨床討論中豐富的數據集以及我們通過WELL Health生態系統和Pentavere醫院網絡獲取的數據集,這對於科學和臨床研究將會非常有用。"

Dr. Alexander Dobranowski, CEO of HEALWELL, added, "We are very pleased to be partnering with xAI, one of the most valuable AI companies globally. This strategic investment marks a significant opportunity for HEALWELL and provides a privileged position in one of the world's best capitalized and most ambitious AI companies. In addition, access to the closed xAI developer ecosystem provides meaningful opportunity for the HEALWELL team to leverage the best-in-class talent and resources at xAI."

HEALWELL的首席執行官Alexander Dobranowski博士補充道:"我們很高興與全球最有價值的人工智能公司之一xAI合作。這項戰略投資爲HEALWELL提供了一個重大機會,使公司處於世界上資本最充足、最雄心勃勃的人工智能公司之一的特權位置。此外,訪問封閉的xAI開發者生態系統爲HEALWELL團隊提供了利用xAI最優秀人才和資源的重要機會。"

This investment round marks the first time xAI has accepted outside capital to fuel its future growth prospects.


Dr. Alexander Dobranowski
Chief Executive Officer



HEALWELL是一家專注於AI和數據科學的醫療技術公司,專注於預防保健。其使命是通過疾病的早期識別和發現來改善醫療保健並拯救生命。利用其獨有的專有技術,該公司正在開發和商業化先進的臨床決策支持系統,可以幫助醫療保健提供者檢測罕見和慢性疾病,提高他們的實踐效率,最終幫助提高患者的健康結果。HEALWELL正在執行以技術和臨床科學能力的發展和收購爲中心的戰略,這些能力與公司的路線圖相互補充。HEALWELL在多倫多證券交易所 (TSX) 上公開交易,股票代碼爲“AIDX”,在OTC Exchange上下市,股票代碼爲“HWAIF”。如果想了解更多HEALWELL的信息,請訪問

HEALWELL is a healthcare technology company focused on AI and data science for preventative care. Its mission is to improve healthcare and save lives through early identification and detection of disease. Using its own proprietary technology, the Company is developing and commercializing advanced clinical decision support systems that can help healthcare providers detect rare and chronic diseases, improve efficiency of their practice and ultimately help improve patient health outcomes. HEALWELL is executing a strategy centered around developing and acquiring technology and clinical sciences capabilities that complement the Company's road map. HEALWELL is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") under the symbol "AIDX" and on the OTC Exchange under the symbol "HWAIF". To learn more about HEALWELL, please visit .

HEALWELL是一家重點關注人工智能和數據科學的醫療科技公司,致力於通過對疾病的早期識別和檢測來改善醫療保健,拯救生命。 該公司正在開發和商業化先進的臨床決策支持系統,以幫助醫療保健提供者檢測罕見和慢性疾病,提高診所效率,最終幫助改善患者的健康結果。HEALWELL正在執行圍繞開發和獲取能夠補充公司路線圖的技術和臨床科學能力的戰略。HEALWELL在多倫多證券交易所(“TSX”)上公開交易,證券代碼爲“AIDX”,在OTC Exchange上交易代碼爲“HWAIF”。欲了解更多關於HEALWELL的信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this press release, constitute "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws and are based on assumptions, expectations, estimates and projections as of the date of this press release. Forward-Looking statements in this press release include statements with respect to, among other things, the potential synergies and opportunities afforded to the Company through its investment in xAI. Forward-Looking statements are often, but not always, identified by words or phrases such as "seek", "opportunity", "potential", "improve", "expect", "future", "plan", "position", "opportunity" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain future conditions, actions, events or results "will", "may", "could", "would", "should", "might" or "can" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms . Forward-Looking statements are necessarily based upon management's perceptions of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as a number of specific factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by HEALWELL as of the date of such statements, are outside of HEALWELL's control and are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies which could result in the forward-looking statements ultimately being entirely or partially incorrect or untrue. Forward-Looking statements contained in this press release are based on various assumptions, including, but not limited to, the following: HEALWELL's ability to foster and maintain its business relationships, including with xAI; HEALWELL's ability to access and leverage xAI's technology, datasets and expertise; trends in customer growth; HEALWELL's ability to develop new technologies and the timelines on which they can be developed; new technologies functioning as expected; customers adopting and using new technologies and services as expected; the need to develop increasingly innovative products and services; competition in the industry; the stability of general economic and market conditions; HEALWELL's ability to comply with applicable laws and regulations; HEALWELL's continued compliance with third party intellectual property rights; and that the risk factors noted below, collectively, do not have a material impact on HEALWELL's business, operations, revenues and/or results. By their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that may be general or specific and which give rise to the possibility that expectations, forecasts, predictions, projections, or conclusions will not prove to be accurate, that assumptions may not be correct, and that objectives, strategic goals and priorities will not be achieved.


Known and unknown risk factors, many of which are beyond the control of HEALWELL, could cause the actual results of HEALWELL to differ materially from the results, performance, achievements, or developments expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risk factors include but are not limited to those factors which are discussed under the section entitled "Risk Factors" in HEALWELL's most recent annual information form dated April 1, 2024, which is available under HEALWELL's SEDAR+ profile at . The risk factors are not intended to represent a complete list of the factors that could affect HEALWELL and the reader is cautioned to consider these and other factors, uncertainties and potential events carefully and not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-Looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's expectations and plans relating to the future. HEALWELL disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law. All of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements.


For more information:


Pardeep S. Sangha
Investor Relations, HEALWELL AI Inc.
Phone: 604-572-6392

Pardeep S. Sangha
投資者關係,HEALWELL AI Inc。

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