
Monster Energy, The Official Energy Drink Partner of Summer X Games Ventura 2024, Announces Team Roster of Competing Athletes

Monster Energy, The Official Energy Drink Partner of Summer X Games Ventura 2024, Announces Team Roster of Competing Athletes

Monster能源化工,夏季X Games Ventura 2024官方能量飲料合作伙伴,宣佈競技運動員名單
PR Newswire ·  06/26 08:13

70th Edition of World's Premier Action Sports Spectacle to Showcase 150 of the Best Skateboard, BMX, Moto X, and Skateboard Athletes at Ventura County Fairgrounds & Events Center from June 28-30

70th世界領先的動作運動盛會的版,將在文圖拉縣展覽中心舉行。自6月28日至30日,150名最佳滑板,BMX,Moto X和滑板運動員將亮相。

CORONA, Calif., June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Prepare for the best edition of Summer X Games ever! Known as the world's leading showcase in action sports competition, X Games Ventura 2024 will stoke fans across the globe with 150 elite athletes competing in 19 medal events at Ventura County Fairgrounds & Events Center from June 28-30, 2024.

加州科羅納,2024年6月26日 /美通社/ —— 爲史上最佳夏季X遊戲做好準備!作爲世界領先的動作運動比賽展示,X Games Ventura 2024將會在文圖拉縣展覽中心舉行,吸引全球粉絲,150名精英運動員將在19個獎牌項目中競爭,比賽將於2024年6月28日至30日進行。

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Monster Energy, The Official Energy Drink Partner of Summer X Games Ventura 2024, Announces Team Roster of Competing Athletes
作爲X Games Ventura 2024官方能量飲料合作伙伴的怪物能量飲料宣佈了參賽運動員的團隊名單。

Monster Energy, the official energy drink partner of X Games, is ready to send its team of world-class athletes in competitive Skateboarding, BMX, and freestyle motocross to Summer X Games Ventura 2024. This release announces the official line-up of competing athletes for the event, ready to Unleash the Beast.

X Games官方能量飲料合作伙伴怪物能量飲料已準備好向夏季X Games Ventura 2024派遣其世界一流的競技滑板,BMX和自由式摩托車運動員團隊。本次發佈宣佈了參賽運動員的官方陣容,準備好...釋放野獸.

Summer X Games Ventura 2024 presented by SONIC marks the 70th edition of X Games since the event's inception in 1995. For three days, the global sports action community will focus on Ventura County Fairgrounds & Events Center for history-making sports performances and full-fledged festival experiences featuring fan activations alongside special musical guest performances headlined by Kaskade and Wiz Khalifa.

作爲1995年首次舉辦以來的最新一屆,X Games Ventura 2024由SONIC呈現,是X Games的第70個版。接下來的三天,全球運動行業將聚焦文圖拉縣展覽中心,見證歷史性的運動表演,欣賞由Kaskade和Wiz Khalifa領銜的特別音樂嘉賓表演,並享受與特別嘉賓表演伴隨的全面體驗。thX Games Ventura 2024將有來自21個國家的150名運動員在三個運動中參加19個項目的獎牌競爭。比賽將通過推出兩個新的獎牌項目,使女子勢頭更受關注:準備在文圖拉亮相的女子BMX Park和女子滑板垂直最佳技巧。在保持最高水平的比賽中,X Games加利福尼亞州比賽是邀請制活動,僅限多次X Games獎牌得主和具有高度競爭力的新人蔘加。

X Games Ventura 2024 will feature 150 athletes from 21 countries competing for 57 medals in 19 events across three sports. The contest will elevate women's action sports by introducing two new medaled disciplines: Prepare for the debut of Women's BMX Park and Women's Skateboard Vert Best Trick in Ventura. Maintaining the highest level of riding, X Games California is contested as an invite-only event reserved for multiple-time X Games medalists and highly competitive newcomers.

所有比賽都將在美國廣播公司(ABC/ESPN2)進行直播,特別關注體育和流行文化播客“無拘無束與Dingo、Danny和Brittney伴隨怪物能量”的生活節目,6月28日中午至下午1點,6月29日上午11點至中午12點,6月30日中午至下午1點,直播來自X Games Ventura的幕後視頻。

All competitions will be live-streamed on YouTube and Twitch, as well as broadcast during specific windows on ABC/ESPN2. Also, look forward to special live episodes of the sports and pop culture podcast UNLEASHED with The Dingo, Danny, and Brittney, Fueled by Monster Energy, streamed on Twitch from behind the scenes at X Games Ventura on June 28 from noon to 1 p.m. PT, June 29 from 11 a.m. to noon, and June 30 from noon to 1 p.m.

所有比賽都將在體育平台上直播。YouTube和頁面。Twitch在特定時間段內也會進行廣播。農業銀行/ESPN2同時,期待特別的現場直播體育和流行文化播客“無拘無束與Dingo、Danny和Brittney伴隨怪物能量”。推特更新怪物能量從門後的X Games Ventura 2024獲得獨家消息,包括實時照片、視頻和比賽結果。從6月28日中午到下午1點,從6月29日上午11點到中午12點,從6月30日中午到下午1點,在Twitch上播放體育和流行文化播客“無拘無束與Dingo、Danny和Brittney伴隨怪物能量”特別的現場直播節目。

As the official energy drink sponsor of X Games Ventura 2024, Monster Energy is ready to bring the stoke with a stacked team of riders, including defending X Games gold medalists, action sports icons, and upcoming rookies. Look out for the following Monster Energy athletes at X Games Ventura 2024:

作爲X Games Ventura 2024官方能量飲料贊助商,怪物能量飲料準備帶來堆積如山的車手陣容,包括衛冕X Games金牌得主、動作運動偶像和新秀。關注以下怪物能量車手,他們將在X Games Ventura 2024上表現出色:

Make sure to watch X Games Ventura 2024 from June 28-30 when the Monster Energy team steps up, ready to Unleash the Beast!

請務必在6月28日至30日觀看X Games Ventura 2024比賽,屆時怪物團隊將會展現野獸之能。釋放野獸!

During the countdown to the big event, visit for exclusive updates from X Games Ventura 2024, including photos, videos, and contest results as they happen. Follow Monster Energy on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.

在大型活動前,訪問 ,獲取來自X Games Ventura 2024的獨家更新,包括照片、視頻和比賽結果。關注怪物能量與世界上最好的運動員團隊,在社交媒體上分享事件,結識類似的好友並獲取怪物能量的線下贊助商。YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, 推特和頁面。TikTok.

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SOURCE Monster Energy

來源:Monster Energy

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