
AARP Awards Grants to 10 Organizations in New York State as Part of Nationwide Program to Make Communities More Livable

AARP Awards Grants to 10 Organizations in New York State as Part of Nationwide Program to Make Communities More Livable

PR Newswire ·  06/26 12:00

ALBANY, N.Y. , June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, AARP New York announced 10 organizations throughout the state will receive 2024 Community Challenge grants – part of AARP's largest investment in communities to date with $3.8 million awarded among 343 organizations nationwide. Grantees will implement quick-action projects to improve livability for all.

紐約州奧爾巴尼,2024年6月26日 /PRNewswire/ — 今天,紐約美國退休人員協會宣佈,全州10個組織將獲得2024年社區挑戰賽補助金,這是美國退休人員協會迄今爲止對社區的最大投資的一部分,向全國343個組織發放了380萬美元。受贈方將實施快速行動項目,以改善所有人的宜居性。

"AARP New York is committed to working with local leaders, advocates and policymakers to make our communities better places to live for New Yorkers of all ages, especially those 50 and older," said AARP New York State Director Beth Finkel. "We are proud to collaborate with this year's grantees as they make immediate improvements to address long-standing and emerging challenges across our communities."

他說:“紐約美國退休人員協會致力於與當地領導人、倡導者和政策制定者合作,爲所有年齡段的紐約人,尤其是50歲及以上的紐約人提供更好的生活場所。” 美國退休人員協會紐約州董事貝絲·芬克爾。 “我們很自豪能與今年的受贈方合作,因爲他們立即進行了改進,以應對我們社區中長期存在和新出現的挑戰。”

Since 2017, nonprofit organizations and government entities across the state have received 47 grants and $571,588. This year's funded projects include:


Access to Independence of Cortland County Inc. will receive $2,500 to provide home safety training focused on the needs of older adults. Participants will receive low-cost home safety products for immediate use.

獲得《科特蘭縣獨立報》的權限 將獲得2,500美元,用於提供針對老年人需求的家庭安全培訓。參與者將獲得低成本的家居安全產品以供立即使用。

Forestdale Inc. in St. Albans, Queens, will receive $15,000 to recruit teenagers to teach digital skills to older adults. The initiative will help participants use the internet to conduct business, obtain benefits and reduce social isolation.

Forestdale Inc. 在皇后區聖奧爾本斯將獲得15,000美元,用於招募青少年向老年人傳授數字技能。該計劃將幫助參與者使用互聯網開展業務,獲得福利並減少社交隔離。

Good Old Lower East Side Inc. will receive $15,000 to provide older adults with bilingual technology and emergency preparedness education. This includes how-to workshops on cellphone and computer use and instruction on avoiding digital scams and phishing.

Good Old 下東區公司 將獲得15,000美元,用於爲老年人提供雙語技術和應急準備教育。這包括有關手機和計算機使用的入門研討會以及有關避免數字詐騙和網絡釣魚的指導。

Lifespan of Greater Rochester Inc. will receive $10,000 for a volunteer driver program to provide older adults transportation to attend medical appointments, grocery shop and run errands. Volunteers will also accompany older residents for out-patient medical procedures.

大羅切斯特公司的壽命 將獲得10,000美元,用於一項志願司機計劃,爲老年人提供醫療預約、雜貨店和跑腿的交通工具。志願者還將陪同老年居民進行門診醫療手術。

Ontario County Office for the Aging will receive $20,000 to provide pedicab bicycles, solo tricycles and helmets for county residents age 50 and older. The bikes and trikes will allow older adults to participate in the county's riding events, which emphasize health and safety.

安大略縣老齡化辦公室 將獲得20,000美元,用於爲50歲及以上的縣民提供三輪車自行車、單人三輪車和頭盔。自行車和三輪車將允許老年人蔘加該縣的騎行活動,這些活動強調健康和安全。

St. Paul's Center in Colonie will receive $20,000 to help construct 16 one-bedroom apartments in a supportive housing community for older adults experiencing homelessness. The Center will also host a series of health literacy, wellness and aging-in-place workshops for residents.

聖保羅中心 在科隆尼將獲得20,000美元,用於在支持性住房社區中爲無家可歸的老年人建造16套一居室公寓。該中心還將爲居民舉辦一系列健康素養、健康和居家養老研討會。

Street Lab will receive $10,000 to create a pop-up cooling station for use during hot summer months at three locations near apartments for older adults in the Bronx. The cooling station will include accessible seating, shade umbrellas, plants and elements that produce mist.

街頭實驗室 將獲得10,000美元,用於在炎熱的夏季在布朗克斯區老年人公寓附近的三個地點建造一個彈出式冷卻站。冷卻站將包括無障礙座椅、遮陽傘、植物和產生霧氣的元素。

Transportation Alternatives Inc. will receive $2,500 to conduct audits through communities surrounding Manhattan's Canal Street corridor that will identify possible pedestrian safety improvements. The area has recorded 1,000 injuries over the course of a decade.

交通替代公司 將獲得2,500美元,用於對曼哈頓運河街走廊周圍的社區進行審計,以確定可能的行人安全改善措施。在過去的十年中,該地區記錄了1,000人受傷。

Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region Inc. will receive $2,500 to conduct a series of walk audits in Albany's South End neighborhood that will address road safety and violence prevention.

首都地區三一聯盟有限公司 將獲得2,500美元,用於在奧爾巴尼南區社區進行一系列步行審計,以解決道路安全和暴力預防問題。

Village of Rye Brook will receive $4,975 to create a community garden at a senior center. The space will allow volunteer gardeners to grow fresh produce for older adults in need.

萊伊布魯克村 將獲得4,975美元,用於在老年人中心建造社區花園。該空間將允許志願園丁爲有需要的老年人種植新鮮農產品。

This year, AARP awarded three different grant opportunities, including flagship grants; capacity-building microgrants for improving walkability, bikeability and accessible home modification; and demonstration grants that focus on equitable engagement to reconnect communities, housing choice design competitions and improving digital connections to endure disasters.

今年,美國退休人員協會授予了三種不同的補助機會,包括 旗艦補助金; 能力建設小額補助金 用於改善步行便利性、可騎行性和無障礙家居改裝;以及 示威補助金 這些活動側重於公平參與重建社區、住房選擇設計競賽和改善數字連接以抵禦災難。

With funding support from Toyota Motor North America, the program is increasing its investment in pedestrian safety projects to improve streets and sidewalks, create vibrant pedestrian infrastructure, engage community members and more. AARP is also bolstering its investment in community resilience, rural communities and addressing disparities.


"Whether it's helping people access high speed internet or protecting public transit riders from rain and snow, small community projects can have a big impact on people of all ages," said Nancy LeaMond, AARP Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy & Engagement Officer. "AARP Community Challenge grantees make our commitment to creating better places to live a reality through quick, innovative solutions."


The grant program is part of AARP's nationwide Livable Communities initiative, which supports the efforts of cities, towns, neighborhoods and rural areas to become great places to live for people of all ages, with an emphasis on people ages 50 and older. AARP Community Challenge grant projects will be funded in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. True to the program's quick-action nature, projects must be completed by December 15, 2024.


View the full list of grantees and their project descriptions at and learn more about AARP's livable communities work at


About AARP
AARP is the nation's largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to the more than 100 million Americans 50-plus and their families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit , or follow @AARP, @AARPenEspañol and @AARPadvocates on social media.

美國退休人員協會是美國最大的非營利、無黨派組織,致力於讓50歲及以上的人能夠隨着年齡的增長選擇自己的生活方式。AARP的業務遍及全國,旨在加強社區建設,倡導對超過1億50歲以上的美國人及其家庭最重要的事情:健康安全、財務穩定和個人成就感。美國退休人員協會還出版全國發行量最大的出版物:《美國退休人員協會雜誌》和《美國退休人員協會簡報》。要了解更多信息,請訪問或在社交媒體上關注 @AARP、@AARPenEspan “ol 和 @AARPadvocates”。


來源 AARP 紐約

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