
Seahawk Gold Corp. Announces Change of Business

Seahawk Gold Corp. Announces Change of Business

newsfile ·  06/26 12:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 26, 2024) - Seahawk Gold Corp. (CSE: SEAG) (OTC Pink: SEHKF) ("Seahawk") announces that it has entered into a letter agreement on June 25, 2024 with FlexGPU, an AI data center development company, which will involve the acquisition by Seahawk of all of the issued and outstanding shares of FlexGPU (the "Transaction"). On completion of the Transaction, Seahawk will carry on the business currently conducted by FlexGPU. The Transaction will constitute a change of business and a Fundamental Change under the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange (the "CSE"), and will require the approval of Seahawk's shareholders.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省 - (新聞稿 - 2024年6月26日) - Seahawk Gold Corp.(CSE:SEAG)(OTC Pink:SEHKF)("Seahawk宣佈已於2024年6月25日與AI數據中心開發公司FlexGPU達成書面協議,該協議將涉及Seahawk收購FlexGPU所有已發行未流通股份(“交易). 完成交易後,Seahawk將繼續進行由FlexGPU開展的業務。交易將構成CSE政策下的業務變更和根本性變化(“CSE”),並需要Seahawk股東的批准。

The letter agreement will be replaced by a definitive agreement between the parties setting out additional terms relating to the Transaction standard for a transaction of this nature (the "Definitive Agreement"), but is a binding agreement between the parties to undertake the Transaction. Seahawk following completion of the Transaction is referred to in this release as the "Resulting Issuer".

該書面協議將由雙方取代一份明確的協議,並設置與此類交易的交易標準相關的附加條款(“確定性協議”),但這是雙方之間承擔交易的具有約束力的協議。Seahawk在完成交易後被稱爲“”),其中供應商將在不稀釋的基礎上擁有約72.5%的最終權益,而現有的Cathedra股東將擁有剩餘的27.5%的最終權益。最初在股份交換協議中預料到的最終權益的比例爲77.5%和22.5%的供應商和Cathedra股東。雙方同意修改最終權益的比例,是由於與Kungsleden在北達科他州持有60兆瓦場站中持有25%的權益(相當於15兆瓦的擁有容量)有關的額外支出。 ".

Seahawk's CEO Giovanni Gasbarro commented, "I am very excited for what potential this Transaction brings to our shareholders, while giving the Company time to take care of its mineral assets."

Seahawk的首席執行官Giovanni Gasbarro評論說:“我爲這項交易所給我們的股東帶來的潛力感到非常興奮,同時也給公司留出了處理其礦產資產的時間。”"我爲這筆交易給我們的股東帶來的潛力感到非常興奮,同時讓公司有時間處理其礦產資產。"

Summary of the Transaction


Pursuant to the Transaction, Seahawk will acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of FlexGPU by issuing an aggregate of 10,000,000 common shares of Seahawk ("Consideration Shares") to FlexGPU's current shareholders (the "Vendors") in exchange for their FlexGPU shares. The Consideration Shares will be issued at a deemed price of $0.20 per Consideration Share.


Seahawk will issue an additional 20,000,000 common shares of Seahawk ("Performance Shares") to the Vendors at a deemed price of $0.20 per Performance Share. The Performance Shares will be held in escrow for release to the Vendors upon the Resulting Issuer satisfying certain performance-based release conditions to be set out in the Definitive Agreement. If the release conditions in the escrow agreement are not met, the Performance Shares will be returned to the Resulting Issuer and cancelled and returned to treasury. The Vendors may not exercise the voting rights attaching to the Performance Shares until they are released from escrow.


Prior to closing of the Transaction (the "Closing"), FlexGPU will complete a convertible debt financing to raise gross proceeds of $6,000,000. Seahawk will assume this debt at Closing, and the debt following such assumption will be convertible into Resulting Issuer shares at a price of $0.30 per share.

在交割之前(“結盤”),FlexGPU將完成可轉換債務融資,以籌集總收益爲6,000,000美元。Seahawk將在交割時承擔這筆債務,此後再將其轉換爲Resulting Issuer股票,轉換的價格爲0.30美元/股。

All directors' options of Seahawk will be retained by their respective holders, and subject to their terms, may be exercised prior to or following the Closing.


Following the Closing, other than Giovanni Gasbarro and Bruno Gasbarro, who shall continue to act as directors of the Resulting Issuer for a transition period to be agreed, all existing directors and officers of Seahawk will resign in favour of nominees of FlexGPU and as will be more particularly specified in the required information circular prepared in connection with the Transaction.

交易完成後,除Giovanni Gasbarro和Bruno Gasbarro將繼續擔任約定的過渡期內的Resulting Issuer董事外,Seahawk的所有現有董事和高管將辭職,由FlexGPU的提名人接替,並在與交易有關的必需信息循環中更詳細地指定。

The Resulting Issuer will continue to hold the mineral properties currently held by Seahawk following Closing, and will seek to find a buyer for these properties as soon as reasonably practicable following the Closing.

交割後,Resulting Issuer將繼續持有Seahawk目前持有的礦產權,並將儘快尋找其買家。

The Transaction is subject to the satisfactory completion of due diligence by Seahawk, the approval of the CSE and any other regulatory body having jurisdiction, and the approval of Seahawk's shareholders.


The agreement may be terminated by Seahawk at any time if it is not satisfied with the results of its due diligence investigations of FlexGPU, and may be terminated by either party if (a) the Definitive Agreement has not been entered into September 30, 2024; (b) the Closing has not taken place by November 30, 2024; or (c) the CSE indicates that it will not approve the Transaction.

如果Seahawk對FlexGPU的盡職調查結果不滿意,協議可以隨時被Seahawk終止;如果(a) 最終合同未於2024年9月30日之前簽訂;(b) 交割未於2024年11月30日之前完成;或者(c) CSE表示不批准交易,則任何一方均可終止協議。

Trading in Seahawk's stock was halted on the parties agreeing to the Transaction on June 25, 2024, and will remain halted. Further updates will be provided by Seahawk as it works towards the completion of the Transaction.


About Seahawk Gold Corp.

關於Seahawk Gold Corp。

Seahawk Gold Corp. is a publicly traded Canadian resource exploration company trading in Canada (CSE: SEAG), the U.S. (OTC Pink: SEHKF). Seahawk is the 100% owner four properties along the Urban-Barry Greenstone Belt in the Abitibi sub province of mining friendly Quebec, Canada.

Seahawk Gold Corp.是一家在加拿大交易(CSE:SEAG),在美國(OTC Pink:SEHKF)交易的上市加拿大資源勘探公司。Seahawk是加拿大礦業友好魁北克省Urban-Barry Greenstone帶上的四個物業的100%所有者。

For more information, please contact Seahawk Gold Corp. -

有關Dionis山羊奶護膚品的更多信息,請聯繫。Seahawk Gold Corp. -

Giovanni Gasbarro
CEO and Director at 1-604-939-1848

Giovanni Gasbarro
1-604-939-1848的首席執行官和董事Mitchell E. Lavery,P.Geo。

Mitchell E. Lavery, P.Geo.
President and Director at 1-613-298-1596

1-613-298-1596的總裁和董事Mitchell E. Lavery,P.Geo。

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