
Lenovo Recognized as the Winner of 2024 Microsoft Device Partner of the Year

Lenovo Recognized as the Winner of 2024 Microsoft Device Partner of the Year

聯想集團 ·  06/26 00:00

Lenovo today announced it has won the 2024 Microsoft Device Partner of the Year Award. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.

聯想今天宣佈榮獲2024年 Microsoft 設備合作伙伴年度獎項。在全球頂尖 Microsoft 合作伙伴的群體中,該公司榮獲此殊榮,以表彰其在基於 Microsoft 技術的客戶解決方案創新和實施方面的卓越表現。

"We are honored to be recognized as Microsoft's Device Partner of the year. Our strategic collaboration with Microsoft has never been stronger, and this achievement highlights our truly outstanding work in delivering devices, infrastructure, and solutions and services on Microsoft platforms to positively impact our customers across the globe," said Che Min Tu., SVP and Group Operations Officer "In collaboration with our partners, Lenovo is committed to empowering and enabling businesses to drive a more inclusive, trustworthy, and smarter future for everyone, everywhere."

“我們很榮幸被稱爲 Microsoft 的設備合作伙伴之一。我們與 Microsoft 的戰略合作從未如此強大,這一成就突顯了我們在向全球客戶交付基於 Microsoft 平台的設備、基礎設施以及解決方案和服務方面的卓越工作,從而積極影響到全球客戶,” Lenovo 高級副總裁兼集團運營官 Che Min Tu 表示。“與我們的夥伴一道,聯想致力於賦能和啓動企業,推動更具包容性、可信賴性和智能化的未來,爲全球人民貢獻力量。”

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognize Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered outstanding Microsoft Cloud applications, services, devices, and AI innovation during the past year. Awards were classified in various categories, with honorees chosen from more than 4,700 nominations from more than 100 countries. Lenovo was recognized for providing outstanding solutions and services in Devices.

Microsoft 合作伙伴年度獎項表彰在過去一年中開發和提供了傑出的 Microsoft 雲應用、服務、設備和人工智能創新的 Microsoft 合作伙伴。獲獎者分別在各個類別中獲得了認可,這些榮譽來自來自 100 多個國家的超過 4,700 個提名。聯想因在設備領域提供卓越的解決方案和服務而受到表彰。

The Device Partner of the Year Award recognizes a standout device partner demonstrating excellence in building, marketing, selling, and deploying third-party Windows devices and attaching Microsoft Cloud and AI Services for Commercial and Consumer Segments and Industry Verticals.

設備合作伙伴年度獎項表彰傑出的設備合作伙伴,在構建、營銷、銷售和部署第三方 Windows 設備以及將 Microsoft 雲和人工智能服務附加到商業、消費和行業垂直領域中表現突出。

"Congratulations to the winners and finalists of the 2024 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards!" said Nicole Dezen, Chief Partner Officer and Corporate Vice President at Microsoft. "The momentum generated by numerous AI & Copilot announcements this year fueled innovation from our partners, enabling groundbreaking services and solutions to customers. I am inspired by the capability and creativity in our partner ecosystem and this year's winners beautifully demonstrate the best of what's possible with AI and the Microsoft Cloud."

微軟首席合作伙伴官兼公司副總裁Nicole Dezen表示:“恭喜2024年微軟合作伙伴大獎的獲獎者和入圍者!今年,來自多項人工智能和Copilot的良好勢頭推動了我們合作伙伴的創新,使客戶獲得了開創性的服務和解決方案。我對我們合作伙伴生態系統的能力和創造力感到鼓舞,今年的獲獎者美麗地展示了人工智能和微軟雲的最佳潛力。“

The 2024 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards are announced ahead of MCAPS Start for Partners, our digital event on July 10th and 11th. Partners will receive recognition at MCAPS Start for Partners ahead of in person celebrations during the week of Microsoft Ignite in November. Additional details on the 2024 awards are available on the Microsoft Partner blog:

2024年 Microsoft 合作伙伴年度獎項的頒發早在 7 月 10 日和 11 日我們的數字活動 MCAPS Start for Partners 之前就已經宣佈。在 11 月的 Microsoft Ignite 活動期間進行現場慶功活動。有關 2024 年獎項的更多詳細信息,請訪問 Microsoft 合作伙伴博客: th

The complete list of categories, winners and finalists can be found at

完整的類別、獲獎者和入圍者列表可在以下網址查看:lenovo n3011.

About Lenovo

LENOVO,THINKSYSTEM,THINKAD,THINKSTATION和TRUSCALE是聯想的商標。NVIDIA和RTX是NVIDIA公司的商標。GARTNER是Gartner, Inc.及/或其附屬公司在美國和國際上的註冊商標和服務標記,並在此得到使用許可。保留所有權利。

Lenovo is a US$57 billion revenue global technology powerhouse, ranked #217 in the Fortune Global 500, and serving millions of customers every day in 180 markets. Focused on a bold vision to deliver Smarter Technology for All, Lenovo has built on its success as the world's largest PC company with a pocket-to cloud portfolio of AI-enabled, AI-ready, and AI-optimized devices (PCs, workstations, smartphones, tablets), infrastructure (server, storage, edge, high performance computing and software defined infrastructure), software, solutions, and services. Lenovo's continued investment in world-changing innovation is building a more equitable, trustworthy, and smarter future for everyone, everywhere. Lenovo is listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange under Lenovo Group Limited (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY). To find out more visit, and read about the latest news via our StoryHub.

聯想是一家570億美元營業額的全球科技巨頭,在《財富》500強中排名第217位,每天爲180個市場的數百萬客戶提供服務。以爲所有人提供更智能的技術爲使命,聯想已經建立起了作爲全球最大PC公司的成功基礎,擁有一系列AI使能、AI就緒和AI優化設備(PC、工作站、智能手機、平板電腦)、基礎設施(服務器、存儲、邊緣、高性能計算和軟件定義基礎設施)、軟件、解決方案和服務。聯想繼續投資於具有世界影響力的創新,爲每個人構建更公平、可信和更智能的未來。聯想在香港聯交所上市,股票代號爲聯想集團有限公司(HKSE: 992)(ADR:LNVGY)。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。,通過我們的StoryHub了解最新資訊。StoryHub.

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