
Electric Metals (USA) Announces Results of Annual Shareholder Meeting

Electric Metals (USA) Announces Results of Annual Shareholder Meeting

Accesswire ·  06/27 07:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / June 27, 2024 / Electric Metals (USA) Limited ("EML" or the "Company") (TSXV:EML)(OTCQB:EMUSF) is pleased to announce the results of its annual and special meeting held on June 26, 2024 (the "Meeting"). At the Meeting, shareholders approved the appointment of Baker Tilly WM LLP, Chartered Accountants, as auditor of the Corporation, the expansion of the Board of Directors to seven persons and the election of all of management's nominees to the Board. Joining Steve Durbin, Dr. Henry Sandri, Megan McElwain, John Kutkevicius and Brian Savage on the Board are Dr. Quinton Hennigh and Tyson Hall, two individuals with strong backgrounds in, among other things, the mining, mineral exploration and public company fields. The shareholders also approved a new omnibus equity incentive plan (the "Plan") for the Company; further details regarding the Plan can be found in the information circular sent to all shareholders in connection with the Meeting. The circular has been filed on

Electric Metals (USA)有限公司(「EML」或「公司」)(TSXV:EML)(OTCQB:EMUSF)很高興地宣佈,其年度和特別股東大會於2024年6月26日召開(「會議」),股東們通過了Baker Tilly WM LLP特許會計師公司擔任公司核數師、擴大董事會數量至七人以及選舉管理層提名的全部成員加入公司董事會。除Steve Durbin、Dr. Henry Sandri、Megan McElwain、John Kutkevicius和Brian Savage之外,Dr. Quinton Hennigh和Tyson Hall也加入了董事會,他們都在礦業、礦產勘探和上市公司領域具有深厚的背景和經驗。股東們還批准了公司的新全員股權激勵計劃(「計劃」),有關計劃的更多細節可以在與會議相關的所有股東發送的信息圓形中找到。該圓形已經備案。

under the Company's profile.

位於多倫多,2024年6月27日 / ACCESSWIRE / ——Electric Metals (USA)有限公司(TSXV:EML)(OTCQB:EMUSF)是一家總部位於美國的礦業開發公司,旨在支持向清潔能源轉型。該公司的主要資產是密蘇里州的Emily錳礦項目,該項目已經是許多技術研究的主題,包括《國家43-101技術報告——資源估計》。該公司在密蘇里的使命是成爲美國國內生產高純、高價值錳金屬和化學產品的廠商,以供應北美的電動汽車電池、技術和工業市場。由於錳在鋰離子電池配方中扮演着重要而卓越的角色,並且在北美沒有目前的國內供應或活躍的錳礦,Emily錳礦項目的開發爲美國、密蘇里州以及公司的股東們帶來了重大的機遇。

Oliver Lennox-King, Non-Executive Chairman, is retiring from the Board of Directors. The Company would like to extend its sincere gratitude to Oliver for his support and guidance during his tenure on the Board.

董事會非執行主席Oliver Lennox-King將從公司董事會上退休。公司要向Oliver在他任職董事會期間所提供的支持和指導表示真誠的感謝。

Brian Savage, CEO and Director of EML, commented: "I would like to thank Oliver for his many contributions during the past 18 months as our Chairman of the Board. I also want to welcome Quinton and Tyson to the EML Board. Their expertise will no doubt be of great value in advancing the Company's efforts to become a US producer of high-grade manganese products."

EML的CEO兼董事Brian Savage評論道:“我要感謝Oliver在擔任董事會主席的過去18個月裏所作出的衆多貢獻。我也想歡迎Quinton和Tyson加入EML的董事會。他們的專業知識無疑將爲公司努力成爲美國高品質錳產品生產商帶來巨大的價值。”

Dr. Quinton Hennigh is an internationally-renowned economic geologist with over 25 years of exploration experience and expertise with major gold mining companies such as Homestake Mining Company, Newcrest Mining Limited, and Newmont Mining Corporation, where he last served as senior research geologist in 2007. He has since made a number of significant gold discoveries for Canadian exploration companies such as the 5 million oz. Springpole alkaline gold deposit near Red Lake, Ontario, for Gold Canyon Resources. He is currently Chairman and President of Novo Resources Corporation, which he helped start in 2010 and an adviser to Eskay Mining Corp. and Lion One Metals Ltd. Dr. Hennigh holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Missouri, and M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in geology and geochemistry from the Colorado School of Mines. He is a member (P.Geo.) of the Society of Economic Geologists, the Mining and Metallurgical Society of America. He is currently CEO of private miner, San Cristobal Mining Inc.

Quinton Hennigh博士是一位國際知名的經濟地質學家,擁有超過25年的勘探經驗和主要黃金礦業公司,如Homestake Mining Company、Newcrest Mining Limited和Newmont Mining Corporation等公司的專業知識,他曾在2007年擔任該公司的高級研究地質學家。自那以後,他爲加拿大勘探公司發現了多個重要的黃金礦牀,如Gold Canyon Resources位於安大略省雷德湖附近的500萬盎司Springpole鹼性金礦牀。他目前是Novo Resources Corporation的主席兼總裁,這家公司是他在2010年創辦的,還是Eskay Mining Corp.和Lion One Metals Ltd.的顧問。Hennigh博士擁有密蘇里大學理學學士學位,科羅拉多礦業學院地質和地球化學碩士學位和博士學位,是經濟地質學家協會,美國採礦和冶金協會的會員。他目前是私營礦商San Cristobal Mining Inc.的首席執行官。

Mr. Tyson Hall brings over 20 years of global experience and a decade of executive leadership in specialty chemicals, manufacturing, mining, agriculture, and start-ups. He has experience in technical development, manufacturing, and P&L management. He has led organizations as large as 10,000 employees with full P&L responsibility for businesses comprising more than $3 Billion per year in sales. Mr. Hall has served on the global leadership teams of two publicly traded companies. Most recently, he served as COO of 5E Advanced Materials (NASDAQ: FEAM) and previously as a member of the global leadership team of Pilgrims Pride (NASDAQ: PPC) with responsibility for a multi-billion dollar business. He is listed as an inventor or coinventor on 5 US patents, holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Arkansas, and an MBA from the Sam Walton School of Business.

Tyson Hall先生擁有全球20年的經驗和10年的特種化學品、製造業、礦業、農業和創業公司的執行領導經驗。他在技術開發、製造和利潤和損失管理方面有經驗。他曾領導過多達10,000名員工的組織,負責銷售額每年超過30億美元的業務的全部利潤和損失。Hall先生曾經在兩家上市公司的全球領導團隊中任職。最近,他擔任5E Advanced Materials公司(NASDAQ: FEAM)的首席運營官,以及曾擔任Pilgrims Pride(NASDAQ: PPC)的全球領導團隊成員,其職責是負責管理總銷售額超過數十億美元的業務。他是5項美國專利的發明人或共同發明人,擁有阿肯色大學化學工程學士學位和沙姆·沃爾頓商學院MBA學位。

The Company has awarded 1,600,000 in incentive stock options to directors. The options have a strike price of $0.25 per share and are exercisable for 10 years, subject to earlier expiry in accordance with the Plan and to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

該公司向董事們授予了160萬股的激勵股票期權。這些期權的行權價格爲每股0.25美元,行權期爲10年,受計劃提前到期和TSX Venture Exchange批准的限制。

About Electric Metals (USA) Limited

關於Electric Metals (USA) Limited

Electric Metals (USA) Limited (TSXV:EML)(OTCQB:EMUSF) is a US-based mineral development company with manganese and silver projects geared to supporting the transition to clean energy. The Company's principal asset is the Emily Manganese Project in Minnesota, which has been the subject of considerable technical studies, including National Instrument 43-101 Technical Reports - Resource Estimates. The Company's mission in Minnesota is to become a domestic US producer of high-purity, high-value manganese metal and chemical products to supply the North American electric vehicle battery, technology and industrial markets. With manganese playing a critical and prominent role in lithium-ion battery formulations, and with no current domestic supply or active mines for manganese in North America, the development of the Emily Manganese Project represents a significant opportunity for America, the State of Minnesota and for the Company's shareholders.

Electric Metals (USA) Limited(TSXV:EML)(OTCQB:EMUSF)是一家總部位於美國的礦業開發公司,旨在支持向清潔能源轉型。該公司的主要資產是密蘇里州的Emily錳礦項目,該項目已經是許多技術研究的主題,包括《國家43-101技術報告——資源估計》。該公司在密蘇里的使命是成爲美國國內生產高純、高價值錳金屬和化學產品的廠商,以供應北美的電動汽車電池、技術和工業市場。由於錳在鋰離子電池配方中扮演着重要而卓越的角色,並且在北美沒有目前的國內供應或活躍的錳礦,Emily錳礦項目的開發爲美國、密蘇里州以及公司的股東們帶來了重大的機遇。

For further information, please contact:


Electric Metals (USA) Limited

Electric Metals (USA) Limited

Brian Savage
CEO & Director
(303) 656-9197




Valerie Kimball
Director Investor Relations


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This news release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information is generally identifiable by use of the words "believes," "may," "plans," "will," "anticipates," "intends," "could", "estimates", "expects", "forecasts", "projects" and similar expressions, and the negative of such expressions.

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Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the future growth of the Corporation. These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results implied or expressed in such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking information is based on the reasonable assumptions, estimates, analysis and opinions of management made in light of its experience and perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, and other factors that management believes are relevant and reasonable in the circumstances at the date such statements are made. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information.


All forward-looking information herein is qualified in its entirety by this cautionary statement, and the Company disclaims any obligation to revise or update any such forward-looking information or to publicly announce the result of any revisions to any of the forward-looking information contained herein to reflect future results, events, or developments, except as required by law.


SOURCE: Electric Metals (USA) Limited

來源:Electric Metals (USA) Limited

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