
Myriad Uranium Appoints Douglas Christopherson to Technical Committee

Myriad Uranium Appoints Douglas Christopherson to Technical Committee

newsfile ·  06/27 07:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 27, 2024) - Myriad Uranium Corp. (CSE: M) (OTCQB: MYRUF) (FSE: C3Q) ("Myriad Uranium" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that Mr. Douglas Christopherson has joined the Company's Technical Committee.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省——(新聞發佈公司-2024年6月27日)-無數鈾業公司。(CSE: M) (OTCQB: MYRUF) (FSE: C3Q) ("Myriad")很高興宣佈將進行一個非中介私募,發行2000萬個單位(每個單位價格爲0.25美元)("融資"),以籌集500萬美元的總收入。每個單元將包括公司的一種普通股("股票")和半張股票購買認股權證(每張整個認股權證爲一張"Warrant")。每個認股權證將使持有人有權以0.30美元的價格在發行之日起24個月內購買一股股票。Myriad鈾"或"公司Myriad Uranium很高興地宣佈,Douglas Christopherson先生已加入公司技術委員會。

Mr. Christopherson brings over 50 years of mining, exploration, and development experience to Myriad Uranium, having worked as Chief Engineer, Mine Manager, and General Manager at significant projects worldwide. He has extensive experience conducting technical due diligence and economic evaluations of uranium, base, precious, and rare earth projects worldwide, including authoring National Instrument 43-101 and competent persons reports. He is a Retired Registered Member the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (S.M.E.) and the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM).

Christopherson先生在礦業、勘探和開發方面擁有超過50年的經驗,曾在全球重大項目擔任首席工程師、礦山經理和總經理。他在世界各地都有豐富的技術盡職調查和經濟評估尤其是鈾、基礎金屬、貴金屬和稀土項目的經驗,包括編寫National Instrument 43-101和獨立專家報告。他是礦業、冶金和勘探學會(S.M.E.)以及南非礦業和冶金學會(SAIMM)的註冊退休會員。

Myriad Uranium's CEO, Thomas Lamb, stated, "We are delighted to welcome Mr. Christopherson to the Company's Technical Committee. In connection with our current private placement, Mr. Christopherson has conducted a comprehensive analysis of our historical data on the Copper Mountain Uranium Project, and provided numerous insights and recommendations. Looking ahead, we anticipate his contributions as we work to confirm and expand on already significant historical resources, target deeper mineralisation, and expand our exploration efforts into newly-acquired adjacent zones - all considered highly prospective. Since Union Pacific's tenure in the 1970s, when they spent upwards of C$117 million (today's dollars) drilling 2,000 boreholes and planning a large-scale conventional uranium mine at Copper Mountain Uranium Project, experts have expanded their thinking regarding the project's geology and potential, looking far beyond the 6-pit plan Union Pacific had developed. For example, a 2010 Neutron Energy internal report states that the Copper Mountain Uranium Project offers a 'a high chance for discovery of world-class deposits in both the hard rock and sandstone.'"

Myriad Uranium的CEOThomas Lamb表示:"我們很高興歡迎Christopherson先生加入公司技術委員會。在與我們目前的定向增發有關之際,Christopherson先生已對我們在銅山鈾礦項目上的歷史數據進行了全面的分析,並提供了很多見解和建議。展望未來,我們期待着他的貢獻,以確認和擴展已有的重要歷史資源,針對更深的礦化物,擴大我們的勘探工作至新獲得的相鄰區域-這些區域都被認爲具有很高的前景。自從聯合太平洋(Union Pacific)在20世紀70年代擁有該項目以來,他們在銅山鈾礦項目上進行了超過11700萬加元(今天的美元)的鑽探活動並計劃建設一座大規模傳統鈾礦,專家們已經擴展了他們的思維,對該項目的地質學和潛力有了更多的認識,遠遠超越了聯合太平洋發展的6個採礦場的計劃。例如,2010年全氫能源的一份內部報告指出,銅山鈾礦項目提供了""Christopherson先生說:"鑑於這片土地的大小和勘探不足,銅山可能存在的礦物資源只受到歷史生產數字和項目地質學家的創造力所限制。銅山鈾礦的鈾生產潛力僅受採礦工程師的創造力所限。"

Mr. Christopherson remarked, "Given the size of the property and the limited amount of explored ground, the exploration potential at Copper Mountain is constrained only by historical production figures from each uranium system and the project geologist's creativity. The uranium production potential at Copper Mountain is limited only by the mining engineer's ingenuity."

Myriad Uranium Corp. 是一家鈾勘探公司,擁有位於美國懷俄明州的銅山鈾礦項目75%的可掙得利益。銅山擁有數個已知鈾礦牀和歷史鈾礦山,包括箭頭礦山,其鈾產量達50萬磅eU3O8. 銅山鈾礦的廣泛鑽探和開發由聯合太平洋完成,其制定了一個銅山鈾礦的開採計劃,並建造了一塊浸出堆場。由於鈾價格下跌,該公司未能開採,於1980年停止營運。在銅山,約鑽探了2000個鑽孔,該項目區域有大量的勘探潛力。聯合太平洋也估計在銅山投入1.17億加元(2024年貨幣)進行勘探和開發,產生了大量的歷史資源預估,詳見這裏。公司的介紹可以在這裏查看。

About Myriad Uranium Corp.

無數還擁有加拿大新斯科舍省Millen Mountain Property的50%利益,另外50%歸Probe Metals Inc.所有,並擁有尼日爾鈾勘探許可的80%權益。有關詳細信息,請參閱無數在SEDAR+()上的披露記錄,通過電話+1.604.418.2877與無數聯繫,或參閱無數的網站。

Myriad Uranium Corp. is a uranium exploration company with an earnable 75% interest in the Copper Mountain Uranium Project in Wyoming, USA. Copper Mountain hosts several known uranium deposits and historic uranium mines, including the Arrowhead Mine which produced 500,000 lbs of eU3O8. Copper Mountain saw extensive drilling and development by Union Pacific, which developed a mine plan and built a leach pad for one of the deposits at Copper Mountain. Operations ceased in 1980 before mining could commence due to falling uranium prices. Approximately 2,000 boreholes have been drilled at Copper Mountain and the project area has significant exploration upside. Union Pacific is estimated to have spent C$117 million (2024 dollars) exploring and developing Copper Mountain, generating significant historical resource estimates which are detailed here. The Company's presentation can be viewed here.

Myriad還有加拿大新斯科舍省Millen Mountain Property一半的權益,另一半由Probe Metals Inc持有,以及尼日爾的鈾勘探許可證的80%的權益。如需更多信息,請參閱 Myriad在 SEDAR+上的披露記錄 ( ),致電+1.604.418.2877聯繫 Myriad,或參閱 Myriad 的網站。

Myriad also has a 50% interest in the Millen Mountain Property in Nova Scotia, Canada, with the other 50% held by Probe Metals Inc., and an 80% interest in uranium exploration licences in Niger. For further information, please refer to Myriad's disclosure record on SEDAR+ (), contact Myriad by telephone at +1.604.418.2877, or refer to Myriad's website at .

相鄰或附近的物業上的礦化不一定代表公司物業上的礦化。本新聞發佈包含基於公司當前期望、估計、預測和投射的"前瞻性信息"。這些前瞻性信息包括公司的業務、計劃、展望和業務策略等。"可能"、"會"、"可以"、"應該"、"將"、"很可能"、"期望"、"預計"、"打算"、"估計"、"計劃"、"預測"、"項目" 和"相信" 或其他類似的詞語和短語旨在識別前瞻性信息。讀者應當注意,制定任何前瞻性信息時使用的假設可能是不正確的,包括關於公司規劃有關開發和勘探公司礦產資產、公司礦產資產上擬議的工作計劃和公司礦產資產的潛力和經濟性的假設。前瞻性信息受已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,該等風險、不確定性和其他因素可能導致公司的實際結果、活動水平、績效或成果與所述前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的結果、活動水平、績效或成果有實質性不同。此外,應認真考慮這些和其他因素,讀者不應在此類前瞻性信息上過度依賴。公司沒有意圖,並明確否認有意或有義務更新或修訂任何前瞻性信息,除非適用法律規定的。

Myriad Contacts:
Thomas Lamb
President and CEO

Thomas Lamb

Forward-Looking Statements


Mineralization hosted on adjacent or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company's properties. This news release contains "forward-looking information" that is based on the Company's current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections. This forward-looking information includes, among other things, the Company's business, plans, outlook and business strategy. The words "may", "would", "could", "should", "will", "likely", "expect," "anticipate," "intend", "estimate", "plan", "forecast", "project" and "believe" or other similar words and phrases are intended to identify forward-looking information. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of any forward-looking information may prove to be incorrect, including with respect to the Company's business plans respecting the exploration and development of the Company's mineral properties, the proposed work program on the Company's mineral properties and the potential and economic viability of the Company's mineral properties. Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such factors include, but are not limited to: changes in economic conditions or financial markets; increases in costs; litigation; legislative, environmental and other judicial, regulatory, political and competitive developments; and technological or operational difficulties. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect our forward-looking information. These and other factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking information. The Company does not intend, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to, update or revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.


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