
Craig Montgomery Named Chief Strategy Officer at Lower

Craig Montgomery Named Chief Strategy Officer at Lower

PR Newswire ·  06/27 09:20

COLUMBUS, Ohio, June 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mortgage fintech Lower today announced the addition of Craig Montgomery as its new Chief Strategy Officer—a key step in Lower's plan to becoming a top-five national lender.

2024年6月27日,美國俄亥俄州哥倫布市,抵押貸款金融科技公司Lower宣佈任命Craig Montgomery爲該公司新的首席策略官,這是實現Lower成爲全美前五大借款人計劃的關鍵一步。

Craig Montgomery Named Chief Strategy Officer at Lower
Craig Montgomery被任命爲Lower的首席策略官

A 27-year industry veteran, Montgomery brings a proven track record of smart, strategic growth to build a platform mortgage originators find attractive. In his previous role, he took part in driving organizational growth from under $2 billion to over $50 billion in annual production over a 10-year span. This same drive for success and empowerment from leadership is what first attracted Lower to Montgomery in its plans for growing market share.


"Craig is a builder, and a strategic one at that," said Dan Snyder, Lower CEO and Co-Founder. "When we talked about our vision for Lower, our aim to be top five, and how we plan to build the future of mortgage with an online and offline approach, his eyes lit up. Getting someone with his experience and proven track record is a big win for the company."

"Craig是一位建設者,尤其擅長策略方面的工作,"Lower的CEO兼聯合創始人Dan Snyder說到,"當我們談到Lower的願景時,我們希望成爲前五大借款人,並計劃通過線上和線下渠道打造未來的抵押貸款,他興奮地表示贊同。獲得這樣一位經驗豐富、有卓越業績記錄的人對於公司而言是一個大勝利"。

In his new role at Lower, Montgomery will oversee retail strategy and expanding the company's tech-driven platform, which provides origination teams the resources they need to achieve their goals.


"Lower offers an exceptional team driven by entrepreneurial spirit, supported by strong institutional backing from Accel, Veritex, and SoFi. Couple that with a strong balance sheet and appetite to win, and I couldn't be more excited to get to work," said Montgomery. "Every experience in my career has prepared me for this opportunity, and I'm excited for what this chapter will bring. My time at CrossCountry Mortgage showed me what's possible."

"Lower擁有一支由企業家精神驅動的卓越團隊,得到了Accel、Veritex和SoFi等強大機構的支持。再加上強勁的資產負債表和勝利的決心,我是非常興奮地開始工作的,"Montgomery說道,"我的職業生涯中的每一個經歷都爲我爲這個機會作好準備提供了支持,我對這個篇章即將帶來的一切感到興奮。我在CrossCountry Mortgage的時光向我展示了未來的可能性。"

Lower's multi-channel, tech-forward approach has been instrumental in its market share growth. The company recently reported over 100% year-over-year growth in nearly all metrics and is poised for continued market share growth.


"The sky is the limit with our team and platform," said Selene Kellam, Chief Operating Officer. "Our goal isn't to be the biggest, it's to be the best, and if we do our jobs the rest will take care of itself. Lower's growth trajectory has already demonstrated we are the future of home lending. Craig joining our experienced and diverse leadership team is only going to accelerate that success. We're excited to partner with an industry professional as experienced and capable as him as he helps shape our growth in a way many others can't."

"我們的團隊和平台前途無量,"首席運營官Selene Kellam稱讚道,"我們的目標不是成爲最大的,而是成爲最好的,如果我們做好了自己的工作,其他事情都會自然而然地得到解決。Lower的增長軌跡已經證明了我們是住房貸款的未來。Montgomery加入我們經驗豐富和多樣化的領導團隊只會加速這種成功。我們很高興與一個像他一樣經驗豐富且能力出衆的行業專業人士合作,他在幫助我們塑造增長方面有着其它人所不能及的能力。"

About Lower
Lower, LLC is a leading multi-channel digital lender ranked among the top 25 largest home lenders in the country. Backed by top venture capital firm Accel, Lower operates an online consumer-direct channel, a distributed retail channel, and a wholesale channel, serving both brokers and other fintechs, like leading e-commerce platform Opendoor.



資料來源:Lower, LLC

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