
Innovating for Impact: New HVAC a Beautiful Thing in the Home of Interior Design Celebrity Leanne Ford

Innovating for Impact: New HVAC a Beautiful Thing in the Home of Interior Design Celebrity Leanne Ford

影響力創新:室內設計名人Leanne Ford家中的新型暖通空調美觀實用
Accesswire ·  06/27 09:45

When designer Leanne Ford set out to modernize her historic Pittsburgh home, she looked to Trane for a solution that increased efficiency, sustainability and indoor air quality.

當設計師Leanne Ford決定對她的歷史悠久的匹茲堡家進行現代化改造時,她尋求了特靈的幫助,以提高效率、可持續性和室內空氣質量。

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 27, 2024 / We're helping solve our customers' big challenges by innovating and delivering solutions that are better for their business-and for the environment.

馬薩諸塞州北安普頓 / ACCESSWIRE /2024年6月27日 /我們正在通過創新和提供更好的解決方案來幫助解決客戶面臨的重大挑戰,這些解決方案不僅有利於他們的業務,還有利於環境。

Photo by Amy Neunsinger; Styled by Hilary Robertson
圖片由Amy Neunsinger拍攝; Hilary Robertson打造

Project At-a-Glance:


The opportunity: Design and install a comprehensive in-home HVAC system that boosts efficiency and sustainability and vastly improves indoor air quality.


The solutions:


  • Trane 14 SEER XR14 60000 BTU Single Stage Heat Pump
  • Trane CleanEffects Whole House Air Cleaner
  • Trane Split System Heat Pump: XV20i Heat Pump
  • Trane Two-Stage Hyperion Communicating Air Handler
  • ComfortLink II XL1050 Thermostat
  • 特靈14 SEER XR14 60000 BTU 單級熱泵
  • 特靈CleanEffects全屋空氣淨化器
  • 特靈分體式熱泵:XV20i熱泵
  • 特靈雙級Hyperion通信空氣處理器
  • ComfortLink II XL1050智能溫控器

Sustainability outcomes: Reduced carbon footprint with an all-electric system.


Interior designer Leanne Ford and her husband Erik found the fixer-upper home of their dreams when they relocated from Los Angeles to Pittsburgh in 2020. "It sat empty for years. I truly felt like it was waiting for us," Ford said. Four stories tall with 12-foot ceilings, the circa 1900 house was brimming with design potential but needed a complete systems revamp, including the HVAC.

室內設計師Leanne Ford和她的丈夫Erik在2020年從洛杉磯搬到匹茲堡時,找到了他們夢寐以求的翻修之家。"它空置多年。我真的覺得它在等着我們。" Ford說道。四層樓,12英尺高的天花板,約1900年的房子充滿了設計潛力,但需要進行全面的系統翻新,包括供暖、通風和空調系統。

"When starting a new interior design project, cosmetic changes - like picking out paint colors - are the fun part," Ford said. "But what's behind the walls, the electrical, plumbing updates, structural check-ins, HVAC upgrades, the not-so-glamorous stuff, those are often not talked about."

"開始一個新的室內設計項目時,化妝變化 - 如選擇油漆顏色 - 是有趣的部分," Ford說。如果說這些化妝變化是表面的話,電氣、水管更新、結構檢查、供暖、通風和空調升級、不那麼迷人的東西,那就很少討論了。

Among the first jobs on the list: Remove the existing radiant heat system. Though Ford says she loves radiant heat systems, especially the elegant styling of turn-of-the-century radiators, the system they found in the house was less than desirable. The existing fixtures were not only not attractive, but they were also non-functional, replete with leaks and mold.


"At the end of the day, the right decision for my family was to modernize our heating and cooling systems," Ford said. After researching available options, she selected Trane. Trane installed a complete HVAC system, including a 5-ton variable speed heat pump, humidifiers, a ventilator, and an array of environmental sensors.

"歸根結底,對我們家庭來說,正確的決定是現代化我們的供暖和空調系統," Ford說。研究了可用的選項後,她選擇了特靈。特靈安裝了一套完整的供暖通風和空氣調節系統,包括一臺5噸變速熱泵、加溼器、一個呼吸機和一系列環境傳感器。

Because several family members suffered from allergies, Ford also added a CleanEffects Whole Home Air Cleaner. 100 times more effective than a standard one-inch air filter, CleanEffects dramatically reduces dust, pollen, mildew, and other asthma and allergy triggers. Ford also added the Trane ComfortLink XL1050 thermostat, which would allow the family to optimize temperature and humidity levels in different zones of the house in real-time.

由於幾位家庭成員患有過敏症,Ford還添加了CleanEffects全屋空氣淨化器。CleanEffects的效果是標準1英寸空氣過濾器的100倍,大大減少了灰塵、花粉、黴菌和其他哮喘和過敏源。Ford還添加了特靈ComfortLink XL1050智能溫控器,可以讓家庭實時優化房屋各個區域的溫度和溼度水平。

Another key feature: the Trane variable speed system, which allows the compressor, outdoor fan and indoor fan to vary their speed with changing outdoor temperatures, increasing comfort in the home. The Trane Home app added a finishing touch of convenience and control, giving the Fords the ability to monitor or adjust their home environment from anywhere at any time.


Ford says she and her family are thrilled with the results. Their newly updated home is not only far more comfortable than it was before the new system, but also more efficient.


But perhaps most important of all are the improvements in indoor air quality, and the added safety those improvements can bring. That's particularly true of the basement. Once a dank, cramped area filled with old boiler components, ducts and near endless wires and pipes, the lower level is now home to Ford's studio.


Ford says she is now fully confident that the members of her family can live both happy and healthy lives in their new home. "That peace of mind is everything to me," she says. "The truth is how you feel in a space is just as important, if not more, than how it looks."


Learn more about this project in Architectural Digest

在Architectural Digest了解更多關於此項目的信息

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