
PRA Group Launches Pride Alliance Employee Resource Group

PRA Group Launches Pride Alliance Employee Resource Group

pra group推出驕傲聯盟員工資源組
PR Newswire ·  06/27 10:01

Global Financial Services Company Furthers Culture of Inclusivity During Pride Month


NORFOLK, Va., June 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PRA Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: PRAA), a global leader in acquiring and collecting nonperforming loans, yesterday celebrated the launch of its Pride Alliance Employee Resource Group (ERG). Pride Alliance is designed to serve LGBTQ+ employees, allies and advocates, and will provide a space that celebrates and embraces the LGBTQ+ community.

美國弗吉尼亞州諾福克,2024年6月27日 / PRNewswire / - PRA Group, Inc.(納斯達克: PRAA)是全球領先的獲取和收購不良貸款的公司,昨天慶祝了其驕傲聯盟僱員資源組織(ERG)的啓動。驕傲聯盟旨在服務LGBTQ+員工、盟友和倡導者,提供一個慶祝和擁抱LGBTQ+社區的空間。Leigh Bates和Kim Carr是PRA Group新推出的Pride Alliance僱員資源組織的執行共同贊助商。

Leigh Bates and Kim Carr serve as executive co-sponsors of PRA Group's newly launched Pride Alliance Employee Resource Group.
Pride Alliance是這家上市公司美國業務中的第五個ERG,也是第三個全球推出的ERG。該組織得到業務各方的志願者支持,高級副總裁兼首席技術官Kim Carr和高級副總裁業務發展和客戶服務Leigh Bates將擔任該組織的創始執行共同贊助商。

Pride Alliance is the fifth ERG within the publicly traded company's U.S. business, and its third to launch on a global scale. Supported by volunteers across the business, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Kim Carr and Senior Vice President of Business Development and Client Services Leigh Bates will serve as the group's founding executive co-sponsors.

“我很高興幫助PRA Group營造一個包容和支持的工作場所,在那裏我們所有的同事都感到舒適和被鼓勵每天帶上他們真正的自我,這反過來又賦予他們做到最好的力量,”Carr說。

"I'm excited to help PRA Group foster an inclusive and supportive workplace where all of our colleagues feel simultaneously comfortable being open about who they are and encouraged to bring their whole selves to work every day, which, in turn, empowers them to do their best," said Carr.

虛擬啓動慶典吸引了來自跨越全球的PRA Group公司的70多名員工。會議以PRA Group的ERG計劃概述和Pride Alliance計劃通過志願機會和教育資源提供貢獻爲開端。隨後領導者在與參與者建立全球社區的同時,就該組織如何促進包容展開了思考深入的對話。

The virtual launch celebration included more than 70 PRA Group employees from across the company's global operation. The meeting commenced with an overview of PRA Group's ERG program and how Pride Alliance plans to contribute through volunteer opportunities and educational resources. Leaders then engaged participants in thoughtful conversations about how the group can work to foster inclusivity as participants built a sense of community across the globe.

“當我們帶上真正的自我上班時,我們就會更加強大和成功,而通過Pride Alliance,我很高興支持這個社區的成員在PRA Group實現他們的全部潛力,”Bates說。Carr和Bates都期待在餘下的時間裏發展ERG。

"We are all stronger and more successful when we bring our true selves to work, and through Pride Alliance, I'm excited to support this community's members in achieving their full potential at PRA Group," said Bates. Both Carr and Bates look forward to spending the rest of the year growing the ERG.

PRA Group的其他ERG包括商業婦女倡導者、幸福健康、黑人優秀和¡Hola!,都旨在爲公司的多樣化全球勞動力提供導師網絡和回饋機會等福利。

Additional PRA Group ERGs include Women in Business Advocates, Well-Being, Black Excellence and ¡Hola!, all of which aim to provide benefits such as mentorship networks and opportunities to give back that address the company's diverse global workforce.

關於PRA Group:作爲全球收購和收集不良貸款的領導者,PRA Group公司爲銀行和其他債權人返還資本,幫助擴大美洲、歐洲和澳大利亞消費者的金融服務。PRA Group公司在全球擁有數千名員工,與客戶合作幫助他們解決債務問題。有關更多信息,請訪問 。

About PRA Group
As a global leader in acquiring and collecting nonperforming loans, PRA Group, Inc. returns capital to banks and other creditors to help expand financial services for consumers in the Americas, Europe and Australia. With thousands of employees worldwide, PRA Group companies collaborate with customers to help them resolve their debt. For more information, please visit .

Elizabeth Kersey高級副總裁,通訊和公共政策757-641-0558
Najim Mostamand,CFA757-431-7913

Media Contact:
Elizabeth Kersey
Senior Vice President, Communications and Public Policy
[email protected]

來源:PRA Group, Inc.
[email protected]

Investor Contact:
Najim Mostamand, CFA
Vice President, Investor Relations
[email protected]

Najim Mostamand,特許金融分析師
[email protected]

SOURCE PRA Group, Inc.

PRA Group,Inc.的消息來源。

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