
The New Terminal One at JFK Announces $2.55 Billion Green Bond Issuance

The New Terminal One at JFK Announces $2.55 Billion Green Bond Issuance

PR Newswire ·  06/27 12:00

JAMAICA, N.Y., June 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The New Terminal One at John F. Kennedy International Airport has successfully concluded a historic $2.55 billion Green Bond issuance, the largest ever municipal bond financing for an airport project.

紐約,2024年6月27日 / PRNewswire / - 紐約肯尼迪國際機場新1號航站樓已成功完成了一項歷史性的25.5億美元綠色債券發行,是迄今爲止機場項目中最大的市政債券融資。

Proceeds from the 2024 Series bonds will be primarily used to finance and refinance a portion of the costs of constructing the initial phase of the New Terminal One development, a portion of which were initially funded with the bank facility that was raised in June 2022.


The Series 2024 Special Facilities Revenue Bonds were initially marketed at $1.5 billion. Due to investor demand indicated during pre-marketing and then demonstrated during the order period, the issuance was ultimately upsized to $2.55 billion. This outcome re-affirms investor confidence in the much-anticipated New Terminal One project.

由於在推廣前和下訂單期間表明了投資者的需求,系列2024年特設設施收入債券的initial issue規模爲15億美元。最終由於投資者的需求,將發行規模提高至25.5億美元。這一結果再次證實了投資者對備受期待的新1號航站樓項目的信心。

The New Terminal One is a key component of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey's $19 billion transformation of JFK Airport into a world-class gateway, with two new terminals, two expanded and modernized terminals, a new ground transportation center and an entirely new, simplified roadway network. Scheduled to open in 2026, the privately funded New Terminal One is backed by a consortium of financial, operating, and labor partners: Ferrovial, JLC Infrastructure, Ullico and Carlyle.

新1號航站樓是紐約和紐澤西州港務局190億美元將肯尼迪機場改造成世界級門戶的關鍵組成部分之一。該項目還包括兩個新航站樓,兩個擴建和現代化的航站樓,一個新的地面交通中心和一個全新的簡化的道路網絡。作爲一項私人資助的建設項目,新1號航站樓得到了一群金融、運營和勞工夥伴的支持:Ferrovial、JLC Infrastructure、Ullico和Carlyle。

"Our continued success in refinancing through this landmark bond issuance demonstrates the confidence of the capital markets in The New Terminal One and our progress in delivering a new gateway for New York and our nation," said The New Terminal One Chief Executive Officer Jennifer Aument. "This refinancing re-affirms our commitment to maintaining The New Terminal One's position of financial strength, as we gather momentum towards our scheduled opening in 2026."

新1號航站樓首席執行官Jennifer Aument表示:“通過這一具有里程碑意義的債券發行進行再融資的持續成功,顯示出資本市場對新1號航站樓和我們致力於向紐約和我們的國家提供新門戶的進展的信心。此次再融資進一步確認了我們致力於維護新1號航站樓的財務實力的承諾,使我們在邁向2026年的計劃開放過程中勢頭不減。”

The New York Transportation Development Corporation acted as conduit issuer of the Series 2024 bonds on behalf of The New Terminal One. BofA Securities and Loop Capital Markets acted as joint bookrunners, with Barclays acting as co-senior manager. The bonds were designated as Green Bonds by Kestrel Verifiers, an independent second-party opinion provider that confirmed that the uses of the bonds conform with Green Bond principles. Ramirez & Co. served as New Terminal One's municipal and pricing advisor. Assured Guaranty provided insurance on $800 million of the bonds.

紐約交通發展公司代表新1號航站樓發行2024系列債券。BofA證券和Loop Capital Markets擔任聯席承銷商,巴克萊充當共同高級經理。這些債券經kestrel Verifiers評定爲綠色債券,其獨立第二方意見提供商證實了債券的使用符合綠色債券原則。Ramirez & Co擔任新1號航站樓的市政和定價顧問。Assured Guaranty對8億美元的債券提供保險。

This 2024 Issuance allocated 40% of the underwriting syndicate to designated minority and women-owned business enterprises (MWBEs), continuing NTO's commitment to record levels of MWBE participation in its bond transactions.

2024年的這次發行將承銷團的40%分配給指定的少數族裔和女性擁有的企業 (MWBEs),繼續NTO在其債券交易中實現記錄水平的MWBE參與承諾。

"The record participation by MWBEs in all areas of this transaction (joint book runner, co-managers, financial advisors, and counsel) aligns with our core commitment to diverse participation across all aspects of The New Terminal One, ensuring that we continue to deliver impact to our community," said The New Terminal One Chief Financial Officer Manoj Patel.

新1號航站樓首席財務官Manoj Patel表示:“這項交易的所有領域(聯席承銷商、聯合經理、財務顧問和顧問)的MWBE紀錄參與度表明了我們在NTO的各個方面對不同的參與的核心承諾,確保我們繼續爲社區提供影響。”

The New Terminal One finance team, led by Patel and Director of Financial Planning, Analysis and Strategy Bryan Rowan, worked with the New Terminal One's sponsors, bankers, attorneys and advisors to execute this historic bond issuance. The decision to upsize the bond offering enabled The New Terminal One to capitalize on an improving debt market and significantly de-risk the program at attractive rates.

由Patel和財務計劃、分析和戰略總監Bryan Rowan領導的新1號航站樓財務團隊與新1號航站樓的贊助商、銀行家、律師和顧問合作執行了這一歷史性的債券發行。擴大債券發行的決定使新1號航站樓能夠充分利用不斷改善的債務市場,以有吸引力的利率大大減輕項目風險。

With a capital commitment of $9.5 billion, The New Terminal One is the country's largest public-private partnership and the largest single-asset project financing in US history.


The New Terminal One's Phase A will comprise a headhouse and 14 widebody aircraft gates. The project topped off in March 2024, with the placement of the steel beam marking the development's highest point. Installation of the headhouse's curtain wall and key infrastructure systems commenced earlier this year and work is underway to make the building weather-tight.


Scheduled for full completion in 2030, the New Terminal One will offer a total of 23 gates in a 2.6 million square feet facility over a 133-acre footprint. It will replace the existing Terminal 1 and the former Terminals 2 and 3 and will handle anticipated annual traffic of more than 16 million passengers in 2030 – about three times the number of passengers handled by the existing Terminal 1 in 2023.


About The New Terminal One


The New Terminal One (NTO) at John F. Kennedy International Airport is a bold and exciting project to develop a world-class international terminal that will serve as an anchor terminal in the Port Authority's $19 billion transformation of JFK into a global gateway to the New York metropolitan area and the United States. NTO will set a new standard for design and service, aspiring to obtain a Top 5 Skytrax ranking and be considered one of the finest airport terminals in the world.

紐約約翰·肯尼迪國際機場的The New Terminal One(NTO)是一個大膽而令人興奮的項目,旨在開發一個世界級的國際終端,爲港務局的190億美元的改建紐約大都市區和美國的全球門戶服務。NTO將樹立設計和服務的新標準,力爭獲得前五名的Skytrax排名,並被認爲是世界上最好的機場終端之一。

The New Terminal One is being built on sites now occupied by Terminal 1 and the former Terminal 2 and Terminal 3, where it will anchor JFK's south side. Construction is taking place in phases. The first phase, including the new arrivals and departures halls and first set of 14 new gates, is expected to open in 2026. At completion, anticipated in 2030, the New Terminal One will be 2.6 million square feet, making it the largest terminal at JFK and nearly the same size as LaGuardia Airport's two new terminals combined.


NTO will be a 23-gate, state-of-the-art, international-only terminal. Sustainably designed and future-focused, the terminal will feature expansive, naturally lit public spaces, cutting-edge technology, and an array of amenities, all designed to enhance the customer experience and compete with some of the highest-rated airport terminals in the world.

建造新終端1號的勞動、運營和財務合作伙伴的協會由Ferrovial、JLC Infrastructure、Ullico和Carlyle領導。NTO由工會勞工建造,我們致力於地方包容和工會參與,專注於包括30%的少數族裔和女性擁有企業在內的多樣化和能力建設機會,10%的本地企業和3%的殘疾退伍軍人擁有企業。

The New Terminal One consortium of labor, operating, and financial partners is led by Ferrovial, JLC Infrastructure, Ullico, and Carlyle. NTO is being built by union labor and we are committed to local inclusion and labor participation, focusing on diversity and capacity-building opportunities, including ambitious participation goals of 30% for minority and women-owned enterprises, 10% for local business enterprises and 3% for service-disabled veteran-owned businesses.


To learn more about the New Terminal One at JFK International Airport, visit


SOURCE The New Terminal One at JFK


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